单词 | 咬 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 咬verb—bitevsnap .v咬—nipExamples:咬嚼—chew masticate ruminate 咬合v—gallv 反咬一口—make a false counter-charge
过敏症是一种严重的过敏性反应,当敏感体质者接触到外来化学物质,包括咬伤和蜇伤、植物或药物时,便会出现过敏症。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can occur in [...] sensitive individuals from exposure to any chemicals foreign to the [...] body,includingbites andstings, plants, [...]or medications. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
有些人会对某些昆虫叮咬或毒液过敏。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Some people are allergic [...] to certain insectbites or venom. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
本会现即休会待续,以就本港一个多月内接 连发生多宗老鼠咬伤人事件,对公众健康及 衞生构成的严重威胁及当局如何跟进进行辩 论。 legco.gov.hk | That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the severe threat to public health and hygiene posed [...] by the successive occurrence of [...] incidents of people being bittenbyrodentswithin [...]one month or so in Hong Kong, as well [...]as how the Administration follows up the issue. legco.gov.hk |
若每两年要有多於一次的全套牙科X光 检查,和/或多个垂直咬翼角度的专门诊断 X光,可能需付附加共付金。 care1st.com | Additional copays may apply for full set of dental x-rays received more often than every two years, and/or specialized diagnostic x-rays such as multiple vertical bitewing views. care1st.com |
装上新的泵接通/关断开关 (130f),使开关的突耳在盖 子的内侧咬接就位。 graco.com | Install new pump ON/OFF switch (130f) so tabs of switch snap into place on inside of cover. graco.com |
任何人被白纹伊蚊叮咬均会感染登革热,登革出血热的高危因素包括年纪、免疫力以及所感染的病毒种类。 hsbc.com.hk | Anyone whoisbitten by an infected mosquito [...] can get Dengue fever. Risk factors for Dengue hemorrhagic fever include a person's [...]age and immune status, as well as the type of infecting virus. hsbc.com.hk |
将流体室顺时针旋转 1/4 圈,使凹槽咬合。 graco.com | Turn fluid housing 1/4 turn clockwise to engage slots. graco.com |
兽医公共卫生与狂犬病控制: 调查动物疾病的爆发和动物咬伤。 paptestla.com | Veterinary Public Health and Rabies Control: Investigates animal disease [...] outbreaks and animal bites. paptestla.com |
Vancron 40是一种氮化粉末冶金工具钢,具有优 异的抗咬合性能及抗 粘着磨损性。 assab-china.com | Vancron 40 is a nitrided powder metallurgical tool steel offering an excellent combination of gallingresistance and adhesive wear resistance. assab-china.com |
跳蚤咬伤版:EDS打开了一个动物梳理业务和清理所有的Rolf的肮脏的动物。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Flea-Bitten Ed:The Edsopen up [...] an animal grooming business and clean up all of Rolf's filthy animals. seekcartoon.com |
平机会要运作畅顺,前题是要有一个开明的政府,具有足够的胸襟去「容忍」一个会「咬」自己的机构去独立运作,不作干预。 hkupop.hku.hk | For the EOC to function properly, the pre-requisite [...] is to have a government that is open enough to [...] allow itself to be bitten, eventhoughit is [...]the hand that feeds the EOC. hkupop.hku.hk |
我们开发的传感器可以应用于中东地区的沙漠里,这些传感器不仅可以承受住沙尘暴的侵袭,即便偶尔被路过的骆驼啃咬也安然无恙。 emerson.com | Our sensors are used in the deserts of the Middle East, where they must withstand not only sandstorms but also the occasional gnawing from passing camels. emerson.com |
但是现在,10岁的鹏发现,自己不得不睡在城市霓虹灯下肮脏的人行道上,任凭夜里冷吹刮,蚊虫叮咬,流浪狗或酒鬼袭击,得不到任何保护。 unicef.org | But Poon, now 10, quickly found himself sleeping on a filthy sidewalk in the city’s red light district, a place that offered no protection from chilly night winds, mosquitoes, stray dogs or drunken adults. unicef.org |
美 国科学协会 在 回 应香港科 学协会及香港学 者 协 会 给 克 林 顿 的 公开信 时,援 引 该 会的科学 自由与责任委 员会主席莱 斯 先生(I.A.LERCH)刊 登 在《科 学 》 杂 志 上 的文章称: “ 自 麦 卡 锡 年 代 以 来 , 我 们 的政府从未像 今 天 这样, 严 厉 禁 制来自与美 国 外 交政策不咬弦的国家的科学 家 访 问 , 或防止美 国科学 家 访 问这些 国家。 legco.gov.hk | In response to the letter of the Hong Kong Scientific Association and the Association of Hong Kong Academics to President CLINTON, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, cited the words in the article of Mr I.A. LERCH, Chairman of its Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility, published in the Science magazine, "Never since the McCarthy era has our government so severely restricted visits by scientists from countries that do not see eye to eye with the United States over foreign affairs, or prevented American scientists from visiting such countries, as it is doing today. legco.gov.hk |
名单中的机械制造工厂:张钢分条机切割(断头台剪切机)卷圆机集装箱边缝焊机同时折叠咬口机双端翻边机双端翻边机(凹凸型)电力出版社冲压复合顶部底部应用与切割机烘干炉回合固定缝合机,试验机双头耳片焊接焊机机构改革者手模具镶边可以缝合生产能力:4,000至20,000罐/ 8小时显着特点:无缝对接:无缝焊接接头可自动不断。 chinatrader.ru | List of machinery in the manufacturing plant: Gang Slitting Machine Cutting Of Sheets (Guillotine Shearing Machine) Round Rolling Machine Container Side Seam Welder Simultaneous Folding-Locking Machine Double Ended Flanging Machine Double Ended Flanging Machine(Bump Type) Power Press Stamping Top Bottom Ends Compound Applying & Cutting Machine Drying Oven Round Stationary Seaming Machine, Testing Machine Dual Head Ear Lug Welder Body Reformer Hand Die Flanger Can Seaming Production capacity: 4,000 to 20,000 Cans/8 Hrs STRIKING FEATURES: SEAMLESS JOINT: Seamless welding joint can be obtained automatically continually. chinatrader.ru |
重新插入左右两个血盒导条,方法是沿着边缘滑进去一直到它们咬住边缘连接器组件为止。 protimetest.com | Reinsert the left and right guides by sliding each along the edge of the porch until they snap into the edge connector assembly. protimetest.com |
因为我希望每一口蛋糕都可以咬到苹果。 4tern.com | I would like [...] each ofmy biteis anapple bite. 4tern.com |
看看谁在流口水,当约翰尼咬了一口,持久性有机污染物的辣椒,他使用卡尔的喷泉青年药水的冷却下来的火焰。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Look Who's [...] Drooling—When Johnny takes a biteout of Pops' hot [...]chili, he uses Carl's fountain of youth potion to cool down the flames. en.seekcartoon.com |
一提到蚊子,我们就会想到恼人的、令人发痒的叮咬,但事实上,蚊子还能传播疾病,如流行性乙型脑炎、疟疾、登革热和西尼罗河脑炎病毒。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | When we think of mosquitoes, we think of [...] annoying, itchy bites, but the truth [...]is that they can also transmit diseases such [...]as Japanese encephalitis, malaria, dengue fever, and West Nile virus. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
我既惊讶又咬我的舌头,因为在不到两周的时间,开创了新的网站,我已经在我的feed聚合多个博客,我邀请我的读者也遵循。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | I was surprised and bitmytongue because [...] in less than two weeks inaugurated the new site, I already have in my feed aggregator [...]several blogs that I invite my readers to follow too. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
由于Gefit Livernois Engineering公司的研究和开发,从散热器/冷凝器翅片,从装配、咬边到最后的产品运行测试,捷飞特在热交换器领域能奉献整个范围的解决办法,因而可作为单点供应商来管理客户的全部要求。 gefit.com | Thanks to the research and development of Gefit Livernois Engineering, is Gefit in a condition to offer a unique range of solutions in the heat exchange field, starting from the radiator/ condenser’s fin, going through the assembling, crimping, to the final operations of product’s testing, so as to thoroughly manage all the customer’s requirements as a single point supplier. gefit.com |
T22 大功率恒温器 - Cantherm 的热敏断流器通过热敏型双金属咬接式元件工作,能在达到预设响应温度时开关两个电气触点。 digikey.cn | T22 High Power Thermostats - Cantherm's thermal cutouts operate by means of a thermally sensitive, bi-metal snap-element which switches a double electrical contact when reaching a pre-set response temperature. digikey.ca |
在建筑的主立面上,塔楼形体(包括它的花架)与台阶形体形成两个互相咬合的L形,两个L之间的空间正好是别墅公共生活中心的屋顶花园。 chinese-architects.com | The trellises roof of the tower extends over the Roof Garden of the terraces, thus interlocking the two L-shaped volumes together, formally as well as functionally. chinese-architects.com |
然后他沿着边多咬了几口,向下咬出了一个直角,然后又咬了几口······ [这个儿童]现在举起他 L 形的无酵饼,并且骄傲地注视 它,多么完美的一把枪。 ipaworld.org | Then he took more bites at a right angle down the edge, then a couple more … [the child] [...] raised his now L-shaped matzoh and gazed at it with pride. ipaworld.org |
如多动症,自闭症,尿床,绞痛,耳部感染,湿疹,荨麻疹,蚊虫叮咬,咽喉炎,疣等相关症状,需要父母更多关心。 cn.iherb.com | Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism, [...] Bed-wetting, Colic, Ear Infection, [...] Eczema, Hives,Insect Bites, Strep Throat, [...]and Warts are some of the conditions that concern parents. iherb.com |
此外,还有根据您计划前往的区域选择性接种的特定旅行疫苗,比如黄热病疫苗、伤寒症疫苗或狂犬病疫苗(如果您是容易遭受动伤咬伤的高危人群)。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Moreover, there are also the travel specific [...] vaccines depending on the area you are going such as for yellow fever, typhoid, or rabies (if [...] you are at riskof animalbites). shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
滚轮具有低磨损,紧凑和节省设计空间的特点,因此,其用最少的空间满足了咬牙轴高刚性和高负载能力的要求。 schaeffler.cn | The track rollers have a low wear, compact and space-saving design and therefore provide the high rigidity and high load capacity required in gripper shaft control units in the smallest of spaces. schaeffler.kr |
2011 年 12 [...] 月,领土卫生局因其开展称为“抵御蚊叮虫咬”的登革热宣教运 动而获得危机与紧急情况风险宣传类银质奖章,这是由独立组织全国公共健康信 [...]息联盟设立的一个奖项。 daccess-ods.un.org | In December 2011, the Territory’s Department of Health earned a silver award in the crisis and [...] emergency risk communication category [...] for its “fightthebite”dengue fever education [...]campaign, an award established by [...]the National Public Health Information Coalition, an independent organization. daccess-ods.un.org |