

单词 命不久已

See also:


soon after
not long (after)
before too long




long ago
a long time since

External sources (not reviewed)

监察员于 2010 年 6 月 3 日获秘书长(S/2010/282),此不久开 始协助委员会审理一除名案,而同时又开发一个网页,以宣传查名单的 个人和实体信息,以及查阅委员会关于目前在有关法院对其被列名一事提出诉讼 的 8 个个人和实体的相关文件的新途径。
The Ombudsperson wasappointed bytheSecretary-General on 3 June 2010 (S/2010/282) and shortlythereafter began to assist the Committee on one pending de-listing [...]
case while at the same time developing
a webpage to publicize the new avenue of recourse now available to listed individuals and entities and exploring relevant Committee documentation related to eight individuals and entities who were challenging their listing before relevant courts.
[...] 巴勒斯坦的情形不是宗教冲突,而是有着殖民和帝国主义印记的政治冲突;个由已久近代才有的冲突;这一冲突不是源于中东,而是源于欧洲。
Now then: contrary to what Israel and the United States are trying to make the world believe through transnational media outlets, what happened and is still happening in Palestine — in Said’s words — is not a religious conflict but a political one, with a colonial
and imperialist stamp; it is not an age-old conflict, but a contemporary
[...] one; this conflict didnot begin inthe Middle East but [...]
in Europe.
如何把日常的工作与这些目标结合,制 订缓急次序,造新工作,令教师疲於便要考考校长的智 慧了。
As to how daily work and these objectives can be fused, so that priorities are set without creating additional workload which would further strain teachers, that will be a test to the wisdom of school principals.
[...] (S/2011/540)以来在震后恢复重建和巩固民主方面 所取得的进展,包括在加强海地法治方面,如已久高法院法长和副院长。
The Group of Friends recognizes the achievements made since the prior report (S/2011/540) with respect to post-earthquake reconstruction and peacebuilding, including progress in the
strengthening of the rule of law in Haiti, such
[...] as the long-awaited appointment of thePresident [...]
and Vice-President of the Supreme Court.
议院提出一份新的国家人权问题独立委 员会成员人选名单,供其审议,并希望这些命不久到认可。
The President has presented a new set of nominees to the Independent National Commission on Human Rights to the Senate for consideration, and it is hoped that theywillsoon be confirmed.
1949 年的《日内瓦四公约》、这些公约的附加议 定书以及其他国际人道主义法和习惯国际法文书,为 保护所有并未参加敌对行动已不加敌对行动 的人的严,奠定了牢固的原则和标准基础。
The Geneva Conventions of 1949, their Additional Protocols and other instruments of international humanitarian law and customary international law provide a solid foundation of principles and standards for protecting the life and dignity of all of those who arenot participating in hostilities or who have ceased to do so.
因为㆒旦发生意外,受伤的还是雇员自己。任何的补偿计划,无论如何 慷慨,弥补失或残。
No compensation scheme can
[...] adequately pay for the lossin lives or permanent capacity, no matter [...]
how generous.
在随后的讨论中,若干成员敦促缔约方尽早支付捐款;日本和联合王国以法国政府 的名义通知各国成员,法国和日本的捐得核准,财务主不久收到这些捐款。
In the ensuing discussion, several members urged Parties to pay their contributions as early as possible and the representatives of Japan and the United Kingdom, on behalf of the Government of France,
informed members that the contributions of France and
[...] Japan hadbeen approved andwould soon be received by the Treasurer.
咨询委员会注意 到,建设和平委员会议程上的国家数2006 年的两个增至 2011 年的 6 个: 布隆迪、塞拉利昂、几内亚比绍、中非共和国、利比里亚和几内亚不久来可能会有另一个国家加入这一行列。
The Committee notes that the number of countries on
the agenda of the
[...] Peacebuilding Commission has increased from two in 2006 to six in 2011: Burundi, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau, Central African Republic, Liberia and Guinea, with the possibility of [...]
another one coming on board in the near future.
多数区域渔业机构 都面临难以完成自身使命的问题使命已时)。
Most RFBs are experiencing difficulties in fulfilling
[...] their mandates (many of whichare outdated).
越来越多的工作人员 认为目前的招聘做法是为直接方便之门,甚至没有登招聘通知也无需工作人员个人 问题咨询委员会(PAB)的举荐意见, 是通过熟人或朋友关系,而置内部晋升和现行的 规定
In the opinion of a growing number of the staff, current recruitment practices are designed to
facilitate direct
[...] appointments, made in some instances without publication of a vacancy notice or a recommendation by a Personnel Advisory Board (PAB) but through personal acquaintance or cronyism, thus disregarding internal promotion and the rules in force.
与所有会员国一样,黎巴嫩希不久监察员,使这一独立实体能够有助于确保委员会与请 求从与基地组织和塔利班有关联人员名单上除名的 个人或实体之间实现公正、透明和对话。
Lebanon, like all Member
[...] States, hopesthat anombudsperson will be appointedin the near future so [...]
that this independent entity
can contribute to ensuring justice, transparency and dialogue between the Committee and persons or entities requesting to be de-listed from the list of those linked to Al-Qaida and Taliban.
造成一个人死亡着对临时性限制, 而是;此外,造成一个人死亡,立即并永远消除了此人行使任 何其他权利的能力。
Causing the death of
[...] someonedoesnot entail placing a temporary limitation on their right to life but its permanent extinction; [...]
it also immediately
and forever eliminates such a person’s ability to exercise any other rights.
津巴 布韦报告说,其雷区横跨与莫桑比克的边界,两国的国家排雷行动管理局已经在 技术层面上讨论了进入这些雷区及其排雷责任的问题不久国之间的政府双边高层论坛将讨论这些问题,解决这些问题预计不会存在困难,因此本 阶段第三方没有理由介入。
Zimbabwe has reported that it has mined areas that straddle its border with Mozambique, that issues of access and responsibility for clearance of these mined areas have been discussed at the technical level between the two countries’ respective national mine action authorities, that these issues
will be subject to
[...] discussionin due course at bilateral high level governmentforums that already exist between the two [...]
countries and that no
problems in dealing with these issues are anticipated and therefore the involvement of third parties is not warranted at this stage.
Alreadyhouvi talk that kills even her mother is pure poison, which kills a child or if you like "fetus"'ve heard, but also with a bit of luck along vai mother, well, for those who kill, morer should not make a difference, all this, if you are pregnant take, not be a coward, do not worry about others, live your life responsibly assume their acts, I'm sure this baby will be a blessing, a great pride to his mother, no matter circumstances in which it was generated, the fact is that it is a new life, regardless of the father or mother will have [...]
its own life, take
this opportunity to come into the world, just like you had the chance, finally, I have a certainty, that GOD BLESS ALL WITHOUT A DIFFERENCE, and bless YOU AND YOUR SON.
独立专家认为,各国应采取包容的 态度,以进步的制的方式解读《宣言》,以确久已的少数群体和 相对新确立的少数群体都能享有少数群体权利。
The independent expert considers that States should take an inclusive approach and interpret the Declaration in a progressive and unrestrictive way to ensure that both long-established and relatively newly established minorities enjoy their minority rights.
To fill the gap with more reliable
[...] and affordable funding for these more entrepreneurial companies, Beijing hasorderedits domestic banks to work with foreign niche specialists to learn [...]
how to broaden beyond
their traditional expertise in lending to big state-run firms.
2007 年选举后暴乱发不久政府Krieglar 法官担任主席的独 立选举审查委员会,以便就改革肯尼亚的选举进程提出建议。
TheIndependent Review Electoral Commission ( IREC) chaired by Justice Krieglar, was appointed by government soon after the [...]
post election violence
that followed the 2007 elections to come up with recommendations to reform the electoral process in Kenya.
为了提高委员会的知名度,与参与和平事业的 知名人士建立了联系:大野洋子捐赠了歌曲《给和 平一个机会》的下载收入,并将不久来被设和平亲善大使。
To increase the visibility of the Commission, contacts had been made with personalities involved in the cause of peace: Yoko Ono had donated proceeds from downloads of the song “Give Peace a Chance” and a goodwill ambassador for peacebuilding would be designated in the near future.
鉴于时间 有限,我我的发言稿全文,而只是作简略发 言,这是由于我们渴已久现和平与建立公正国 际秩序的目标仍,因而今天有必要在此阐述 某些问题。
There is a time limit, so I willnot readout my entire speech, but only an abridged version, as certain matters need to be elucidated here today as our long-hoped-for goals for peace [...]
and a just international order remain elusive.
我国的创建者们宣称,他们的雄心是“为了组织一个更完 善的联邦”,他们给我们留下状态,而是一项愿和使
Our Founders, who proclaimed their
ambition “to form a more perfect
[...] Union,” bequeathed to us notastatic condition but a perpetualaspiration and mission.
为第 18 条之目的,如果设保资产将要成附加物的有形资 产,在通知中对资产加以描述便已足够,但先决条件是,该描述依照第 23 条进 行,此外,它还包括了将要附加其上的相的描述, [根据颁布登记处规则加以描述便] [描述提及颁布登记处记录中的 地块识别号]。
For the purposes of article 18, ifthe encumbered assets are tangible assets that are or will become attachments to immovable property, the description of the assets in the notice is sufficient if it is in accordance with article 23 and, in addition, includes a description of the relevant immovable property, to which the attachments are or will be attached, [sufficient [...]
under the registry rules for the
immovable property of the enacting State] [by reference to the parcel identifier number in the records of the immovable property registry of the enacting State].
我看不到羣众性的政治行为会导致香港变成两 极化、导致暴力便是以暴动的形式以处理内部矛盾,也是不 [...]
No violent means, not
[...] to speak ofany revolution, will be adopted [...]
to deal with internal conflicts.
当您透过,举例来说,发送电子邮件或透过我们的 WWW 页面提交材料时,作为材料提供者您便意遵守以下条款:(1)您了解我们可能发布您提供的材料;(2) 您保证所提供的材何非法、公布的条目;(3) 在提交任何材料前,您将采取适当努力来扫描并删除任何病毒或其他受污染或有害的电脑病毒; (4) 如果任何第三方因您提交的材料对我们提出诉讼,您同意将赔偿我们的损失; [...]
您拥有该材料、或拥有其无限制权利以将其提供给我们, Doro 可以出版该材料、或其中所述任一观念,及/或将其与我们的产品合并,并且无需承担任何赔偿责任或义务。
When submitting material to us for example by e-mail or through our WWW pages, you as provider of material agree to the following terms: (1) You make the material
available knowing
[...] that we may publish it; (2) You warrant that the material will not contain any item that is unlawful or otherwise unfit for publication; (3) You will use reasonable efforts [...]
to scan and remove
any viruses or other contaminating or destructive features before submitting any material; (4) You agree to indemnify us if any third party takes action against us in relation to the material you submit; (5) You agree not to take action against us in respect of said material; and (6) You own the material or have unlimited right to provide it to us and Doro may publish the material and/or incorporate it, or any concepts described in it, in our products without accountability or liability of compensation.
此次调查的撰稿人得出这样的结论:“肯定国际水文计 划的核心地位和影响力,原因如下:(a)由已久…〕和准持久性;(b)作为联 合国系统一部分在教科文组织内部的地位,是拥有最多联合国水资源计划的机构;(c)直接参 与 [...]
160 多个国家政府设定国际水文计划的优先事项以及这种联系所赋予的特权;(d)可获得这
种安排所产生的预算资源;(e)其地理和机构的核心地位,有助于经常召集会议、开展讨论和 建立联合企业。
The authors of that investigation concluded: “This affirmation of
IHP’s centrality and
[...] influenceis not surprising in view of several factors: (a) its venerability […] and quasi-permanence; (b) its situation [...]
as part of the United
Nations system, within UNESCO, the agency with the largest of the many United Nations programmes on water; (c) the direct participation of more than 160 national governments in setting IHP’s priorities and the legitimacy this association confers; (d) the availability of budgetary resources stemming from this arrangement; and (e) its geographic as well as institutional centrality, which encourages frequent face-to-face meetings, discussions and joint enterprises.
办事处存在职位空缺的问题 已经由已久理主任长达 10 个月(2007 年 9 月--2008 年 6 月);负责规划工作的 P-4 空缺五年之后才在 2010 年 4 月填补;2010 年 6 月有五个职位空缺,时间从 9 个月到 30 个
Posts at the Bureau hadbeen vacant for long periods: an acting Director for 10 months (September 2007–July 2008); a P-4 post in strategic planning was filled in April 2010, after being vacant for five years; five posts that had been vacant for 9 to 30 months as at June 2010.
The Alexandrians held as firmly as any Catholics to tradition as the rule of faith, at least in theory, but beyond tradition they allowed themselves to speculate, so that the "Hypotyposes" of Clement have been almost entirely lost on account of the errors which found a place in them, and Origen's works fell under the ban of the Church, though their
author lived the life of a
[...] saint, anddied,shortly after the Decian persecution, of the sufferings he had undergone in it.
主任报告说,填补出缺的 P-5 级高级方案管理干事一职的招聘工完成,新 招聘的工作人不久来将进入秘书处。
The Chief Officer reported that the recruitment process to fill the vacant P-5 Senior Programme Management Officer position had been successfully completed, and that the new staff member would be joining the Secretariat in the very near future.
阿巴斯主席和内塔尼亚胡总理几周前在联合国 所作的发言(见 A/66/PV.19)在许多方但双方 恰巧都表示需要恢复谈判,都支持两国解决方案,以 及都表示渴望和平、全面地解决持已久巴冲 突。
The statements delivered by President Abbas and by Prime Minister Netanyahu at the United Nations a few weeks ago (see A/66/PV.19) were different in many ways, but they coincided in their shared expression of the need to return to negotiations, of support for a two-State solution and of desire for a peaceful and comprehensive resolution of the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
第四,塔利班高级领导人失去权10 年,在一个 预期寿命不45 岁、中位年龄约为 18 岁的国家里,他们可能会担心自己的广泛 影响力早已下降。
Fourth, the
[...] senior Taliban have been outof power for almost 10 years, and in a country where life expectancyis less than [...]
45 years, and the median
age is around 18, they may fear that their broader influence is already on the decline.




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