

单词 和气致祥

See also:




auspicious and peaceful

External sources (not reviewed)

爱尔兰是一个安静、含蓄的国度,一个您可以远离缠身琐事的地方,这里有着令人神 气 爽 的 怡人景 和 平 静 祥和 的 活 动。
Ireland is a laid back country, a place where you can really escape the stresses and strains of everyday life with inspirational landscapes and tranquil activities.
在 此 , 我 亦 想 趁 這 個機會,對 李祥議員和 羅致光議員表 示 我 的 謝 意 。
I would also like to take this opportunity to express
[...] my gratitude to Dr Eric LI and Dr LAW Chi-kwong.
鉴于阿拉伯区域正面临着因环境系统退化和由于越来越多的地 和气 候变 化致使自 然灾害经常发生而不断增加的风险,对生命、基础设施、生计手段和可 持续发展都有直接的影响,我们申明实施 2020 年阿拉伯减少灾害风险战略,承 诺执行关于气候变化的阿拉伯宣言和声明以及相关决议,并答应制订一项应对气 候变化的阿拉伯计划。
Given that the Arab region is facing ever-increasing risks as a result of the degradation of environmental systems and the natural disasters that are occurring regularly because of increasing geological and climate changes, which have a direct impact on lives, infrastructure, means of livelihood and sustainable development, we affirm implementation of the Arab strategy to reduce disaster risk 2020 and commitment to the Arab declaration and statement on climate change and the related resolutions, and promise to devise an Arab plan for dealing with climate change.
在此我要向李祥議 員致謝, 他同意代表我以他的名義提出這項辯論。
Here I have to
[...] thank the Honourable Eric LI for agreeing to [...]
propose this debate under his name on my behalf.
我期望所有發言的 議員也同樣心平氣和地表達自己的想法,而不要藉此機會發表流於情緒化的 口號,攻擊其他人,破祥和的氣氛。
I hope that all Members who are to speak can also express their views calmly and will not take this opportunity to voice emotional slogans to attack others and spoil the harmonious atmosphere.
报告应包括:按物 质分列的由于执行各项活动的结果淘汰消耗臭氧层物质的情况,以及所使用 的替代技和所使 用的相关替代办法,以便让秘书处能够向执行委员会提供 有关所致气候相 关排放的变化的信息。
The report should include ODS phase-out as a direct result from the implementation of activities, by substance, and the alternative technology used and
the related phase-in of alternatives,
[...] to allow the Secretariat to provide to the Executive Committee information about the resulting change in climate relevant emissions.
虽然发展中国家对致全球 金融危和气候变 化所起的作用最小,但它们受到 的影响却是最大的;因此,它们无力实现包括确保 [...]
Developing countries, while contributing
[...] the least to global financial crises and climate change, were [...]
the most affected by them; hence
their inability to meet some of the MDGs, including that of ensuring environmental sustainability.
执行这些改革不仅会创造绿色岗位,而且 亦有助于处理粮食、燃和水不 安全以及 致气 候 变 化的根源。
Implementing such reforms would not only promote the
creation of green jobs, but also help address the root causes of
[...] food, fuel and water insecurities as well as climate change.
在計算這項成本 時,運輸署會考慮假如不興建中環灣仔繞道及
[...] P2 道路網,則在 2011 年道路使用 者因中區填海第一期地段內康樂廣場、民耀街、 祥 街 等 道路塞車而 致 的延 誤。
In deriving the cost, TD has taken into account the delay in time that road users will suffer from congestion in the CRI
area, namely along Connaught
[...] Place, Man Yiu Street and Man Cheung Street, for not having the [...]
CWB and Road P2 in place by 2011.
關於闢拓土㆞、環境、基礎建設和社區設施的新工程方面,現已展開或將於未來㆔ 年動工的工程包括耗資 4 億 4400 萬元在筲箕灣愛秩序灣填海,闢拓 19
公頃土㆞,供 住宅和社區用途;在 新
[...] 界東北部發展大型廢物處理堆填區,這工程的費用為 18 億元; 動用 10 億元改善龍翔和呈祥道,7 億 8500 萬元興建新青衣南橋;為 青衣東南部的 [...]
9 號貨櫃碼頭港口發展計劃提供必須的後勤㆞區和基礎建設,工
程費用為 27 億元;及投 資 6 億 8200 萬元在大埔興建㆒所新的療養院/護養醫院。
The list of new projects for land formation, environment, infrastructure and community facilities which have either started or which are programmed to commence construction during the next three years, includes a $444 million scheme to reclaim 19 hectares of land in Aldrich Bay, Shaukeiwan for residential and community uses, a $1.8 billion project to develop a large waste disposal landfill in Northeast New
Territories, a $1 billion project to
[...] upgrade Lung Cheung Road and Ching Cheung Road, a duplicate [...]
Tsing Yi South Bridge at $785
million, a $2.7 billion project to provide the necessary back-up area and infrastructure for Container Terminal 9 port development in southeast Tsing Yi, and a new convalescent/infirmary hospital at Tai Po at $682 million.
欧洲理事会向该区域人民展示的 气致 敬 , 并重申,他们的未来应由他们自己通和平民主的方式决定。
The European Council salutes the courage demonstrated by the people of the region and reaffirms [...]
that it is for them to decide their
future through peaceful and democratic means.
特别委员会强调 5 月 29
[...] 日的重要性,这一天是联合国维和人员国际日,是为 联合国维和行动服务的男女维和人员的高度专业精神、献身精 和 勇 气致 敬 ,并 特别缅怀那些为维护和平与安全献出生命的人,包括在 2010 年 1 月 12 [...]
日海地地 震中丧生者的一天。
The Special Committee emphasizes the importance of 29 May, as the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers as a tribute to all the men and women who have served and continue to serve in United Nations
peacekeeping operations
[...] for their high level of professionalism, dedication and courage and to honour [...]
the memory of those who
have lost their lives in the cause of peace, including those whose lives were lost in the earthquake in Haiti on 12 January 2010.
独立专家谨向海地人民以及一起工作过的联合国工作人员表示深切慰问、同 情和感谢,向他们在地震中及地震后表现出来的敬业、坚 和 勇 气致 敬。
The independent expert wishes to express his sincerest condolences, sympathy and gratitude to the Haitians and the United Nations staff members with whom he has worked.
尽管昆巴·亚拉先生在其他四名候选人支持下拒 绝参加第二轮选举而致气氛稍有紧张,但是我们仍 希望,各选举主管机构,即选委和 最 高 法院的决定 能得到尊重,并且本着国家利益,人民的意愿和理智 终将取胜,第二轮选举确实将举行。
Despite the slightly tense atmosphere owing to the refusal of Mr. Kumba Yalá, supported by the four other candidates, to participate in the second round, we hope that decisions issued by the competent electoral bodies, namely, the NEC and the Supreme Court of Justice, will be respected and that, in the interests of the country, the people’s will and good sense will prevail and that the second round of elections will indeed take place.
[...] 碳储存,可持续管理森林,利用本地种进行再造林和土地复垦活动,可持续管理 湿地/沿海生境,采用可持续农业种植法,对限制大气温室气体浓 和 人 类 活动致气候变 化增加,都可发挥重要作用。
The protection of natural forest and peatland carbon stocks, the sustainable management of forests, the use of native assemblages of species in reforestation and land restoration activities, sustainable wetland/coastal habitats management and sustainable agricultural practices
play important roles in limiting increases in
[...] atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and human-induced climate change.
目 前,祥 科 技 大 廈 已 成 為 其 周 邊 區 域 商 務 中和 標 誌 性 建 築,對 本 集 團 的 品 牌宣 傳 及 集 團 形象 的 提 升 起到 極 大 的促進 作用。
At present, the EVOC Technology Building has become a commercial center for, and a landmark in, its [...]
peripheral areas which
definitely help to promote the brand name and the corporate image of the Group.
最後,藉 此機會,我向決 定 離 開 議會的李祥議員致敬。
Finally, I wish to take this opportunity
[...] to pay tribute to Dr Eric LI who has [...]
decided to leave.
從某㆒個角度來看,是政府先犯㆘錯誤,致李家祥議員 有這樣的觀點,並用這些觀點為理由去反對取消委任制度。
In a sense, it is the Government's erroneous perception that has misled Mr Eric LI to come to such views which form the basis of his opposition against the abolition of the appointment system.
卢布尔雅那的这一部分是非常安静 祥和 , 但 你仍然是5分钟的路程,从城市的酒吧,俱乐部和餐馆。
This part of Ljubljana is very quiet, peaceful, but still you are 5 minutes away from city bars, clubs and restaurants.
又考虑到必须以协调致和切实有效的方式应对地 和 水 文 气 象 危害和脆 弱性及对其所引起的自然灾害的抗御能力,并减少这些危害和灾害
Taking into account also that geological and hydrometeorological hazards, vulnerabilities and resilience to their associated natural disasters and the reduction of such disasters must be addressed in a coherent and effective manner
政府通过其改进农和林业政策下大 气致 力 于加强农村的能力。
The Government has made intensive efforts to build the capacities of the rural sector through appropriate agricultural and forestry policies.
3.自2005 年以来科特迪瓦六次推迟总统选举,最终于2010年10月31 日在普 遍平和祥和的气氛中 举行了期待已久的总统选举,尽管反对派阵营对点票过程 仍持有一些不同看法。
The long-awaited presidential election, postponed six times since 2005, was finally held on 31 October 2010 in a generally quiet and peaceful atmosphere, despite some disagreements among the opposing camps over the ballot counting process.
我 心 想 , 如 果 我們的政 府能聆 聽市民 的 心 聲 ,明白 到 香港是要 大家同 心 同 路 , 並切實 地 落實“化戾氣祥 和 ” , 締 造和平 、 和 諧 的 社 會, 香港便 有 福 了。
I think if our Government could listen to the voices of our people, understand that we are all in the same boat, and pragmatically change hostility to harmony, make peace, and soothe conflicts in society, then Hong Kong would be blessed.
关于发展援助的重大决策仍然主要是根据宏观经济情况制订的,但是人均国 民生产值已不再是衡量发展进步的唯一考虑因素,因为发展进步越来越多地是指 社会、体制、政治及人文等方面的全面进步;国家只有取得这些进步,才能使其 居民延年益寿并且生活得更祥和幸 福
Major development assistance decisions are still based primarily on macroeconomics, but national per capita production is no longer the sole factor to be considered in measuring progress towards development since the term refers increasingly to the entire range of progress in the social, institutional, political and human spheres that a country must make in order to give its inhabitants longer, more peaceful and happier lives.
和”確實是一個非常好的字,隨手拈來的還有謙和、緩和、和善、和 好、和解、和睦、和而不同、以和為貴 和 氣 致祥 、 和 平 共 存、家和萬事興 等,可見中國人、中國文化歷來都非常重視這個“和”字。
When combined with other words, it will form, just as random examples, expressions meaning modest, relax, kind and gentle, on good terms, reconciliation, affable, on friendly terms though differing, treasuring peace, peaceful disposition brings blessings, peaceful co-existence and all prosper in domestic peace, and so on.
以色列 在西岸建造定居点活动冻结令结束,以色列人继续
[...] 在东耶路撒冷建造住房,针对以色列定居者及由以 色列定居者实施的袭击,以及加和 以 色 列之间交 火增加,均为祥的事 态发展,对直接谈判构成实 实在在的挑战。
The end of the construction freeze on Israeli settlements in the West Bank, continued construction of Israeli homes in East Jerusalem, the attacks on and by Israeli settlers and the
increased exchange of
[...] fire between Gaza and Israel are all ominous developments that pose a real challenge [...]
to the direct negotiations.
该组织也报告称,大气层中温室气体总量于2011年达到新高,空气中积存的二氧化 和 其 他 长效截 气 体 造成 导 致气 候 变 暖在1990年到2011年的21年间增加了30%。
WMO also reported that the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached a new record
high in 2011 and that between 1990 and 2011 there was a 30 per cent
[...] increase in radiative forcing – the warming effect on our climate – because of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping long-lived gases.
其他与会者建议关注的优先领域包括 气 候 变 化、防灾备灾、通过资源可持续 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地 和 本 地 知识系 统,以及改进科学家与决策者的联系。
Other suggested areas of priority
[...] attention included: climate change, disaster prevention and preparedness, minimizing biodiversity loss through sustainable management of resources, renewable energies, the formulation of national strategies in science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenous [...]
knowledge systems as
well as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比
[...] 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里和赞比 亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia,
Monaco, Pakistan,
[...] Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building [...]
upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.




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