单词 | 哀泣 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 哀泣 —wailSee also:哀—sorrow • lament • pity • grieve for • condole 泣—sob 哀 n—grief n
不過如果倉頡在生,發覺文字竟然可被曲解到 如此㆞步,我相信他比㆝㆞還要驚,比鬼神的 哭 泣 還 要 哀 慟。 legco.gov.hk | Nevertheless, if Cang Jie were still alive and discovered that language could be distorted and misinterpreted to such an extent, I believe [...] that he would be even more startled than heaven and [...] earth, and would cry even more sorrowfully [...]than the gods and muses. legco.gov.hk |
執筆對之泣,哀此繫中囚。 legco.gov.hk | Pen in hand, [...] I could not help sobbing and feeling sorry [...]for the prisoner. legco.gov.hk |
我继续哭 泣和悲 伤,而且好多天中除了他们硬塞进我嘴里 的东西外,什么都不吃 daccess-ods.un.org | I cried and grieved continually; and for several days I did not eat anything but what they forced into my mouth. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们在临床环境中可能会一直哭泣、 吃 东西或坐 立不安,因此会增加产生变数的机会。 suntechmed.com | They are more [...] likely to be crying, eating or restless [...]in a clinical situation, further increasing the potential for variability. suntechmed.com |
有一天,小朱庇特不停地哭泣,于 是他的女仆就去采摘覆盆子,想要安慰他。 clarinsusa.com | One day, Jupiter [...] would not stop crying so his servant [...]gathered some raspberries to console the boy. clarinsusa.com |
研究毛拉纳的大部分学者都 承认,对毛拉纳世界性影响的最美好纪念莫过于他的葬礼-长达四十天的哀悼马拉松,参加 葬礼的有穆斯林、基督徒、犹太人、印度教徒、佛教徒和琐罗亚思德教信徒在伤心和 哭 泣, 他们的真心哀悼让人以为毛拉纳属于他们的每一个人。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Most of those scholars who have studied Mawlana admit that there was no more beautiful tribute to Mawlana’s universality than his funeral, a 40-day marathon of grieving attended by distraught and weeping Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Zoroastrians who mourned in such a manner that one would have believed that Mawlana belonged to each one of them. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如 果 董 先生說 他不願 意 接 受 梁司長的辭 職 ,是因為他擔 [...] 心 找 不 到更好的人 選 ,主席,這 是 董 先生的問題, 亦 是 香港人的悲 哀 。 legco.gov.hk | If Mr TUNG said he did not wish to accept the resignation of the Secretary because he was worried that we could not find [...] a better candidate, Madam President, this is a problem for Mr TUNG, and [...] this is also a sorrow for the Hong Kong people. legco.gov.hk |
當㆗㆒位講到哭起來,幾位都在哭泣 , 我想那幾個 例子,並未能反映新界這麼多圍村婦女的辛酸。 legco.gov.hk | I think that the examples that they gave did not yet fully reflect the sorrows of the many village women in NT. legco.gov.hk |
這是可以理解的,我相信有些市民亦不介意 有機會再聽聽他們宣讀,不論是用慷慨激昂的方法也好,如歌 如 泣的 方法也好,或是用戲子的方法也好,做出、說出或唱出他們的心聲。 legco.gov.hk | This is understandable and I believe members of the public do not mind listening again to the manifestos read out by these Members, disregarding their way of presentation, either vehemently or pathetically and touchingly; or Members may, like actors, act out, speak out or sing out their feelings. legco.gov.hk |
据说她的孩子发现自己母亲身体状况很差,体重下降 了十公斤,很不高兴,整个见面过程中不断 哭 泣。 daccess-ods.un.org | Her children are said to have been crying throughout their meeting, upset at finding their mother in poor condition, having lost 10 kg in weight. daccess-ods.un.org |
来自哥伦比亚并代表拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团发言的代表表达了该集团对 Nettleford 先生逝世的哀悼,并对专家组的两名新成员表示欢迎。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative from Colombia, speaking on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States (GRULAC), expressed the condolences of the group over the passing of Mr. Nettleford and welcomed the two new members of the Working Group. daccess-ods.un.org |
去年夏天,新的旗帜在 朱巴升起,昔日的士兵放下武器,民众喜极 而 泣 ,孩子们最终知道他们有希望期待自己将塑造的未来。 daccess-ods.un.org | Last summer, as a new flag went up in Juba, former soldiers laid down their arms, men and women wept with joy and children finally knew the promise of looking to a future that they will shape. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,我谨代表吉布提政府和人民,向受害家庭 以及菲律宾政府和人民表示由衷的悲 哀 和 深 切的慰 问,暴雨和严重水灾给他们的生活造成了巨大灾难和 空前破坏,并摧毁了他们的基础设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Government and the people of Djibouti, to express our heartfelt sorrow and profound condolences to the bereaved families and to the Government and the people of the Philippines for the torrential rains and heavy flooding that caused havoc and unprecedented disruption of lives and destroyed infrastructure. daccess-ods.un.org |
其它的症状可能包括:主诉生理症状,比如头痛、胸痛、恶心和腹泻;与家人和朋友相处有问题;行为变化,比如变得脾气暴燥、无缘无故的愤怒或无端 哭 泣 ; 退 化或行为举止不适龄;睡眠模式失调;沟通障碍或个性变化;不耐烦。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Other symptoms may include: physical complaints such as headaches, chest pain, nausea and diarrhea; problems getting along with family and friends; changes in behavior such [...] as developing a short temper, unexplained [...] anger, or crying for no reason; [...]regression or behavior that is not age-appropriate; [...]dysfunctional sleeping patterns; difficulty communicating or personality changes; impatience. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
雖然很多人認為, 他們這樣做是“有骨氣”、“有志氣”的表現,但這正正是社會的 悲 哀 ,所 造成的社會矛盾和代價是非常巨大的。 legco.gov.hk | Although a lot of people consider this a display of their dignity and integrity, this is indeed a tragedy in our society, which has created tremendous social conflicts and made society pay a great price. legco.gov.hk |
患者会时常无故哭泣,更有伤害自己或婴孩的想法。 hsbc.com.hk | She is often in tears for no reason, and may have thoughts about hurting herself or her baby. hsbc.com.hk |
我回顾,全体阿拉伯人都知道和读过叙利亚的阿 拉伯诗人尼扎尔·卡巴尼的作品,他在去世前几年的 一首非常著名的诗中想象、甚或预见这样一种景象和 聚会,这首诗是这样开始的:“大马士革,我梦中的 宝藏,我要向你哀叹阿 拉伯主义,还是向 你 哀 叹 我的 阿拉伯同胞? daccess-ods.un.org | I recall that the Syrian Arab poet Nizar Qabbani, who is known and read by all Arabs, imagined, if not predicted, such a scenario and meeting years before his death in a very famous poem that begins: “Damascus, the treasure of my dreams, shall I bemoan to you Arabism or bemoan my fellow Arabs to you? daccess-ods.un.org |
耐心地 坐下来 — 他们准备好便会停止哭 泣 或 愤 怒。 thewpca.org | Sit patiently – they will stop when they are ready. thewpca.org |
.你会知道什么是安全发展的地方:一个特殊的,可逆的环境,帮助您测试和试之后再 哭 泣 你 的 工作。 technologeeko.com | . you would know what a safe development place is: a special, reversible environment that helps you test [...] and try-before-you-cry your work. technologeeko.com |
小丑试图让蒂姆杀死蝙蝠侠,但小丑的男孩,而不是打开并杀死了他,其中添遭受精神崩溃了,开始 哭 泣 安 慰 他年轻的芭芭拉·戈登(当时称为Batgirl)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Joker then tried to get Tim to kill Batman, but the boy instead turned on the Joker and kills [...] him, to which Tim suffers a mental breakdown [...] and starts crying as young Barbara [...]Gordon (then known as Batgirl) comforts him. seekcartoon.com |
哈鲁纳仍会半夜惊醒,大叫并哭泣。 unicef.org | Harouna still wakes up at [...] night – he shouts and cries. unicef.org |
这些画像和标语包括一 名儿童作为被枪瞄准的目标的画像,标语是“他们越 小,击中越难”;一名孕妇作为被枪瞄准的目标的画像, 标语是“一枪打死俩”;以及一名以色列士兵攻击一座 清真寺或一名在墓地哭泣的巴 勒斯坦妇女的图像。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those included an image of a child as a target in the sight of a gun with the logo “The smaller they are — the harder it is”, or drawing of a pregnant woman as a target in the sight of a gun with the logo “One shot — two kills” or the image of an Israeli soldier blowing up a mosque or a Palestinian woman weeping at a cemetery. daccess-ods.un.org |
摩西在看到他死的侄子和他的兄弟的痛苦 哭 泣。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Moses weeps at the sight of his dead nephew and for all his brother’s pain. seekcartoon.com |
从经典作品看起吧 - 您绝不要错过欣赏这些名作的机会:National Gallery的梵高的《向日葵》、National Portrait Gallery的气势宏大的亨利八世肖像、Tate Liverpool毕加索的《哭泣的女 人》、位于Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery的世界最大规模的拉斐尔前派艺术品收藏以及Tate Britain沃特豪斯的《夏洛特夫人》。 visitbritain.com | Start with the classics - you can’t pass up a chance to see Van Gogh’s Sunflowers at the National Gallery in London; the imposing portraits of King Henry VIII at London's National Portrait Gallery; Picasso’s Weeping Woman at the Tate Liverpool; the largest collection of Pre-Raphaelites in the world at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery or Waterhouse’s The Lady of Shalott at the Tate Britain in London. visitbritain.com |
此外,当我们的神经系统从冲击中恢复时,我们往往会产生一些“余震”反应,比如不受控制地战栗(或颤抖)、 哭 泣 ( 或大笑)、胃肠蠕动加强、深度呼吸或感觉很热。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Additionally, as our nervous systems are recovering from shock, we tend to experience some “aftershock” reactions, such as trembling/shaking uncontrollably, crying/laughing, stomach gurgling, breathing deeply or feeling warm. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
一个相同的,存在的精神 - 枯萎你哭泣? mb-soft.com | One same, existent Spirit - wilt thou weep? mb-soft.com |
在瑞士西部罗蒙地区(Romont),“哭泣 的 妇 女们”抬着血红的跪垫穿过街巷,身着基督受难的标志,如将基督钉死在十字架上用的钉子,基督头上的王冠,及圣女薇罗尼卡(St.Veronica)为身背十字架的基督擦额头用的手绢,并印有基督头像。 swissworld.org | On Good Friday in Romont in French-speaking Canton Fribourg, 'weeping women' carry scarlet cushions through the streets bearing the symbols of Christ's passion. These include the nails used in the crucifixion and the crown of thorns that was placed on his head, and also the handkerchief which St Veronica used to wipe Christ's brow as he carried the cross and which was miraculously imprinted with the image of his face. swissworld.org |
有30条:搬家了,抑制、听觉、试探,刺眼,照明,显示通过、接球、扭曲、移到一旁,冲向前,支持,附加、耦合,放手,投掷、跳跃、呻吟,模仿 , 哭 泣 , 下 降 ,指向,转动,旋转,周围,扔出窗外的东西,超车,重复三次,攀岩,站在旁边。 luxe-immo.com | There are 30 of them: moving away, restraining, hearing, sounding out, dazzling, illuminating, showing through, catching, twisting, moving aside, dashing forward, supporting, attaching, [...] coupling, letting go, throwing, jumping, moaning, [...] imitating, crying, falling, pointing, [...]turning, whirling, surrounding, throwing [...]something out of the window, overtaking, repeating three times, climbing, and standing by. luxe-immo.com |
后水肿而哭泣,在 深夜,黑眼圈,眼袋等特殊条件下,可以在很短的时间内补充水分,消除疲劳,迅速减少浮肿和黑眼圈现象,眼睛有问题,爱美的女士,平时除了touse的眼胶,眼霜,1〜2次特殊眼部肌肤的不妨通过一个星期的时间做保养。 footmask.net | Crying after edema, late at night, [...] dark circles, bags under the eyes, and other special conditions, can supplement the water [...]in a short period of time, eliminate fatigue quickly to reduce puffiness and dark circles phenomenon, eye problems, Ms. Amy, usually in addition touse eye gel, eye cream, 1 to 2 times a special eye skin may wish to adopt one week to do maintenance. footmask.net |