

单词 品德

品德 noun

quality n

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,也存在更广泛社会和环境的权衡;例如 在需要供应更多鱼方面、燃油补贴和 品德 附 加值之间的平衡。
However, there may be wider social and environmental
trade-offs; for example, regarding the need
[...] for more fish supply, a balance between [...]
fuel subsidy and additional output food value.
小学部主要关注每个学生品格道德 发 展 ,每个月均设有一 品德 主 题
Primary Section’s programme focuses on individual student development with an education format that features one character trait each month.
任何接受高等教育,有教育领域经验和 品德 高 尚 ”的公民都可当选信息 专员。
Any citizen with higher education, experience in the field of
[...] education and ‘extreme morality’ may be elected information [...]
為了將正直、良知品德保留 在我們的生命及靈魂中,我們只 能堅定正確的信念和準則,否則將動搖我們正直的心靈並錯誤的影響 [...]
In order to maintain the virtues of honesty and conscience [...]
in our life and soul, we must firmly uphold our beliefs and norms,
or else our honest soul will be shaken, thus bringing negative implications on our future generations.
鑒於公眾對立法會議員的言品德所 抱的期望不斷提高,監察委 員會促請所有議員保持警覺,時刻注意遵守立法會《議事規則》相關 的條文所載有關披露金錢利益的規定,以維護立法會的公信力。
In view of the rising public expectation of the conduct and propriety of a Legislative Council Member, the CMI calls upon all Members to stay alert and be vigilant in observing the requirement to disclose their pecuniary interests as provided in the relevant provisions of the RoP of the Legislative Council in order to uphold the credibility of the Council.
在此方面,他忆及《宪 章》第一百零一条的规定以及确保效率、能力以品 德的最 高标准和在尽可能广泛的地域范围内征聘工 作人员的必要性。
In that regard he recalled the provisions of Article 101 of the Charter, and the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity and of recruiting staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.
家长参与是幼儿教育课程的重要因素,在这个理念指引下,Aimee老师和任老师寻求各种可以让家长参与学 品德 教 育 的方法。
Guided by a core Early Childhood Education (ECE) curriculum element of parental
involvement, Ms. Aimee and Ms. Ren looked for avenues to include
[...] parents in this character education being taught to [...]
修订后的条款将继续要求教科文组织的所有采购人员在本 组织内外的所有业务关系中,按照联合国行为守则和教科文组织自己的目标和价值观,坚持 无可挑剔品德标准
The revised provisions will continue to require all UNESCO procurement personnel to maintain an unimpeachable standard of integrity in all their business relationships both inside and
outside the Organization in line with
[...] the United Nations Standards of Conduct as well as UNESCO’s own goals and values.
整個第二期的倭馬亞王朝,代表這家人當中,他們最危險的對手,這部分是由技巧與它們破壞了聲譽執政王子指責違背自己的正統,他們 品德 和 他 們的政府在一般的,而部分其狡詐操縱自相殘殺忌妒其中阿拉伯語和非阿拉伯語科目的帝國。
Throughout the second period of the Umayyads, representatives of this family were among their most dangerous opponents, partly by the skill with which they undermined the reputation of the
reigning princes by accusations against their
[...] orthodoxy, their moral character and [...]
their administration in general, and partly
by their cunning manipulation of internecine jealousies among the Arabic and non-Arabic subjects of the empire.
已经组织了一次讲习班,向新 军官兵传授团结、凝聚力及共品德 价 值 观,以及尊 重人权和国际人道主义法的原则。
A workshop has been organized to instruct the New Army’s personnel
and soldiers in the values of unity,
[...] cohesion, republican morality and the principles [...]
of respect for human rights and international humanitarian law.
宪法法院是根据《宪法》第119 条建立的,由九名法官组成,他们具有必 要的经验、才干、正直、声誉和公 品德 , 该法院独立于立法机构和执法机构, 与国家司法机构分离。
The Constitutional Court was established pursuant to article 119 of the Constitution and is composed of nine judges with the necessary experience, competence, integrity, credibility and impartiality.
當我們談論法治,是指政府的權力來自法律,它必須依照法律規定行使其權力;每個人在法律面前一律平等;酌情權必須合理和明智地行使;正義必須要得到實現,當權利受到侵犯時法院必須給予糾正;法律必須要公平地制定,等等。因此,法治不僅僅取決於一個適當的法律和司法系統,或幾個高水 品德 好 的法官,它需要的是公正的檢察官和受過良好訓練並勇於維護當事人的利益的律師,他們能向法院提出案件的事實和法律的論點熱烈地辯論清楚; [...]
優秀的行政人員和立法者在制定政策和立法建議時必須遵守法治原則;良好的執法人員在執行法律時遵守法律;公民了解到他們的權利,並願意在適當的時候站出 來。
When we talk about the rule of law, we mean that the government’s power is derived from the law and it must exercise its power under, and in accordance with, the law, everyone is equal before the law, discretion must be exercised reasonably and judiciously, justice must be accessible, there must be redress in court when rights are
violated, laws must be
[...] enacted fairly, etc. Therefore, the rule of law depends not only on a proper legal and judicial system or a few good judges, [...]
but there also needs
to be well-trained lawyers fervently presenting cases and legal arguments before the court, good administrators who abide by the law in formulating policies and in legislative proposals, good law enforcement officers that implement the law and adhere to the law, and citizens who understand their rights and are ready to stand up for them.
这份调查提供关于青年教育和入学人数、健康和生殖保健、 利用传媒和社会伙伴关系以及公 品德 的 数 据。
The survey provides data on youth education and enrolment, employment, health and reproductive health, use of media and social partnership, and citizenship.
在“共同课程架构”的原则下,残疾学生得到平等的机会透过广泛而均衡 的课程及获取五种重要的学习经验,包 品德 和 公 民教育、智力发展、社区服 务、体能及艺术发展,以及高中课程三大原素中的其中一项-其他学习经验中有 [...]
关职业的经验,以全面发展包括德行、智力、体能、社交技巧和艺术等多个范 畴。
30.8 Under the principle of “One Curriculum Framework for All,” students with disabilities are provided
with equal opportunities to have
[...] all-round development in ethics, intellect, physique, [...]
social skills and aesthetics through
a broad and balanced curriculum and gain the five essential learning experiences, including moral and civic education, intellectual development, community service, physical and aesthetics development, and career-related experiences under Other Learning Experience which is one of the three essential components of senior secondary education.
其中 84.6%的家長表示學校能使他們的子女懂得與人相處,82.1%的家長表示學校能幫助 其子女養成良品德,86 .2%的家長認為學校能幫助子女解決成長上所遇到的問題。
In particular, 84.6% of parents admitted that the school can help their children understanding how to get along with others, 82.1% reflected
that the school can help their children
[...] developing a good moral character, and [...]
86.2% appreciated that the school can help
their children solving different problems.
安理会请秘书长与委员会密切协商,任命一 品德高 尚 、公正、廉明、在法律、人权、反恐和制裁等相关领域具备良好资格并拥有丰 富经验的知名人士担任监察员。
The Council requested the Secretary-General, in close consultation with the Committee, to
appoint an eminent
[...] individual of high moral character, impartiality and integrity, with high [...]
qualifications and experience
in relevant fields, such as legal, human rights, counter-terrorism and sanctions, to be Ombudsperson.
参加比赛意味着无条件接受本次大赛规则的全部条款、互联网上的行为准则(伦理、 品德 宪 章 等) 以及适用于法国比赛规则的法律、法规。
To participate in this contest, full acceptance of the rules is required with all its
provisions, as is acceptance of the
[...] professional code of ethics in force on the Internet [...]
(netiquette, charter of proper
conduct, etc.) and the rules and regulations applicable to competitions in France.
整个倭马亚王朝的第二个时期,这个家庭的代表,在他们最危险的对手,部分技能与它们破坏了卫冕王子对他们的正统的指控,他们 品德 和 他 们在总局的声誉,以及部分狡猾操纵帝国的阿拉伯和非阿拉伯科目之间的自相残杀的嫉妒。
Throughout the second period of the Umayyads, representatives of this family were among their most dangerous opponents, partly by the skill with which they undermined the reputation of the
reigning princes by accusations against their
[...] orthodoxy, their moral character and their [...]
administration in general, and partly
by their cunning manipulation of internecine jealousies among the Arabic and non-Arabic subjects of the empire.
监察员将由一品德 高尚、公正、廉明,并在法律、人权、反恐和制裁等 [...]
相关领域具备良好资格同时拥有丰富经验的知名人 士担任。
The Ombudsperson shall be an eminent
[...] individual of high moral character, impartiality [...]
and integrity with high qualifications
and experience in relevant fields, such as the legal sphere, human rights, counter-terrorism and sanctions.
9 月 28 日,据称代表 Bahr 领导的战地指挥官 的正义运动成员发表声明,批评哈利勒·易卜拉欣的领导作风 品德 , 并在与达 尔富尔混合行动会晤时,表示愿意以《多哈文件》为讨论基础,与 政 府 展 开谈判。
Members of JEM allegedly representing field commanders led by Bahr issued a statement on 28 September criticizing the leadership style and integrity of Khalil Ibrahim and, in meetings with UNAMID, expressed an interest in entering into negotiations with the Government, using the Doha Document as a basis for discussions.
参加过不同的会议,包括司法部人权问题讲习班;速效倡议(与维护廉政委 员会、司法部、人力资源公司 Capfor、市场调查公司 ATW、国家警察局和国家武
[...] 警部队合作);塔那那利佛初审法庭速效倡议工作队;负责独立反腐局今后新招 募人品德评估 工作的官员及组织者(2007 年)。
Participant in different meetings, including a workshop on human rights at the Ministry of Justice; the Rapid Result Initiative (in collaboration with the Committee for Safeguarding Integrity, the Ministry of Justice, the human resources company Capfor, the market research company ATW, the National Police and the National Gendarmerie); the Rapid Result Initiative taskforce of the Antananarivo Court of
First Instance; officer responsible for and
[...] organizer of character assessments of [...]
prospective new recruits to the Independent
Anti-Corruption Office (2007).
本校透過全校參與的積點制獎章挑戰計劃--「健康快樂好孩子獎勵計劃」,有系統及 有效地培養學生的良品德,發 展身心健康的生活模式。
Besides, our school has developed students’ virtues and a lifestyle of physical and mental health through the “Be a Healthy, Happy Kid Award Scheme”, which is a medal-rewarding event, systematically and effectively.
它们包含:良品德 学生 们将会拥有不断提高的能力来展现人类的品质和美德;国际公民 学生们将为 整个地球和人类的利益而努力奋斗;交际能力 学生们将能够有效的表达他们的想法并 且懂得对其他人的想法予以尊重。创造力 学生们将能够运用他们的想象力来创造、完 [...]
成某事;批判性思维 学生们能够运用好奇心并主动对某事产生疑问的态度来促进对其
的进一步理解;解决问题能力 学生们将有能力从各个角度考虑问题从而选择最好的解 决方法;求知欲 学生们将会成为能够自我导向、热情积极、努力上进的求知者。
They are Good Character Students will have an increased ability to demonstrate human qualities and virtues; Global Citizenship [...]
Students will
act for the good of the planet and humanity; Communication Students will express ideas effectively and pay considerate attention to the ideas of others; Creativity Students will demonstrate imagination to make or do something original; Critical Thinking Students will demonstrate curiosity and a willingness to question in order to further understanding; Problem-Solving Ability Students will investigate problems form several angles to come up with the best solution; KnowledgeSeekers Students will be self-directed, enthusiastic and engaged learners who desire knowledge.
德国联邦经济与技术部长飞利浦•罗斯勒(Philipp Rösler)在其贺词中赞扬玛利亚—伊丽莎白•舍弗勒女士具有“实 品德 、 长远思维和杰出的企业家精神”。
In his congratulatory statement, the Federal Minister of Economics and Technology Philipp Rösler praised Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler for “her hands-on approach, visionary thinking and her outstanding entrepreneurial spirit”.
EQI程序提供了多种学习途径可供选择,使国际学生能够满足他们的学术潜力,培 品德 的 方 式,最适合自己的个性化需求,实现自己的个人目标。
EQI Programs provide a variety of study pathways to choose from, so that international students can fulfil their academic potential, develop character and achieve their personal goals in the way that best suits their individual needs.
希望组织能重视伦理品德、劳动人权、供货商管理、消费者权益、环境、 社区参与及对利害相关人的责任,帮助组织通过改善与社会责任相关的表现与利 [...]
This guidance document was issued in the
hope that organizations will attach
[...] importance to ethics, morality, labor rights, [...]
supplier management, consumer rights and
interests, environment, community participation and responsibility to stakeholders, and help organizations to reach mutual trust by improving behavior regarding social responsibility.
再次誠謝各位家長的熱心參與,你們的捐款,不單令弱勢家庭青少年受惠,亦為幼兒提供了一個培養自信心的表演機會,同時為他們建立一個為有需要人士施以援手的良 品德。
Your donation and the opportunity you provided for your children to join the choirs do not only help make a difference to the youths from the disadvantaged families, but also help
your children build up their self-confidence through the performance, and
[...] cultivate the virtue of helping the [...]
needy people.
凭借在商业、教育和公共服务领域的综合背景,再加上 国际经验、教育成就、德品质和 多元化,我们的董事会为公司业务提供了有效 [...]
With their collective background in business, education and public service,
international experience, educational
[...] achievement, moral and ethical character, and diversity, [...]
our Board of Directors provides effective
oversight of the Company’s business.
正在更多地关注销售,生 产商和零售商更加注意消费者的喜好,尝试在质量、安全标准、品种、附加值等
[...] 方面参与市场预测。过去几十年,消费者的喜好发生显著变化,食品问题(例如 偶发事件、方便、健康、德、品种 、 性价比)和安全性正越来越重要,特别在 [...]
A greater focus is also being given to marketing, with producers and retailers becoming more attentive to consumer preferences and attempting to anticipate market expectations in terms of quality, safety standards, variety, value addition, etc. Consumer habits have changed significantly in the past few decades,
and food issues such as indulgence,
[...] convenience, health, ethics, variety, value for [...]
money, and safety are becoming increasingly
important, especially in more affluent economies.
选举委员会 的组成如下:国民议会任命的一名律师或一名合格公民担任主席;一名经合法政
[...] 党提名、国民议会任命的职业和 德品 格 高 尚的公民;以及国民议会任命的一名 [...]
The Electoral Commission is composed of an attorney or a qualified citizen appointed by the National Assembly who
acts as president, a citizen of reputable
[...] professional and moral status appointed [...]
by the National Assembly upon proposals
of each legally existing party and an expert appointed by the National Assembly who acts as secretary for each of the governmental departments responsible for foreign trade, local administration and social communication.




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