

单词 周岁

See also:

classifier for years (of age)
year (of crop harvests)

External sources (not reviewed)

子女补贴计划适用于所有年龄在18 周岁以下的儿童,并且与监护人的收 入状况挂钩。
The child benefit scheme applies to all children under 18 years of age and is linked to the custodian's income.
一些为10周岁以上 儿童和青少年设计的课程项目如足球夏令 营或暑期德语班进一步完善了卡尔·杜伊斯堡公益中心德语 课程系列。
Our course offer is rounded off with programs for children over ten and teenagers, such as a football camp, or a summer holiday course.
总是创新者,从不是仿造者,Infratec 1241谷物分析仪今年25周岁了。
Always an innovator, never an imitator, the Infratec 1241 Grain Analyzer is 25 this year.
3 到 6 (或 7)周岁儿童 的 学前教育将由不同所有制的学前教育机构组织,或是由根据儿童发育阶段和父母 [...]
The pre-school education of the children
[...] between 3 and 6 (7) years is organised at [...]
pre-school institutions of various forms
of property, or in primary kindergarten schools, with various activity programmes, subject to the level of child development and the parents’ choice.
据内部调查显示,2006年至2017年期间,德国境 内 5 0 周岁 以 上的员工人数占员工总数的比例将翻一番,从22%上升至44%。
In-house studies have shown that the number of employees over 50 in Germany will double between 2006 and 2017 – from 22 to 44 percent.
此外,于 2009 年 12 月 30 日通过的第 27/2009 号关于维护及促进就业并保 护失业人员的紧急措施的法律文件,在其附则第五条中对 2007 年 7 月 11 日通过 的第
20/2007 号关于“自主就业地位”的法律文件的附则第十条进行了修改,在
[...] “自主就业者亲属社会保险框架”中增加了第二段,即自主就业者可雇用其有特殊 就业困难的年满三周岁的子 女,该项规定公布于 2009 年 12 月 31 [...]
日的政府官 方公报上。
Mention should be made here of the fifth additional provision of Act No. 27/2009 of 30 December 2009 on emergency measures for the maintenance and promotion of employment and the protection of persons with disabilities, published in the Official Gazette (BOE) of 31 December 2009, amending the tenth additional provision of Act No. 20/2007 of 11 July 2007 on the status of self-employed workers, which deals with the “inclusion of self-employed workers’ families in the social security system”; it adds a second paragraph, which expands the ability of
self-employed workers to engage as employees
[...] their children over 30 years of age who experience [...]
special difficulties in entering the labour market.
从弱势群体的角度看,目前全国下列两大主要群体的贫弱状况十分突出: (1)农村地区领取社会养老金、退休金、补助金的人员(到退休年龄后领取养老金 的人或领取残疾补助金的人),相关补助金用于支付冬季取暖费和其他服务费 用;(2)18 到 25 周岁的年 轻人,他们从一开始便是寄宿人,没有自己的住房、也 没有必需的资金用于建房或买房。
From the point of view of vulnerability, there are two main groups of people that are prominent in the country: (1) pensioners with social pensions (age limit pensioners or disability pensioners) in the rural settlements, which bear the costs of heating and other services provided during winter time and (2) young people from 18 to 25 years, which are at their beginnings in the carrier and suffer from lack of housing, and who do not have the necessary financial means to built or buy a flat.
根据老年退休金法,所有年满65 周岁的人有权获得此项福利,而不论 其收入如何。
Under the Old Age Pensions Act, all persons 65 years and over are eligible to receive benefits, no means test is conducted.
在 2002 年 7 月 12 日通过的第 35/2002 号《社会保险总法》修订案第
[...] 161.2 条第 2 款中规定正常退休年龄为 65 周岁,对于残障程度大于等于 65%的残疾工 [...]
In former article 161.2 (paragraph 2) of LGSS, as worded by the first additional provision of the Act No. 35/2002 of 12 July
2002, it was established that the normal
[...] retirement age, set at 65 years, could be reduced [...]
in the case of workers with a level
of disability of 65 per cent or over, applying proportionately lower coefficients in a manner to be fixed by regulation.
在纽约州,州监护儿童一词指年龄在二十 周岁 以 下的儿童或青少年
In New York State, ward of the state means a child
[...] or youth under the age of twentyone
年龄超过66周岁的海 外游客购买往返车票时可享特别折扣,只要起止站均在爱尔兰共和国境内 [...]
Overseas visitors over the age of 66 can [...]
avail of special discounted return tickets between any two stations in the Republic
of Ireland (does not apply to cross-border travel) for a maximum of €26.
向加拿大(不包括魁北克省)、中国、德国、印度、英国、美国五十个州及哥伦比亚特区,年龄 在 1 8 周岁 以 上 或在参赛时达到了他们所在国家、省或州法定居民法定年龄的居民开放。
Open to residents of Canada (excluding Quebec), China, Germany, India, the United Kingdom, the fifty United
States and the District of Columbia,
[...] who are 18 years or older or of legal age of majority [...]
in their country, province or state
of legal residence at the time of entry, whichever is greater.
周岁,而 且跟其它发达国家类似,它 的国民预期寿命也在提升。这意味着将来会有更多的人退休, 而赡养他们的工作人口则将越来越少。
This means that in the near future many more people will retire, and fewer will be working to support them.
这种推动可以通过为未满 35 周岁的青 年 研究人员设立科学奖和建立合作与交流最佳做法(如,教授科学知识的新方 [...]
This promotion can take shape by
establishing science prizes for researchers
[...] younger than 35 years old and by establishing [...]
platforms for cooperation and the
exchange of good practices, for example on new methods of science teaching, world heritage and climate change.
急性髓细胞白血病主要为老年病(确诊的中间年龄为66岁);发病率随年龄增长而增长,但是也会导致低 于 2 0 周岁 的 患 者死亡。
AML is predominantly a disease of the elderly (median age at diagnosis is 66 years);
the incidence increases with age, but it is also the leading cause of cancer death in
[...] patients less than 20 years of age.
乌兹别克斯坦的监狱系统实行男女分离拘禁,不满 16 周岁的未成年人也同样单独拘禁,议会委员会定期监 [...]
In the prison system, men and women were detained separately, as were
[...] juveniles under the age of 16, and detention [...]
conditions were regularly monitored by a parliamentary committee.
来自 46 个非洲国家和非洲裔移民的代表 117 人与会。在 2010 年 10 月 24 日至 28 日召开的亚的斯亚贝巴会议期间,成立了该项目的科学 委员会,选举专家根据教师手册起草统一的教学内容,并以三个年龄群为目标: 12 周岁以下儿童、13-16 岁,以及 17-19 岁。
During its meeting held in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) from 24 to 28 October 2010, the Scientific Committee established for the project indentified and selected experts to draft these common contents with teachers’ guides corresponding to the three age groups targeted: children up to 12 years, 13-16 year old and 17-19 year olds.
通用英语证书课程面向年满16周岁以 上 、已完成高中教育并且有兴趣在LSBF英语学院接受以英语授课的高等教育的新加坡本地学生和国际学生。
The Certificate in General English programmes are offered to both
local (Singaporean) and international
[...] students, who are 16 years old and above, [...]
and have completed their high school education
and who are interested in pursuing a tertiary education in the English medium in LSBF School of English.
1、大专以上学历,3年以上相关采购管理工作经验; 2、会使用ERP系统,爱岗敬业,为人正派,坚持原则; 3、男女不限,年龄25-40周岁为佳 ; 4、有较强的协调能力、善于管理;能够发挥领导作用; 5、熟悉供应商评估、考核,熟悉相关质量体系标准;精通采购原理及成本控制,具备出色判断能力和风险防范意识; 6、具备良好部门内和跨部门的组织和协调能力,良好的谈判、人际沟通能力,团队协作能力强; 7、具备较强职业道德素质。
1, college education, 3 years procurement management experience; 2, we will use the ERP system, dedication, decency, adhere to the principle; 3, male or female, age 25-40 years of age is better; 4, coordination ability, good management; able to play a leadership role; 5, Familiar vendor evaluation, assessment, the familiar quality system standards; proficient Purchasing Principles and cost control, with excellent judgment and risk awareness; 6, have good departments and inter-departmental organization and coordination skills, good negotiation, interpersonal communication skills, teamwork ability; 7, with a strong professional and moral qualities.
该法规定 18 周岁为征兵入伍的最低年龄,并且规定对招募儿童或为 18 岁 以下青年入伍或招募提供虚假信息的人进行刑事处罚。
The Act establishes 18 as
[...] the minimum age for recruitment and stipulates criminal penalties [...]
for individuals who recruit
children or provide false information on enlistment or recruitment of a person below that age.
第一种方法 涉及直接营养干预,主要关注孕妇和不满 周岁 的 儿童,辅以预计有效的短期直 接干预,如推动有效营养做法、微量营养元素和补充喂养,以防治营养不良。
The first involves direct,
[...] nutrition-specific interventions focusing on pregnant women and children under age 2 using short-term [...]
direct interventions
that are known to be effective, such as the promotion of good nutritional practices, micronutrients and complementary feeding to prevent and treat undernutrition.
必须年满 18 周岁方可入读 LSI 纽约分校。
You must
[...] be at least 18 years old to attend [...]
LSI New York.
登记使用图书馆服务时,不满 14 周岁的 Reggio Emilia 省居民 居民 居民 居民,只需说明个人资料即可;15 周岁以上者,需出示有效身份证件。
For registration with the Library Service, it is sufficient for residents in
the province of
[...] Reggio Emilia of up to 14 years of age to make a verbal statement of their personal data, while from 15 years on, you must exhibit [...]
a valid identity document to be able to register.
在将个人可识别信息披露给提供或支付过渡服务 (transition service) 的参与机构官员以 前,必须先征得您的同意,或根据州法律已达到成年年龄( 18 周岁)的符合资格的子女 的同意。
Your consent, or consent of an eligible child who has reached the age of majority under State law (age 18), must be obtained before personally identifiable information is released to officials of participating agencies providing or paying for transition services.
宪 法》第 228
[...] 条还规定,当选总统和副总统须满足的条件是,年满 35 周岁本土出 生的巴拉圭公民,且具有完全民事和政治行为能力。
Article 228 stipulates that to serve as President or Vice-President, it is necessary
to be a Paraguayan national by birth, have
[...] reached 35 years of age and enjoy full [...]
exercise of one’s civil and political rights.
对于子总体 C2,确定各省样本量时,考
[...] 虑的指标是各省手机用户数;在确定各省中地市州的样本量时,均采用地市州的 “6 周 岁以上人口数”作为抽样指标。
For sub-population C2, the measure of mobile phone users in each province is used in
determining each province’s sample size, and the
[...] measure of people aged 6 and above in [...]
a city or prefecture is used in determining
the sample size of each city or autonomous prefecture.
对于子总体 A+C1,从全国的情况来看,各省的城市住宅电话与乡村住宅电话的比例差
[...] 异很大,由于城市与农村家庭的平均人口数差异很大,所以在确定各省样本量时,考虑 的指标是“住宅电话覆盖 6 周岁以上的人数”。
For sub-population A+C1, the ratio between urban home phone lines and rural home phone lines varies significantly across provinces, and families in urban and rural areas differ greatly in
terms of average family size; therefore the
[...] measure of people aged 6 or above with [...]
home phones is adopted in determining the sample size of each province.




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