单词 | 哗 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 哗 interjection —wow interj哗 —crashing sound • cat-calling sound • clamorAE 哗哗 —sound of gurgling waterExamples:哗然 pl—outcries pl 喧哗 adj—noisy 喧哗—clamorAE • hubbub • make a racket
许多乘客抱怨说,由于定时点名、监狱警卫的 喧 哗 和 其 他蓄意打 扰,他们在监狱里无法入睡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many passengers complained that they were prevented from sleeping in the prison due to regular roll-calls, noise from the prison guards and other deliberate disturbances. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这个漫长的过程中,才会 逐渐淘汰急功近利的哗众取 宠之作,过分人为的炒作和护盘只能形成昙花一 现的短期效应。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Only through this lengthy process will quick returns based on sensationalism be phased out, as excessive hype and artificial market support can only offer short-term flash-in-the-pan results. imgpublic.artprice.com |
同时,在政府控制的南方,12 月 13 日阿比让中心监狱发生哗变,导致 两人死亡,六名囚犯受重伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Meanwhile, in the Government-controlled south, a mutiny at Abidjan’s central prison on 13 December reportedly resulted in two deaths and six severely injured inmates. daccess-ods.un.org |
对话的效果往往优于 哗众取 宠,部分原因是对话可帮助各当事方更多了解彼此的动机和意图。 daccess-ods.un.org | Dialogue often achieves more than grandstanding, in part because it can provide parties with greater insight into each other’s motivations and intentions. daccess-ods.un.org |
只需要几分钟,您便可以离开滑雪度假区或大城市的忙乱与 喧 哗 , 走 进荒野的和平宁静天地。 visitfinland.com | In just a few minutes, you can leave behind the hustle and bustle of a ski resort or a city and arrive in the peace and quiet of the wilderness. visitfinland.com |
他不仅用相机记录下了苹果浦东店内外部的设计,更记录下了伴随着每家新店开张时的人们带来的 喧 哗 与 热 闹。 ba-repsasia.com | He was present at the opening to document the interior and exterior of the store, as well as the natural pandemonium that accompanies the anticipation of every new Apple store. ba-repsasia.com |
谨随信转交古巴共和国外交部就臭名昭著的国际恐怖分子路易斯·波萨 达·卡里莱斯被无罪释放一事发表的声明,这不过是美利坚合众 国 哗 众 取 宠作秀 式审判的结果(见附件)。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have the honour to enclose herewith the statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba in connection with the acquittal of the notorious international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, following his sham trial in the United States of America (see annex). daccess-ods.un.org |
以平易、斯文、温暖的设计紧闭着热闹 喧 哗 的 世 界,Ganh 饭店就成为了喜爱 Nha Trang 特产美味的人的一个熟悉地方。 vnnavi.com.vn | Closing the bustling, noisy outer world with a blue background and the close natural cozy design, Ganh restaurant has become a familiar with people who love delicious Nha Trang specialty. vnnavi.com.vn |
这一哗变现 在已经威胁到南北 基伍和整个地区的稳定,急剧增加对数百万平民的 威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | It now threatens a general destabilization of the Kivus and the region and dramatically increases the general threat to millions of civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
在卡拉OK厢房里办分享会,大家不但可以吵闹地在一起 喧 哗 , 还有麦克风、电视、投影机设备。 4tern.com | Sharing talk in a karaoke room is actually a great idea! 4tern.com |
例如,3月份遣返的卢 根据安理会第1925(2010)号决议于2010年建立 的联合评估进程最近完成了报告和分析工作,其中 有很大一部分是4月初南北基伍省发生 哗 变 之 前进行 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Much of the reporting and analysis work done most recently by the joint assessment process established in 2010 under Council resolution 1925 (2010) was performed prior to the outbreak of the mutiny in the Kivus in early April. daccess-ods.un.org |
位于第3区小巷内,Serenata以重建的古老别墅的深沉、谦虚神态,加以含有隐私而减少了路面前咖啡馆经常看到的热闹 喧 哗 而 受到大家的爱戴。 khucbanchieu.vnnavi.com.vn | Situated in a small street in District 3 and a shortcut, Serenata is loved for a reformed villa's modesty and confidentiality. khucbanchieu.vnnavi.com.vn |
法律规定,所有 15 至 65 岁的男女都要参加公共工程工 作,在某种意义上,这是当年哗变者 所建立社会遗留下来的,也是该岛基本免税 经济所必需的做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Public work, which is required by law of all men and women between 15 and 65 years of age, is partly a relic of the society created by the mutineers and partly a necessity born of the basically tax-free economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
这次哗变已 经导致该地区特别是北基伍省居民 安全状况严重倒退,进而导致对在该地区活动的其 他武装团体的压力减轻。 daccess-ods.un.org | That mutiny has made for a serious downturn in security for the civilian population of that area, especially in North Kivu, thereby leading to the limits attempting to cover developing hot spots, and the overall situation in North Kivu has been deteriorating. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,也由于此站正是我家乡的Grand Prix赛事,加上此赛道是我最熟悉的一站,所以德国站对我而言别具意义!在家乡车迷们的面前竞速驰骋,能真正的感受到充满爆发力的引擎声与支持声浪,届时场上将会充满热情 喧 哗 的 赛 车氛围。 oris.ch | Going to Germany is a bit special for me as it’s my home Grand Prix and the circuit is the one that I know the best. oris.ch |
超声波测漏仪的基本优点是,它们能够容易地对泄漏进行定位,在即将出现机 械故障时发出预警并能够在喧哗、有 噪声的环境下使用。 csinstrument.com | The basic advantages of ultrasonic instruments are that they can easily locate leaks, provide advanced warning of impending mechanical failure and can be used in loud, noisy environments. csinstrument.com |
以英语发言) 这次哗变主要由基本上根据2009年协议条款整 编加入刚果民主共和国武装部队(刚果(金)武装 部队)的士兵发起。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those jointly planned operations had been under way in South Kivu in March and were showing very promising results. daccess-ods.un.org |
Loc Thinh 烤家位于第3区第6里 Vo Van Tan 街48号的一个安静小巷中,按照法国古老别墅风格设计,其空间好像完全分离了西贡都市的 喧 哗 气 氛。 locthinh.vnnavi.com.vn | Loc Thinh baking restaurant is at 48 Vo Van Tan Street, Ward 6, District 3, located in a quiet shortcut with the design of the old French villa and owns private space almost separated from the noisy Saigon town. locthinh.vnnavi.com.vn |
作为首个将碳纤维和火山石运用于三脚架,将镁合金运用于云台的品牌,捷信始终坚持“不 求 哗 众 取 宠,坚持品质第一”的准则,使之在行业中首屈一指。 gitzo.cn | Innovations such as the first uses of carbon and basalt fiber to make tripods and magnesium to make heads, matched with a design policy of “no gimmicks and no compromise on quality” put Gitzo products in a class of their own. gitzo.us |
展品包括哗变者 到来之前波利尼西亚人制造的石制工具;“邦蒂”号上的炮弹、一只船锚和一枝 回旋枪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Artefacts on display include stone tools made by Polynesians prior to the arrival of the mutineers, as well as cannonballs, an anchor and a swivel gun from the daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然恩塔甘达和马肯 加等人宣称,2009年协议中与其利益至关重要的条 款未能得到实施,但诉诸武装哗变的 不是解决不满 的一个可接受手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | While Ntaganda, Makenga and others have asserted that the terms of the 2009 agreements central to their interests were not implemented, their recourse to an armed mutiny is not an acceptable means to address their grievances. daccess-ods.un.org |
令人遗憾的 是,这次哗变导 致南北基伍省的行动均被搁置。 daccess-ods.un.org | Not surprisingly, [...] we have seen, since the suspension, [...]a dramatic reduction in FDLR repatriations, with further damage arising [...]from the Ntaganda and Makenga actions. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是一款日用产品功能与美观之辩的尝试之作,它的出现不是 为 哗 众 取宠而是真正方便实用,更不是为使用需求而机械复制而是赋予它新基因新使命。 designsuccess.cn | This is a daily-use product function and the appearance of the debate to try for, its appearance is not to curry favour by claptrap but to bring real convenient and practical, more than for the demand of mechanical reproduction but gave it a new gene new mission. designsuccess.cn |
6),从不同的解释迄今接受,这样的 喧 哗 大 作 ,甚至主教曾要求验证的犹太人,他们宣布,到伟大的烦恼都杰罗姆和奥古斯丁,这杰罗姆的渲染不同意与他冲泡,或希腊文,或(老)拉丁抄本。 mb-soft.com | When they came to the passage in Jonah containing the word "ḳiḳayon" (iv. 6), which differed from the interpretation hitherto accepted, such a tumult arose that the bishop had to ask the Jews for a verification, and they declared, to the great annoyance of both Jerome and Augustine, that Jerome's rendering did not agree with the He brew, or Greek, or (old) Latin codices. mb-soft.com |
BEAMS的设计向来都是中规中矩,没有 哗 众 的 成分,虽然不会令人们感觉有什么特别的惊喜,不过消费过其产品的人都晓得,只要季度新品释出,那真是必逛无疑。 pmaozi.com | The design of the BEAMS is always the compasses, no irritating ingredients, although will not make people feel any special surprise, but consumption over its products are know, as long as the quarter new product release, it was no doubt will stroll. pmaozi.com |
Filtre 不仅是舒畅的空间、不仅是让灵魂飘摇或融入大自然之中的空间,来到这里还是因为融入美景同时欣赏美好的音乐,女歌手庆璃的不朽歌声在 喧 哗 的 音 乐市场上好像显得更新鲜、更有魅力。 filtrecafe.vnnavi.com.vn | Filtre is not just a relaxing space for the untold stories or just to let the souls freely flow but it sometimes is strangely simple when here goes the space bar and over there, sightseeing with high quality music of Khanh Ly old but seemingly new in this lifeline. filtrecafe.vnnavi.com.vn |
我感到非常高兴 的是,在我逗留纽约期间,秘书长副特别代表Leila Zerrougui女士上周陪同Matata Ponyo Mapon总 我要指出,出于显而易见的原因,必须采取一 切可能的行动切断哗变部 队所能获得的一切外部支 持。 daccess-ods.un.org | I will state that for obvious reasons it is very important for all actions possible to be taken to put an end to any or all external support that the mutinous forces may receive. daccess-ods.un.org |
在英国皇家舰艇“邦蒂号”的一些 弃船者(9 名哗变者 和 18 名波利尼西亚人)于 1790 年抵达皮特凯恩(以 1767 年首 见该岛的海军少尉候补军官罗伯特·皮特凯恩之名命名)时,岛上荒无人烟。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pitcairn (named after Robert Pitcairn, a midshipman who sighted it in 1767), was uninhabited when castaways from HMAVBounty (9 mutineers and 18 Polynesians) arrived there in 1790. daccess-ods.un.org |