单词 | 咸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 咸—saltedless common: stingy miserly Examples:咸鱼—salted fish 咸度n—salinityn 咸菜—salted vegetables
调查亦发现,63%被访澳门市民不满现时的水质,51%更表示因咸潮而需要增加额外开支。 hkupop.hku.hk | Results also revealed that 63% were dissatisfied with the present water quality, 51% needed to pay extra [...] expenses because of"salty tide". hkupop.hku.hk |
喝酒期间不要吃咸的零食,例如薯片和果仁,因为这些东西 会令你更口渴。 cancer-asian.com | Avoidsalty snacks such as potato [...] chips and nuts while drinking alcohol because these make you thirstier. cancer-asian.com |
Pondok 供应丰盛多汁的米饭料理,拌料是海南咖哩或秘制咸酱。 hk.marinabaysands.com | Pondok serves a hearty meal of succulent rice drenched in either [...] Hainan-style curryorsalty sauce madefrom [...]a secret recipe. marinabaysands.com |
发酵大豆食品( 南乳、腐乳) 及酒 精饮品( [...] 黄酒、日本清酒和梅酒) 的氨基甲酸乙酯含量相对较高,而其他 发酵食物,例如发酵谷物類食品、腌制蔬菜、发酵乳類制品、发酵鱼類 制品(咸鱼) 及发酵的茶( 中国茶) 等则只含低量或检测不到氨基甲酸乙 酯。 cfs.gov.hk | Fermented soy products (fermented red bean curd, fermented bean curd) and alcoholic beverages (yellow wine, sake and plum wine) were among the food items found with relatively high EC levels, while other fermented foods such as fermented [...] cereals and grains [...] products, preserved vegetables, fermented dairy products, fermented fish products(salted fish) and [...]fermented tea (Chinese [...]tea) contained low or non-detectable levels. cfs.gov.hk |
新世纪广场落座永昇街旧址,以前售卖咸鸭蛋着名,故别名「鸭蛋街」, 街上还有一家传统茶樓─得云茶樓。 procommons.org.hk | Many of them are intent upon “raising the intensity of land use through replacement of low by high quality and/or density houses to increase the total revenue. procommons.org.hk |
蛋及蛋類制品” 的多溴联苯醚含量偏高,主要是由於咸蛋的多溴联苯醚 含量是各种食物中最高的( 平均含量为每克 4 562.2 皮克[含量范围介乎每 克 722.5 至 8 401.9 皮克])。 cfs.gov.hk | The high PBDE level in“eggs and their products” was contributed by salted eggs that were found to contain the highest levels (mean [range]: 4562.2 [722.5-8401.9] pg/g) among all food items. cfs.gov.hk |
盐与患癌风险 研究显示,吃太多盐和咸的食物可能会增加罹患胃癌的风险。 cancer-asian.com | Being overweight puts you at higher risk for certain cancers, so try to eat these foods less often. cancer-asian.com |
中心发展优质渔产品,例如乾货、咸鲜及经处理的产品。 sfgourmet.com | The centre develops and supplies premium fisheries products, such as dried, salted and processed fisheries products to various customers. sfgourmet.com |
喝一口就如在口中打入烟雾,但这烟雾味道丰富,夹杂着龙舌兰酒,云呢拿白兰地,柠檬,菠萝,并带有强烈咸味。 ilovelkf.hk | Shot with a smoke gun, the smoke preserves all the flavors of Reposado tequila, fragrant mescal vanilla brandy, lemon, grilled pineapple and the saltiest rim you’ll ever run your tongue over. ilovelkf.hk |
海平面上升亦牵动淡水供应,以岛国塞浦路斯为例,海水上升造成地下水变咸,严重影响岛上居民生活;全球暖化在其他地区则引发旱象,地球若持续增温,可能导致用水短缺,例如今年初美英两国便发生旱灾,各国也正在测新多种新因应之道,美国加州向来以用水不足及人口扩张闻名,依据新法划定「加州水资源局基础建设界线」,界线之外地区不再新增水资源基础建设,由於人口扩张对供水系统造成的压力更胜人口密度,这项措施将有效抑制郊区无止尽成长。 thisbigcity.net | Since sprawl is much worse for water systems than density, this measure is an effective check on untethered suburban growth. thisbigcity.net |
但切忌以 炸薯条,又或是太咸、太甜的食物作为小吃。 centraleastlhin.on.ca | Avoidfried,salty and sugary snacks. centraleastlhin.on.ca |
而定价为每占澳门币1288元的晚膳套餐则包括开胃小点、生蚝烩龙虾伴青苹果白醋汁、黑松露芝士云吞亚枝竹汤、烧多宝鱼配咖喱香槟汁、慢煮黄麖肉伴红加仑子汁及黑松露、法国特级芝士拼盘、创新圣诞蛋糕及咸味雪糕以法式小甜点。 yp.mo | On the other hand, the dinner menu offers mouth-watering dishes including Amuse Bouche, Canadian Lobsterwith Tasmanian Oyster in Nage,Green Apple and White Balsamic Dressing, Artichoke Soup with Soumaintrain Cheese Ravioli, French Winter Truffle, Turbot BBQ Style, Curry Champagne Sauce, Mediterrancan Vegetables, European Venison Cooked Sous Vide, Redcurrant Sauce, Black Truffle Shavings with Pumpkin Mash, Cheese from Mr. Hervé Mons, Modern Christmas Cake, Salted Caramel Ice-cream and Petit Fours Coffee or Tea. yp.mo |
Made in土佐的雪糕系列包括米饭、盐、黑糖、煎茶、红茶和鸡蛋共六种选择,全以云呢拿雪糕为基本味道——米饭雪糕在细味下,可嚐到一颗颗以日本高知县出产的二期作白米,口感黏韧,米味浓郁;以日本土佐黑潮町的海盐制成的盐味雪糕,保留了海盐的矿物质成份,入口初段甘甜,最後才渗出阵阵咸味,配以米饭雪糕同吃咸味更浓;红茶雪糕亦即是奶茶,吃时就像呷着一杯冰冻奶茶;煎茶雪糕用上来自池川的绿茶调制,茶味甘浓;鸡蛋雪糕每口都是强烈的蛋香和奶香融和,却不会太甜;黑糖雪糕则从边缘已可看见密布的小颗黑糖结晶。 think-silly.com | Kochi-Ice’s ‘Made in土佐’ ice cream flavours stretch from rice, salt, brown sugar, Sencha, English tea to egg, with vanilla as a ‘base’. Rice grown locally in Kochi-ken is used in its rice ice cream, adding a touch of sticky texture; sea salt from [...] Kuroshio-cho gives a punch of [...] saltiness to the sweet flavour,with health enhancing minerals – even more so wheneaten with rice icecream; [...]English tea ice cream [...]is like chewing (or sipping, depending on your habit) through an iced white tea; Sencha sourced from Ikegawa has a bitter undertone; protein-packed egg flavour is a layering of milk and egg, and not too sweet; brown sugar ice cream is scattered with crystalised sugar pieces. think-silly.com |
河口的影响在多雨的夏 季特别明显,因为流入该区的淡水数量亦最大,形成明显的咸度和温度 分层。 logisticshk.gov.hk | The estuarine influence is especially pronounced in the wet summer months when the freshwater flows are the greatest and with prominent strong salinity and temperature stratification. logisticshk.gov.hk |
Q10 你同你既家人有没有因为咸潮而要增加额外开支? hkupop.hku.hk | Q10 Do you or your family need to pay extra [...] expenses because of"salty tide"? hkupop.hku.hk |
a. 发 展 有 丰 富 渔 产 的 捕 鱼 区 ; b. 建 立 制 造 名 贵 纸 张 的 工 业 ; c. 专 卖 食 盐、咸鱼、林 木 及 纸 张 。 hkahe.com | a. To develop richfishing grounds; b. to establish valuable paper industry; c. to monopolize salt, dried fish, lumber, and paper. hkahe.com |
真正有机优质有机 Edam 芝士 (200 克简便长方型装) — 荷蘭 Edam (Edam) 芝士是一种以荷蘭北部 Edam [...] 镇命名的半硬身芝士,口感温和,略带咸味或果仁味,脂肪含量比一般的传统芝士为低,因此 [...]比一般芝士软身,并特别适合儿童食用。 annafangpr.com | True Organic Premium Organic Edam (200 grams, easy-to-use rectangle) – Dutch Edam (Edam) a semi-firm cheese named after the town of Edam in [...] the province of North Holland has a very mild [...] taste, slightly salty or nutty and [...]a lower fat content than other traditional [...]cheeses and as a result is quite soft, and ideally suited for children. annafangpr.com |
再者,咸水充当清洗用途,淡水为饮用的分流发展,亦是弥补利用食用自来水被逼兼作洗手间用水的浪费。 edmschool.net | Moreover, using freshwater for drinking and salt water for washing can reduce the waste of using potable tap water at toilets. edmschool.net |
以提示其口味。无论是甜、酸、咸、苦或带有调味,如果标签 对该味道做出一点暗示,例如用山胡桃木烟熏的熏肉薯片,那麽就给消费者一种先入为主的 [...] 印象,这有助於他们享受这一体验,即使在薯片中并没有真的熏肉。 mypages.iggesund.com | Whether sweet, sour, savoury, salty or bitter, [...] if the label gives a hint at the flavour – hickory-smoked bacon crisps, for [...]example – the consumer is preconditioned as to what to expect, and that helps in enjoying the experience, even if there is no actual bacon in the crisps. mypages.iggesund.com |
托克劳全国最高点仅海拔两公尺,故很容易受海平面上升及其他全球暖化效应影响,托洛亚表示,「我国很快将没入海底,目前已受极端天气、风暴、旱灾、珊瑚白化、土壤淹没、地下水咸化等」。 thisbigcity.net | Already, we are suffering extreme weather, storm surges, droughts, coral-bleaching, inundation of land, and groundwater salinisation. thisbigcity.net |
这里,特定的绝缘电阻必须在prozentigem咸水至少109 W·米。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Here, the specific resistance of the insulation must be in a prozentigem salt water for at least 109 W · m. Finally, a minute, a voltage of 1000 V (or V 5000 with larger cross sections) is applied, may occur with no breakdown. en.developmentscout.com |
调味」是养生料理的最大考量,我们选取果醋、梅子、芥末等天然香料做提味,采少油低盐的调味方式,摆脱传统素食重油偏咸的刻板印象,菜单安排顾及营养均衡,每道菜都搭配根茎类、菇蕈、叶菜与养生中药等各式食材做设计,处处用心,力求尽善尽美。 taiwantaste.net | Seasoning" is the number one consideration of the health cuisine, select the vinegar, plum, mustard and other natural spices to enhance the flavor, to adopt less oil and low-salt seasoning, get rid [...] of the stereotype of the traditional [...] vegetarian heavy oil salty, menu arrangement [...]to meet their nutritional balance. each [...]dish with root vegetables, mushrooms, leafy vegetables and health of Chinese medicine and other kinds of ingredients to do the design every intention to seek perfection. taiwantaste.net |