单词 | 咪咪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 咪—sound for calling a cat咪咪—kitty kitty!less common: Mimi (Western name) oboe-like musical instrument used in folk music of Gansu, Qinghai etc (onom.) meow tits (i.e. slang for breasts)
所以,我们今次这项增加泊 车位咪表收费 的 建 议,并 非 是 特 别 针 对 这 中 产 阶 级 或 车 主的。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, our proposal to increase the charges of on-street parking meters is not targeted at the middle class or car owners. legco.gov.hk |
大部分的士已安装点 字、摸读字汽车登记号码牌及发声咪表,能够以广东话、普通话或英语广播,以 协助视觉受损的乘客。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most taxis are equipped with Braille and tactile vehicle registration number plate and talking taxi meters in Cantonese, Putonghua or English to facilitate passengers with visual impairment. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009母亲节系列中的 康乃馨花束 C 和妈咪三重奏。 givegift.com.hk | 2009 Mother's Day collection: Simply Grateful and Mommy Three Times the Charm givegift.com.hk |
孩子们在哆来咪俱乐部的用餐也确保健康并满足选择。 msccruises.com.cn | Supervised dining in our Doremi club also helps ensure that children are accompanied in their choices. msccruises.com.eg |
不过, 即使我们 今 天 不能通过增加路旁泊 车位咪表收费 的 最 高 上 限 , 停 车 场 的经营者肯 定 还 是会这样 做 , 因 为 他 们 必 定 是 要 争 取 最 高 利 润 的。 legco.gov.hk | However, even if the Council does not approve an increase in the maximum charge for on-street parking meters, car park operators will still increase charges for they will certainly fight for the highest profits. legco.gov.hk |
手咪按键的音量通过控制面板上的旋钮来设定。 hytera.com.cn | Press the key programmed as [Reverse] to toggle the reverse frequency function ON and OFF. hytera.ca |
在这个名为“优知妈咪汇”的平台上,妈妈们可以找到各种实用的关于营养,育儿和寻常生活建议。 labbrand.com | On this “Moms’ knowledge” platform, moms can find all types of quality content regarding nutrition and childcare along with general lifestyle advice. labbrand.com |
以幸运土猫的实际经验来看,自从2007年北京市政府开始为北京地区的流浪猫提供免费 绝育之后,TNR的工作范围及绝育的猫咪数量逐年增加,但是TNR工作的资金需求却稳中有降。 animalsasia.org | In Lucky Cats practical experience, since 2007 the Beijing municipal government began providing free sterilisation services for stray cats, and the scope of TNR work and number of neutered cats has increased annually. animalsasia.org |
了解医院每天可以为多少只猫咪完成绝育:对于 TNR 项目而言,每一次诱捕工作能 诱捕到的猫咪数量都是不确定的,尤其是当几个 TNR 社区都在同一家医院安排猫咪绝育的话,提前了解医院每天的绝育数量是非常必要的。 animalsasia.org | Know how many cats canbe de-sexed a day in the hospital; for the TNR programme, thenumber ofcats trapped isuncertain, especially when several TNR communities go to the same hospital, so it is essential [...] to know the capacity of the hospital. animalsasia.org |
联合国儿童基金会对此次为期一周的强化活动给予支持,其中包括采购100万片甲苯咪唑及提供学校卫生宣传材料。 unicef.org | UNICEF’s support of the week-long intensive campaign included procurement of 1,000,000 mebendazole tablets as well as hygiene promotion materials for schools. unicef.org |
在一个特殊的周末,德库拉已经邀请了一些世界上最有名的怪物 - 科学怪人和他的新娘,妈咪,“看不见的人”,一个家庭的狼人,以及更多 - 庆祝他的女儿范晓萱的118th的生日。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | On one special weekend, Dracula has invited some of the world’s most famous monsters – Frankenstein and his bride, the Mummy, the Invisible Man, a family of werewolves, and more – to celebrate his daughter Mavis’s 118th birthday. en.seekcartoon.com |
将手咪插头连接到车载台前面板的手咪插孔,然后将手咪放到固定座上。 hytera.com.cn | Connect the microphone plug tothe microphone jackon the front panel of the radio, then [...] place the microphone on the hanger. hytera.ca |
10项指标中以『言论自由』、『新闻自由』及『出版自由』三项相关指标的升幅最大,分别升0.55、0.47 及0.36分,显示『名嘴封咪』的影响已经彻底消除。 hkupop.hku.hk | Among the 10 indicators, 'freedom of speech', 'freedom of the press' and 'freedom of publication' have climbed most, with increases of 0.55, 0.47 and 0.36 marks correspondingly, marking the end of all effects due to the departure of some outspoken radio talk show hosts. hkupop.hku.hk |
食典委注意到,噻苯咪唑(Thiabendazole)(65)项下提及“海洋哺乳 动物”是编辑性错误,应当予以删除。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission noted that the reference to “marine mammals” appearing underThiabendazole (65) was an editorial error and should be deleted. codexalimentarius.org |
1.飞凌TE2440Ⅱ开发板, arm9最豪华适用的S3C2440开发板售价:1380飞凌TE2440II+3.5寸LCD arm9 最豪华适用的S3C2440开发板售价:1580CH376 USB 模块售价:55全新2.8寸26万色TFT彩屏触摸模块,支持SD卡,16位/8位,DATAFLASH售价:98SD卡模块售价: 18VS1003 MP3 模块板载咪头售价:60S3C6410 arm11开发板/tq6410+4.3”TFT+ 赠送USB转串口售价:880S3C2440 arm9开发板/tq2440+7”TFT+赠13DVD资料USB转串口售价:820智推 宝-智能推荐引擎www.armjishu.com优惠活动:1、另配JLINK V8 仿真器(双保护,支持升级,全功能版)+转接板成品,可直接用於此开发板。 tw.imendit.com | Feiling TE2440 Ⅱ development board, arm9 the most luxurious applicable S3C2440 development board Price: 1380 Feiling TE2440II +3.5 inch LCD arm9 most luxurious applicable S3C2440 development board Price: 1580CH376 USB module Price: 55 brand-new 2.8-inch 26 million color TFT color screen touch module, support SD card, 16/8, DATAFLASH Price: 98SD card module Price: 18VS1003 MP3 module on-board microphone Price: 60S3C6410 arm11 development board / tq6410 +4.3 "TFT + gift USB to serial Price: 880S3C2440 ARM9 development board / tq2440 +7" TFT + gift the 13DVD Data USB to serial price: 820 Chi push The treasure - Smart recommended by engine www.armjishu.com the promotions activities: 1, comes JLINK V8 emulator (double protection, support upgrade, full-featured version) + adapter plate finished, this development board can be used directly. imendit.com |
禁用所有刺激剂,包括其相关的光学异构体,但:局部使用的咪唑衍生物以及列入《2011 年监控程序》的刺激剂*除外。 unesdoc.unesco.org | All stimulants (including both [...] optical isomers where relevant) are [...] prohibited, except imidazolederivatives [...]for topical use and those stimulants included [...]in the 2011 Monitoring Program. unesdoc.unesco.org |
勇气会见的妈咪:玛雅·贝克的木乃伊寻求报复的不公,对他做了。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Courage Meets the Mummy: The mummy of a Mayan baker seeks revenge for the injustice that was done to him. en.seekcartoon.com |
另外,参与「支援组」的参加者不但有机会获邀担任节目嘉宾,参与访问活动,亲身向大众发表社会议题之我见;表现出色的参加者更可获优先考虑成为真正的VOY主持,一尝「开咪」做节目的滋味,在大气电波声援社会各阶层的儿童和青少年。 voy.unicef.org.hk | What is more, ‘Support Team’ members can become one of the guest speakers and even hosts in VOY to get a real taste of being a radio producer, advocating child rights on air. voy.unicef.org.hk |
孩子们一定会喜欢我们邮轮吉祥物——哆来咪。 msccruises.com.cn | Younger guests will love MSC Cruises’ mascot,Do-Re-Mi. msccruises.com.eg |
2009母亲节系列之一妈咪三重奏。 givegift.com.hk | 2009 Mother's Day collection: Mommy Three Times the Charm givegift.com.hk |
因此,为了在80后的新妈妈和准妈妈中建立较高的美誉度,海尔发起了一场雄心勃勃的营销活动,其中的核心便是名为“优知妈咪汇”的社交网络平台。 labbrand.com | So in order to build its reputation with the crowd of new moms and soon to be moms of the post 80s generation; Haier has launched an ambitious campaign, the cornerstone of which is the “Moms’ knowledge” social web platform. labbrand.com |
销售品牌有 Holistic Blend® ( 加拿大全天然宠物粮食及补充剂 ) 、The Gift for Life ( 美国全天然宠物荷尔蒙补品 ) 、Petzential ( 加拿大宠物天然补充剂 ) 、植物之芯 ( 全天然猫咪凝结植物砂 )、Adora-Bowl ( 高级陶瓷猫犬食具 )、Virusolve™ ( 医院级别消毒清洁剂 )等等。 ipress.com.hk | Hot brands includes Holistic Blend® ( Canadian All Natural Pet Food and Supplements ), The Gift for Life™ ( American All Natural Pet Hormone Tonic ), Petzential ( Canadian based All Natural Pet Supplements and Alternatives ), Smartbones® ( The next generation healthy bones ), Virusolve™ ( Hospital grade high level disinfectants and cleaners ), Adora-Bowl™ ( Premium SAN Resin Pet Bowl ), 植物之芯 ( Plant based all natural clumping cat litter )……etc. ipress.com.hk |
毕业季来临,又要选购毕业礼物了!集比客制化猫咪造型USB随身碟,可爱的模样适合做为学生的毕业礼物,可爱的毕业礼物让学生毕业时还能记得学校的美好回忆,毕业礼物随身碟可内存充满学生回忆的照片,容量任选,特别的毕业礼物随身碟还能让学生在往後的求学路上一直当作随身工具使用。 en.xebe.com | The cute Cat USB drive can be a good graduation gift. en.xebe.com |
值得一提的,是市民不满新闻自由的比率,在过去3个月明显上升,可能是受到电台名嘴『封咪事件』波及。 hkupop.hku.hk | One important point to note is that people's dissatisfaction rate of press freedom has increased significantly in the past 3 months, probably due to the spill-over effect of the departure of some outspoken radio talkshow hosts. hkupop.hku.hk |
在最近一次Cool Hunting的采访中,Gary Baseman谈起了这个他最爱猫咪背后的品牌:“Sanrio因为它的卡通人物们,而似有自然地力量保持年轻和俏皮,拥抱当下时尚、产品设计和艺术的潮流。 ba-repsasia.com | In a recent interview with Cool Hunting, Gary Baseman said this about the brand behind the favorite feline: “Sanrio seems to have a natural ability to remain young and playful as its own characters, embracing fully current trends in fashion, product design, and art. ba-repsasia.com |
采用仅0.14克重的微型加速计测量发现, 猎豹、美洲狮、山猫、虎猫和家养猫咪的打呼频率均在多种不同的治疗频率范围之内,而且与已知可治疗多种疾病的低频均只有±4 Hz的差异。 bksv.cn | Using miniature accelerometers weighing a mere 0.14 gram, the purring frequencies of cheetahs, pumas, servals, ocelots and domestic cats were found to fall within the range of a multitude of therapeutic frequencies, and all had frequencies ±4 Hz from the entire repertoire of low frequencies known to be therapeutic for many ailments. bksv.com |
设於机身顶部的X/Y电容立体声收音咪,分置於同一轴线上的左、右方,确保两个收音咪能够一直与音源保持相同距离,让音频反应於录音过程中维持稳定。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The onboard X/Y stereo condenser mics are arranged with the right and left mics on the same axis. tomleemusic.com.hk |
本书直接针对女性最明显的两个性徵:“水咪咪”与“小妹妹”,从乳型的美化与健康,到乳房疾病的认知,从私密处如何预防感染与保持 清洁,到如何做好月经来潮时的保健卫生,甚至到阴部的整形与术後保养等,书中都有详细的介绍。 tw.imendit.com | Book is directed against the two women are the most obvious sign: "Mimi," and "little sister" from the milk-based beautification and health, to the awareness of breast disease, how to prevent infection and maintain a private office clean, how to do a good job of health and hygiene, and even menstrual cramps to plastic surgery and postoperative maintenance of the genitals, the book has a detailed introduction. imendit.com |
在对比咪达唑仑给药途径试验中,研究者们发现口服给药和静脉给药对比,HRN(TM)小鼠的曲线下面积值比对照组的曲线下面积值增加的幅度大很多,表明肝脏首过代谢对咪达唑仑可能有很大意义。 tipschina.gov.cn | In comparing dosage [...] routesfor midazolam, researchers found a much larger increase in area under the curve values in HRN(TM) mice vs. controls with oral dosing as compared to intravenous dosing, indicating that hepatic first-pass metabolism could possibly be significant for midazolam. tipschina.gov.cn |
最後赞一下亲爱的店主! 祝生意兴隆哈! ,,, ,,,440, ,,, ,,评价:,, ,,5分,, ,商务*咪:,真的很迷你,本来已经有了百诺的旅游天使A169脚架了,但是感觉还是有些 大和重,换了这个真的感觉好便携,算上云台也就70-200F2.8的长度而已,要知道这可是升高能达到1500mm的全高脚架哦。 tw.evershooting.com | 440, ,,, ,, Rating:,, ,, 5,, , Commerce * Mia:,really mini already been Benro travel angel tripod A169, but still feel some Japan weight for this really feels good portable the count PTZ also the length of the 70-200F2.8. evershooting.com |