

单词 哭天抹泪

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穆文达塔先生说,“第天,我送她去新学校的时候,她一直不停 哭 , 直到我告诉她,我们会回来接她。
The first day, she barely spoke,” Mr. Mwenedata said,
[...] “and the following day, when I left her at her new school, she wept until we convinced her [...]
we would return.
我们泪,天然温 和配方的二合一洗发水和沐浴露是您宝宝娇嫩头发和皮肤的完美洗浴品。
Our tear-free, gentle Shampoo & [...]
Body Wash is perfect for your baby's delicate hair and skin.
代理主 席,我天都被人“抹黑” ,但我看不見自己“黑 ”了哪裏。
Deputy Chairman, I am smeared almost every day, but I do not [...]
think I am tarred in any way.
我继哭 泣和悲伤,而且好天中除 了他们硬塞进我嘴里 的东西外,什么都不吃
I cried and grieved continually; and for several days I did not eat anything [...]
but what they forced into my mouth.
Ensure the surface is completely dry
[...] before applying the adhesive.
天早晨 ,我妈妈把我拥在怀里,抱着 哭。
One morning, my mother took me in her arms and hugged me, crying.
Everything happened in a tweak of an eye.
她不吃也不睡,天哭泣, 甚至有过自杀的念头。
She was not
[...] eating or sleeping, cried all the time and [...]
even admitted to suicidal thoughts.
Etablissements Fakih 公司违反军火禁
[...] 运的规定,为向科特迪瓦出口下列武器和相关物资提供中介服务: 泪 弹 药 (诺 贝尔体育公司和 SAE Alsetex [...]
公司(都设在法国)销售);亚致命弹药和相关弹药 的发射器(SAE Alsetex
公司销售)(GC27 型和 GC54 型手枪);9 毫米口径手枪、357 马格南口径左轮手枪((设在巴西的)金牛座公司生产)和相关弹药;(设在土耳其 的)Hatsan 公司制造的步枪和口径 12 的猎枪和相关弹药。
The Group documented the fact that the Dakar-based Etablissements Fakih served as an intermediary for exporting the following weapons and related
materiel to Côte d’Ivoire, in violation of the
[...] arms embargo: tear gas ammunition, [...]
sold by Nobel Sport and SAE Alsetex (both based
in France); launchers for less-than-lethal ammunition and associated ammunition, sold by SAE Alsetex (GC27 and GC54 pistols); 9 mm calibre pistols and 357 magnum calibre revolvers manufactured by Taurus (based in Brazil) and associated ammunition; and rifles and 12-gauge shotguns manufactured by Hatsan (based in Turkey), also with associated ammunition.
屆時,如果我們覺得有哪方面的一些環節還需要改善, 我們還有機會提出,為何我們天便 完 全 抹 煞 其 運作呢?
By then, if there are areas that have to be improved, we still have an opportunity to do so.
上届专家组在其最后报告(见 S/2009/521,第 90 至 91 段)指出,2009 年 9 月 10 日科特迪瓦国防部告知专家组,科特迪瓦政府已订购 4 000 支 9×19 毫米手枪、 20 万发 9 毫米口径手枪子弹和 50 000 枚泪(催泪瓦斯)弹,总额为 170 万美元。
The previous Group of Experts noted in its final report (see S/2009/521, paras. 90-91) that, on 10 September 2009, the Ivorian Minister of Defence informed it that the Government of Côte d’Ivoire had ordered 4,000 9 x 19 mm pistols, 200,000 9 mm pistol-calibre cartridges and 50,000 lachrymatory (tear gas) grenades for the sum of US$ 1.7 million.
他还告诫不要仅仅为了给抗议者或间接地给旁观者 造成巨大痛苦而改变泪瓦斯 的化学成分。
He also warns against any modification of the chemical composition of the gas for the sole purpose of inflicting severe pain on protestors and, indirectly, bystanders.
咨询委员会在其关于基本建设总计划的报告中,曾对请求追加资源 来支付连带费用的方式感到关切,特别是注意到报告中列出的一些需求并 不直接涉及到基本建设总计划,而是涉及到持续进行中的基建改造,因此 虽然不抹杀这 些请求本身的相对合理性,但不能将这些资源视为连带费 用(A/63/736,第 34 段)。
In its report on the capital master plan, the Advisory Committee expressed its concern about the way in which the request for additional resources to meet the associated costs has been presented, noting in particular, that a number of the requirements listed in the report did not relate directly to the capital master plan but rather to ongoing capital improvements, which, without prejudice to the relative merits of the requests themselves, should not be considered as associated costs (A/63/736, para. 34).
建筑物顶部的一个倒置四边形多面体更为大阪 天 际 线 平添 抹 亮 色
An inverted, four-sided pyramid at the top of the
[...] building adds a distinctive touch to the skyline.
天黃福鑫大律師上哭喊着,原來 天 警 方 找人上來“捱 義氣”,找些公務員,弄了一個大概是秘書處的東西給他,但實際是 做不到工作的,知道嗎?
One day, Senior Counsel Ronny WONG came to us in grief, it turned out [...]
that the Police Force asked him to "lend a helping
hand"; some civil servants were recruited, and a secretariat was formed under his charge.
任 何愛護香港的人,思之哭 無 淚 , 想 起 欲 語 無 言。
All those who love Hong Kong will be left aghast and speechless at the thought of that.
[...] 士在此申冤,我與鄰座的張文光議員說:「他自己是拿 CI 的,他還沒哭,感到悽涼 的應該是他自己才對。
Listening to Mr LAU Chin-shek airing grievances on behalf of some members of the ethnic
minorities, I said to Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong sitting
[...] next to me, "He is not crying despite the fact that [...]
he is a holder of a CI.
[...] 民过度使用武力,本周在“Ofer”拘留中心附近用 泪 瓦 斯 霰弹和橡皮子弹袭击 一群示威的学生,造成至少 [...]
20 名巴勒斯坦人受伤。
The Israeli occupying forces also continue to use excessive force against the Palestinian people protesting this inhumane policy, attacking one group of student
demonstrators this week near the “Ofer”
[...] detention centre with tear gas canisters [...]
and rubber bullets, injuring at least 20 Palestinians.
我们面对生态的破坏,只能旁观、悲叹,而污染者则为热带森林的消失流下鳄鱼 的泪。
We can only look on the ecological damage, and weep, while the polluters
[...] shed crocodile tears at the disappearance [...]
of the tropical forests.
特首說他好像被人冤枉、抹黑, 無論 天 的答覆或他之前在兩個電台節目或其他的言論,我們也不認為他珍惜答辯 的機會。
The Chief Executive said it seems that he has been wronged and discredited, and no matter whether it is from his reply yesterday or remarks he made in two previous radio programmes, we do not think that he has ever cherished his opportunity to respond to the public.
It is most important
[...] is to always wear sunblock.
对于年幼的患者,家长们应当帮助他们 天 涂 抹 性 质 温和、不含香料的保湿霜。
For young patients, their parents should help them apply a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer daily.
当他说的话:“无数的天使...军队的基路伯和六翼天使...”一起出来的数千万元无数无 天 使 和 天 使 不 断 哭 泣 没有沉默,“所有的人一起说:'圣,神圣的,神圣的上帝的主机,天上和地上满是他的荣耀,祝福永远,阿门。
When he has said the words: "the numberless army of Angels … the Cherubim and six-winged Seraphim … together with
thousands of thousand
[...] Archangels and myriad myriads of Angels unceasingly and without silence cry out", "all the people [...]
together say: 'Holy,
holy, holy the Lord of Hosts, the heaven and earth are full of His glory, blessed forever, Amen.
當時,擺在面前的,便有一個有自主權或政府可以給我們配額的、現成 的發展時機,我們卻將之拒諸門外,我們 天 聽 罷 只感 哭 無 淚 ,難為政府 卻說我們當時沒有人願意前去。
Presented before us at that time was a readily available window of opportunity through which we would have been given some say or a quota that the Government
could have given to us, however, we shut the door on it, so
[...] nowadays, on hearing about this, we can only cry our hearts out.
但 同時, 作為一
[...] 個中國 知 識 分 子 , 他 既 不 應 該 是 一 個 麻木、 怯懦的 冷 血 者 , 也 不 應 該 是 一 個天 尤人的哭泣者 ;他應 該 是 勇 於 承擔起 責 任的義 勇 者。
He should be a righteous and courageous person who has the courage to undertake responsibilities.
阿塞拜疆共和国政府强烈抗议亚美尼亚方面的挑衅行为和言论,认为侵略者 的无礼行为显然表明,其罪行仍然没有受到惩罚,并认为亚美尼亚领导人发表放 肆言论只有一个目的,即给当前的冲突解决进 抹 黑 ,误导国际社会,并转移本 国公众对该国日益严重的内部问题的注意力。
The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan strongly protests against provocative actions and statements of the Armenian side, finds the aggressor’s insolent behaviour as obvious manifestation of impunity for its crimes and considers the defiant rhetoric of the Armenian leadership as having the sole purpose of discrediting the ongoing conflict settlement process, misleading the international community and drawing its own public’s attention away from the country’s aggravating internal problems.
主席,我很希望我們的特區政府經過今次辯論之後,能仔細考慮一 下是否可以跟隨我剛才提出的例子,如英國、歐洲等地,設立一些真正 讓青年人有機會表達意見的地方,不要讓傳媒或其他 抹 煞 了 他們的意 見,指所有青年人都是非常激進,只懂得破壞及罵人。
President, I eagerly hope that after this debate, the SAR Government will carefully consider the possibility of developing platforms that provide genuine opportunities for young people to express views, as in the examples of the United Kingdom or Europe which I cited earlier on, so as not to allow the media or anyone else to rubbish their views by saying that young people are all very radical, who do nothing but causing destruction and scolding others.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区
的 11
[...] 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地 天 提 供 八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support
is proposed to be provided eight
[...] hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.




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