

单词 和平共存

See also:

和平 n

peace n
conflict n

和平 adj

peaceful adj



External sources (not reviewed)

它坚持人类精神中的人性――寻求内部和谐而相互之间 和平共存 的社会。
It asserted the humanness of the human spirit–the search for societies at peace within and among themselves.
政府对所有少数民族的安全给予优先,伊拉 克仍然是所有宗和平共存的国家。
The Government accorded priority to the security of all minorities, and Iraq would remain a country in
[...] which religions coexisted peacefully.
b. 促进开展各种方案,提供一个知识、文化和精神环境,以鼓励儿童培养 信心,学会节制和尊重及重视多样性,以实现所有人 和平共存。
b. Promote programmes that provide an intellectual, cultural and spiritual milieu to encourage children to develop
in faith, embrace moderation and learn to respect and value diversity
[...] in order to build a peaceful coexistence for all.
最后,我国代表团要重申,越南坚定不移地支持 在路线图、阿拉伯和平倡议、安纳波利斯谅解和包括 第 242(1967)号、第 338(1973)号、第 1397(2002)号、 第 1515(2003)号和第 1850(2008)号决议在内的相关 安全理事会决议的基础上,和平解决以巴冲突和实现 以色列和巴勒斯坦两国在安全和公认边界内毗和 平共存的目标。
Finally, my delegation would like to reaffirm Viet Nam’s steadfast support for the peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the realization of two States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace, within secure and recognized borders,
on the basis of the
[...] road map, the Arab Peace Initiative, the Annapolis understanding and relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 1397 (2002), 1515 (2003) and 1850 (2008).
代表团提到建立了下列机构:多哈国际宗教间对话中 心,其宗旨是宣传和增进对话文化 和平共存 ; 阿 拉伯民主基金会,旨在鼓励在 阿拉伯区域加强民主文化;和多哈新闻自由中心。
The delegation mentioned the establishment of the Doha International Centre for Interfaith Dialogue, which was aimed at
spreading and promoting the
[...] culture of dialogue and peaceful coexistence; the Arab Democracy [...]
Foundation, aimed at encouraging
the Arab region to strengthen the culture of democracy; and the Doha Centre for Media Freedom.
在这次会议上,议会联盟提交了关于各国议会在 确保在全球化世界中尊重所有宗教社区和宗教信仰 和平共存 过 程 中的作用的 决议和报告。
On that occasion, IPU presented its report and a resolution on
the role of parliaments in ensuring
[...] respect for and peaceful coexistence between all religious [...]
communities and beliefs in a globalized world.
我们希望在下届缔约国大会上耐心、务实和善意 地审议这些问题,并要铭记两个关键因素:需要继续
[...] 提高国际刑院工作的效力和效率并承诺对国际司法 作出投资,同时认识到它和平、 共存和 人 的 尊严的 益处大大超过其成本。
We hope that this issue will be considered at the next Assembly of States Parties, with patience, realism, goodwill and keeping in mind two key factors: the need for continuing improvements in the efficacy and efficiency of the work of the Court, and the commitment to invest in
international justice, with the understanding that
[...] its benefits for peace, coexistence and human dignity [...]
vastly outweigh its costs.
他认为需要 加强宣传容忍和平共存思想的工作,并赋予各团 体在全球化时代适应文化多样性的方法。
Efforts to spread a spirit
[...] of tolerance and peaceful coexistence and to give communities [...]
the resources to adapt to cultural
diversity in the current era of globalization must be redoubled.
坦诚和直接对话是达成全面、持久解决中东冲突 的唯一途径,这个解决办法根据安全理事会的各项决 议、《路线图》、马德里原则以及《阿拉伯和平倡议》,
[...] 承认以色列的存在权利,并且促成建立一个政治和经 济上可以生存的巴勒斯坦国,在安全和国际公认的边 界内与以色和平共存。
Frank and direct dialogue is the only way to achieve a comprehensive, lasting resolution of the Middle East conflict that recognizes Israel’s right to exist and makes possible the establishment of a politically and economically viable Palestinian State, living in peace with Israel within secure and internationally recognized
borders, in accordance with Security Council resolutions, the Road Map,
[...] the Madrid principles and the Arab Peace Initiative.
鉴于耶路撒冷对于穆斯林的重要意义以及其在 和平进程中的战略重要性,圣城委员会主席国王穆 罕默德六世敦促有关各方不要采取任何有可能破坏
[...] 阿克萨清真寺和耶路撒冷其他场所的神圣性的行 动,从而维护该城市作为一个三大天启宗教 和平、 共存和宽容的圣地。
Given the significance of Jerusalem for Muslims and its strategic importance in the peace process, King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, had urged the parties involved not to take any action likely to impair the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and
other sites in Jerusalem, thereby preserving the
[...] City as a place of peace, coexistence and tolerance among [...]
the three revealed religions.
我们重申支持建立按照 1967 年边和平共存的 两个国家巴勒斯坦和以色列的原则。
We reaffirm our support for the
principle of the creation of two States, Palestine
[...] and Israel, coexisting peacefully and in accordance [...]
with the 1967 borders.
然而,冲突一直在持续,我们没能实现目标,通 过成立一个主权、独立、在政治和经济上具有生存能
[...] 力、在安全和国际公认边界内与以色 和平共存 的巴 勒斯坦国,一劳永逸地解决冲突。
However, the conflict persists, and we have not achieved the objective that would make it possible to resolve the conflict once and for all, that is, the creation of a sovereign and independent Palestinian State
that is politically and economically
[...] viable and living in peace side by side with [...]
Israel within secure and internationally recognized borders.
与会代表重申应把和平文化的思想纳入跨部门计划当中并研究文化之间的相互影响, 以便确定和睦和平共存的规则。
Participants affirmed the need to incorporate the concepts of the culture of peace within the intersectoral programmes
and to study cross-cultural influences in order to consolidate the foundations of
[...] rapprochement and peaceful coexistence.
它还规划了与国际 社会的未来关系,他们将据此寻求区域一体化与国际 合作,坚持国际正义、公民权利和遵守人道主义法等
[...] 价值观念,并确认他们遵守国际条约和与它国签订的 协议,并通过与其它各国及各国人民的合作及与他们和平共存来保障国际和平与安全。
It also lays out future relations with the international community, whereby they seek regional integration and international cooperation, upholding the values of international justice, citizenship and respect of humanitarian law, and confirms their
respect for international treaties and agreements with other States, ensuring international peace and security through
[...] cooperation with and peaceful coexistence among nations and [...]
[...] 南方能够并且以最符合苏丹人民愿望的各种形式或 方式,实现长期和平共存。
Ultimately, the goal is to provide a framework through which the peaceful coexistence of
North and South can be assured in the long term, in whatever shape or form it best suits the
[...] hopes of the Sudanese people.
在 2010 年和 2011 年期间,被批准的建设和平基金项目包括:促进刚果民主 共和国东部社区间对话、促进索马里邦特兰地区境内流离失所者和接待社区之间 的和平共处、发展中非共和国 和平共存 与 和 平 教 育方案、为利比里亚的社区赋 权、促进苏丹南科尔多凡省对冲突敏感的自然资源管理,以及为在乍得东部的综 合安全分遣队提供业务支助。
During 2010 and 2011, the Peacebuilding Fund approved projects, including facilitating inter-community dialogue in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo; promoting peaceful coexistence
between internally
[...] displaced persons and host communities in Somalia’s Puntland region; developing peaceful coexistence and peace education programmes in the Central African Republic; empowering [...]
communities in Liberia:
promoting conflict-sensitive natural resource management in Southern Kordofan in the Sudan; and providing operational support for the Détachement intégré de sécurité in eastern Chad.
吉尔吉斯斯坦奉行不同民族和宗教间宽容和互相尊重的原则,认为捍卫国 家不同传统宗教间和平共存是合 法的,并倡导保护国家的宗教文化特点。
For Kyrgyzstan, which is committed to the principles of tolerance and mutual respect between nationalities and religions, there is
good reason to maintain the
[...] practical experience of peaceful coexistence between the country’s [...]
traditional confessions and
to preserve its religious and cultural particularities.
1999 年 9 月 13
[...] 日,大会通过了《和平文化宣言》 (第 53/243 号决议),以重申这些目标,并促进开创 一个希望和平共存的新时代。
The General Assembly adopted the Declaration on a Culture of Peace on 13 September
1999 (resolution 53/243) to reaffirm these objectives and to cause a
[...] new era of hope and peaceful coexistence to unfold.
今天,我们比以往任何时候都更加强烈地呼吁国 际社会展现出真正的政治意愿,并将这种意愿转变为
有效行动,结束这种可鄙的占领及其种种罪恶做法, 因为这些做法削弱了我们的共同努力,我们这种努力 的目的是建立一个基于 1967 年 6 月 4 日边界、以东
[...] 耶路撒冷为首都并与包括以色列在内的各邻 和平 共存的独立的巴勒斯坦国,从而实现公正、持久及全 [...]
Today more than ever before, the international community is called upon to generate real political will that can be translated into effective action to put an end to this odious occupation and its criminal practices, which undermine our collective effort to achieve a just, lasting and comprehensive peace through the establishment of an independent State of Palestine,
within the 4 June 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its
[...] capital, living in peace with its neighbours, [...]
including Israel.
鉴于全面和平协定尚未达成,达尔富尔混合行动将继续利用速效项目来实施推和平共存的项 目,解决找出的引发冲突的问题。
With a comprehensive peace agreement yet to be achieved, UNAMID will continue using
quick-impact projects to implement
[...] projects that promote peaceful coexistence targeting issues [...]
identified as conflict triggers.
所有各方均对阿富汗人民负有责任,应在阿富汗社会所 有阶和平共存的目标之下增强团结并为此大声疾呼。
All sides owe it to the Afghan people to nurture and
increasingly articulate unity of purpose behind
[...] the objective of a peaceful coexistence of all segments [...]
of Afghan society.
[...] 国解决方案基础上,通过建立一个与以色列及其其它 邻和平共存的独立、民主和有生存能力的巴勒斯坦 国实现最终解决。
We are still convinced that negotiations remain the only way to achieve a final settlement based on the two-State solution, with the
emergence of an independent, democratic and viable
[...] Palestinian State, living peacefully with Israel and [...]
its other neighbours.
这些努力都是为了丰富各社会和各民族间 和平 共存,将其作为彼此相互交流的最佳手段,以及作为 缓解紧张、冲突和分歧的主要渠道。
Those efforts all work
[...] towards enriching peaceful coexistence among societies [...]
and peoples as the optimal means of relating
to one another and as the main way to relieve tensions, conflicts and divisions.
反之,由于黄衫 军很难与一个他信“代理”政 和平共存 , 因此如 果为泰党获得足够席位来领导新政府,黄衫军或许 会重振势头。
Should the opposite occur, and Pheu Thai has the numbers to lead a new government, the Yellow Shirts might regain momentum; they are unlikely to tolerate a “proxy” Thaksin government.
通过这项面向未来的决议,安全理事会 充分承担了自己的责任,并表明它支持必须恢复和平 进程,以便根据第
[...] 1850(2008)号决议,建立在安全 和公认边界内与以色列毗和平共存 的 巴 勒斯坦国。
By adopting this resolution with a view to the future, the Security Council has fully shouldered its responsibilities and manifested its support for the need to resume the peace process so as to bring about the establishment of a
Palestinian State, living side by
[...] side with Israel in peace, within secure and [...]
recognized borders, in accordance with resolution 1850 (2008).
极端贫 困与极端富有能和平共存吗?
Can extreme poverty coexist peacefully with extreme wealth?
[...] 发挥更大作用,推动巴以双方在土地换和平原则、阿 拉伯和平倡议和路线图基础上恢复政治谈判,早日实 现巴以两个国和平共存的前景。
We hope that the Quartet will play an even greater role and push for a resumption of political talks between Palestine and Israel on the basis of the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative
and the Road Map, so as to fulfil as soon as possible the vision of two
[...] States, Palestine and Israel, coexisting in peace.
巴基斯坦认为,在毗邻共处 和平共存 的 两个独 立主权国家的基础上,持久解决以色列-巴勒斯坦冲 突的时机已经成熟。
Pakistan believes that the time is ripe for a lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestine conflict, based on two independent and sovereign States living side by side and at peace with each other.
中國人是一個寬 容的民族 ,
儘管可以寬 恕 日本侵 略 者 的 罪 行 , 卻 永 不 會 忘
[...] 記那段苦 難 的 歲 月 ! 為了中國與 日本和平共存,希望有 良 知 的 日本人 推 動 日本政 [...]
府 正 視 侵 華 罪 行 , 向 中國人民正式道 歉 , 並 負 上應有的道義
和 法律 責 任,以及停 止 一 切 有 利 軍 國主義 復 辟 的 活 動 。
While we can forgive the crimes of the Japanese invaders, our memory of those traumatic
days will never fade! In order for
[...] China and Japan to co-exist in peace, I hope that those [...]
Japanese with conscience will make
the Japanese Government face up squarely to its crime of invading China, offer a formal apology to the Chinese people, take up all its moral and legal responsibilities, and stop all activities that facilitate the revival of militarism.
此外,我谨 此感谢联阿安全部队特派团团长和工作人员在经常是非常困难的条件下不懈努
[...] 力,为恢复正常的民事活动创造一个更安全的环境,促进流离失所者的回归和游 牧民的迁徙和平有序地进行,并促进两族对话,作 和平共存 的 序 曲。
In addition, I express my appreciation to the Head of Mission and the staff of UNISFA for their continued efforts to create a more secure environment for the resumption of normal civilian activities, facilitate the peaceful and orderly return of displaced persons and migration of
nomads, and promote inter-community dialogue
[...] as a prelude to peaceful coexistence, often under very difficult [...]




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