单词 | 呼喊 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 呼喊 verb —yell v呼喊 —shout (slogans etc)See also:呼—shout • exhale • breath out 喊—shout • call out for (a person) 喊 v—yell v • hail v
只是,這㆒場並不是 小孩子的遊戲,而是實實在在,關乎我們老㆟家合乎㆟道生活 的 呼喊。 legco.gov.hk | But, this is not a children's [...] game but a real call for enabling our [...]elderly to live a humanitarian life. legco.gov.hk |
而㆗國,要擺脫那沉重的歷史的悲劇,要解脫㆟民重複 著的苦楚,就只能從微弱的呼喊開始。 legco.gov.hk | If China wants to free itself from the [...] historical tragedy that has been weighing it down and save its people from repeated sufferings, we [...] must begin with this weak cry. legco.gov.hk |
我谨怀着对以色列人民的深切和诚挚友谊对他 们说:“听听阿拉伯之春中的年轻人在说什么:‘自由 万岁!’他们没有呼喊‘打 倒以色列’。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to say to the Israeli people with the deep and sincere friendship I hold for them: “Listen to what the young people of the Arab Spring are saying: ‘Long live freedom! daccess-ods.un.org |
有關指控的部分如下:北京市大興區人民檢察院指控:“被告人 趙連海於2008年 9月至2009年 9月間,利用社會熱點問題,煽動糾集多 人先後在河北省石家莊市及北京市大興區、豐台區等地公共場所,採 用呼喊口號、非法聚集等方式起哄鬧事,嚴重擾亂上述地區的社會秩 序。 legco.gov.hk | Some of the allegations are as follows: The Beijing Municipal Daxing District People's Procuratorate alleges that: "Between September 2008 and September 2009, defendant ZHAO Lianhai made use of hot issues in society to incite and gather people in public places of the city of Shijiazhuang in Hebei province, Beijing Municipal Daxing District and the Fengtai District. legco.gov.hk |
這證明了香港人摒棄工會 路 ,反對不靠工作,而是靠高聲呼喊、 示威及要求本會立法去爭取所需。 legco.gov.hk | It proves that our people have [...] rejected the unionists' line that you should not work for [...] what you get but shout, demonstrate and [...]ask us to legislate for it. legco.gov.hk |
最 近我們 看 到報章上刊 載 了 丁 子 霖 女士的一 封 信 , 其中的 內 容 是這樣的:“ 這十多 年 來 , 我 們 承 受 來自政 府 方 面 的 歧 視 和 壓 力 , 為 了 替 死 者 的 名 譽 作 辯 護,為 了 向 加 害 於 我 們 的 權 勢 者 討 回 公 道 , 我 們 不斷地 抗 爭 , 為 了 在中國 大 地 上 不再有 殺戮, 為 了 所有孩 子們能 夠幸福 的健康 成長,我 們 應 該 不斷地 呼 喊 。 legco.gov.hk | In order to defend the reputation of the victims and to press those in power who have been persecuting us to do us justice, we have been unrelentingly putting up a fight in the hope that there will be no more killings on this land of China. legco.gov.hk |
其實,我也曾 在新界東碰過劉江華議員,他當時正用傳聲 筒 呼喊 , 我也在那裏用傳聲 筒呼 喊。 legco.gov.hk | Actually, I had once bumped into Mr LAU Kong-wah in New [...] Territories East when both of us were shouting through a loudhailer. legco.gov.hk |
在我們參選初期, 譚香文說我們從未遇過某些情況,但她錯了,我們甚至被人當面掌摑,亦試 過被人圍着並呼喊一些 非常侮辱的口號,令我們在街上動彈不得。 legco.gov.hk | But she was wrong ― we were even slapped across the face and sieged by a crowd hurling some very insulting remarks at us, making us stuck in the street. legco.gov.hk |
代 理主席,可 能 本 會 內有些同事 不 願 意再討 論 八九民運 、不願 意再就 “ 六四屠殺” 表 態 , 但 是 , 對 於 類 似 丁 子 霖 的 受 難 者 家屬的呼 喊 , 難道大家 仍 然 無動於衷 嗎 ? legco.gov.hk | Mr Deputy, perhaps, some Honourable colleagues in this Council may no longer wish to talk about the pro-democracy movement in 1989, or, perhaps, they may not wish to state their positions regarding the 4 June Massacre any more. legco.gov.hk |
我代表非洲大陆发出源自内心的呼喊 , 恳 请倾听从一个广达 3 000 多万平方 公里的大陆、一个拥有巨大地质财富的愤怒大陆、一个已经重新开始经济增长的 大陆、一个充满希望和期待的大陆发出的声音,对此我将不胜感激。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am making a heartfelt appeal on behalf of the African continent and I would be infinitely grateful if you would listen to the voice of a vast continent of over 30 million square km, of outrageous and impressive geological riches, a continent which has taken up the path of economic growth again and is full of hope and expectation. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們仍然在此歇斯底里地為着這些冤 情 呼喊 , 都 是因為期盼我們 的社會、我們的政府、我們的國家能有進步,但我們的國家卻一次又 一次地令我們大失所望。 legco.gov.hk | The reason why we are still so hysterical to cry out the grievances here is that we wish to see improvements in our society, our government and our country. legco.gov.hk |
但后来,业主呼喊他, 让他在地上挖一个洞。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | But then, a landlord shouts at him and makes [...] him dig a hole in the ground. en.seekcartoon.com |
2008 年 2 月 19 日:在 18 时 30 分左右,一组约 1 000 人的示威者聚集 在希腊驻斯科普里联络处外,在呼喊 反 希 腊的口号和侮辱言语以及挥舞各种 标志的同时,开始袭击办事处的房舍并投掷许多石块和瓶子。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 19 February 2008, at about 1830 hours, a group of 1,000 demonstrators gathered outside the Greek Liaison Office in Skopje and, while hurling anti-Greek slogans and insults and waving various flags, began attacking the Office premises and throwing numerous stones and bottles. daccess-ods.un.org |
人口密度居世界最低之列,平均每平方公里 2.5 人 —— 在人烟稀少的内地,在呼喊距离 (叫一声就能听到的地方)内不足一人。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Population density is among the lowest in [...] the world, with an average of 2.5 people per square kilometre – [...] no-one’s within cooee (shouting distance) in the [...]outback. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
他們扶老攜幼,聲嘶力竭地呼喊口號,目的便是希 望政府能真正聽到市民的聲音,切切實實地落實雙普選,不要再拖拖拉拉。 legco.gov.hk | They brought along their young and [...] old folks and chanted slogans at the [...]top of their voices, in the hope that the Government [...]could really listen to the voices of the public and implement universal suffrage in earnest, instead of procrastinating any further. legco.gov.hk |
警察继续查封被称为“呼喊派” 的地下福音派组织,该组织原是1949年之前存在的一个本土新教组织的分支。 embassyusa.cn | Police also continued efforts to close down the underground evangelical group Shouters, an offshoot of a pre-1949 indigenous Protestant group. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在 去 年的七 一 遊 行中, 我們看 到有年 薪 過 百 萬 [...] 元 的公司總 裁 , 也 有 時 薪 只 [...] 有 十 數 元 的基層 工 友 ;有土 生 土 長的老 香港, 也 有 來 港一兩 年的新 移 民 ; 有 基 督 徒 沿 途 宣 揚 信、望、愛,也 有 人 手 持 關 公 像呼喊 天 地有正 氣。 legco.gov.hk | Among the participants of the march on 1 July last year, while we saw CEOs whose salaries were more than a million dollars a year, there were also grass-roots workers who earned just over $10 per hour; people locally born and bred in Hong Kong intermingled with new arrivals; and Christians preached faith, hope and charity on the [...] way as other people [...] held the statue of Guang Yue and cried out that the theme of righteousness existed in heaven and earth. legco.gov.hk |
此外,各候選人 及其支持者在禁止拉票區內,除進行第 13.10 [...] 段所述獲准許 的拉票活動外,不得向任何人傳達呼籲的信息,更不 得呼 喊這類信息。 legco.gov.hk | Save for canvassing activities allowed in para. 13.10, [...] candidates and their supporters are not allowed to [...] pass, let alone shout, appeal message [...]to persons while inside the NCZ. legco.gov.hk |
這是我們泛民......不論大聲或細聲, 不論有些人覺得我們是否已經“和諧”了,我們都是不亢不卑,用我們的 良知呼喊出來的。 legco.gov.hk | This is we in pan-democratic camp …… No matter we have a loud voice or not, and no matter some people consider that we are already "harmonious" or not, we will put forth our views with conscience without humbling ourselves or showing disrespect. legco.gov.hk |
一个小男孩呼喊他的 父亲出去的是谁的财富。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | A small boy shouts for his father [...] who is gone for the treasure. en.seekcartoon.com |
張文光議員表 示,據某 些 報 [...] 章 報 道,中 央 人民政府駐 香港特區聯絡辦 公 室 一 名官員表示,部 分 [...] 參與2004年 7月 1日 大遊行的人士呼 喊 的 口 號 並不 恰 當 , 違背大 [...]多 數 希望香港穩 定 、 發 展 及 和 諧 的 人 的 共 同 願望。 legco.gov.hk | Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong said that it was reported in some newspapers that an official of the Liaison Office of the Central [...] People's Government in HKSAR had commented [...] that the slogans chanted by some participants [...]of the mass procession on 1 July 2004 [...]were improper and were against the common wishes of most people who sought stability, development and harmony in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
许多人高谈阔论,仿佛为了取得和平,我们所 需做的一切就是经常大声呼喊我们 热爱和平、憎 恨战争。 daccess-ods.un.org | to get peace was to say loudly and frequently that we loved peace and hated war. daccess-ods.un.org |
行政長官 經 常 勸 勉 我們要同心 同 德 ,但 當市民 大眾負 擔那麼沉 重 的交通費 及 呼 喊 要求減 低收費的時候 , 這些機構 又 何 嘗 與 我們一起 共度時 艱 、同心 同 德 呢 ? legco.gov.hk | The Chief Executive has always encouraged us to share common goals, but have public transport operators tided over the difficulties with the people and shared common goals when the people are bearing a heavy burden in terms of transport expenses and calling for a fare reduction? legco.gov.hk |
有些人 [...] 不喜歡甚或討厭別人致電或利用大廈出入口對講機與他們聯 絡,有些人則不喜歡別人呼喊其名。 legco.gov.hk | Some do not like or detest being called over the telephone or the entrance intercom system and some do not like [...] their names being called out aloud. legco.gov.hk |
後來,我跟他說,大家一起呼喊並沒有益處,市民會覺得很煩厭的。 legco.gov.hk | Later, I told him that it would not do us any good for [...] both of us to shout together because [...]the people would feel annoyed. legco.gov.hk |
彼此呼喊说: “圣哉!圣 哉!圣哉!万军之耶和华,他的荣光充满全地 sallee.info | And they were calling to one another: “Holy, [...] holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory. sallee.info |
这是他们发自心底的呼喊,KI AI,夹杂着悲伤和快乐,他们既是灾民,又是救援队,这两重截然相反的身份就是他们的真实存在 shanghaibiennale.org | This is the KIAI shouted from the [...] bottom of their heart, in the midst of sorrow and delight, by them who live the both extremes [...]as the victim and the helper simultaneously as their real! shanghaibiennale.org |
作为人权理事会成 员,美国努力促进人权,加强国际法,创造一个更富 有公信力的人权理事会,为世界上最残酷政权统治下 的苦难人民发出呼喊。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a member of the Human Rights Council, the United States is working to promote human rights and strengthen international law and to create a more credible Human Rights Council that can be a voice for those suffering under the world’s cruelest regimes. daccess-ods.un.org |
我在這裏想指出,剛才有議員提到董先生在競選時沒有政綱,但事實 上,如果有出席過諮詢會或留意報章的報道,便知道他自己已經將他的實際 工作作為其政綱的一部分,不過只是沒有一些政客式 的 呼喊 而 已。 legco.gov.hk | Some Honourable Members mentioned earlier that Mr TUNG did not have any political platform when he ran for the election. Actually, anyone who attended the consultation meetings or read the reports in the newspapers would know that Mr TUNG had made the actual work to be done by him part of his political platform. legco.gov.hk |