单词 | 哲学 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:哲学博士学位—PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy) 哲学史—history of philosophy 柏拉图哲学—Platonism 哲学家n—thinkern See also:哲—philosophy 哲adj—wiseadj
陈氏肆业於香港大学(文学士、社会科学硕士)及牛津大学(哲学博士),曾任香港岭南大学校长,并於 二零零七年自该职退休。 asiasat.com | He was educated at Hong Kong University (Bachelor of Arts, [...] Master of Social Science) and Oxford [...] University(Doctor of Philosophy) andwas the President [...]of Lingnan University in Hong Kong [...]and retired from this position in 2007. asiasat.com |
他於国立台湾大学获颁理学士学位, 并持有耶鲁大学哲学硕士及哲学博士学位,全部为物理学。 asiasat.com | He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the National Taiwan University and his M. Phil and Ph. asiasat.com |
在竞争激烈的环境里,重工业固以成本导向为经营管理哲学,亦同样着重风险管理,以保障股东利益以获致企业长远成功。 aon.com | Cost-driven managing philosophyhas made heavy industries [...] in a much more competitive circumstance, and risk management has [...]been highly emphasized to protect the shareholders’ interest and ensure sucess. aon.com |
他毕业於香港中文大学(社会学学士、传播哲学硕士) 及美国宾夕法尼亚大学安那堡传播学院 (传播哲学博士)。 hkupop.hku.hk | He graduated with a bachelor's degree (sociology) and a master's degree (communication) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a Ph. hkupop.hku.hk |
Hayward博士於伯明翰阿斯顿大学修读地质学,并於爱丁堡大学修毕哲学博士学位。 glencore.com | Dr. Hayward studied geology at Aston University in Birmingham and completed a PhD at Edinburgh University. glencore.com |
许教授获美国康乃尔大学建筑学士、英国剑桥大学哲学硕士及博士学位,曾任香港大学文化政策研究中心总监。 venicebiennale.hk | He obtained his Bachelor of Architecture from Cornell University, [...] Master and Doctor of Philosophy fromthe University [...]of Cambridge and was Director of the [...]Centre for Cultural Policy Research at the University of Hong Kong. venicebiennale.hk |
在第一本文字作品中,KANYE WEST将个人生存哲学陈述铺展,充满自信又同时谦恭。 think-silly.com | Kanye West unfolds his own philosophyinhis firstpublication, [...] ‘Thank You and You’re Welcome’, in a confident yet modest manner. think-silly.com |
梁博士是土生土长之中国籍香港居民,持有香港中文大学之科学学士(一等荣誉)学位 [...] (一九九零年)、加州理工学院之数学科学硕士学位(一九九三年)和数学哲学博士学位(一九 九六年),以及香港科技大学之投资管理科学硕士学位(一九九九年)。 cre8ir.com | Dr. Leung, a native Hong Kong citizen with Chinese nationality, holds a Bachelor (First Class Honours) degree of Science (1990) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Master degree [...] of Science in Mathematics (1993) and a [...] Doctordegree ofPhilosophy in Mathematics (1996) [...]from the California Institute of [...]Technology, and a Master degree of Science in Investment Management (1999) from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. cre8ir.com |
从Myth到哲学思考,纽约艺术家Mike Lash纪录了邻居Tim告诉儿子Leo的一连串「Lies」— [...] 也是世间普遍对事物的「认知」。 think-silly.com | From mythtophilosophy,New York artist Mike [...] Lash recorded a series of ‘lies’ (mainly composed of common-world perceptions) [...]his neighbour Tim told his son Leo. think-silly.com |
为接引初学者和有兴趣接触佛法的人,UTBF在各地的学佛中心设有哲学、静坐及佛教特定修行方法的教学。 utbf.org | For beginning practitioners and individuals with [...] a more general interest in Buddhism, UTBF's [...] Dharma centers teachphilosophy,meditation and [...]specific Buddhist practices. utbf.org |
尽管要建立足以与现有市场竞争的体系并不容易,愈来愈多人开始依循道德、推动社会责任、自我管理的经济哲学,且藉由思考与落实团结,质疑现有资本主义模式,清楚明确地告诉社会及掌权者,另一种世界的确可能出现。 thisbigcity.net | Despite the obstacles in creating another system capable of competing with the current market, there [...] are more and more people who are [...] adhering toeconomic philosophies thatare ethical, [...]promote social responsibility, and [...]are self-managed, while questioning the existing capitalistic model through reflection and gestures of solidarity. thisbigcity.net |
林灼淦先生於香港出生,於英国牛津大学修读哲学、政治及经济,并持有该校文学士(荣誉)学位。 hkupop.hku.hk | Born in Hong Kong, Mr Lam holds a B.A.(Honours) degree from Oxford [...] University wherehe readPhilosophy,Politics,and Economics. hkupop.hku.hk |
这就是我们坚持「单一遥控器」的简单哲学,因为我们的遥控器能带给您超乎寻常的便利。 bang-olufsen.com | This is why we passionately endorse [...] a ‘oneremote’philosophy,becauseof the extraordinary [...]convenience it enables. bang-olufsen.com |
法式高级餐厅Privé 将於9月6 日於澳门索菲特酒店隆重开业!位於澳门十六浦索菲特酒店六楼,拥有典雅的装横和迷人的市中心新马路夜色,令主厨YANNICK EHRSAM 以法菜哲学和热诚所烹调出来的菜式更上一层楼。 yp.mo | Located on the level 6 of the hotel, Privé offers the unparalleled high quality French flair with Chef Yannick Ehrsam’s scrupulously and creatively touch of culinary elegance. yp.mo |
20 这段引文所表达的是哪种政府的哲学? nysedregents.org | 20 Which philosophy of government is [...] expressed by this quotation? nysedregents.org |
自ECCO於一九六三年成立以来,其基本设计哲学一直是以坚定的信念,为顾客设计及制造最舒适的上班及闲暇时穿着的鞋款。 ipress.com.hk | Founded in 1963, [...] ECCO¡¦s fundamentalphilosophy hasalwaysbeen to [...]design and construct footwear for work and leisure, with [...]uncompromising attention to the comfort of users. ipress.com.hk |
他是一位企业哲学先驱,同时也是一位激励大师和企业家。 company.herbalife.com.tw | He has been [...] describedas aphilosopher,motivator and [...]entrepreneur. company.herbalife.com |
黑者魔战-天使白BLACK Element COMBAT WHITE】独特的两侧白化线条设计理念,其黑白交间颜色象徵中国古代阴阳哲学里的和谐与平衡,但整体视感观却有别黑色系不过却继承着黑者魔战-BLACK Element的优良血脉,相信会是玩家情有独钟的高阶电竞雷射滑鼠新选择。 ttesports.com.tw | The BLACK Element COMBAT WHITE design concept is unique in its white body-line stripes at both sides of the mouse, and obtrusively standing-out when both the scroll wheel and light pipes are glowing. ttesports.fr |
9 但是如果盼望只是一种宗教性的观 念, 即我们可如何言說一种盼望的哲学呢? stephenchanweb.org | 9 Yet, if hope is such a religious idea, how then [...] can onethink of a philosophy of hope? stephenchanweb.org |
参加此次纪念活动的达沃市市议会议员皮拉尔克‧布拉加(Pilar C. [...] Braga)殷切期望菲律宾SGI能持续秉持日莲佛法的人本主义哲学,引导社会继续向上发展。 sgi.org | Pilar C. Braga, Davao City councilor, expressed her wish for the members of SGI-Philippines to continue [...] upholding the humanistic spirit of [...] Nichiren Daishonin's philosophyastheytake the [...]lead as contributive citizens in society. sgi.org |
最後的分析会突显 莫特曼思想中的千禧年主义与天启式主义的对照, 并且我提议, 若与呂科尔之哲 学锐見一起讀解, 可得出许多今天在亚洲处境中神学反思的新可能性。 stephenchanweb.org | The analysis will end by elevating the polarity of millennialism and apocalypticism in Moltmann’s thought, which I suggest, if [...] read in conjunction [...] with Ricoeur’s philosophical insights, can yield much possibility for theological reflection [...]in today’s Asian setting. stephenchanweb.org |
政治支离破碎哈里发导致出现许多当地法院和权力中心,它也鼓励发展的科学与哲学,以及诗歌和散文,艺术和建筑。 mb-soft.com | The political fragmentation of the caliphate led to the emergence of many local courts and centers of [...] power, which also encouraged the [...] development ofscience andphilosophy as well aspoetry [...]and prose, art, and architecture. mb-soft.com |
哲学家苏顿史密斯(Brian Sutton-Smith)认为,人类在玩乐时探索各种可能,并且从中学习,他主张这是个人与社会发展很重要的元素,民众参与游戏时,在既定规则之内考验创意;运动员相互竞争时,考验自己的体能;在嘉年华会中,人们装扮成不同於寻常自我的人物,体验不同的社会情境,阶级结构或性别角色或许都能暂时抛开。 thisbigcity.net | When people engage in games they test their creativity within a set of rules; when competing with one another, athletes test their physical capabilities against others; in carnivals, people adopt roles and characters unlike their usual selves, experiencing a different social arrangement wherein class structure or gender roles might be cast aside. thisbigcity.net |
我们秉持「以人为本」的经营哲学并努力投入,仁宝於去 年荣获经济部与行政院勞工委员会所颁发的「创造就业贡献奖」,即是外 界对我们最佳的肯定。 compal.com | With our consistency efforts, Compal have received the honor of “Employment Contribution Award” from Ministry of Economic Affairs and Council of Labor Affairs in 2011. compal.com |
这些奇蹟的制表代表5个元素的宇宙,根据古代哲学的中国自然科学,宇宙本身的拨号。 5性状的传说中的生物,有角的龙蓝凤qylin在月光下,和宝贵的蛇和龟的结合卧虎藏龙玄武,分别唤起木,火,土,金属和水。 zh.horloger-paris.com | These wonders of watchmaking represent [...] the 5 elements of the universe [...] according tothe ancientphilosophy of Chinesenatural [...]science, or the universe itself for [...]one of the dials. 5 traits of legendary creatures, horned dragon blue phoenix qylin in the moonlight, and crouching tiger Genbu, the combination of precious snake and tortoise respectively evoke wood, fire, earth, metal and water. en.horloger-paris.com |
尤其重要的是科学与哲学的希腊近东,以及第9和第10个世纪,看到翻译成阿拉伯文的几个作品(或归功於)数字像亚里士多德,柏拉图,欧几里得,加兰和等。 mb-soft.com | Particularly important [...] was thescience andphilosophy of theHellenistic [...]Near East, and the 9th and 10th centuries saw the [...]translation into Arabic of several works by (or attributed to) figures like Aristotle, Plato, Euclid, Galen, and others. mb-soft.com |
平治的安全哲学提供全方位的保护,其中意外事後乘客保护措施 (post-crash),有助伤者获得快速的救援服务。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Additional post-crash measures supplement the integral safety conceptand facilitate rapid assis-tance: regardless of the severity of the impact, the doors can be automatically unlocked after an accident, the interior lighting activated and the side windows lowered by 50 millimeters to ventilate the interior more effectively. mercedes-benz.com.hk |