

单词 命苦

苦命 ()

bitter fate
hard lot

See also:


pain n
hardship n


bitter adj

bring suffering to

External sources (not reviewed)

7.6 削 減 綜援令 不少長者需使 用「 旁 身 錢 」維 持 生活,以致沒有 「 旁 身 錢 」 的 綜援長者數目 增加,所造 成的影響是他們感到無奈、 困 擾 不 安 、 恐懼及 淒命苦等。
As a result, they might become more isolated and helpless as they lacked a supportive network.
如果大家問㆒㆘在座的葉錫恩議員,問㆒些較為年長的㆟,就會知道 20 年前的香港是㆒ 個警察集體「收規」的年代,低㆘階層市民的生活可說是活在噩夢之㆗,有錢可以使得「鬼 推磨」,橫行霸道;沒錢就自命苦 , 敢 怒不敢言。
If you ask Mrs Elsie TU, who is here among us, or if you ask an older person, you will find that, 20 years ago, Hong Kong was in an era of corruption involving the Police Force collectively.
意大利在海外的国际任 务中,付出了人的命和痛苦的高 昂代价。
In international missions abroad, Italy has paid a
[...] high price in human lives and sufferings.
如果 我們立法容許安樂死 的 話 , 便 意 味 社 會 對 某 些 情 況 下的自 殺 可以獲得肯 定 ;對某 些 情況下 協 助 他 人 自 殺 可以獲得肯 定 ;對在 某 些 情況下提早 終 結 他 人的生命 也 可以獲得肯 定,或 對在命 太 痛 苦或素 質 太 低 時可以提 早 終 結 生 命亦可以獲得肯 定 。
If we legalize euthanasia, it will imply that the community approves of the following: Committing suicide under certain circumstances, abetting suicide under certain circumstances, ending someone's life prematurely, or facilitating a premature death when life is too miserable or when the quality of life is too low.
一千五百元這個數額的罰款,可想而知,對不少人來說,已經是“入肉" 的數額,因為現時很多人一個月也只是賺取數千元,現在突然間要他們拿 1,500 元出來作罰款,他們一定會跟你命 , 或 會 苦苦 哀 求 說只是不小心, 並會提出很多解釋和理由,又或說想拾回所拋棄的垃圾等。
We could imagine that the sum of a $1,500 fixed penalty is quite substantial to many people because nowadays many people only earn a few thousand dollars each month, and now if they are now suddenly ask to pay $1,500 as fines, they would certainly fight desperately, or beg sorely by saying that they are only careless and would give a lot of explanations and excuses, or they would even say they want to pick up refuse that they have thrown away.
与此同时,在择优 晋升计划中给予总部外命特别是艰 苦 地 点 的工作人员额外的加分。
Also, additional points are awarded to staff with field
[...] assignments, in particular in hardship duty stations, in [...]
the merit-promotion programme.
我们各国人民以英雄主义和无私奉献赢得的 1941-1945 年伟大的卫国战争胜 利 65
[...] 周年即将到来,再次使我们缅怀那些在艰苦卓绝的反法西斯斗争中,以命和痛苦为代价,给世界带来解放与和平的人们的巨大伤亡和壮举。
The forthcoming sixty-fifth anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, won through the heroism and self-sacrifice of the peoples of our countries, reminds us once more of the massive loss of human life and the
achievement of those who, at
[...] the cost of their lives, deprivation and suffering, brought liberation [...]
and peace to the world
in the struggle against fascism.
各位部长要求以色列对黎巴嫩境内的 命 损 失 和 苦 难 以 及财产和基础设施 的破坏承担责任,要求以色列对黎巴嫩共和国及其人民由于2006年以色列入侵 [...]
The Ministers held Israel responsible
[...] for the loss of lives and suffering as well as the [...]
destruction of properties and infrastructure
in Lebanon, and demanded Israel to compensate the Republic of Lebanon and its people for the losses sustained resulting from Israel’s aggression in 2006.
粮价大幅上涨,使贫困家庭难以自我维持,并 导致命损失、痛苦和作物接连歉收。
Food prices have increased substantially, making it
difficult for poor households to sustain themselves and
[...] leading to loss of life, suffering and successive crop [...]
該等人士及有關作為包括正對所擁有的動物進行 治療的動物擁有人、對動物施行急救以拯救其 命 或 解 除其苦的人 ,以及在註冊獸醫的要求下對動物進行任何治療、測試 或外科手術的醫生或牙醫。
Those persons and acts include the owner of an animal when treating it, any person who administered first-aid to an animal for the purpose of saving its life or relieving pain, medical practitioners or dentists carrying out any treatment, test or surgery on an animal provided that it is done at the request of a registered veterinary surgeon.
如今世界已经开始越来越关注中老年 群体,以及其预期寿命、困难和苦, 从 而改 善他们的生活。
Today, the world has been sitting up and taking notice of seniors, and their life experiences, their challenges, travails and wide experience through times, in order to leverage on it.
[...] 的呼吁——呼吁我们根据我们普遍奉行的人道主义 信仰立即和果断地采取行动,拯救 命 、 减轻 痛 苦和 确保巴基斯坦人民的人格尊严。
Let this meeting be a call for concerted action — a call on us to act immediately and resolutely in line with
our universal humanitarian
[...] beliefs — to save lives, alleviate suffering and ensure the human [...]
dignity of the people of Pakistan.
(3) 在緊急情況下施行急救以拯救命或 解除 痛 苦或 折磨。
(3) the rendering in an emergency of first aid for the purpose
[...] of saving life or relieving pain or suffering.
[...] 服務必須屬於其訓練及經驗範圍內,而且對拯救動物 的命或解除其苦是必需的,事後必須盡快就此事 向規則 2.3 所提述的人士報告,而對有關動物的進一 [...]
步治療,必須交由規則 2.3 所提述的人士或另一名註
2.4 In a case of emergency a veterinary nurse may also render other services which fall within his or her scope of training
and experience and which are
[...] essential to save lives or relieve suffering in animals, on [...]
condition that a report thereon
is made to the person referred to in rule 2.3 as soon as possible and the further treatment of such animal is entrusted to him or her or another person registered to practise a veterinary profession.
对联合王国而言,纪念活动也是一种表达敬意的 活动——对那些牺牲命、承受战 苦 难 以 及运用智 慧建设和平的人们表达敬意。
For the United Kingdom, an act of remembrance is an
act of honour — to those
[...] who lost their lives, to those who bore the sufferings of war and to [...]
those who had the wisdom to build peace.
他对人道 主义界目前所面临趋势和挑战的分析对会员国很有 助益,其中突出强调了人为和自然灾害对世界各国社
[...] 区的毁灭性影响,并提请我们注意我们可如何集体改 进努力,以便拯救命、减少痛苦、 保 护脆弱者及启 动从人道主义危机中复原的工作。
His analysis of current trends and challenges facing the humanitarian community serves Member States by highlighting the devastating impact that man-made and natural disasters have on communities in countries throughout the world and by bringing to our attention ways
that we can collectively improve
[...] efforts to save lives, reduce suffering, protect the vulnerable [...]
and initiate recovery from humanitarian crises.
最近频发的严重自然灾害袭击了世界各国和人 民,造成惨痛的命损失与痛苦,这提请我们关注我 们的环境是脆弱和宝贵的。
Recent natural disasters of increased frequency and intensity have struck countries and
peoples all around the world, causing
[...] tragic loss of life and suffering and drawing attention [...]
to the fragility and preciousness of our environment.
(g) 對動物施行急救以拯救其命或解 除其 苦 的 人,但該 治療並不包括對腹腔或胸腔進行外科切開手術。
(g) a person who administers first aid to an animal for the purpose of saving its life or relieving pain, provided such treatment does not include making a surgical incision into the abdominal or thoracic cavity.
如果 沒有人adopt牠們,即把牠們領養回家,而這樣便把牠們放在野外,在 沒有野外生存的能力下,牠們的命 將 會更 痛 苦 或 更 淒慘。
If nobody adopts them, that is to take them home, and consequently they are
sent back to the natural
[...] environment, their lives will be more painful or miserable as they [...]
are incapable of living in the wild.
虽 然从短期角度来看,重点确保即时的收益可以有效地挽救 命 和 减轻 痛 苦 ,但 这种做法不应被理解为排除、甚至有悖于为维持长期进展而必需的较长期结构 [...]
While a short-term perspective, focused on securing
immediate gains, can be
[...] effective in saving lives and alleviating suffering, it should not [...]
be understood as exclusive of,
or even incompatible with, longer-term structural changes necessary to sustain progress over time.
我想就各地的命损失和苦难表 达我国人民的 诚挚同情。
I want to extend my people’s sincere
[...] sympathies for the lives lost and the suffering everywhere.
[...] 首先,请允许我就巴基斯坦国内最近发生的事件造成 的命损失与痛苦,向巴基斯坦人民和政府表示我们 的慰问并转达我国政府的真诚同情。
(Islamic Republic of Iran): Let me first express our condolences and convey the sincere empathy of my Government to
the people and the Government of Pakistan for the
[...] loss of life and the suffering caused by recent events [...]
in the country.
极 端气候事件不仅发生频率和强度有所增加,其所造成 的命损失和痛苦也继续居高不下,令人不可接受。
Extreme weather events come not only with greater frequency and intensity; their
[...] cost in human lives and suffering continues to [...]
be unacceptably high.
在殖民主义统治时期以及非民主统治时期,美洲印第安人是最受忽略因而 也是遭受苦最多的,命预期 和入学率都很低。
During the period of colonialism and an undemocratic administration, the Amerindian
population was the most neglected and consequently suffered most
[...] with the lowest life expectancy rate and school enrollment.
自1999年FHSSA創立以來,VITAS已與FHSSA結為夥伴,與該組織在非洲的成員攜手合作,為那些深受人體免疫缺損病毒(HIV)/愛滋病、癌症和其他危及 命 疾 病 之 苦 的 人 做出貢獻。
VITAS has been a FHSSA partner since FHSSA began in 1999, joining with the
organization's African members to make a
[...] difference for those suffering with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.
塔尔博特先生(圭亚那)(以英语发言):圭亚那 代表团感谢悼念第二次世界大战所有死难者的本次
[...] 特别庄严纪念会所提供的机会,以缅怀那些由于那一 人类历史悲惨篇章而丧失命或遭受 痛 苦 的 人 们。
(Guyana): The delegation of Guyana is grateful for the opportunity afforded by this special solemn commemoration of all the victims of the
Second World War to honour the memory
[...] of those who perished or otherwise suffered as [...]
a consequence of that tragic chapter in human history.
因此,有时是由于有充分的预防和 准备工作以及有效地减轻灾害行动,当地造成的 命 损 失 有限,但还是引起了巨 大的人类苦和危 难,并严重破坏了社会的运转,这样的情况依然包含在条款草 案范围。
Accordingly, cases where an event has resulted in relatively localized loss of life, owing to adequate prevention and preparation, as well as effective mitigation actions, but
nonetheless has caused
[...] severe dislocation resulting in great human suffering and distress which seriously disrupt the [...]
functioning of society,
would be covered by the draft articles.
面对利比亚人民遭受的巨大苦、生 命 损 失和依 然存在的严重危险,尽管这项决议并未完全达到我们 [...]
的期望,但我们仍希望它会给利比亚及其勇敢的人民 带来对更美好未来的憧憬。
Faced with the great suffering being experienced [...]
by the Libyan people, the loss of life and the great dangers that still
exist, although this resolution falls short of our expectations, we hope that it carries a great deal of hope for a better future for Libya and its valiant people.
该进程必须以信任、诚信和决心认真解决将 决定一个被剥夺了最基本权利、已经遭受多年战争和 动乱苦的人民的命运的 各种问题为基础。
That process must be based on trust, good faith and the will to seriously address the issues that determine the fate of a people that has been deprived of its most fundamental rights and suffered the consequences of war and unrest for many years.
我们在仍需努力处理该占领国给巴 勒斯坦平民造成无法估量苦和困 难的 命 性 和 毁灭性战事在加沙地带所导致 危机之时,也必须正视其将巴勒斯坦被占领土其余部分非法殖民化的残酷企图。
As we continue to grapple with the grave crisis caused in the
Gaza Strip by the
[...] occupying Power’s deadly and destructive military campaign and continuing blockade, which has caused immeasurable suffering and hardship for [...]
the Palestinian civilian
population, we must also address its relentless attempts to illegally colonize the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.




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