单词 | 和歌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 和歌 —waka (style of Japanese poetry)Examples:和歌山—Wakayama prefecture in central Japan 和歌山县—Wakayama prefecture in central Japan See also:歌 n—song n
卡尔·杜伊斯堡公 益中心将为您提供语言以及与音乐会 和歌 剧 相 关主题方面的 培训。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | Your Carl Duisberg Training Center will prepare you language wise and thematically [...] for your concert and opera visits. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
卢森堡拥有大量的博物馆、剧院(用英 语、德语和法语表演各种戏剧和歌剧) 和放映原版电影的电影院。 setupineurope.com | Luxembourg has a large number of museums, theatres (with a wide [...] range of plays and operas in English, German [...]and French) and cinemas with movies in their original version. setupineurope.com |
但是,這與平反六四是兩碼子的事,那個纏擾了我們21年的夢魘, 從沒有因為經濟繁榮和歌舞昇 平而消除。 legco.gov.hk | This spectre which has haunted us for 21 years has not gone away because of the economic advancement and the euphoria in society. legco.gov.hk |
他提到,通用电气(GE)和歌美飒 (Gamesa)都从美国以外的工厂进口较大型的风机组件,如塔架和叶片。 cn.theswitch.com | He mentioned that GE and Gamesa import larger [...] turbine components, such as towers and blades, from plants outside of the US. theswitch.com |
他與著名的歐洲和亞洲樂團和歌劇院有過一系列的合作,如法國國家交響樂團,法國廣播交響樂團,法國里昂國立交響樂團, 法國圖魯茲歌劇院交響樂團, 斯特拉斯堡愛樂樂團,貝藏松交響樂團,嘎納交響樂團, 比利時國家交響樂團, 柏林交響樂團, 聖彼德堡愛樂樂團,維也納室內樂,哥本哈根愛樂樂團, 西班牙國家廣播交響樂團, 義大利聖切利亞音樂學院交響樂團 ,米蘭威爾第交響樂團,托斯卡尼尼交響樂團 ,海牙交響樂團, 新加坡抒情歌劇院,臺灣國立交響樂團, 臺灣省立交響樂團, 臺北市立交響樂團等等。 hkphil.org | Following his débuts with some of the most important European and Asian orchestras, he has made an unbroken string of return appearances with (among others) the Orchestre National de Lyon, the Orchestre Philharmonique du Strasbourg, the Orchestre National de Bordeaux-Aquitaine, the Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux, the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestra Filarmonica “Arturo Toscanini”, the Orchestre Regionale dell’Emiglia Romagna, the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, the Taipei Symphony Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan (Taiwan Philharmonic), the Singapore Lyric Opera, the Orchestre de Bretagne, the Orchestre symphonique de Nancy, the Wiener Kammerorchester and the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Philhamonic Orchestra, the RTVE Symphony Orchestra Madrid and the Orchestra della Toscana. hkphil.org |
未來Soliton還將推出“音樂發現”功能——搜索具有相似的音樂屬性(如樂器、旋律 ) 和歌 詞 屬 性(如情緒、內容)的新歌。 tipschina.gov.cn | At a later stage, Soliton will also introduce ''Music Discovery'' feature - a new and easier way for people to discover new music by capturing the essence of music at [...] the fundamental level: similar music attributes (e.g. music [...] instrument, melody) and lyric attributes (e.g. [...]mood, content). tipschina.gov.cn |
當美國的音樂錄影帶電視台MTV Channel於1981年面世,唱片公司為推介新 的 歌 手 和歌 曲 , 利用了這些主流歌曲配合爵士舞步演出這些MTV。 ccdc.com.hk | Since the American MTV Channel launched in 1981, record companies started promoting new singers and songs through MTV which usually featured the pop songs performed along with Jazz steps. ccdc.com.hk |
几个兵和微软技术走到一起,帮助解码Jay – Z的生活和歌词的 球迷,但游戏的核心是对兵地图的虚拟体验。 technologeeko.com | Several Bing and Microsoft technologies come together to help fans decode [...] JAY-Z’s life and lyrics, but the core of [...]the game is the virtual experience on Bing Maps. technologeeko.com |
(c) 增加公眾墳場、火葬場和靈灰安置所的供應,包括監察和合 石和歌連臣 角 2 個火葬場的重建計劃,以及在和合石興建 1 個 公眾靈灰安置所的計劃。 legco.gov.hk | (b) the review on hawker licensing policy to better utilise the now vacated fixed pitches and to issue new licences for selected trades to meet public’s expectation; and legco.gov.hk |
这个月相当于公历的六月至七月,保护神是慧可斯托茨华托 (Huixtocihuatl) 或乌伊斯托希瓦托(Uixtocihuatl ,主司盐和盐水的生育女神,她的弟弟是特拉罗可 [...] [Tlaloc])和科斯奥茨皮尔里(Xochipilli ,花王子,主司玉米、爱、美和歌舞 的 神)。 wdl.org | The patron gods of this month, which equated to June–July, were Huixtocihuatl or Uixtocihuatl (a fertility goddess who presided over salt and salt water [...] and whose younger brother was Tlaloc) and Xochipilli (the flower prince and god of [...] maize, love, beauty, song, and dance). wdl.org |
郑明勋指挥过几乎所有欧洲和美国著名的交响乐 团 和歌 剧 乐 团。 unicef.org | He has conducted virtually all prominent European and American symphonic and operatic orchestras. unicef.org |
这颗卫星是以和歌山大 学为代表的文部科学省超小型卫星研究开发事业“日本主导的超小型卫星网UNIFORM的基础技术研究开发与对海外的教育贡献(统称:UNIFORM项目)”的一个环节, 由 和歌 山 大学、东北大学、东京大学三机构协作,进行制作、试验和运用。 tohoku.ac.jp | RAIKO was developed as a part of the University International Formation Mission (UNIFORM) Project led by Wakayama University. UNIFORM is funded by a grant from the Nano Satellite Research and Development Project of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture Sports Science and Technology (MEXT). tohoku.ac.jp |
虽然他们往往唱走调,但仍然 会跟着一起唱童谣和歌曲。 cpsc.gov | Although their efforts are often off-pitch, they try to sing along in [...] nursery rhymes and songs. cpsc.gov |
这座多功能场馆可以容纳8500人,经过精心设计,充分体现 了 和歌 山 县 的特色。 nikken.jp | This multipurpose hall has the capacity to hold 8,500 people and was carefully designed to express unique characteristics of Wakayama Prefecture. nikken.jp |
此外,毒品和犯罪问题办公室正在尼日利亚开展提高认识活动,其中包括 [...] 任命亲善大使,制定关键的提高认识工具,以及为提高认识运动制作专门设计 的纺织物品、出版物(小册子和海报)、宣传标 语 和歌 曲。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNODC is also developing an awareness-raising campaign in Nigeria that includes the nomination of a Goodwill Ambassador and the development [...] of key awareness-raising tools and specially designed textiles, publications (booklets and [...] posters), a slogan and jingles for the campaign. daccess-ods.un.org |
Shem-Tov [...] Levy是以色列最负盛名的音乐家之一,他既是作曲家又是长笛演奏 家 和歌 唱 家。 yugongyishan.com | Shem-Tov Levy, is one of Israel’s leading musicians, having had a varied solo career for many years as a [...] composer, flutist and singer. yugongyishan.com |
在柏林居留期间您将有机会欣赏我们为您精挑细选的音 乐剧场和歌剧院 (其中包括柏林爱乐音乐厅、德意志歌剧 院、菩提树下柏林国家歌剧院、喜剧 歌 剧 院 和 音 乐 厅)的夜 间演出。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | During your stay you will visit evening performances in specially selected music theaters or concert halls (the Philharmonic, the German Opera, the State Opera Unter den Linden, Komische Oper, Konzerthaus etc.). carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
透过 GRACENOTE 公司的软件(以下简称 GRACENOTE 软件),本软件可在网上从在线服务器或嵌入式数据库(以下统称 GRACENOTE 服务器)进行光盘和/或文件识别并取得与音乐相关的信息,其中包括名称、艺术家/演出者、曲 目 和歌 名 信 息(以下简称 GRACENOTE 数据),并使用其它功能。 htc.com | The software from Gracenote (the “Gracenote Software”) enables this Software to perform disc and/or file identification and obtain music-related [...] information, including name, [...] artist, track, and title information (“Gracenote Data”) from online servers or embedded databases (collectively, “Gracenote Servers”) and to perform other [...]functions. htc.com |
为了促进文学和诗歌的多 样性,通过国际笔 会网举办了数次工作研讨会和讨论会,讨论了下列问题:本土文学、 诗 歌和 翻 译 作品,青年 作家及其创作环境。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In order to promote diversity in the field of literature and poetry, several work seminars and conferences were organized through International PEN networking. unesdoc.unesco.org |
提交给执行局第一六六届会议的可行性研究所(文件 166 EX/15)尤其强调指出,国际 歌剧和诗歌研究 所(IIOP)的目标和职能与教科文组织的目标是一致的,这一点尤其体现在 以下几方面:促进保护和更好地宣传世界歌剧遗产方面的知识;促进从 事 歌 剧 和 诗 歌 领 域 工 作的艺术家的教育和培训,特别是年轻艺术人才的教育和培训;在国际、国家和地方推动繁 荣歌剧和诗歌的行动;促进当代歌剧 和 诗 歌 的 新 的创作,尤其是反映新型跨文化交流 的 歌剧 和诗歌的创作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The feasibility study submitted to the Executive Board at its 166th session (166 EX/15), stressed, among other things, that the purposes and functions [...] of the International [...] Institute for Opera and Poetry (IIOP) are in keeping with UNESCO’s objectives, in particular regarding the promotion and dissemination of knowledge in the field of the world lyrical heritage; the promotion of education and training for artists working in the fields of opera and poetry, and in particular for young people of talent; the promotion of initiatives internationally, nationally and locally in these two key areas; and the promotion of new contemporary creative works, particularly those serving as media for new types [...]of multicultural exchange. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在黎巴嫩、中国、菲律宾和海地建立的新梦想中心 [...] 开展各种艺术活动,包括绘画、素描、戏剧、 诗 歌和 手 工 艺,也为没有起码资金 的儿童提供援助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | New DREAM Centres were established in Lebanon, China, the Philippines and Haiti, [...] proposing artistic activities such as painting, [...] drawing, drama, poetry and crafts, thus [...]providing support to children deprived of basic resources. unesdoc.unesco.org |
视觉上,效果是惊人的:表盘上的小时不再进行围捕他们明智和稳定,但在选定的指数,这也是一个独特的 诗 歌和 舞 蹈 的乐趣。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Visually, the effect is stunning:on the dial, the hours no [...] longer carry them round up wise and steady, but among the selected index which is a [...] unique choreography of poetry and fun. en.horloger-paris.com |
颠覆性的全球市场进入者正在改变传统的电信和媒体行业的商业模式,其中包括基于互联网的解决方案和服务提供商,如 谷 歌和 S k y pe ,他们正在逐步改变用户使用服务的方式。 pactera.com | These include internet enabled solution and service [...] providers such as Google and Skype, who [...]are changing the types of services users are [...]progressively choosing to utilize. pactera.com |
中国政府不是积极主导新技术的开发,而是应该执行政策鼓励其有活力的计算机和互联网领域自主进行这项工作,就像西方政府鼓励发展的方式,使得微软、 谷 歌和 诺 基 亚(Helsinki: NOK1V)等大公司崛起。 youngchinabiz.com | Rather than actively leading the development of new technologies, Beijing should implement policies that encourage its vibrant computer and Internet sectors to do the job on their own, much the way Western [...] governments encouraged developments that led to the rise of big names [...] like Microsoft, Google and Nokia (Helsinki: NOK1V). youngchinabiz.com |