单词 | 周到 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 周到—thoughtfulless common: considerate attentive thorough 周到adjective—discreetadjExamples:周到的adj—thoughtfuladj considerateadj 考虑周到n—discretionn
周到的服务 第一次就把事情做对就是好的服务。 jabra.cn | Superior service Getting things right [...] the first time is just good business. jabra.com |
一款体贴周到的立 体声耳机,具有舒适的耳内式设计。 jabra.cn | Adiscreet headset offering stereo sound and a comfortable, in-ear design. jabra.com |
华硕笔记型电脑一直和仍然是最好的之一和任何买方的享受与品质和 周到的设计和协助工具产品华硕 (asus) 的牺牲在客户的成功。 kompyuterniy-ma...city.g-sochi.ru | Laptops ASUS have always been and remains one of the best and enjoy success with customers at the expense of quality and thoughtful design and accessibility products ASUS for any buyer. kompyuterniy-ma...city.g-sochi.ru |
与会代表衷心感谢大韩民国人民和政府,感谢他们的盛情款待以及对会议做 出的周到安排。 fao.org | Participants expressed their heartfelt appreciation to the [...] people and Government of the Republic of Korea for the warm [...] hospitality and excellent arrangements [...]in hosting the Conference. fao.org |
他是一位既体贴周到又坚强有力的领导,通过在 UL 内部和外部积极参与测试、标准化和业务活动,彰显了自己诚信正直的品格。 ul.com | He is a thoughtfuland strong leader who demonstrates his integrity through his active participation in testing, standardization and business initiatives, both inside and outside of UL. ul.com |
豪华阁客房位於高层24-27层,共有51间精致豪华客房与套房,为贵宾奉上独一无二的舒适、便捷和 周到的服务,例如免费豪华自助早餐、晚间鸡尾酒、独立会议事等。 shangri-la.com | Horizon Club Floors are located on 24th to 27th floor, with 51 rooms and suites, providing guests with exclusive amenities and privileges such as complimentary breakfast, evening cocktails, express check-in and check-out, private meeting rooms and so on. shangri-la.com |
但有成员指出,鉴于东帝汶的 特殊情况,缔约方大会已请执行委员会在处理东帝汶问题时考虑 周到,做法灵活。 multilateralfund.org | It was, however, noted that the Meeting of the Parties had requested the Executive Committee to be considerate in its approach to Timor-Leste and exercise flexibility in view of the country’s special circumstances. multilateralfund.org |
在全国肿瘤防治宣传周到来之际,和睦家启望肿瘤中心与北京大学肿瘤医院达成合作协议,于4月1日在启望肿瘤中心举行签约仪式,和睦家启望肿瘤中心将成为北京大学肿瘤医院国际医疗部,共同开展肿瘤治疗高端服务。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | April 1, 2013, Beijing, CHINA - United Family New Hope Oncology Center (New Hope) and Peking University (PKU) Cancer Hospital today signed an agreement to jointly provide premium, world-class oncology services for the Beijing market. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
地中海邮轮为您的客人提供带有阳台或海景的套房,豪华的设施和 周到的服务。 msccruises.com.cn | MSC Cruises gives your guests supremely [...] comfortable suites and cabins with balconies or panoramic sea views, lavish facilities and [...] attentive yet discreet service. msccruises.com.au |
当我们听到“圣战行动”这样的字眼时,我们脑海里 浮现的是一群游击队员引爆简易爆炸装置,或者 对敌人发动壮烈的自杀爆炸袭击,因此当我们希 [...] 望开展行动时,我们大多数人专注于策划此类行 动,并由此认为我们需要周到精细的计划:人 员、后勤支持、藏匿点、策略等等。 crisisgroup.org | When we hear the words “jihad operation”, we have in our minds a group of mujahidin exploding an IED or spectacular [...] suicide bombing against the enemy, so that [...] if we havethe desire toundertake [...]an operation, most of us are focused on an attack of this kind. crisisgroup.org |
目 前 本 集 团 已 在 中 国 逾40个 城 市 设 立 了 销 售 网 点,借 助 集 团 的 区 域 优 势,使 本 集 团 客 户 能 迅 速 购 买 到「 EVOC 」的 产 品 并 享 受 及 时、周 到的服务。 evoc.cn | At present, the Group has set up sales outlets in more than 40 cities in China, capitalizing on the Group’s geographical advantages, so that the Group’s customers can conveniently buy “EVOC” products and enjoy timely and good services. evoc.cn |
餐厅供应的正宗意式美食以及随处可见的香格里拉 周到热情的服务,为食客带来难忘的用餐体验,自2002年起便被誉为马来西亚最佳餐厅之一。 shangri-la.com | The restaurant is touted as one of Malaysia’s best restaurants since 2002, Peppino promises patrons impeccable authentic Italian cuisine complemented by unforgettable Shangri-La hospitality. shangri-la.com |
及时周到的反应措 施有助于保持与利益相关方之间牢固密切的关系。 excellencethrou...stewardship.org | Prompt and thoughtful response actions will help to maintain strong stakeholder relations. excellencethrou...stewardship.org |
无论是只有少量需求的用户,还是大用量客户,我们都会一视同仁地提供 周到服务。 digikey.cn | We are structured equally to serve the differing needs of the very small user, andthose oflarge high-volume customer. digikey.ca |
我们首先强调,为了采用全面方法以确保维和成 [...] 功,在联合国开展维和行动的同时,还需要一个精心 设计、计划周到、得到有关各方同意、支持和拥护的 包容各方的和平进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | From the outset, we wish to stress that, in the context of taking a comprehensive approach to and with the objective of ensuring success in peacekeeping, United Nations peacekeeping operations should be accompanied by a [...] parallel and inclusive peace process that [...] is well planned, carefully designed and supported [...]by the consent and adherence of the parties concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
旗下公司遍布全球,包括纽约的JPMIFC GROUP 伦敦的JPMIFC LONDON,中国香港的摩根国际金融亚洲有限公司,巴黎的JPMIFC FRANCE ,东京的JPMIFC JAPAN。2012至2015年间,摩根国际金融集团还将在全球主要金融中心设立办事处,同时建立合作伙伴和附属公司, 为世界各地的交易者提供全面周到的服务。 jpmifc.com | Subsidiary companies worldwide, including the limited, London, New York JPMIFC GROUP JPMIFC LONDON, JP Morgan International financial advisor, Morgan International Markets Asia Limited, Hong Kong, China, Paris JPMIFC FRANCE of the JPMIFC JAPAN, Tokyo. 2012 to 2015, JP Morgan International Finance Group will be the world's major financial center to set up offices, partners and subsidiaries provide a comprehensive and thoughtful service to tradersaround the world. jpmifc.com |
采取反映冲突的社会经济背景的周到方法来理解冲突局势中所有平民的具体脆弱性,将导致 我们把这些战略正确地结合起来。 daccess-ods.un.org | A thoughtful approach to understanding the specific vulnerabilities of all civilians in a conflict situation would lead us to the right combination of these strategies, one reflecting the socio-economic context of the conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
本公司是集研制、生产、销售于一体的纸箱机械刀片专业生产厂家,公司自成立以来,立志于生产更优良的产品奉献给广大纸箱包装企业,我们将以“质量求生存,信誉求发展”的公司理念,坚持以优质的产品、良好的信誉、细致 周到的服务来满足广大客户的需求。 sino-corrugated.com | The company is set research and development, production, sales in the integration of carton machinery blade specialized production factory, the company since its inception, aims to produce more excellent products dedication to our carton packaging enterprise, we will with "quality seek survival, prestige seek development" the company philosophy, on the basis of high quality, good reputation, full service to satisfy the needs of customers. sino-corrugated.com |
它是后者的事实,印度教的又一显着特点,主要是由于,即在世界上没有其他系统是更为广阔的鸿沟隔开,较高的宗教,培养,从类的 周到低,没有文化,不懂事群众中去“(婆罗门教和印度教,1891年,第11页)。 mb-soft.com | And it is to this latter fact that yet another remarkable peculiarity of Hinduism is mainly due-namely, that in no other system in the world is the chasm more vast which separates the religion of the higher, cultured, and thoughtful classes from that of the lower, uncultured, and unthinking masses" (Brahmanism and Hinduism, 1891, p. 11). mb-soft.com |
内阁通过其政治纲领,宣布打算将父亲休 假时间从10周扩大到14周,并将 100%付薪的总育儿福利期进一步从46周扩大到48周。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Cabinet has, through is political platform, declared its intention to expand [...] the father’s quota [...] from 10 to14 weeksandto further expand the total parental benefits period from 46 to 48weeks with 100 per cent pay. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果她抱有这种态度,就更加有须要迫使政府改善现时劳苦大众所使用的服务,使到 这些服务可以达到周梁淑 怡议员心目之㆗的服务标准。 legco.gov.hk | If this is how she thinks, she should all the more demand the [...] Government to improve the services now provided to the lower income groups such that [...] these servicescan meet herstandards. legco.gov.hk |
经询问,咨询委员会获悉,在过去 10 年间,人权高专办提供 服务的条约机构数量从 5 个增加到了 10 个;各条约机构年度会议的次数从 11 次 增加到 [...] 24 次;条约机构每年会议时间从44周增加到73周;条约机构的专家人 数也从 74 人增加到 [...]172 人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that, in the past 10-year period, the number of treaty bodies serviced by OHCHR had increased from 5 to 10; the number of the sessions [...] held annually by treaty bodies from 11 [...] to 24; the number ofweeks in which treaty bodies [...]hold sessions annually from 44 to [...]73; and the number of treaty body experts from 74 to 172. daccess-ods.un.org |
抚养子女是一项艰巨的责任,父母总是希望自己的孩子健康、快乐地成长,长大後负有责任感,且受 到周围人的尊重。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Raising a child is a big responsibility and [...] parents want their children to turn into healthy, happy and responsible adults who will [...] be respectful ofthose around them. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
委员会回顾,大会第 64/243 号决议曾根据委员会本身的建 议作出决定,将委员会在每个两年期中的会议时间从74周延长到78周。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recalls that the decision to extend the Committee’s meeting time from 74 weeks to 78 weeks per biennium was taken by the General Assembly in its resolution 64/243, in response to the Committee’s own recommendation. daccess-ods.un.org |
一 俟大会批准增加周转基金的数额,目前作为杂项收入记入的数额将作为管理局成 员国预付款记入到周转基 金,同时,短缺的 105 327 [...] 美元将由管理局成员国根据 商定的摊款比额表支付的更多预付款弥补。 daccess-ods.un.org | On approval by the Assembly of an increase in the level of the Fund, the amount currently credited [...] as miscellaneous income will be credited to [...] the Fundas advances from members [...]of the Authority, while the shortfall of US$ [...]105,327 would be made up by further advances from members of the Authority to be assessed in accordance with the agreed scale of contributions. daccess-ods.un.org |
面对目前本港中小型企业无法向银行借 到周转资金的问题,工业总会希 望政府能重新考虑我的建议,成立一个委员会,让中小型企业和银行界可以 早日拟定一套双方都能够接受的借贷准则,解决中小型企业的融资问题。 legco.gov.hk | Faced with the fact that SMEs in Hong Kong are unable to borrowworking capital from the banks, the Federation of Hong Kong Industries hopes that the Government can reconsider my proposal of setting up a committee as early as possible to enable SMEs and the banking sector to formulate a set of lending criteria acceptable to both parties in order to solve the financing problem faced by SMEs. legco.gov.hk |
从弱势群体的角度看,目前全国下列两大主要群体的贫弱状况十分突出: (1)农村地区领取社会养老金、退休金、补助金的人员(到退休年龄后领取养老金 的人或领取残疾补助金的人),相关补助金用于支付冬季取暖费和其他服务费 用;(2)18到25周岁的年轻人,他们从一开始便是寄宿人,没有自己的住房、也 没有必需的资金用于建房或买房。 daccess-ods.un.org | From the point of view of vulnerability, there are two main groups of people that are prominent in the country: (1) pensioners with social pensions (age limit pensioners or disability pensioners) in the rural settlements, which bear the costs of heating and other services provided during winter time and (2) young people from 18 to 25 years, which are at their beginnings in the carrier and suffer from lack of housing, and who do not have the necessary financial means to built or buy a flat. daccess-ods.un.org |
该集团虽然对项目从设计阶段过渡到建筑活动后所 取得的进展,包括对临时性北草坪大楼的建造,表示 赞赏,它强调应严格遵守将工作人员搬 到周转办 公楼 的时间表,以便能够及时开始修理和翻新工作、避免 费用超出预算。 daccess-ods.un.org | While it appreciated the progress already achieved following the transition from the design phase to construction activity, including the construction of the temporary North Lawn Building, it stressed that the schedule for the relocation of staff to swing spaces should be strictly followed so that repair and renovation work could begin in a timely manner and cost overruns could be avoided. daccess-ods.un.org |
比例,地 [...] 方当局可以决定从其预算中拨出资源来增加教师工资基金,免费提供住所,或吸 引大学毕业生到周边地区当教师,替他们偿还其学生贷款本金。 daccess-ods.un.org | A local authority may, for example, decide to allocate resources from its budget to increase the wage fund for teachers, to offer a dwelling free of charge or [...] attract young university graduates to go [...] as teachers to peripheral areas byoffering [...]to repay the principal sum of their student loans for them. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样的项目实施进度会产生不同的开支率,这取决于 当年拨款是否能得到周密的管理与调节,以反映每个项目的实际进度。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The same level of project implementation can result in different expenditure rates depending on whether or not the level of allotment was minutely managed and adjusted during the course of the year to reflect the actual progress of each project. unesdoc.unesco.org |