

单词 咬人狗儿不露齿

External sources (not reviewed)

但是现在,10岁的鹏发现,自己不得不睡在城市霓虹灯下肮脏 人 行 道 上,任凭夜里冷吹刮,蚊虫 咬 , 流 浪 狗 或 酒 鬼袭击, 不 到 任 何保护。
But Poon, now 10, quickly found himself sleeping on a filthy
sidewalk in the city’s red
[...] light district, a place that offered no protection from chilly night winds, mosquitoes, stray dogs or drunken adults.
由 於寵物會產生威脅及造成滋擾(例如狗咬傷、 過量噪音及爆發狂犬病等),因此 有 需 要對寵物人施加限 制。
Such restrictions are imposed on pet owners
[...] because of the threats and nuisance created by pets such as dog bites, excessive noises and outbreaks of rabies.
对此,间距露他有婴儿牙齿,并 威胁要杀死她,除非杰克放弃他的权力的来源,他的员工。
In response, Pitch reveals he has Baby-Tooth and threatens to [...]
kill her unless Jack relinquishes the source of his power, his staff.
齿不会因为 咬了舌头而搬离,任人都会犯错误。
The teeth will not pack up because they have bitten the tongue, and nobody [...]
is above making a mistake.
過去,我覺得在市政事務上有些狗咬 龜”的感覺,我亦不出巿 政局在這方面如何以鮮明的立場為失業者解決問 題。
I had the feeling of "a dog biting a tortoise" before insofar as municipal affairs are concerned, and I do not see how the [...]
Municipal Councils can
resolve problems faced by the unemployed with a clear cut position.
主席先生,我希望廉署長期都會有牙,可以趕走貪污,守護香港,但 不 會 變 成㆒咬 死主㆟的狗。
Mr President, I hope that the ICAC will have teeth, so to speak, to guard Hong
Kong against corruption in the years to come but also
[...] that it will not become a mad dog which may bite its master to death.
以下非政府组织的代表也参加了对话:利比里 人 团 结 揭 露 匿 藏 武器组织; 社会问题心理研究学会(代儿基会非政府委员会)。
The representatives of the following non-governmental organizations also participated
in the dialogue:
[...] Liberians United to Expose Hidden Weapons; and Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (on behalf of the non-governmental committee on UNICEF).
这通常意味着,任何信息或个人数据,凡是会 露 或 造 成间接 露 包 括儿 童图 像在内的儿童身份、有关儿童或其家庭的详细介绍 儿 童 家 人 的 姓 名或地 址以及视听记录,则一不得予 以提供或公布,尤其不得在媒体上予以提供或 公布。
This generally implies that no
information or personal
[...] data may be made available or published, particularly in the media, that could reveal or indirectly enable the disclosure of the child’s identity, including images of the child, detailed descriptions of [...]
the child or the child’s
family, names or addresses of the child’s family members and audio and video records.
它赶走了挑不合、挑起内部争 端人,让 饱受战争和持续骚乱之害的索马 儿 童重 新露出了笑脸。
It has returned the smile to the faces of Somali children, exhausted by war and constant sedition, having expelled those who sowed [...]
seeds of discord and internal disputes.
先知穆罕默德曾说过人类是 平等的,就像梳子齿儿一样 ”,科威特受此启发,申明其对外政策的 既定原则,该政策强调巩固国际和平与安全,反对实 施暴力不干涉 别国内政,以及尊重各项人权。
Inspired by the saying of the Prophet Mohammed that “all people are as equal as the teeth of a comb”, Kuwait affirms the established principles of its foreign policy, which emphasizes the consolidation of international [...]
peace and security, the rejection
of violence, non-interference in the internal affairs of other States, and respect for human rights.
对联合王国而言,使用或露保密人信息不能导 致辩认出相关个人,但使用匿名和非保密信息就另当别论了。
For the United Kingdom, confidential personal
[...] information should not be used or disclosed in a form that [...]
may identify the person
concerned but there are separate issues in the use of anonymized and non-confidential information.
Dog bites may pose the greatest risk to your [...]
baby's health.
我们迫切需要在这一领域取得进展,不仅要为受害儿童提供有效的补 救,还要克服因暴力行为隐不露或 被 社会所接受而带来的挑战,以及从 儿童 工作的专人员不愿解决这些问题或将其提交相关机构而带来的挑战。
This is an area where progress is urgent, both to provide an effective remedy to child victims and to overcome the challenges presented by the invisibility and
social acceptance of violence
[...] and the reluctance of professionals working with and for children to address or refer these cases to relevant bodies and [...]
在两餐之间进食含糖食品会对您的牙齿造成损害,因为这样增加了您的 齿 暴 露 在 糖 里的时间。
Consuming sugary foods between meals can be harmful
[...] for your teeth because it increases the time your teeth are exposed to the sugar.
代理主席,從這些表現中,我們可以看到香港高層領導人、政治 人物,每見到普羅百姓,便好像見到仇家;每見到一些對他的意不 認同、批評他人,更視如人;但每見到較他高級或一些中央官員, 他便露一副“狗奴才”的模樣。
Deputy President, we can see from such behaviours that leaders in the top echelons and political figures in Hong Kong treat the general public as enemies when they see them.
他还说,为了解决审计报告中露的问题,儿基会 采用各种行动计划,其中确定了责任管 人 员 和 时间框架。
Moreover, to address issues disclosed in audit reports, he said, UNICEF uses action plans that identify responsible [...]
managers and time frames.
而大 型 狗隻必須有 狗 帶 牽 引 的 建 議,將 可 解 決 現行法例上執行的 困 難
[...] ,提供 妥 善 的規管 方法,有 助 防止 大狗隻咬人的事件再 發生的。
It will help address the difficulties in enforcing the current legislation for dog control
[...] and help prevent serious dog bite cases.
委员会建议缔约国授权挪威资料监察员阻止家长及其 人 披 露 任 何侵 犯儿 童隐 私权以及损害儿童最佳利益的相关儿童信息。
The Committee recommends the State party to mandate the Norwegian Data
Inspectorate to prevent
[...] parents and others to reveal information about children [...]
which violates children's right to privacy and is not in their best interests.
[...] 主席,據報,元朗馬田壆村在 2007 年 12 月底發生流狗 咬傷人事件 ,事後漁農自然護理署(“漁護署”)人員捕捉並扣留了附近 [...]
16 頭流浪狗,當中包括初生小狗。
MISS CHOY SO-YUK (in Chinese): President, it has been reported
that following an incident in
[...] which a person was bitten by stray dogs in Ma Tin Pok Village [...]
of Yuen Long at the end of December
2007, staff of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) caught and detained 16 stray dogs including new-born puppies in the vicinity.
無 論 我們如 何 讚賞活 雞 的 味 道 鮮 美 , 只 要 我們腦海中 浮 現這隻狗咬 雞屍的 影像, 一 百 句 讚 美 說 話不 會 有 任何作用。
Regardless of how much we appreciate the fresh and lovely taste of live
[...] [...] chickens, so long as such pictures of stray dogs with dead chickens in their mouths come back [...]
to our mind, even a hundred lines of praise would be useless.
不过他反驳说,东盟政府人 权委员会仍然有着“儿的牙齿”, 因为它确实拥有下述各项任务:获取有关人 权动态的信息,就人权问题编写提交东盟各国外交部长的报告,与民间社会进行 交往,并在区域各国举行会议。
[...] he countered that AICHR still had “baby teeth”, and that it did have the mandate to obtain information [...]
on human
rights developments, write reports on human rights issues for submission to ASEAN foreign ministers, engage with civil society, and meet in different countries of the region.
漁護署亦會扣咬人的狗隻作觀察,如果狗隻在觀察期間死亡,當局會 進行狂犬病測試。
Any dog that bits a person will be detained [...]
by the AFCD for observation and those which died during observation would be sent for rabies testing.
关于国际生物伦理学委员会《保密与基因数据》的报告,[政府间委员会 ]建议国际生 物伦理学委员会,在全面研究有关基因数据各方面问题时,要对数据 不 同 类 型作更 细的区别,对向第三者露基因信息问题以及这种 露 行 为涉 及 儿 童 的 问题进行更深 入的研究”。
Suggests that the IBC, when examining the whole range of issues related to genetic data, further distinguish between
the different types of data and
[...] continue to examine the issue of disclosure of genetic information to third parties and the issue of disclosure where children are concerned.
如在《宣言》的序言中所阐明,发生被强迫失踪的事件,即政 不 同 部不同级 别的官员,或一些代表政府行事或得到政府直接或间接支持、同意或默许 的有组织团体或个人,违反有关人员本人的意愿而将其逮捕、拘留或绑架或剥夺 他们的自由,随后又拒绝露有关人 员 的 命运或下落,或拒绝承认剥夺了他们的 自由,结果将这些人置于法律保护之外。
As defined in the preamble of the Declaration, enforced disappearances occur when persons are arrested, detained or abducted against their will or otherwise deprived of their liberty by officials of different branches or levels of Government or by
organized groups or
[...] private individuals acting on behalf of, or with the support, direct or indirect, consent or acquiescence of the Government, followed by a refusal to disclose the fate or whereabouts of the persons concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of their liberty, which places such persons outside the [...]
protection of the law.
[...] [...] 国际关切的严重罪行,收集到令人信服的证据,若嫌疑人是行使代表其国家职能 的外国国家官员,则国家刑事司法当局应该考虑避免采取可能公开 不 当 暴 露嫌 疑人的举 措,由此避免损害嫌疑人的声誉并使其蒙受耻辱,剥夺其未经法院确定 [...]
Where national criminal justice authorities have initiated investigations and collected compelling evidence of serious crimes of international concern allegedly committed abroad against non-nationals by non-nationals, and where the suspect is a foreign State official exercising a representative function on behalf of his or her State, such
authorities should consider
[...] refraining from taking steps that might publicly and unduly expose the suspects, [...]
thereby discrediting
and stigmatizing them, curtailing their right to be presumed innocent until found guilty by a court of law and hampering the discharge of their official function.
如果Akamai出于自身目的而收集、使用或 露儿 童 的 个 人 身 份 信息, 不 是 作 为一个中介服务的提供商,那么届时Akamai将遵守1998年出台的儿童在线隐私保护法案(COPPA)中的有关规定,包括但不局限于通过获得可证实的家长同意、提供关于将信息披露给第三方的选择、向家长提供访问信息的权利等方式,来获取信息。
In the event that Akamai were to
[...] collect, use or disclose personally identifiable data on children on its own behalf and not as an intermediary [...]
services provider,
Akamai will comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 ("COPPA") at that time, including but not limited to by obtaining verifiable parental consent, offering choice regarding disclosures to third parties, and providing parental access to information.
主席,我 當時有很濃烈的感受,覺得有如 狗咬 龜 ” , 不 知 從 那處入手,所以在這次 討論重組巿政服務時,我們認為首先要搞清楚,各項工作將來由那個當局來 管?
I felt that it was like "a dog biting a tortoise", not knowing where [...]
to start with. Therefore, in this discussion on the
reorganization of municipal services, we think we must know clearly in the first place which authority will take over the various kinds of work.




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