单词 | 呵呵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 呵 —my goodnessexpel breath呵呵 interjection —hehe interj呵呵 —chuckle(onom.) gentle laughter
世界的岩溶地区广阔无 垠,它们是十分脆弱的景观,需要加以细 心 呵 护 , 以便为数百万人民维持当地的 经济。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Karst areas covering vast areas of the world are very fragile landscapes that need careful management in order to sustain local economies for millions of people. unesdoc.unesco.org |
里海是唯一一个领养的儿子,他的叔叔,Miraz,谁愿意接电源和谁就会 乐 呵呵 地 杀 了他,现在,他有他自己的儿子的摄政王。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | (Caspian is only a foster son of his uncle, Miraz, the regent who wishes to take power and who will cheerfully kill him now that he has his own son. seekcartoon.com |
整個駕駛艙盡是令人煥然一新的設計﹕高線條從司機門位橫跨儀表板上方掠過,並一直延伸至前座乘客門邊,一 氣 呵 成。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | An eye-catching feature is the wrap-around effect of the cockpit: a high line sweeps from the driver's door over the instrument panel support and across to the front passenger door. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
这款滋润而保湿的洗发水配方在清洁头发的同时,还能通过Glucam™ E-10保湿剂提供的保湿效果给予细致的 呵 护。 cn.lubrizol.com | This rich and moisturizing shampoo formula cleans as well as it pampers your hair with humectancy from Glucam™ E-10 Humectant. lubrizol.com |
呵呵…其實,事情也沒那麼嚴重啦,大不了等待下一趟的水上德士。 4tern.com | Actually need not to worry, you can always wait for the next trip. 4tern.com |
局長稍後可以告訴我們,在香港,老闆 是否對員工呵護備至、很疼錫他們、對他們很好,抑或很多時候都盡量 剝削和刻薄呢? legco.gov.hk | The Secretary may tell us later whether employers in Hong Kong are considerate and caring to their employees, or they only try every means to exploit and ill-treat their employees most of the time. legco.gov.hk |
呵护您的耳朵Jabra Rhythm 耳机经专门设计,与耳朵形状和轮廓完全吻合,为您提供更加舒适自然的佩戴体验。 jabra.cn | Be kind to your earsJabra Rhythm’s headphones are specially designed to fit the shape and contour of your ear, so you get a more natural and comfortable fit. jabra.com |
最好现在小心呵护海 洋环境, 而不是等到海洋环境遭到破坏后再后悔。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is better to be safe about the marine environment than sorry when it is ruined. daccess-ods.un.org |
跟着下來,大家討論的這一項議案,即修改《基本法》附件二有關 立法會的選舉辦法,我亦希望這議案一如上一項議案,可以一 氣 呵 成獲得通過,讓2010年立法會選舉這個普選中途方案得以落實,寫下香港民 主進程的新一頁。 legco.gov.hk | I also hope that the motion under discussion now, that is, the motion on amending Annex II to the Basic Law in regard to the formation of the Legislative Council, can also be endorsed in the same uninterrupted manner as the last motion, so as to implement the halfway universal suffrage proposal for the 2010 Legislative Council election and write down a new page for the democratization of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
(d) 推行提高认识的方案,包括运动,致使家长、专业人员和公众认识到 儿童在呵护和 安全环境下成长的情感需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | parents, professionals and the public on the emotional need of children to grow up in a caring and safe environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,它有助于维护我们的权利, 也有助于呵护我 们对在第 194(III)号决议的基础上 为解除包括巴勒斯坦难民在内的我们人民的困境找 到办法的希望,对实现和平、正义和稳定的希望。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, it has helped to safeguard our rights and hopes for a solution to the plight of our people, including to the plight of the Palestine refugees, on the basis of resolution 194 (III), and for the achievement of peace, justice and stability. daccess-ods.un.org |
採用珍貴的保加利亞玫瑰及玫瑰蜜,讓您時刻被玫瑰精 華 呵 護 ,被玫瑰香氣包圍。 aster.com.hk | It is formulated with valuable Bulgaria Rose and Rose Honey to nourish your body and surround you with the rose aroma every moment. aster.com.hk |
採用珍貴的保加利亞玫瑰露及精油,於肌膚表層形成保護膜,時刻滋養您的肌膚,讓您時刻被玫瑰精 華 呵 護 ,被玫瑰香氣包圍。 aster.com.hk | It is formulated with valuable Bulgaria Rose water and essence oil to form a protective film to nourish your body and surround you with the rose aroma every moment. aster.com.hk |
他提到 2010 通过的《文莱达鲁萨兰国关于加强家庭体制的宣言 :呵 护老年人》。 daccess-ods.un.org | He made reference to the Brunei Darussalam Declaration on Strengthening Family Institution: Caring for the Elderly, adopted in 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
超柔軟和天然防菌竹纖護墊,設於頭部遮蓋及嬰兒皮膚有接觸的手腳位置 , 呵 護 嬰 兒細嫩肌膚。 lascal.com.hk | Super soft and naturally anti-bacterial Bamboo fabric is perfect for the removable Top Cover and for the leg and arm openings that come in contact with baby's skin. lascal.net |
以下是消费者对优卡犬粮的评价,以及他们的狗狗如何在我们 的 呵 护 下 茁壮成长。 eukanuba.com.cn | Read below to see what consumers are saying about our food, and how it’s helping their dog’s be the best they can be. eukanuba.com.au |
即使摆臂是选配的,但是它能提高挤奶工的舒适性和工作效率,提供更好的挤奶杯组定位,有助于顺畅挤奶并且加 倍 呵 护 乳 房健康。 delaval.cn | Even the swing over arm is optional, but it improves milker comfort and efficiency – and cluster alignment, for more even milking and better udder health. delaval.ca |
这幅未注明日期的 20 世纪地图出版于印度 Pune(浦那的旧称),上面描绘了与 《摩呵婆罗 多》有关的印度地名,摩科婆罗达是古印度两大梵语史诗之一(另一部史诗为 《罗摩衍那》)。 wdl.org | This undated 20th-century map, published in Pune (formerly Poona), India, shows place names in India associated with the Mahābhārāta, one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India (the other being the Ramayana). wdl.org |
含羞草与乳木果萃取能呵护肌肤,形成柔软的保护膜。 clarinsusa.com | Extracts of Mimosa and Shea caress skin with a delicate veil of softness. clarinsusa.com |
这些文本和手稿年代悠久、罕见、内容也不同寻常,但从历史上看,它们都很容易被 毁坏,有些甚至处于濒危状态--2011 年 11 月古代科学手稿在埃及遭到焚毁 – 因此需要我们 加以细心呵护。 unesdoc.unesco.org | History has revealed the fragility of all these texts and written works, which are remarkable for their age, rarity, content and so on. Some are endangered – ancient scientific manuscripts went up in smoke in Egypt in November 2011 – and require us to take great care of them. unesdoc.unesco.org |
乳霜狀的質地軟滑細綿給肌膚提供更水潤 的 呵 護 t。 priceless.com.hk | Long lasting Moisture Essence for Smooth and Clear Skin Texture. priceless.com.hk |
位於呵叻府的呵叻運 營部,促使本公司得以善用技術專家及本公司提帕拉廠的 HGA 與 HGSA 製造設備,並有效率的導入本公司的區域硬碟機組件運營。 seagate.com | Located in Nakhon Rachasrima province, the Korat operartion enables the Company to leverage the technical expertise and resources of its HGA and HGSA manufacturing facility at the Teparuk plant, as well as to feed in its regional disc drive assembly operations efficiently. seagate.com |
这款晶莹透明的柔和型洗发水专为婴儿娇嫩而敏感的皮肤而配制,可为宝宝细嫩的肌肤提供悉心 的 呵 护。 cn.lubrizol.com | Pamper baby with this gentle, crystal clear shampoo specifically formulated for the sensitive skin of babies and newborns. lubrizol.com |
當權貴之仕以陳腐了的意識形態為自己的掠奪行為護航﹐也有"平民百姓"甘心對掌權握富之 人 呵 護 有加﹐及至於權貴者的心理狀態。 hkupop.hku.hk | While the power elites justify their greedy interests by using an obsolete ideology, some ordinarily ranked people also show their cares for those elites, including the elites' psychological well-being. hkupop.hku.hk |
DCEO 8/2004 一案中(附件2F) ,区域法院认为原告人 需要减少工作量和分散注意力的事物,以 及 呵 护 备 至的工作环境才能执行有关雇 用的固有要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the other hand, in M v Secretary for Justice, DCEO 8/2004 (Annex 6), the District Court found that the plaintiff was unable to carry out the requirements of his work without a reduced workload, minimised distraction, and a pampered and protected working environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
直至今日,社群成員不斷增加,也持 續 呵 護 與 拓展練習場規範,這個空間相當寶貴,不僅直接滿足使用者需求,更保持高度彈性,如果練習場不符需求,或是開始出現疲態,隨時可以拆除重建。 thisbigcity.net | It’s an invaluable space that a) so directly responds to the needs of it’s users and b) is crucially flexible : when it no longer fulfils their needs or their craftsmanship fails they chip in and rebuild. thisbigcity.net |
半邊天和其政府合作伙伴將通過這個開創性的項 目共同培訓國家福利體系中的護理人員,幫助他 們為孩子提供最好的呵護,這種呵護 不只是衣、 食、住,還包括半邊天工作的核心內容:個體關 愛、一對一的撫育。 halfthesky.org | Through this groundbreaking program, Half the Sky and its government partners are co-training the caregivers in the country’s vast social welfare system to provide optimal care for the children, care that in addition to food, clothing and shelter includes the one-on-one nurturing that is the heart of Half the Sky’s work. halfthesky.org |
乔治亚罗的设计所特有的洁净线条带来愉悦的视觉享受,比例匀称的前置发动机配置、修长的发动机罩与陡峭倾斜的挡风玻璃营造出一 气 呵 成 的 效果。 maserati.com.cn | The clean lines that characterized Giugiaro’s design were a visual delight, the classic proportions of the front-engine configuration with a long hood and steeply raked windscreen produced this effect. maserati.us |