单词 | 哪知 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 哪知—unexpectedlywho would have imagined?See also:哪—which which? (interrogative, followed by classifier or numeral-classifier) 哪adv—howadv
哪知这丑女的矫揉造作使她样子更难看了。 chinesestoryonline.com | But the poorgirl did knowwhatshedid only [...] made her even more ugly. chinesestoryonline.com |
未来的青年要融入和生 活在社会之中将需要有哪些知识? unesdoc.unesco.org | What knowledge, what skillswill tomorrow’s [...] youth need to integrate themselves and live in society? unesdoc.unesco.org |
但是现在她走了,我不知道她在哪里,也不知道我什么时候可以走。 unicef.org | But now she is gone, [...] and I have no idea where, andI don’tknow when I will be able [...]to go,” said Sabina. unicef.org |
为法律确定性起见,建议在仲裁规则中提及开始适用该规则的生效日期, 以便当事人知道哪一个版本适用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the interest of legal certainty, it is recommended to refer in the [...] arbitration rules to the effective date of application of the rules so [...] that the parties knowwhich version is [...]applicable. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些FLIR红外热像仪种类繁多,因此 用户常常想知道哪一款才是合适自己的。 flir.com | This variety often leads people to ask, which FLIR camera is right for me? flir.com |
儿童必须知道他们有权得到保护,免受伤害,并且知道从哪里获得所需要的帮助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Children must be aware of their right to be protected [...] from harm and know whereto go for help if needed. daccess-ods.un.org |
与此同时,不能混淆保护与援 [...] 助之区别,证人保护机构应设立处理各种方面问题的单独分机构,以便证人确切地知道到哪儿去解决他们的需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same time, the distinction between protection and assistance should not be blurred, and witness protection agencies should [...] establish separate sub-entities to deal with each aspect, so [...] that witnesses know exactly whereto go to address [...]their needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
她同样想知道是哪些国家给人权维护者的行 动制造了最多的阻碍,哪些国家是特别报告员认 [...] 为的拒绝合作的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | It would [...] also be useful to know which countries [...]placed the greatest obstacles in the way of human rights defenders and what [...]the Special Rapporteur proposed should be done about States that refused to cooperate. daccess-ods.un.org |
只有到那时,我们才能知道需要采取哪些短期和长期措施,来消除这些危险武器 的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Only then will we knowthe precise short- and long-term [...] measures and remedies needed to tackle the effects ofthese dangerous weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
没有他们的帮助,我们什么都没有;没有钱,我不知道我可以在哪里买食物给她吃。 unicef.org | Without it, we had nothing; there was no [...] money, and Ido notknow where I could have bought [...]food for her. unicef.org |
这一点之所以十分重要,是因为种族仇恨和仇外 [...] 心理的受害者常常是社会上的边缘化群体,可能不知道到哪里起诉,或因缺乏信 任和担心报复而不愿举报,非法移民尤其如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is all the more important since victims of racial hatred and xenophobia are [...] often part of marginalized groups in [...] society, and may not knowwhere to submit a complaint [...]or be reluctant to report a crime [...]to the police, owing to lack of trust or fear of reprisal, especially if they happen to be illegal immigrants. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,明确解释合法规范、向他们告知 哪些是正式颁发的授权和文件以及相应的应付款项至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is important to clearly explain which norms are [...] legitimate, whatauthorizations and documents are officially delivered, and what thecorresponding [...]payments are. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书处 [...] 认识到,针对各消费范围的当前供资总额仍然只是指示性的,只针对三个部分,各机构知道将提交哪个行业和那些项目编制时,供资总额还会有所变动。 multilateralfund.org | It is recognized that the current total funding levels for each range of consumption will remain indicative and will be for [...] only the three components, and will change [...] whenagencies knowwhich sector andwhat projectpreparation [...]will be submitted. multilateralfund.org |
我们网页包含所谓“网络灯塔”的电子图像(又称单像素图像),这些电子图像和cookies [...] 可供网站进行数据分析,另外在我们的一些邮件中也会使用,以获知哪些邮件和链接被 接收者打开过。 zuup.com | Our Web pages contain electronic images known as Web beacons (sometimes called single-pixel gifs) and are used along with cookies to compile aggregated statistics to analyze how our [...] site is used and may be used in some of [...] our emailsto let us knowwhichemailsand links [...]have been opened by recipients. zuup.com |
(d) 就客户信贷而要求获通知哪项个人资料是例行披露予信贷谘询机构或收数公司,以及获提供进一步 [...] 的资讯以便向有关的信贷谘询机构或收数公司作出查阅及改正要求。 tanrich.com | (c) ascertain the Tanrich’s policies and practices in relation [...] to data andbeinformed of the kind of [...]personal data held by the Tanrich; and (d) [...]in relation to customer credit, request to be informed which items of Personal Data are routinely disclosed to credit reference agencies or debt collection agencies, and be provided with further information to enable the making of an access and correction request to the relevant credit reference agency or debt collection agency. tanrich.com |
本报告还阐述安全和安保部及联合国安保管理系统已采取哪些措施,继续推 进有关建立一个现代化、专业化的安保管理系统的战略远景,以确保人员的安全 [...] 保障和福祉及联合国房舍和资产的安保,以便开展联合国的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The present report also describes the [...] measures taken by theDepartment [...]of Safety and Security and the United Nations security [...]management system to continue to advance the strategic vision of a modern, professional security management system to ensure the safety, security and well-being of personnel and the security of United Nations premises and assets to enable the conduct of United Nations activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
协调委员会还商定,这些实验性会议应该依据以下某 些关键原则:自愿参加,特别是涉及会议侧重讨论的缔约国时;各次会议的总体 目标是寻找支助执行的合作途径;不编写任何报告,说明意见都来自哪些与会者 或表明与会者的立场。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Coordinating Committee also agreed that these experimental sessions should be based on certain key principles, including: that participation would be on a voluntary basis, particularly as concerns States Parties that would be the subject of a national focus; that the overarching purpose of each session would be to seek cooperative means to support implementation; and, that there would be no report produced attributing views to any participant or revealing participants’ affiliations. daccess-ods.un.org |
而对于那些数额相对比较小的预算项目,哪怕在预算额上只有很小的偏差,在表示为“开支率”时就有可能产生很大偏差,尽管从绝 [...] 对值意义上这种偏差的影响实际上是可以忽略不计。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For budget lines with relatively [...] small amounts, minor variations in the budget may give a large deviation in the “expenditure [...]rate”, even though the impact of such a deviation is negligible in absolute terms. unesdoc.unesco.org |
理事会第 1983/163 号决定请秘书长:(a) 在决定通过之前,将超出秘书处 在其核定资源范围内及时编制和处理文件能力的各种文件需求提请政府间机构 和专家机构注意;(b) 提请政府间机构注意在哪些领域文件的制作可能发生重复 和(或)在哪些领域讨论相关或类似主题的文件可能予以合并或精简,以期使文件 制作合理化。 daccess-ods.un.org | In decision 1983/163, the Council requested the Secretary-General (a) to bring to the attention of intergovernmental and expert bodies, before decisions were adopted, any request for documentation that exceeded the ability of the Secretariat to prepare and process on time and within its approved resources; and (b) to draw the attention of intergovernmental bodies to areaswhere duplication of documentation was likely to occur and/or where opportunities for integrating or consolidating documents that dealt with related or similar themes might exist, with a view to rationalizing documentation. daccess-ods.un.org |
现已构想了可作出哪些努力,来提高妇女在经济活动中的参与度;加强妇女在经济生活中的作用并增进她 们的经济权利;向面临经济全球化挑战的妇女提供支助;向妇女提供更多的贷款 并资助中小型企业;向妇女提供各种服务,使她们能兼顾家庭责任和她们在经济 发展中的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Efforts are envisaged to: increase women’s participation in economic activities; strengthen the role of women in economic life and boost their economic rights; support women facing the challenges of economic globalization; give women a larger share of loans and of funding for small and medium-sized enterprises; and offer women services that will allow them to reconcile their family duties and their role in economic development. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议还建议,粮农组织应在以下五个优先领域开展技术性工作,协助各国 和区域渔业管理组织实施第 61/105 号和第 64/72 号决议以及《粮农组织准则》: ㈠ 改进确认脆弱海洋生态系统的标准,并将其适用范围扩大到珊瑚、海绵、海 峰和热液喷口以外;㈡ [...] 拟订有关减轻影响措施以及拟订和适用遭遇脆弱海洋生 [...] 态系统规则方面最佳做法的指南,特别是由区域渔业管理组织拟订;㈢ 拟订关 于应收集哪些信息以及如何收集信息的指南,以促进执行各项旨在控制渔业对脆 [...]弱海洋生态系统影响的措施;㈣ 界定某些用词,以助澄清如何实施《粮农组织 [...]准则》;以及㈤ 拟订关于评估最佳做法的指南。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also suggested that FAO should undertake technical work in the following five priority areas to assist States and RFMOs implement resolutions 61/105 and 64/72 and the FAO Guidelines: (i) improving and expanding application of the criteria for the identification of VMEs beyond corals, sponges, seamounts and hydrothermal vents; (ii) developing guidance on impact mitigation measures and best practices for developing and applying encounter protocols relevant to [...] VMEs, particularly by RFMOs; (iii) [...] developing guidance on what and howinformation [...]should be collected to implement measures [...]for managing fishery impacts on VMEs; (iv) defining certain terms that could clarify implementation of the FAO Guidelines; and (v) developing guidance on best practices for conducting assessments. daccess-ods.un.org |
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事并不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相关股份中拥有权益或淡仓,而该等权益或淡仓根据证券及期货条例第XV部第2及第 [...] 3分部的条文须向本公司作出披露,或直接或间接拥有面值10%或以上任何类别股本 权益(或与该等股本有关的购股权),而该等股本附有权利可於任何情况下在本集团 [...]任何其他成员公司的股东大会上投票。 equitynet.com.hk | Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the [...] Directors are not awareof any other person [...]who had an interest or short position [...]in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group. equitynet.com.hk |
其他与会者建议关注的优先领域包括:气候变化、防灾备灾、通过资源可持续 [...] 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地方和本地知识系统,以及改进科学家与决策者的联系。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Other suggested areas of priority attention included: climate change, disaster prevention and preparedness, minimizing biodiversity loss through sustainable management of resources, renewable energies, the formulation of national strategies in [...] science and technology, the promotion of local [...] and indigenousknowledge systemsas well [...]as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers. unesdoc.unesco.org |
预算文 件第 29C.35 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行 [...] 政管理职责的工作人员的人力和财政资源管理专门知识;提高秘书处工作人员的 信息技术技能;建立和强化语文能力;支持职业发展和提高实务技能。 daccess-ods.un.org | The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes designed to build and sustain the Organization’s leadership and managerial [...] capacity; improve the human and financial resources [...] management expertise ofprogramme [...]managers and staff with administrative responsibilities; [...]upgrade the information technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development and upgrade substantive skills. daccess-ods.un.org |
具 体的落实行动包括组织召开具体培训届会,旨在激励决策者和政策制定者授予在线普及利用 [...] 公共记录和政府持有的记录的权利,确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存并使其可供全 民使用,对政府持有的公共领域信息进行保护和数字化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Concrete follow-up initiatives have included the organization of specific training sessions with a view to stimulating decision- and policy-makers to enact the right of universal online access to public and government-held records, [...] to identify and promote repositories of [...] information and knowledgeinthe public [...]domain and to make them accessible to all, [...]as well as to undertake the preservation and digitization of public domain information held by governments. unesdoc.unesco.org |