

单词 命名作业

See also:


named after
give a name to


famous work

名作 n

masterpieces pl

External sources (not reviewed)

根据以往经验,调停 和团队干预很复杂,需要命就业争 端 专家作 10 天 ,这将包括主持冲突解决 过程,从达成协议到调解结论以及执行和解协定。
Based on past experience, the complexity of mediation and
team interventions
[...] requires an on-call employment dispute specialist to be available for about 10 days, [...]
which would include the
conduct of the conflict resolution process from the obtaining of agreements to mediating the conclusion and implementation of a settlement agreement.
最后,我高度赞赏各国维和人员的承诺,有时 候这种承诺让他们为了和平业献 出了 生 命 , 例如7 名尼日利亚的蓝盔部队成员。
I will conclude by paying high tribute to the commitment of peacekeepers of all
nationalities — which
[...] sometimes costs them their lives, as in the case of the seven Nigerian [...]
Blue Helmets — to the cause of peace.
从国际空间站方案获得的经 验表明,大型作方案 有必要交流种类广泛的 业 数 据 ( 命 令 历 史记录、天线 管理、有效载荷健康和状态等)。
Experience from the International Space Station (ISS) programme has shown that large collaborative programmes
have a need to
[...] exchange an extensive variety of specialized data (command history, antenna management, payload [...]
health and status, etc.).
选举委员会 的组成如下:国民议会任命的一名律师或一名合格公民担任主席;一名经合法政 党提名、国民议会命的职业和道德品格高尚的公民;以及国民议会 命 的 一名 专家作为秘书,与负责外贸、地方行政和社会交流的各政府部门联络。
The Electoral Commission is composed of an attorney or a qualified citizen appointed by the National Assembly who acts as president, a
citizen of reputable
[...] professional and moral status appointed by the National Assembly upon proposals of each legally existing party and an expert appointed by the National Assembly who acts as [...]
secretary for each of
the governmental departments responsible for foreign trade, local administration and social communication.
国家中央局还进行其他具体作,例如任命反恐 联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场旅名单, 以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as
[...] appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international [...]
airport in order
to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
其他一些与未来的重大计划 IV 有关的建议是:继续重视信息技术在文化领域的作用, 继续支持编制非物质文化遗名录, 强调将被盗物品归还原有国,实施非洲解放遗产项目以 及支持把文化业作为最不发达国家的减贫手段等。
Among the several other proposals for integration into the future MP IV were a renewed focus on the role of information technology in relation to culture, continued support to the development of inventories on intangible cultural heritage, a focus on the return of stolen objects to their countries of origin, implementation of the African Liberation Heritage Project and support to cultural industries as a means of alleviating poverty in LDCs.
小组委员会赞赏地注意到各国采取了一些办法和具体行动来减缓空间碎 片,其中包括改进运载火箭和航天器的设计,使卫星转轨,进行钝化、终结寿 命作业,以及开发特定的空间碎片减缓软件和模型。
The Subcommittee noted with appreciation that States had adopted a number of approaches and concrete actions to mitigate space debris, including the improvement of the design of launch vehicles and spacecraft, the reorbiting of satellites, passivation, end-of-life operations and the development of specific software and models for space debris mitigation.
专家们在会作了发 言,会议讨论的核心是三个主题:(a) 如何在非洲实施 绿色命;(b) 非洲业融入全球市场;(c) 管理非洲农业转型。
Discussions during the meeting, supported by presentations delivered by experts, were centred on three main
themes: (a) how to
[...] operationalize a green revolution in Africa; (b) integrating African agriculture into global markets; and (c) managing Africa’s agricultural transition.
(a) 规划遣散和业 4 008 名不合格毛派军队人员、包括 2 973 名经查为未 成年人的作在 2009 年下半年取得了重大进展。
(a) Significant progress had been made in the latter part of 2009 in planning for the discharge and rehabilitation of the 4,008 disqualified Maoist army personnel, including 2,973 verified as minors.
在其 2009 年 9
[...] 月的会议上,联合国国家工作队建议将“联发援框 架”重命名为“联合国发展作战 略 文件”(UNDCS),这也反映了教科文组织有关中 [...]
At its September
[...] 2009 meeting, UNCT suggested to rename the UNDAF as the “United Nations [...]
Development Cooperation Strategy
Document” (UNDCS), which also reflects the new UNESCO strategy on MICs.
4) 当您在“数据恢复与备份管理”屏幕中对备份进行 命名 操 作 时 ,仅可在程序的元数据数据库 中重命名备份,但是,磁盘中的备份文件名称仍保持不变。
4) When you rename backups on the Data recovery and backup management screen, a backup is renamed only in the [...]
program's metadata database;
however, backup file names on the disc remain unchanged.
这将作 73 名武器监察员的费用(1 404 000 美元);文职人员的薪金、 一般人事费和特派任务生活津贴(5 992 700 美元)以及其业务经费,如咨询人和 专家的费用(35 200 美元)、公务差旅(250 800 美元)、设施和基础设施(1 060 300 美元)、陆运(351 100 美元)、空运(5 656 100 美元)、通信(1 076 300 美元)、 信息技术(289 000 美元)、医疗用品和服务(208 900 美元)、其他用品、服务和 设备(454 300 美元)。
These would provide for the costs of 73 arms monitors ($1,404,000); salaries, common staff costs and mission subsistence allowance for civilian personnel ($5,992,700) and other operational requirements, such as consultants and experts ($35,200), official travel ($250,800), facilities and infrastructure ($1,060,300), ground transportation ($351,100), air transportation ($5,656,100), communications (1,076,300), information technology ($289,000), medical supplies and services ($208,900), and other supplies, services and equipment ($454,300).
然而,尽管有这份通知,可随后在 11 月 2 日发 出的一封信函——签署这封信的是根据洪都拉斯外 长来函已被解除职务的其中名代理 人——却通知 国际法院,“洪都拉斯政府已命… … 作 为 其代理 人”,而此人正是在前述信件中被解除职务的另一位 代理人。
In spite of that notice, however, a subsequent letter of 2 November — signed by one of the agents who had reportedly been relieved of his duties according to the letter from the Minister for Foreign Affairs — informed the Court that “the Government of the Republic of Honduras … [had] appointed … to act as its Agent” the other of the agents who had been relieved of their duties in that previous letter.
荷语和德语分部的专家介绍了第 69 号作文件,其中表明立场,认为社会 团体命名过程中的主要、甚至专属机构,只有通过认知外来语和当地语的划分 才有意义,这种划分是在社会、政治和司法环境中人类相互作用的逻辑结果。
The expert from the Dutch- and
[...] Division presented Working paper No. 69, which put forward the position that social groups were the principal, and even exclusive, agents in the naming process, and proposed [...]
that only through
perception did the exonym/endonym divide become meaningful, that divide being a logical consequence of the sociological, political and juridical nature of human interaction.
除了上述这些有父亲的一些猜测,包括以前的著作,在“宪法”和“大炮的使徒”,而工程派驻戴奥尼夏Areopagite,谁,但自己是弟子的使徒,是不是作者 作 品 他 的 名 字 命名。
In addition to these there were formerly included apocryphal writings of some of the above Fathers, the "Constitutions" and "Canons of the Apostles" and the works accredited to
Dionysius the Areopagite, who, though himself a disciple of the Apostles, was not
[...] the author of the works bearing his name.
我可以在作时间 使用我的 桌面电话与顾客联系,或者使用复印机复印有关 业名 单 的 信息吗?
May I use my desk
[...] phone to contact my clients or use the copy machine to make copies of information on property listings during work hours?
通过国际笔会,在以色列艺术家 的支持下在拉马拉的诗歌之家开展诗歌项目;促进了 非洲文学协会的发展,特别是在加纳、尼日利亚、塞 内加尔和乌干达;通过国际戏剧协会对来自不同地理 文化的戏剧界的 250 名青年业人员 、导演和演员进 行了培训,创建和振兴了国家国际笔会中心,如阿根 廷和玻利维亚的中心;通过国际音乐理事会在 34 个 国家播放了 700 次音乐节目,来自拉丁美洲和加勒比 地区的 30 名作曲家 参加了地区音乐讲坛,并挑选了 40 名欧洲青年音乐家;向 3 名作曲家颁发教科文组织 /国际音乐理事会奖。
Through PEN, poetry project launched at the House of Poetry in Ramallah with the support of Israeli poets; Promotion of African literature associations, particularly in Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda; Creating and revitalizing national PEN centres,
such as in Argentina and Bolivia; Training
[...] by ITI of 250 young professionals, directors and actors from different geocultural areas in the field of theatre and drama; Through ICM 700 broadcastings in 34 countries, participation of 30 Latin American and Caribbean composers and selection of 40 young European musicians in regional within the framework of Musical Rostra; Awarding of UNESCO/ICM Prize to three composers.
(j) 请工发组作为第 二次付款申请的一部分提交关于制冷和空调制造行业的详 细数据,包括所有符合资助条件的 业名 称 、 其氟氯烃消费量、在截至日期 前是否确定了额外能力、所有权、制造的产品以及有助于评估企业是否将被 视为基本上在进行制冷和(或)空调设备安装、组装或制造的信息
(j) To request UNIDO to submit, as part of the request for the second tranche, detailed data regarding the refrigeration and air conditioning manufacturing sector, including the names of all eligible enterprises, their level of HCFC [...]
consumption, whether
additional capacity had been established prior to the cut-off date, ownership, products manufactured, and information to enable assessment of whether the enterprises would be seen as essentially installing, assembling or manufacturing refrigeration and/or air conditioning equipment
政府发动了“绿色命和农业改革 ”,试图以农业为突破口,确保粮食生 产和粮食安全,并且以作为一种减少贫困的战略。
In spearheading agriculture to guarantee food and food security as one of the poverty reduction strategies, the Government has initiated [...]
Green Revolution and Agriculture Transformation.
(d) 为中心提供履行其职能所需的技术和行政 作 人 员 ,初期包括一名科学主管、一 名技术协调员、名业务协 调员、一名总务助理和两名行政助理。
(d) make available to the Centre the technical and administrative staff necessary for the performance of its functions, which shall initially comprise a scientific supervisor, a technical coordinator, an operational coordinator, a general assistant and two administrative assistants.
他特别赞扬那些为和平业献出生命 的 人 们, 要求想方设法加快补偿作,对 于原有病症造成的 死亡应当人道地处理,并应当考虑到死者受抚养人 的福祉。
He paid special tribute to those who had given their lives in the service of peace and urged that efforts [...]
should be made to expedite
the compensation process and that death caused by pre-existing conditions should be dealt with humanely and that the welfare of the deceased’s dependants should be taken into account.
4) 在「資料復原和備份管理」畫面上重 命名 備 份 時,只能重 命名 其 在程式的中繼資料資料 庫中的名稱,但備份檔案在磁碟上的名稱保持不變。
4) When you rename backups on the Data recovery and backup management screen, a backup is renamed only in the program's metadata database; however, backup file names on the disc [...]
remain unchanged.
菲律宾特别清楚我们的维和人员作的 牺 牲——特别是那些部署在情况艰苦和恶劣地区的 人员——并且向所有那些为和平业 献 出了 生 命的 人们致敬。
The Philippines is especially aware of the
[...] sacrifices that our peacekeepers make — especially those who are deployed in harsh and hostile areas — and salutes all those who have given their lives in the cause of peace.
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长 命 了 一 名 新 的使用多种语文问题协调 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 [...]
种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五
届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the
General Assembly took note of
[...] the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator [...]
for Multilingualism; requested
the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
上文中提到的问题、1989 年公约(包括国际劳工组织相
[...] 关公约)的低签署率以及目前存在着几种缺乏或根本没有得到宣传的文书,这些 都使得现有文书工具命名、作用和 使用变得非常复杂。
The above comments, the low ratification rate of the 1989 Convention (and of ILO conventions on the subject), and the existence of several instruments that
have been poorly disseminated or not at all, create
[...] confusion as to the name, purpose and utilization [...]
of existing tools.
你所做的只是像填表格一样地输入相关信息,如 名 、 作 者 、 年份等在文章中需要引用文献的的方插入标记,它会为你生成非常美观和 业 的 参考文献列表,并且对参考文献的引用编号也是自动生成和更新的。
You have done just the same as filling in forms to enter the relevant information, such as title, author, year, etc. In the article cited the need [...]
to insert the tag, it will generate for
you a very beautiful and professional references list, and No. cited references are also automatically generated and updated.
(c) “知识产权”在某个国际定义中包括以下各方面的权利:“文学、艺术和科作 品, 表演艺术家的表演以及唱片和广播节目,人类一切活动领域内的发明, 科学发现,工业品外观设计,商标、服务标记以及 业名 称 和标识,制止不 正当竞争,以及在工业、科学、文学或艺术领域内由于智力活动而产生的一 切其他权利。
(c) “Intellectual property” in one international definition includes “the rights relating to
literary, artistic and
[...] scientific works, performances of performing artists, phonograms, and broadcasts, inventions in all fields of human endeavor, scientific discoveries, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, and commercial names and designations, [...]
protection against unfair
competition, and all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields.
另外,常驻代表还转告委员会,以色列政府不接受委员会的如下要 求,即允许它进入以色列,与政府官员和加沙火箭弹袭击的受害者进行交谈,并
[...] 允许它经以色列进入西岸,对受害者和相关当局进行采访,以了解被以色 命名 为“铸铅军事行动”的加沙行动。
Further, he relayed his Government’s denial of the Committee’s request for permission to enter Israel in order to speak to government officials and victims of rocket attacks launched from Gaza, and to access the West Bank and Gaza through Israel to
interview victims and relevant authorities with respect to the operations in Gaza
[...] codenamed by Israel “Operation Cast Lead”.
2007 年,伊斯兰教育、科学和文化组织(伊斯兰教科文组织)决定将塔什命 名为伊 斯兰文化和文明之都,标志着国际社会广泛承认乌兹别克斯坦对伊斯兰文 [...]
Tashkent was declared Islamic Culture [...]
Capital in 2007 by the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in
recognition by the international community of Uzbekistan’s outstanding contribution to both Muslim and global civilization.




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