单词 | 哆罗美远 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 哆啰美远—Torobiawan, one of the indigenous peoples of TaiwanExamples:哆啰美远族—Torobiawan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
大雄问哆啦A梦美人鱼的存在,而吉安说,首先,卡帕现在的美人鱼吗? zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Nobita asks Doraemon if mermaidsexist while Gian says First a Kappa now a mermaid? ja.seekcartoon.com |
Frisson”其实是法语中寒意或哆嗦的意思,完美地诠释了这款手表磨砂矿物晶体表面,荧光的蓝色指针和透明的硅表带下呈现出来的冰冷外表。 iontime.ch | Frisson” is in fact [...] french for chillor shiver and perfectly describes the icy [...]look of this timepiece with its frosted mineral [...]crystal, luminous blue hands and transparent silicon strap. iontime.ch |
然后多啦A梦和其他人的休息上的一个小岛,鸡眼,suniyo和sizuka游泳,但大雄不知道游泳等哆啦A梦给了他一个小工具,大雄的美人鱼,不知何故再次看到了海盗船,但别人不相信他。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Then doraemon and other’s rest on a island and jiyan,suniyo and sizuka take a swim but [...] nobita does not know [...] swimming andso doraemon gave him a gadget and nobita turned toa mermaidand somehow again [...]sees the pirate ship [...]but the others don’t believe him. en.seekcartoon.com |
哆啦A梦看到一只老鼠,把一箱火药一块木板上,它击中他们的船其他船和海盗快乐。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Doraemonsees a rat and pushes [...] a box of gunpowder onto a plank and it hits the other ship and the pirates on their ship rejoice. en.seekcartoon.com |
因为孙悟空只是一个传说,大雄和哆啦A梦的决定,回去使用时间机器的时间,做一个假的,显示吉安,静香,Suneo的,以证明他们是正确的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Because the monkey king is only a legend, [...] Nobita and Doraemon have decided [...]to go back in time using the time machine and [...]make a fake one and show Gian, Shizuka, and Suneo to prove that they are right. en.seekcartoon.com |
叛乱分子的袭击,他们再次打破了整个基地和哆啦A梦和现金下降到它的肚子及现金告诉哆啦A梦,我们会死。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Rebel attacks them again and breaks the entire base and doraemon and cash fall into its stomach and Cash tells doraemon we will die . en.seekcartoon.com |
在大雄的房间里,她喝大量的果汁,然后她开始说在一种未知的语言,然后哆啦A梦拿出他的翻译果冻。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | In Nobita’s room she drinks a lot of juice then she starts speaking in an unknown language and then Doraemon puts out his Translation Jelly. ja.seekcartoon.com |
由於 香港市场对全球市场的高度敏感性,本地股市受到了欧美 和内地市场的极大冲击,港股表现远逊於欧美主要指数。 htisec.com | As Hong Kong is highly sensitive to the global market, the local stock market has been greatly impacted by the [...] European, United States and Mainland markets and [...] performed far poorer than the major European and UnitedStates indices. htisec.com |
偏爱漫步於林荫小径,享受静谧与沉思氛围的人,可造访无锡的梅园和立园,亦或造访素以匠心独具之美远近驰名的苏州园林。 seagate.com | For a quiet, contemplative stroll, visit Plum Garden and Liyuan Garden in Wuxi, or the gardens in Suzhou, [...] famous fortheir beauty and artistry in design. seagate.com |
公 司 采 用 公 允 价 值 计 量 的 衍 生 金 融 工 具 的 公 允 价 值 变 [...] 动 损 益,受 人 民 币与美元远期滙率 波 动 的 影 响,具 [...]有 不 确 定 性。 zte.com.cn | The Company’s derivative financial tools [...] measured at fair value were subject uncertainties relating to fluctuations in forward [...] exchange rates of RMB Vesus USDollar. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
而中国的贸易规划也日益扩大,中国国际汽车物流会议预计,2012年中国市场的货物运输总量有望达到人民币125万亿元,与此同时,中国的物流成本占GDP总量的约18%,远高於欧美国家。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Meanwhile, China's foreign trade has also continued to grow. The Automotive Logistics China Conference expects that total cargo transportation from the Chinese market will reach RMB125 trillion in 2012, and at the [...] same time the cost of logistics will account for 18% of [...] China'sGDP, far higher than thatin Europe andtheUnited States. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
希望你们继续加油罗!现在很难找到像这样优点多多还有免费服务的产品了。 synology.com | Keep up the good work, its hard to find good all round products without paying $$$$$. synology.com.tw |
哈罗,Synology!恭喜你们在DSM 2.0-0571 Beta [...] 测试计画推出超酷的Disk Station Manager 2.0。 synology.com | Congrats to you all with the release [...] of the Betaversion DSM 2.0-0571 [...]which absolutely rocks. synology.com.tw |
於2012年,发现加拿大XL食品的辖下的Lakeside Packers肉类加工厂出现问题,导致加拿大境内爆发共18宗大肠杆菌感染个案,厂商因此须弃置数百万公斤牛肉,以及从加拿大、美国以及远至香港,回收超过1,500种牛肉産品。 deloitte.com | In 2012, by the time the lid blew off what was going on inside XL Foods’ Lakeside Packers meat plant, with an outbreak of 18 cases of E. coli poisoning in Canada, [...] millions of kilograms of [...] meat havebeen discarded in dumps and more than 1,500 beef products havebeen recalled from across Canada, the U.S. andas far away as Hong Kong. deloitte.com |
这时,水出来的哆啦A梦的口袋,突然一个门户被打开,丢失他的口袋里。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Then water comes out of doraemon’s pocket and suddenly a time portal is opened and his pocket is lost. en.seekcartoon.com |
哆啦A梦赢得了众多的彩票无用的行星在火星和木星之间的带。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Doraemon wonanumber of [...] lotteries for useless planets in the belt between Mars and Jupiter. seekcartoon.com |
本 公 司 采 用 公 允 价 值 计 量 的 衍 生 金 融 工 具 的 公 允 价 值 变 [...] 动 损 益,受 人 民 币与美元远期汇率 波 动 的 影 响, [...]具 有 不 确 定 性。 zte.com.cn | Gains or losses arising from fair value changes in the Company’s derivative financial [...] instruments measured at fair value were subject to uncertainties relating to [...] fluctuations in RMB and USDforwardexchange rates. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
他然后问他什么,如果电话的展位小工具,可以去一个平行的世界,神奇的是普通的哆啦A梦为。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | He then asks Doraemon for his what-if-telephone-booth gadget which allows both to go to a parallel world where magic is ordinary to all. en.seekcartoon.com |
不幸的是,哆啦A梦的机器允许虚构的怪兽来现实世界中,击败了整个人类种族,使未来(大雄的时间),一个恶魔统治的世界。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Unfortunately, Doraemon’smachine [...] allowed the fictional monsters to come to the real world and defeated the entire human [...]races, thus turning the future (Nobita’s time) into a demon-ruled world. en.seekcartoon.com |
使用性分析与介面评估报告第二弹来罗!百佳泰这次特别将使用性测试的轮廓聚焦在音乐类型之Mobile Application,完整地呈现出不同音乐类型Mobile Application的使用行为、使用情境、满意程度以及竞争分析。 allion.com | This time Allion particularly selects the same type (music and audio) Mobile Application as the test target to keep the test focus and make competitive analysis. allion.com |