

单词 命题



propositional logic


categorical proposition (logic)


categorical proposition (logic)

External sources (not reviewed)

首先,我要回应黄毓民议员提出命题究竟香港和深圳是竞争 对手还是合作夥伴?
First of all, I want to respond to the proposition by Mr WONG Yuk-man: Are Hong Kong and Shenzhen competitors or partners?
他 补 充 , 有关的 试 题 属 纯 数 科 的 典命题且 经 常 见 於考试局过往 的 试 卷 。
He added that the question concerned was a typical one in pure mathematics and had appeared frequently in HKEA’s pastquestion papers.
这便是为了服膺於行政霸权这前设目的, 由设计调命题 至问题内容及答案,均是十分偏颇及有误导性 的。
From the assignedtopic for the surveys to the contents of the questions and answers, everything was highly biased and misleading.
Deputy President,the topic ofthe motion [...]
debate proposed by me today is "The development of self-financing post-secondary institutions".
我不知道这说法是否对题,但我认为创意工业本身是一个 错误命题
I do not know whether I have wandered off the point, but I think that creative industry is by itself a wrong proposition.
基 於以上 两 方面的 考虑, 就“促 进 金 融 业”这命 题与 陈议员商量 , 我 会 进 行 友 善 的修正 。
Based on consideration from the two abovementioned aspects, I have discussed with Mr CHAN and told him that I would move a friendly amendment to this motion entitled "facilitating the financial industry".
Genesis is an internationally acclaimed production written by Meridiano Teatret's artistic director Giacomo Ravicchio, who boldly selects science as the theme for his children's theatre, examining such topics as the origin of life, natural selection, the birth of civilisation, and the power of humans to explore and destroy Nature.
又谈室内空间,是与每个人日常生活关系最密切的环境,相对於外在环境极度恶化的情况下,室内空间成为个人所能掌握的最後防线,它具有相当程度的生活表徵和期望,除了满足机能需求与作为个人的象徵符号外,同时也是一种因时/因地而生的空间表现(表情是也);在个人化(或内在化) 与因时/地制寸的情况下,设计师得以参与室内空间Programming /
[...] Designing完整过程,因命题Ordering与设计Designing之间,可以有更敏锐而深入的契合,甚至启发使用者(业主)思考自身定位与外在环境(社会)的互动关系。
Also on Interior space is most closely each person's environment, daily life, as opposed to the external environment worsen the situation, interior space a person can control the last line of defence, which has considerable representation of life and hope, in addition to meet the functional needs of and as a personal symbol, the same time is also a result of time / space due to the performance of students (expression is also); in personal (or internalisation) and by the time / to system-inch case, the designer can be involved in Interior
Space Programming / Designing a full process,
[...] so proposition between Orderingand Design [...]
Designing, can be more sensitive and
deeper fit, and even inspire users (owners) thought about their own position and the external environment (social) interaction.
Wacko Maria透过恤衫、西装和领带等充满成熟风格的单品,展现品牌背後的独有文化,实践「潇洒的人生」这 命题
Wacko Maria interprets a mature style with its collection of shirt, suit and tie — these items represent a sense of carefree lifestyle.
主席,今 天 辩 论命 题是积极 的,探 讨风险 管 理 、 提高市 场 活 力、 维 护 投 资 者 合 理 权益永 远 都 是对的,所以民 建 联 会 支持。
Madam President, the debate today can no doubt serve a positive purpose, for it is always correct to find out more about risk management, enhance the vitality of the market and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of investors.
创刊号刊载了多位跟艺术和时装世界中的知名人物,并作深入访谈,表明《The New Order》寻找时装及艺术的背後意义,以及创作人责任 命题向。
Its debut issue includes involvement from many well-known figures from the art and fashion scene, to shad a new light on the meaning of art and fashion now and the role of its creator.
第一,梁议员指我们今次命题企图以立法干预司法 运作。
The first one, Mr LEONG claimed that our major premise this time attempts to interfere with the operation of the Judiciary.
根据会议常规第 18 条(1)(h)项:「不得为求 当局表达意见,解决抽象之法律问题、或解答假设 命题提出问题」。
Under the provisions of Standing Order 18(1)(h), "A question shall not be asked for the purpose of obtaining an expression of opinion, the solution of an abstract legal question, or the answer to a hypothetical proposition.
大家且看看他的施政报告,英命题From Strength to Strength”,这令大家想起他初上任时的口号 ⎯⎯ “强政励治”。
Let us look at his Policy Address entitled "From Strength to Strength", which reminds us of the slogan adopted by him soon after he had taken office ― "Strong Governance".
虽然统计的动机和发放方法可能带有政治考虑,但统计方法本身却是一门科 命题 该用客观、科学的方法处理。
The way used in counting the number of participants was one of the questions in the discussion. Although the motive and the release method of the research may bear political
considerations, the counting method itself
[...] is a scientific topic, which should [...]
be handled by objective and scientific methods.
今 次 杨森议员所 提议案命 题面 上 虽然是 促 请 政 [...]
府 立 即 改善高 龄 津 贴计划 及 增加津贴金额, 但 讨 论 重点却不在於金额增加多少, 或 是 用 何 种 形 式 检 讨 , 反 而 是 在於“深 表 遗 憾 ” 4 字 上。
Regarding the motion moved by Dr YEUNG Sum today,
[...] although it seems on the surfacethat its [...]
purpose is to urge the Government to immediately
improve the OAA Scheme and increase the allowance rates, the thrust of the discussion lies in the words "deeply regrets", rather than the amount of increase to the allowance rates or the method of the review to be conducted.
陈监林议员又引述另一项民调,指香港人把法治和民主 等放在很低的位置,所以梁家杰这样 命题的。
Mr CHAN Kam-lam quoted another opinion poll, which found that the people of Hong Kong put the lowest priority on the rule of law and freedom, thus saying that Mr Alan LEONG was wrong in moving such a motion.
丹麦导演Nicolas Winding Refn决意颠覆类型片的单一模式命题於仇杀和追逐过程,着力建构人物的内心世界,和他们之间微妙的情感起伏。
Danish film director Nicolas Winding Refn challenges the convention of this genre by choosing not to dwell on the action, but instead the emotions and internal world of each character.
主席,联想到 县 太 爷 的智慧,为 免 被 明事理的市 民 或 媒 体责备 我们浪 费 公 共资源 , 为一个曾 讨论过两次命 题费 唇舌,我本来想就此结 束 我 的 发 言 , 但是, 我还想很 简 单 地就李议员刚才提 出 的 一两点作出回应, 恐怕又 要 辩 论四七 二 十 八 的 问题了 。
Madam President, mindful of the wisdom of the magistrate, I really wish to end my speech now, lest sensible members of the public or the media may criticize us for wasting public resources, for holding meaningless discussions on a topic which has been debated twice already.
所以,我重申,余若薇那句说话是逻 命题非描述命 题
Therefore, that remark of Audrey EU's is a logical proposition, not a descriptive proposition.
容许我说回我的主题,我当然明白议案的主题为 何,但由於我理解到梁家杰议员在较早 命题 也曾不断提及这项 议题,所以我认为是不会离题的。
Let me go back to the subject. I certainly know the subject of the motion, but as I am aware that Mr Alan LEONG has mentioned this issue time and again when he spoke on this motion some time ago, I donot think I have digressed from the subject.
我刚才听到林瑞麟局长的发言,他把辛亥革命这项半 命题了另外一种革命。
He has turned the Xinhai Revolution, this semi-new subject, into another kind of revolution.
主席,我以这个最简单 、最少 争 议命 题这次 辩 论 的 题 目 , [...]
是 希望同事 们 以这个前提 为出发 点 , 就有关国家统一 的 各 方 面问 题 , 各 抒 己 见。
Madam President, I sponsored this motion
[...] debate using a topiccouched in the [...]
simplest and least controversial terms in the
hope that this will serve as a basis for Honourable colleagues to express their views on all issues pertaining to national unification.
这说 法与“雪是黑色”、 “煤是白色”没有两样,都是以两个错误 命题一个真正命题
And yet, he went on to say that he would enact laws to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law. This is tantamount to say that "snow is black and coal is white",where two false propositions will give one true proposition.
WACKO MARIA主张绅士风造型,恤衫、黑领带、黑西裤等是WACKO MARIA造型的主要装备;不可不提的是绅士帽,以「东京HAT ROCKERS」为主题,希望透过绅士造型,展现品牌背後的文化及音乐元素,实践「潇洒的人生」这一 命题
Themed ‘Tokyo Hat Rockers’, the collections aim to demonstrate the culture and music influence behind the gentleman look, as well as the philosophy ‘pursue a carefree life’.
过去 4 年,我在报章发表了近 50 篇文章,因为我没有聘用“枪手”,所以每个字 也是我亲手写的,是发自内心的真情,针对每件事 命题 出我的建议和 看法,供政府制订政策和作为施政的参考。
As I had not hired anyone else to write them for me and I had written every word myself, these articles contained my heartfelt feelings, my suggestions and opinions on individual incidents and topics, which will serve as the Government's reference in respect of policy formulation and governance.
第一,我绝对相信法官有能 力及条件作出独立及专业的判决;第二,我们今次 命题论的内 容,并不涉及案件内容,亦没有要求法院如何作出判决。
First, I believe a Judge doubtless has the ability and conditions to make an independent and professional judgment.
在四项措施中,有关禁止进口和供应物及 收该等食物的权力已透过第132章第VA部赋予食环署署长。
Amongst, the power to prohibit the
[...] import/ supplyof problematic food and to order [...]
a food recall had already been provided
to DFEH under Part VA of Cap 132.
其最新个人多媒体摄影展於美国洛杉矶MOCA Pacific Design Center举行,题命「California Song」,展示加州风景和当地青年的精神面貌。
His latest exhibition “California Song” is presented at the MOCA Pacific Design Center, showcasing works that portray the youth culture of the local scene.
g) 《条例草案》与食物回收法例是否有关 –
谢勵志先生說,《条例草案》订明 新的食物安全管制措施,包括设立食物进口商和分销商登记制度;规定食物
[...] 商须妥为备存交易纪錄,藉以提高食物溯源能力;赋权订立规例,加强对特 定食物類别的进口管制;以及赋权主管当局作出命令,禁止进口和供应收该等食物。
the FSB provided new food safety control measures, including a registration scheme for food importers and distributors, a requirement for food traders to maintain proper transaction records to enhance food traceability, power to make regulations for tightening import control on specific food types and power for
the authorities to make orders to prohibit the import
[...] and supplyof problematic food and order therecall ofsuch food.




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