

单词 和盘托出

See also:


wind up a business
sell up

External sources (not reviewed)

要取下输托盘,请将输托盘轻轻 推到左边或右边将插脚从插 槽中释出来,然后将它出。
To remove the input tray, gently push the input tray to the left or right to release the pin from the slot, and lift it out of [...]
找出并连接电源线、网络电缆以及进 托盘和出 纸 托 盘。
Locate and attach the power cord, network
[...] cable and the input and output trays.
托尼仍有可能在 2005 年建立了 KMI, 这一点可以通过找和盘问其他出狱 人 员进 行证实。
He still could have formed KMI in 2005, and there are enough released men to track down and ask.
这 会影响文档送进扫描仪的方式、文档通过扫描仪的速度,以及在 出托 盘中放置文档的方式。
This affects how the documents are fed into the scanner, how fast they move through the scanner, and
[...] how they are placed in the output tray.
在 2002-2003 年的这一阶段,对外关系与合作部门/与全国委员会和新合作伙伴关系处 在传播能力方面的主要目标已经达到:对现有的四个数据库进行了第一阶段的现代化,建立 了全国委员会电子论坛,为全国委员会及其合作伙伴出版了一本《关于传媒关系的传媒指 南》,为全国委员会举办了有关传媒关系、信息和传播技术的一系列 10 个培训班,提出了 革新性传播项目,包括知识门户网站(其中有一个专用网站),为全国委员会制作了一个只 读盘和一个万维网样板出版了 一年两期的简讯《全国委员会与新合作伙伴协同作用》。
At this stage in the 2002-2003 biennium, the main targets of the ERC/NCP communication capacity have already been met: the first phase of modernization of the four existing databases, the launching of an electronic discussion forum for National Commissions, the publication of a media guide on media relations for National Commissions and their partners, a series of 10 training seminars in media relations and ICT skills for National Commissions, the advancement of innovative communication projects including the Knowledge Portal (which houses a dedicated website), the production of a CD-ROM and of a website template for National Commissions, and the publication of the twice-yearly newsletter NCP Synergy.
拉丝的黑灰色盘完美地烘托出了带荧光标记的时 和 分 针,以及赛车红的微妙感触,包括全红色的秒针和红色的小时标记。
The brushed, dark grey dial is the perfect foil to the hour and minute hands with their luminescent markers and subtle touches of racing red, the all red second hand, and the red hour markers.
咨询委员会获悉,任职者将负责与包 括以下各方的各办公室和实体进行协调和联络:信息和通信技术厅,以解决与系托管有 关的问题;供应商,涉及技术事 和 设 备 升级;安 和 安 保 部,涉及周 边安全出管制 ;“团结”项目工作队,涉及人力资源数据和资产管理;国际刑 事警察组织(国际刑警组织),涉及丢失或被盗的旅行证件数据库;以及国际民用 [...]
The Advisory Committee was informed that the incumbent would be responsible for coordinating and liaising with various offices and entities, including with the Office of Information and Communications
Technology to address
[...] issues related to the hosting of the system; the vendor in relation to the technical matters and upgrading of equipment; the Department of Safety and Security [...]
for perimeter
security access control; the Umoja project team for human resources data and asset management; the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) for a lost or stolen travel document database; and the International Civil Aviation Organization.
易破损:适用于在通过扫描和放 置在 输 出托盘 时 需要特别小心处理 的文档。
Fragile: for documents that need extra care as they are
[...] transported through the scanner and placed in the output tray.
我们将介绍 NHX10000 的功能,包括:(1)高速和高精 度的独创技术、(2)可靠性、(3)卓越的可操作性、(4) 托盘 规 格 、(5)多种选项、(6)MAPPS IV + ESPRIT 和 (7)符合安全标准。
We will introduce the NHX10000 with features including: (1) Original technologies for high-speed and high-precision, (2) Reliability,
(3) Outstanding
[...] operability, (4) Single pallet specifications, (5) Extensive options, (6) MAPPS IV + ESPRIT and (7) Compliance with [...]
safety standards.
国际教育局为艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防方面设置课程时,为全球艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防教育 资料库内新添加了 100 种课程资料,提供了更多的信息,发放了 500 多张有关课程与艾滋病 毒/艾滋病预防资料库的盘,彻 底更新了国际教育局艾滋病毒/艾滋病的网站,(与教科文 组织其它信息交流中心协作)创建了公共网页,详细说明国际教育局用来评估艾滋病毒/艾 滋病预防课程及其好的做法的评估标准第二稿,并对即将用于莫桑比克的艾滋病毒/艾滋病 非正规教育评估标准进行了详细阐述(与马 托和 巴 西利亚联合国教科文组织协作)。
IBE’s efforts in curriculum development for HIV/AIDS prevention concentrated on making available more and more information by adding 100 curriculum materials in the Global Content Bank, distributing over 500 copies of the CD-ROM “Global Curriculum
Bank for HIV/AIDS Preventive Education”,
[...] completely upgrading the IBE HIV/AIDS website, creating (in coordination with all other UNESCO clearing houses) a common access web page, elaborating the second version of IBE appraisal criteria used to evaluate good practices and HIV/AIDS curricula, and elaborating an adapted version of appraisal criteria to non-formal HIV/AIDS education to be used in Mozambique (in collaboration with UNESCO/Maputo and Brasilia).
利用木材、金属、甚至现成配件,可 很快加出可调固件、适合使托盘 搬 运 车的固 件、甚至瓦楞纸盘组装固件。
Adjustable fixtures, pallet jack friendly fixtures, even corrugated tray assembly fixtures [...]
can be quickly fabricated from
wood, metal, or even off-the-shelf components.
[...] “堆叠”选项卡设置选项,将文档分离到柯达可控堆叠附件出托盘的两个堆叠中。
The Stacking tab allows you to set options for separating documents into the two stacks of the Kodak
[...] Controlled Stacking Accessory output tray.
其它行动有:如正在开发的旨在向全国委员会及其合作伙伴提供更广泛服务的 数据库,将有关传播题材纳入培训研讨会(曼谷、里加、达累斯萨拉姆多国办事处),向全 国委员会分发盘,发 行《电视媒体操作技能》新手册及为全国委员会设计的网站模板出 版简 讯《全国委员会与新合作伙伴协同作用》第 和 第 五 版。
Other initiatives included an ongoing development of the databases in order to offer a wider range of services for National Commissions and their partners, the inclusion of communication-related topics at training seminars (Bangkok, Riga, Dar es Salaam
cluster), the
[...] distribution of the CD-ROM for National Commissions, a new brochure on “Skills for Handling the TV Media” and the creation of a website template for National Commissions, the publication of the fourth and fifth editions [...]
of the newsletter NCP Synergy.
随着客户群体的显著扩大,ATS 提供的产品组合也进一步扩充,涵盖了高级风 托盘 、 液 体冷却系统、高级冷却系 和 新 一代热测试仪器。
As ATS has significantly increased its customer base, its product offerings
have also expanded to
[...] include advanced fan trays, liquid cooling systems, advanced cooling systems and next-generation [...]
thermal test instruments.
如果我们查阅有关委任制度和托管制度的大量专家著作,特别是那些熟悉这 些制度运作的专家的著作,我们会发现:(a) 私法类比,因为这些司法机构的设 立是从私法中得到启发;(b) 监督机制的设立(委任制度和托管制度下的领土), 在国际一级(可向前常设委任统治委员 和 前 托 管 理 事会 出 申 诉 );(c) 国内和 国际法律秩序的互动;(d) 单位分类(委任统和托管领土);(e) 各制度的工作 方式。
If we go through the bulk of expert writing on the mandates and the trusteeship systems, especially those who were familiar with the operation of those systems, we detect: (a) analogies of private law wherefrom inspiration was drawn for the establishment of those juridical institutions; (b) devising of mechanisms of supervision (of territories and
mandates and in the trusteeship system), also at international level (recourse to the former Permanent Mandates
[...] Commission and the former Trusteeship Council); (c) interactions between the domestic and international legal orders; (d) classification of units (mandates and trust territories); [...]
(e) modus
operandi of the respective systems.
已经将出托盘调整 为要扫描照片的长度。
the output tray is adjusted for the [...]
length of the photos you are scanning.
业务费用项下上述超支额的一部分因下列方面的所需费用减少而被抵销: (a) 由于更换一辆污水处理卡和一辆 托盘 式 装卸卡车的实际费用降低,购置车 辆的所需经费减少(231 [...]
000 美元)(同上,第 28 段);(b) 因为需要在当地医疗设 施接受治疗的军事人员人数减少,而且经谈判当地医疗设施的医疗服务费用降
低,医疗服务所需经费减少(80 400 美元);(c) 齐瓦尼营地的两个一级诊所合并 之后,医疗用品的所需经费减少(同上,第 29 段)。
The above overexpenditures under operational costs were offset, in part, by reduced requirements for the acquisition of vehicles ($231,000), due to the lower
actual cost for the replacement of a
[...] sewage truck and a palletized loading system truck [...]
(ibid., para. 28); and for medical
services ($80,400), due to the lower number of personnel requiring treatment in local facilities, the lower negotiated costs of services in local medical facilities and the reduced requirement for medical supplies following the consolidation of two level I facilities in Camp Ziouani (ibid., para. 29).
TNCremo支持双向传输机床 外保存的零件程序,刀具和托盘表 , 启 动机床,备份硬盘文件和对机床工作条件 进行采样。
With TNCremo you can bidirectionally transfer externally
saved part programs,
[...] tool tables and pallet tables, start the machine, create backups of the hard disk and sample the [...]
operating condition of the machine.
特别报告员出了一 些建议,希望这些建议能够有助于指导澳大利亚政府、 土著和托雷斯 海峡岛民以及其他有关当事方制定和实施符合国际土著人民人权 标准的法律、政策和方案。
The Special Rapporteur offers a number of recommendations with the
hope that they
[...] will help guide the Government of Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other interested parties to develop [...]
and implement
laws, policies and programmes that conform to the international human rights standards related to indigenous peoples.
出托盘中的 文档将会显示测试打印的结果。
The document(s) in the output tray will display the [...]
results of the print test.
Adjust the output tray to accommodate [...]
your scanning needs.
第二十八条 托运人与承运人在提供信息和指示方面的合作 如果有关货物正确操作和运输的信息处于被请求方的占有之下,或有关货物 正确操作和运输的指示是在被请求方能够合理提供的范围之内,且请求方无法以 其他合理方式获取此种信息和指示,承运 和托 运 人 应就对方 出 的 提 供此种信 息和指示的请求作出响应。
The carrier and the shipper shall respond to requests from each other to provide information and instructions required for the proper handling and carriage of the goods if the information is in the requested party’s possession or the instructions are within the requested party’s reasonable ability to provide and they are not otherwise reasonably available to the requesting party.
如果您要扫描文档的一面,将文档放入进纸托盘时,请确定使要扫描的 面和顶部朝下,以及您要扫描的面朝向进 托盘和 背 面 朝向您。
If you are scanning one side of a document, be sure the side you want to scan is placed
face down and top down in the input tray with the side you want to scan
[...] facing the input tray with the back toward you.
零维护缓存保护技术的基本理念是,检 出控 制 卡发生断电,然后将板载控制卡缓存中的数 据复制到非易失性存储中 - 这种情况下指的是 类似于U盘和固态 硬盘中所使用的某种NAND 闪存。
The basic idea of ZMCP is to detect the
loss of power to the adapter and then to
[...] copy the data in the on-board adapter cache to nonvolatile location — in this case NAND flash memory of a type similar to that used in USB thumb drives and solid state disks.
各种软饮料、食品和非食 品类产品在进入超市货架前,必须在各区域配送中心进行组 和 发 运 ,而这些中心 配备有 Interroll 设计制造的动托盘物流模块。
Before soft drinks, packaged foodstuffs and non-food goods can find their way to the supermarket shelves they
have to be organised
[...] and dispatched by central and regional distribution centres equipped with dynamic pallet flow modules designed [...]
by Interroll.
新西兰出,托克劳的能力建设需求包括:种群评 和 科 学 研究;数据收集和报 告;监测、控制和监督;港口国措施;跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群渔业的 发展;人力资源开发;以及信息交流,包括关于船只和非法、未报告和无管制的 [...]
New Zealand observed that the
[...] capacity-building needs of Tokelau included stock assessment and scientific research; data [...]
collection and
reporting; monitoring, control and surveillance; port State measures; development of fisheries for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks; human resource development; and the sharing of information, including information on vessels and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activities.
低温对仓储货架出了更 高的要求,为了确 托 盘 移 动速度在安全范围内,即使冷气和冰渣可能 托盘和 货 架系统上凝聚,托盘仍然需要顺滑、平稳地移动。
The cold
[...] temperatures made the storage rack design more challenging, as the pallets needed to move smoothly and evenly to ensure safe pallet flowspeed despite the cold air and icy build-up that could accumulate onthe pallets and the rack system.
委员会建议缔约国废除司法禁令的做法,审查规定允许监 和托 养 的 法 律,以确保它们完全符合《公约》第十二条,而且要采取行动,以尊重人的自主 权、意愿和喜好的协助出决定 制度取代替代决定制度。
The Committee recommends that the
State party abolish
[...] the practice of judicial interdiction and review the laws allowing for guardianship and trusteeship to ensure their full conformity with article 12 of the Convention and take action to replace [...]
regimes of substitute
decision-making by supported decision-making, which respects the person’s autonomy, will, and preferences.
第二次世界大战和恢复和平与青年生活丰富人类冒险的向往,将通过一项新的工作提供了这种扩张的框架内 出 的 访 问库 托和 加 格 纳恩感谢所有的发明稳压器 - 后者允许潜水员通过Iourds宇航服探索水下世界。
World War II and the return to peace, with the desire of youth to live enriching human adventures, would provide the framework for
this expansion through
[...] a new work made accessible to all thanks to the invention by Cousteau and Gagnan regulator [...]
- the latter
allowing a diver to pass Iourds spacesuits to explore the underwater world.
由此营造的开放而坦率的气 氛托出高露 洁公司的整体文化,使董事会在公司业务战略的发 和 指 导中发挥积极作用。
The resulting atmosphere of openness
[...] and candor reflects Colgate’s overall corporate culture and helps the Board play an active role in the development and guidance of [...]
the Company’s business strategy.




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