单词 | 咝 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 咝 —(onom.) hissless common: fizz • whistle • whiz Examples:咝咝声—hissing sound (onom.)
这一切是动态进行的,即咝声消 除器不是静态滤 波器,而是动态滤波器,只有在素材中高频多时 才工作的。 tcelectronic.com | This is done dynamically, which means that it’s not a static EQ filter but a dynamic filter that only cuts into the sound when the high frequencies are loud in the material. tcelectronic.com |
释放时间设定的是,在信号回落到门限以下后, 咝声消除器的回落时间。 tcelectronic.com | Release sets the fallback time of the De-esser, after the signal drops below the Threshold. tcelectronic.com |
这 种特定的路径分配通常的用法是,在引擎 1 中 选择咝声消 除器,压缩器或合唱,而引擎 2 选 择混响或延时。 tcelectronic.com | A common use of this particular routing could be selecting a De-esser; a Compressor or a Chorus in Engine 1 and a reverb or delay in Engine 2. tcelectronic.com |
设定咝声消除器工作的中心频率。 tcelectronic.com | Sets the center frequency of the range the De-esser should work in. tcelectronic.com |
一种将不想要的“咝声”从歌唱声素材中去除的算法。 tcelectronic.com | An algorithm that removes unwanted “esses” from a vocal material. tcelectronic.com |
设定咝声消除器工作的带宽或低频段 / 高频段的 范围设定。 tcelectronic.com | Sets the bandwidth or Lo/Hi shelf setting of the range the De-esser should work in. tcelectronic.com |
由于信号的平均电 平是由设定的频率范围之外的信号成分决定的, 比如带咝声的 歌唱声,所以相对设定是很有用的, 并有非常好的乐感。 tcelectronic.com | For signals where the average level is determined by signals outside the frequency range set, e.g. a vocal with sibilance, the Relative setting is useful and very musical. tcelectronic.com |
当输入信号电平超过门限时,咝声消 除器将根据 模式参数的设定启动。 tcelectronic.com | When the Input level exceeds the Threshold, the De-esser will be activated, according to the Mode parameter. tcelectronic.com |
建立时间是指咝声消 除器按照压缩比参数 使 咝声 消 除器达到指定的增益下降所用的时间。 tcelectronic.com | The Attack time is the response time that the De-esser uses to reach the gain reduction specified by the Ratio parameter. tcelectronic.com |
例如:输入信号突然超过门限 4dB,而压缩比设 为1:4 ,建立时间为 20ms,那么咝声消除器现在 用 20ms 的时间就达到 3dB 的增益下降。 tcelectronic.com | Example: If the Input signal suddenly increases to 4dB above Threshold with the Ratio set to 4:1 and the Attack set to 20ms, the De-esser will use 20ms to reach the gain reduction of 3dB. tcelectronic.com |
监听旁链信号,听一听咝声消 除器到底从主信号 中去掉的内容。 tcelectronic.com | Monitor the Sidechain signal, and hear what the De-esser actually removes from the main signal. tcelectronic.com |
比如需要两个类似的 EQ,咝声消除器或压缩器时, 就要使用这种路径分配方式。 tcelectronic.com | Use this routing when you need e.g. two similar EQs, De-essers or Compressors. tcelectronic.com |