

单词 和平时期

See also:

和平 n

peace n
conflict n

和平 adj

peaceful adj

平时期 n

wartime n


in peacetime
in normal times

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,无论是和平时期,还 是在发生武装冲突的情况下,它们都可以在组 织内部寻求国际法律顾问的帮助。
In addition, within their organization, they have access to international legal
[...] advisers, both in peacetime and in the event [...]
of armed conflict.
这些目标可能最好凭借一般公约予以实现,从而能够最大 限度地维持一和平时期的现 状,迅速恢复这样的状况,并且保护来自中立国家 [...]
These objectives might best be served by a general convention,
which would make it possible to preserve
[...] a maximum of the peace-time status quo, to restore [...]
such a status speedily, and to
protect the rights of individuals from neutral States.
和平时期,它 会在预防和控制犯罪 方面履行正式的治安职责,并为参与各种行动 的军事特遣队提供宪兵支助服务。
In times of peace it performs regular police duties [...]
in crime prevention and control and provides military police support
services for military contingents engaged in operations.
公约》第 7 条规定,缔约国有责任和 平时期在其军事训示中列出可保证本公约得以 遵守的规定,并培养一种尊重各民族文化财产 [...]
Article 7 of the Convention deals
with the High Contracting Parties’
[...] obligations, during times of peace, to include in their [...]
military instructions provisions
which ensure the observance of the Convention and foster the spirit of respect for the cultural property of all peoples.
和平时期开展活动时,各国应当采取一切适当的措施,使自己的行为符合保护文化 遗产的要求,尤其是符合 [...]
1972 年《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》、1956 年《关于国际考 古发掘原则的建议书》、1968 年《关于保护公共或私人工程危及的文化财产的建议书》、
1972 年《关于在国家一级保护文化和自然遗产的建议书》和 1976 年《关于保护历史或传统 建筑群及其在现代生活中的作用的建议书》所确定的原则和宗旨。
When conducting peacetime activities, States [...]
should take all appropriate measures to conduct them in such a manner as to
protect cultural heritage and, in particular, in conformity with the principles and objectives of the 1972 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, of the 1956 Recommendation on International Principles Applicable to Archaeological Excavations, the 1968 Recommendation concerning the Preservation of Cultural Property Endangered by Public or Private Works, the 1972 Recommendation concerning the Protection, at National Level, of the Cultural and Natural Heritage and the 1976 Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas.
他指出,中立并非总是由条约规定的,并且由于中立地位在武装冲突期间尤 其重要(除了和平时期有影 响的“永久中立”外),因此在第 5 条草案附件中提 它没有用。
He pointed out that neutrality was not always established by treaty and that since the status of
neutrality was typically
[...] relevant during periods of armed conflict (except “permanent” neutrality which also had effect in time of peace), a reference in the [...]
Annex related to draft article 5 was not useful.
最后,针对合作制订一条专门的条款草案近乎没有必要,因为合作 和平 时期国家间整体关系的基础。
Lastly, it was hardly necessary to devote a draft article to cooperation, since it underpinned the whole
[...] of inter-State relations in time of peace.
根据《公约》第 3 条的规定,和平时期为预防军事冲突对文化财产造成后果而采取的保护 措施包括:编制目录,为保护文化财产而制定 [...]
预防建筑物火灾或倒塌的应急措施,做好可移 动文化财产的移出或有效保护的准备工作,以 及确定负责文化财产保护的主管机构。
[...] measures taken in time of peace for the safeguarding [...]
of cultural property against the foreseeable effects of
an armed conflict pursuant to Article 3 of the Convention shall include, as appropriate, the preparation of inventories, the 34 planning of emergency measures for protection against fire or structural collapse, the preparation for the removal of movable cultural property or the provision for adequate in situ protection of such property, and the designation of competent authorities responsible for the safeguarding of cultural property.
除了和平时期有效 的规定以外,本公约适用于两个或两个以上缔约国 之间宣战或发生任何其他武装冲突的情况,即使其中一国或多国不承认存在 [...]
Apart from the provisions which
[...] shall take effect in time of peace, the present Convention [...]
shall apply in the event of declared
war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one or more of them.
这些武器也被用作侵犯人权,包括和 平时期侵犯人权的手段。
These weapons are also used as means for violating
[...] human rights, including in times of peace.
公约》第 25 条规定,各缔约国有义务和平时期尽可能广泛地、特别是在武装部队 和从事文化财产保护的人员中间传播本公约及 [...]
Article 25 of the Convention concerns the High
Contracting Parties’ obligation
[...] to disseminate, in times of peace, the text of the [...]
Convention and Regulations as widely
as possible, and in particular for armed forces and personnel involved in the protection of cultural property.
[...] 实国际人道主义法在战时的基本义务,而且要考虑 和平时期 管 治 的高压手段造 成的对人权的侵犯。
It is to be noted that the role of international criminal law is not only to identify and implement the fundamental obligations of international humanitarian law in wartime,
but also to take into account severe violations of human rights arising from
[...] oppressive patterns of peacetime governance.
他们总结认为,在所有各种背景下,不 论和平时期、冲 突或冲突后的情况下,或在其他各类危机(例如自然灾害或财 [...]
政危机)之中,妇女的参与是保护妇女权利以及实现和平、安全和可持续人类发 展的必要条件。
They concluded that the participation of women in all
[...] contexts, be it in peacetime or in conflict [...]
or post-conflict situations, or in other
types of crisis, such as natural disasters or financial crises, was a requisite element not only for the protection of their rights, but also to achieve peace, security and sustainable human development.
如果需要证据,则‘海牙公约’被英 国政府认为可以和平时期结束 后继续生效,证据来自海牙公约的许多参考资料(刊载于近年 [...]
在英国条约汇编中由英国列出的‘加入、退出、等’的年度清单)和英国在 1925 年对 1907 年 ‘第六海牙公约’的解约。
If evidence is required that the Hague Conventions were considered by the United
Kingdom Government to be in operation after
[...] the conclusion of peace, it is supplied by [...]
numerous references to them in the annual
British lists of ‘Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.’, published in the British Treaty Series during recent years, and by the British denunciation in 1925 of Hague Convention VI of 1907.
各国应当和平时期采取 落实国际人道主义法的措施,以便确保国际人道主 义法在发生冲突情况下立即适用。
Measures on implementation of international humanitarian law should be
[...] adopted by States in times of peace so as to ensure that [...]
international humanitarian law is
immediately applicable in case of conflict.
本着相同的精神并根据决议 31
[...] C/26,大会通过了《教科文组织关于蓄意破坏文化遗产 问题的宣言》,强调了不仅需要在冲突局势下而且也需要 和平时期 保 护 文化遗产。
In the same spirit and pursuant to 31 C/Resolution 26, the General Conference adopted the UNESCO Declaration concerning the Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage,
thus underscoring the need to protect cultural heritage not only in situations of
[...] conflict but also during times of peace.
缔约国和平时期和武装 冲突时期均应尽 可能广泛地传播本《议定书》。
The Parties shall disseminate this Protocol as widely as
[...] possible, both in time of peace and in time of [...]
armed conflict.
信中还指出这些建议不足以构成 和平时期 也 能 有效保护重要的文化古迹和遗址的保 障。
It was also highlighted that the recommendations
[...] fell short of constituting effective tools for the protection of culturally important monuments and sites in times of peace.
[...] 的应对措施就必须发生在多个层面,从个人到体制的、从地方到跨国的、以和 平时期的到冲突后时期的,都应包括。
Hence, the response required to ensure that women’s lives are free of violence must occur on multiple levels, from
the individual to the institutional, from the local to the
[...] transnational, and in times of peace to times of post-conflict.
芬兰还没有做出关于标示文化财产的决 定,但它打算和平时期标示 处于特别保护之 下的文化财产和处于一般保护之下的公有遗 址。
Finland has not made a decision in respect [...]
to the marking of cultural property, although the intention is that cultural
property under special protection and publicly owned sites under general protection will be marked during peacetime.
有人指出,对和平时期军人的豁免问题,需要区分常驻军 成员与来访军队成员;前一类军人由军人地位协定约束,而后一类军人的豁免事 [...]
It was observed that, with respect to immunity for
[...] military personnel in time of peace, there was need [...]
to distinguish between members of stationed
forces and those of visiting forces; the former were governed by status-of-forces agreements, while the immunity of the latter was based in customary law – although it was not so significant in practice.
和平时期应执行的条款之外,在《公 约》第 18 条第 1 和第 2 段、第 22 条第 1 段所 [...]
In addition to the provisions
[...] which shall apply in time of peace, this Protocol shall [...]
apply in situations referred to in
Article 18 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Convention and in Article 22 paragraph 1.
该法令第 4 条第 1
[...] 款提到军队和警察国际特派团(包括联合国 特派团)的犯罪问题,除其他外规定 和平时期 军 事刑法典》和该法令列明的其 他法律将适用于参加国际特派团的军事人员。
Through article 4, paragraph 1, of the decree, with reference to criminal matters in international
missions of the armed forces and the police (including United Nations missions) it is established, inter alia,
[...] that the Code of Military Criminal Law in Peace and other laws specified [...]
in the decree
will be applied to military personnel participating in international missions.
报告中讨论的问题促成了一项决定,即和平时期为被 选财产制定标志牌设置计划,并 在高度戒备时期将其付诸实施。
The discussions arising out of the report led to a
decision to plan for sign-posting of
[...] selected property in peacetime, but to put this [...]
into effect in times of heightened alert.
[...] 31C/26,大会第三十二届会议通过了教科文组织《关于蓄意破坏文化遗产问 题的宣言》,这是一份新的旨 和平时期和 在 武 装冲突情况下防止蓄意破坏文化遗产的无法 [...]
Pursuant to 31 C/Resolution 26, the General Conference, at its 32nd session, adopted the UNESCO Declaration concerning the Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage, a new standard-setting non-legally binding instrument aimed
at preventing the intentional destruction of cultural
[...] heritage both during peacetime and in the event [...]
of armed conflict.
它采用了一种 适当的监视系统,用于保护整个领土以及被列
[...] 入“主要文化财产”的纪念物;同时它还采取和平时期特别 预防措施,在梵蒂冈城周边地 区发生武装冲突时,这些措施就会生效。
A suitable surveillance system has been adopted to protect the entire territory and the monuments included in the
“principal cultural
[...] property”; special peacetime precautions also [...]
have been taken which could be effective in the event of
an armed conflict in the vicinity of the Vatican.
[...] 议定书各项规定的资料并向平民大众提供地雷所造成危险的资料,标示雷场、监 测雷场及和平时期对雷场进行防护,对居住在雷场附近的平民进行教育,并向 遭到地雷伤害的阿富汗难民提供援助,必要时向他们提供赔偿和义肢器材。
All the necessary steps had been taken to protect civilians and military personnel from mines, including informing members of the armed forces about the Protocol and the risks posed by mines to civilians;
marking, monitoring and fencing
[...] minefields in peacetime; raising awareness among civilians living [...]
near minefields; and providing
mine victims, Afghan refugees, with assistance and, as appropriate, with compensation and prosthetics.
这些建议包括各种实 际措施,如修改国家法律、 和平时期 采 取 预 防措施,在武装部队内部宣传《公约》条款, [...]
以及根据 1954 年以来的事态发展适用一些新 的条款。
Those recommendations included various practical measures such as changes in
national legislation, preventive measures
[...] to be taken in peacetime and dissemination [...]
of the provisions of the Convention within
armed forces as well as new provisions to adjust to developments which had occurred since 1954.
在这方面,尤 其值得指出的有:第一,关于未遣返人员的第 38
[...] 条规定“各被保护人之地位, 在原则上应继续按和平时期有关 外国人之规章,予以规定”;第二,关于移送 [...]
其他国家的第 45 条对拘留国个别或集体移送被保护人的任何行动做出规定。
It could be contended in this connection, first, that article 38 concerning persons who have not been repatriated stipulates that “the situation of protected persons shall continue to be
regulated, in principle, by the provisions
[...] concerning aliens in time of peace”, and, secondly, [...]
that article 45 concerning transfer
to another Power regulates all individual or collective movement of protected persons by the Detaining Power.
对于数十亿女性而言,无论是 在武装冲突时期还是和平时期,男 性暴力都进一步 加剧了其身心不健康状况,并可能成为赋予妇女权力 方面的最严重障碍。
For billions of females, male
[...] violence, both in times of armed conflict and in times of peace, further aggravates [...]
mental and physical
ill health and constitutes maybe the most severe obstacle to women’s empowerment.




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