



(onom.) sound of frogs, ducks etc





(onom.) giggling noise



External sources (not reviewed)

当时楼宇是基於某些理由以低价出售 的,例 如 SARS或其他原因,大业主以这样的条件购入,自然便宜到笑, 别人当然笑不出,只呱呱
The flats were sold at low prices due to different reasons, such as SARS or other reasons.
自由党仍然维护当局,他们真的是 呱呱
But the Liberal Party still tries to defend the authorities.
企业创立的时候,好像一个婴呱呱,而政府和社会大众便需 要好像父母一样,对它作出监察,透过规管和社会压力纠正它一些不负 责任的行为。
When enterprises are set up, they are like newborns, and the Government and the community have to supervise them like parents do and rectify their irresponsible acts through regulation and social pressure.
主席,2008年的选举结果,是泛民主派的议员 ⎯⎯ 我恭喜他们 ⎯⎯ 获得19席,较我预测的17席多出两席,这足以证明香港市民,特 别是年青一代承认并同意泛民主派议员的政治意念和主张,这是无可否 认的事实,亦已代表他们的胜利,包括看着我的汤家骅议员,他牺牲其 律师身份参加直选是有代价的,获得支持,真的是 呱呱
President, in the 2008 Legislative Council Election, pan-democratic candidates obtained 19 seats (I must congratulate them on this), that is, two seats more than my prediction of 17 seats. This can prove that at the time, Hong Kong people, especially young people, recognized and approved of pan-democratic Members' political conviction and advocacy.
我们不支持官商勾结,如果政府某些政策向某些人士倾斜,令他们胖 得连袜子也穿不上,其他人呱呱.. ....如果一些政策经大家讨论 後,觉得邻近不少国家也有这些政策,只要游戏规则清晰,大家均可 参与,我便希望当局执行。
If any government policies incline towards certain people who then became so fat that they cannot even put on their socks, whereas other people are complaining …… If certain policies, after discussion, are found to be in place in a number of neighboring countries, we can get involved provided that the rules of the game are clear.
主席先生,当㆒个婴呱呱时,父母最关心的,是子女是否五官端正,㆕肢健 全,可惜不是每个父母都能够这样幸运,有㆒个健全的婴儿。
Mr President, when a baby is born, what its parents care most is whether the baby is normal and healthy.
我们觉得政府也可以在外国设立同样的办事处,对於是否 采用 ETO 或 TDC 的形式,我没有甚麽特别意见,但我们认为应该让数位局 长在外地进行招募,而不能像以往般,只是站在这里,说香港是个那麽好、 那麽“呱呱地方,说如果外国人不到香港定居或工作,便是他们的损 失。
But we consider that the several Directors of Bureau should conduct recruitment exercises overseas, rather than just standing here saying that Hong Kong is such an excellent place second to none and that it would be a loss to the foreigners if they do not come to live or work in Hong Kong, just as what they used to do.
即是说, 如果政府所花的1 元值1.2元便最好,值1.5元更好,值2 元更是“呱 呱
In other words, it is always thought that it will be fine if $1 of government expenses can yield a return of $1.2, so much the better if the return is $1.5, and can even termedwonderful if the return can be $2.
政府坐拥万多亿元,商界呱呱市民在 住屋方面有问题,要求政府照顾残疾人士又有问题。
While the Government is amassing tens of billions of dollars of surplus, the business sector is complaining, the community is facing housing problems and their requests for provision of care services for people with disabilities have also been denied.
大家再看秘密监察的 定义,第(a)(ii)段提到:“该等监察的进行方式,是旨在确保该人不察觉该 等监察正在或可能正在进行” ─ 这些中文真是“呱呱简单 来说,是特意望过隔邻,并不是因为隔邻二叔婆饭香,而望过去看看她正在 吃甚麽饭餸,并不是一次、半次的偶然看看,而是故意偷望别人,别人也不 知道你正在偷望他,是在这情况下才属於秘密监察。
Paragraph (a)(ii) states, "…… the surveillance is carried out in a manner calculated to ensure that the person is unaware that the surveillance is or may be taking place" ― this is truly topnotch Chinese ― in brief, it is a deliberate look at the neighbour, made not for the reason that the rice the old lady over there has cooked smells good, but made to find out what she is eating.
N-methylimidazolium ionic liquid(IL)-modified silica was prepared with the reaction of 3-chloropropyl modified silica and N-methylimidazole using toluene as solvent. Based on the multiple interactions between N-methylimidazolium IL-modified silica and analytes such as hydrophobic interaction, electrostatic attraction, repulsion interaction, hydrogen-bonding, etc., the bases (cytosine, thymine, 2-aminopyrimidine and 6-chloroguanine), phenols (m-aminophenol, resorcinol and m-nitrophenol) and three pharmaceuticals (moroxydine hydrochloride, acyclovir and cephalexin hydrate) were separated successfully with only pure water as the mobile phase.
第㆒批的资优儿 童已在本呱呱,但本㆟出席他们的家长会座谈,以「政府的配合政策」为主题 [...]
The first batch of gifted children have seen the light of the
[...] day this month. However, when I attended [...]
the parents' talk and spoke on the theme
"The Matching Policies of the Government", in the face of the joyous parents and their earnest enquiries, I found myself wordless.
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首 先,获 授 勳 对 很 多 市 民 来 说 ,是很 重要的,所 以 要 很 小 心处理 这 做 法,要 正确衡量公 众 的 反 应(除 非 特 区 政 府 认 为无须 让 公 众 认 同这些 事 ) , 要一致 认 为 某些人 值 得获授 勳 才 颁 授 勳 章   ─   尤其是 最 高 荣 誉 的 勳 章,因为如果我们觉 得 要向 某 人 颁 授 勳衔, 便希望 大 部分市 民 认 同这个人是值得授 勳 的,而 不 致 令 市 民 天天致 电电呱呱投 诉 。
Being decorated is a very important thing for many members of the public and this should be handled carefully. Public response should be weighed properly, for unless the SAR Government thinks that such matters do not need public recognition, a person should not be decorated unless there is unanimous opinion that he deserves the honour.
冯检基议员:代理主席,今年是六四事件21周年,21年的光景已经事过 境迁,人面全非,当年呱呱 ”的,此刻已“亭亭玉立”,昔日“打不 死、健步如飞”的,如今却是“尘满面、鬓如霜”。
MR FREDERICK FUNG (in Cantonese): Deputy President, this year marks the 21st anniversary of the 4 June incident and there have been vast changes during these 21 years.




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