单词 | 咐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 咐noun—ordernExamples:吩咐v—commandv tellv 吩咐—instruct 嘱咐v—tellv 嘱咐—exhort injunction
2009 年斋月(8 月/9 月)期间,奥阵主席达 乌德·伊布萨与他联络,并告诉他厄立特里亚一军官会打电话给他吩咐一项秘 密任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the month of Ramadan (August/September) 2009 he was contacted by OLF Chairman Dawud Ibsa and told to expect a call from an Eritrean officer who would give him a secret assignment. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如我所说 的那样,我随时听从安理会的吩咐。 daccess-ods.un.org | As I said, I am always available to the Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
我国代表团听候主席的吩咐,以使他的工作和委 员会的工作取得圆满成功。 daccess-ods.un.org | My delegation is at the Chairman’s disposal for the full success of his work and that of the Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
请填妥回条,并嘱咐贵子弟於 2013 年 1 月 18 日(星期五)或之前交回班主 任。 logosacademy.edu.hk | Please fill in the Reply Slip below and have your child return it to his/her homeroom teacher on or before 18 January 2013 (Friday). logosacademy.edu.hk |
说到这里,或许我们了解为何主耶稣要严厉的责 备他们:「将人的吩咐、当 作道理教导人,所以拜我也 是枉然」(7:7) lordsgrace.ca | Now, we may understand why Jesus was so indignant as He accused themquoting from Isaiah that, “They worship me in vain, their teachings are but rules taught by men. lordsgrace.ca |
凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守,我就常与你们 同在,直到世界的末了。 sallee.info | And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. sallee.info |
我已嘱咐同事认真审视辖下所有屋邨的保安,探讨可否让公屋租户和前线员工得到更好保护。 housingauthority.gov.hk | I have requestedmy colleagues to [...] critically review the security in all our estates to see if we can better protect our [...]PRH tenants and front line staff. housingauthority.gov.hk |
我忘了这个瀑布叫什麽名字,只记得司机当时吩咐大家下车,然後走五分钟的步道,就可以观赏壮观的瀑布。 4tern.com | However, [...] the drivertold usto get down from [...]the bus, to take a short walk into the forest, there would be a waterfall awaits us. 4tern.com |
经历了那辛苦的梯级後,我们终於见到了那冰山!这时,向导吩咐我们 要把钉鞋给穿上。 4tern.com | After the exhausted staircases, we finally reached the ice mountain! 4tern.com |
居家保健助理提供不需持照护士或治疗师能力的服务,如协助进行个人护理(如沐浴、如 厕、更衣或从事医生嘱咐的运动)。 lacare.org | A home health aide provides services that don’t need the skills of a licensed nurse or therapist, such as help with personal care (e.g., bathing, using the toilet, dressing, or carrying outthe prescribed exercises). lacare.org |
帮助您取得可能需要的服务和治疗 - 例如嘱咐进行化验和使用化验结果。 starbridge.com | To help you obtain services and treatment you may need – for example, ordering lab tests and using the results. starbridge.com |
耶稣吩咐我们 使万民(ethne)作他的门徒。 conversation.lausanne.org | Jesustells us to make disciples [...] of all ethne. conversation.lausanne.org |
集中国内外的祷告力量,祷告并鼓励别人为禾场的工人、 收割的条件和可以按照马太福音 9:38;提摩太前书 2:1-5 和罗马书 10:1 所吩咐的归向基督的人 群祷告。 sallee.info | Pray and encourage other to pray for workers for the harvest, conditions for the harvest, and people groups who would turn to Christ as commanded in Matthew 9:38, 1Timothy 2:1-5, and Romans 10:1. sallee.info |
与此同时,意大利军队,而不是依靠出口的手表,吩咐佛罗伦萨沛纳海手表和社会特殊防水装备作战泳客。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Meanwhile, the Italian army, rather than relying on export of watches, commanded Florentine society Officine Panerai watches and special waterproof to equip its combat swimmers. en.horloger-paris.com |
该船所吩咐的猫一样,机警的队长阿米莉亚(艾玛·汤普森),连同她的石皮肤和纪律大副先生,箭(罗斯科李布朗)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The ship is commanded by the cat-like, sharp-witted Captain Amelia (Emma Thompson) along with her stony-skinned and disciplined First Mate, Mr. Arrow (Roscoe Lee Browne). seekcartoon.com |
2 ) 他吩咐我们出版一份刊物,去建立欧洲华人信徒(这当然是他自己的作为),并 [...] 鼓励他们走出去服事社区里有需要的群体。 ccineurope.org | He wants us to publish a periodical [...] to build up the Chinese churches in Europe (it is God’s own work to do so) and to encourage [...]them to go out to serve those in need in their communities. ccineurope.org |
若他这样吩咐,我们就通常会在教会 附近派单张、邀请人来教会、或向亲友同事分享福音的内容,这些主要是一些用口传 的福音。 ccineurope.org | For if He did, we would be giving out tracts in the vicinity of the church and inviting people to come to meetings, or sharing the Gospel with our relatives and colleagues. ccineurope.org |
vs 33-35 接下来的几章是给他的门徒的嘱咐,使他们为他的离去做好准备。 bcbsr.com | vs 33-35 The next few Chapters are a message to the disciples preparing them for his departure. bcbsr.com |
大会部的副秘书长和助理秘 书长与提交文件的部门领导以及政府间机构负责人经常联系,提供关于提交文件 情况的最新概况,并嘱咐他们改善在这方面的表现。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Under-Secretary-General and Assistant SecretaryGeneral for General Assembly and Conference Management interacted frequently with the heads of author departments and the presiding officers of intergovernmental bodies to provide the most updated overview of the status of submissions and to enjoin themto improve their performance in that regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
一项有关感染病方面的法律要求患 有 传 染病的人遵循 医 师 的嘱咐,例如义 务性地使用避孕套和采用安全性行为来预防艾滋病毒的传播。 daccess-ods.un.org | A law on infectious diseases requires people with infectious diseases to follow medical orders such as obligatory use of condoms and safe sex to prevent HIV transmission. daccess-ods.un.org |
在动手术当天,请不要进食或饮用任何东 西,除非是医生或护士吩咐您进食。 chinesehospital-sf.org | Do not eat or drink anything on the day of your surgery unless a doctor or nurse tells you to do so. chinesehospital-sf.org |
他和拉美西斯已经失去了永远的悲痛,摩西吩咐他的兄弟再见最后一次带领希伯来人西奈山,在那里他接受上帝十诫。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Saddenedby what he and Rameses [...] have lost forever, Moses bids his brother goodbye one last time and leads the Hebrew people [...]to Mount Sinai, where he receives the Ten Commandments from God. seekcartoon.com |
我要再次向安理会主席保证,禁毒办将随时听候 安理会的吩咐。 daccess-ods.un.org | Once again, I should like to assure the presidency of the Council that UNODC will remain availableto the Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
其弟责问为何不尊父临终之愿,魏颗说:“人在病重的时候,神智是昏乱不清的,我嫁此女,是依据父亲神智清醒时的吩咐。 chinesestoryonline.com | His younger brothers blamed him for disobeying their father's will, to which Wei Ke replied:" I think we are supposed to obey what our father had said whenhe was fully conscious. chinesestoryonline.com |
如正接受任何定期药物,请遵照医生吩咐,在指 定时间内停止或继续服用所需药物。 qhms.com | If you are taking any regular medications, please follow your doctor’s dosage instruction before and after the examination. qhms.com |
他 们已有能力记住一天的事情,可在一定时间内集中精神做一件事情,并可在同一时间内最 多听三项吩咐。 cpsc.gov | They have developed the ability to remember past events up to a day, to concentrate and focus on one task for a limited time, and to attend to as many as three directions at once. cpsc.gov |
(a) 嘱咐各国政府和民间社会积极支持各个文明内部和不同文明间对话、各个文化内 部和不同文化间对话,以便对话成为有效的变革工具、和平和宽容的评价尺度及 多样性和多元化的传播媒介 unesdoc.unesco.org | (a) Enjoins all governments and civil society to support actively a dialogue within and among civilizations and cultures so that it will become an effective instrument of transformation, a yardstick for peace and tolerance, and a vehicle for diversity and pluralism unesdoc.unesco.org |
对被告兽医的指控是专业操守失当,即(a)没有妥善嘱咐及转介一只受伤犬只的狗主到设备更佳的诊所及时治疗;(b)没有向狗主签发转介信或透过其他途径向接诊兽医提供该受伤犬只的相关资料;及(c)压制及/或示意狗主隐瞒其曾为该犬治疗的事实。 vsbhk.org.hk | The veterinary surgeon was charged with the offence of committing a misconduct in a professional respect by (a) failing to properly advise and refer the owners of an injured dog to seek timely treatment from a better equipped clinic; (b) failing to provide the owners with a written referral letter or to use other means to provide the receiving veterinary surgeon with all pertinent information of the injured dog; and (c) suppressing and/or advising the owners to conceal the fact that the dog had received treatment from him. vsbhk.org.hk |