

单词 周中

External sources (not reviewed)

周中工作 时间的分布也可以采取压缩方式,即 4 天或 4 天半,前提是每 周工作时间不超过法定最长时间。
Distribution of the working time
[...] during the working week may take place also [...]
in compressed form, which consists of 4 days
or 4 days and a half, with the condition that the weekly duration of the working time is not above the maximum legal duration.
其中韩国大热的#2 Blueberry Ganache色号,上层淡黄色是用于周中 和 加 光,均匀黯沉肤色,以及中和黑眼圈色素,提升光泽。
2 Blueberry Ganache is the Korean hits, the color of pale yellow is used to neutralize and brightening, even dullness, reduce the pigment of dark circles and to brightening.
特别报告员(事实上,出席第六委员会的任何国际法委员会委员)应准备参 加第六委员会“国际周”中的互 动活动。
The Special Rapporteurs (and indeed any member of the Commission present in the
Sixth Committee) should be ready to take part in the inter-active segment of the Sixth
[...] Committee’s “international law week”.
周中軍博 士領導的團隊發現白藜蘆醇可以加強長壽基因SIRT1及人體蛋白質Lamin [...]
Led by Dr Zhou Zhongjun, the HKU research [...]
team found that Resveratrol can increase the binding between Lamin A and SIRT1
and thus restore stem cells and delay the onset of aging.
孕妇、计划怀孕的 妇女及年幼的孩子应当限制摄取鲨鱼(flake)、broadbill、枪鱼、旗鱼,不超过每两周一次,在这周 中不食用其它鱼类。
Pregnant women, women planning pregnancy and young children should limit their intake of shark (flake),
broadbill, marlin and swordfish to no more than one
[...] serve per fortnight with no other fish to be consumed during that fortnight.
该项目的下一步计划将在中国就瑞典农业科技大学介 周中 涉 及 的主题进行深入培训。
The next stage of the program is planned to be held in China focusing on further training in all the topics which were covered
[...] during these introductory weeks at SLU.
根据《劳动法》第 98 条,周中工作 时间的分布通常是固定的,每天 [...]
8 小时,总共 5 天,两天为休息日。
According to article 98 of the
Labour Code, the distribution of the working
[...] time during the week, is usually uniform [...]
and constitutes 8 hours per day, for
five days, with two days of rest.
自以色列政府去年9月对定居活动采取解冻措 施以来——事实上只是部分冻结——定居活动不仅
[...] 达到了先前的增长速度,而且还成倍增长,以致于在 9 月份后的头周中,增量不仅弥补了 10 个月的冻结 量,甚至还超过了该水平。
Since the Israeli Government lifted the freeze on settlements last September — a freeze that was only partial, in point of fact — the settlement activities have not only reached their previous rate of
growth but doubled to the point that,
[...] during the first six weeks after that September [...]
date, they had made up for that 10-month
freeze and even gone beyond it.
周末压缩(也可以展示以日期分组的多种资源视图 — 在本中,一周中的每天在视图内做水平排列显示)。
Weekend compression (also available for multiple [...]
resource views when grouping by dates - in this instance, week days are arranged horizontally).
苏人解和全国大会党双方必 须继续展示它们在过去周中所表 现的出色的领导 能力、政治家风度和政治勇气,引导苏丹走过这段困 难时期。
Both the SPLM and the National Congress Party need to continue displaying the remarkable leadership, statesmanship and political courage they have demonstrated in the past few weeks to guide the Sudan through this difficult period.
所有独享优惠均不适用于所有公共节假日及其前夕、特殊日期或活动及其前夕,包括但不限于:秘 周 、 中 国 农 历新年期间的 15 天、情人节、母亲节、父亲节,另有说明的除外。
All exclusive offer(s) are not valid on all public holidays and the eves thereof and any special dates or occasions and
the eves thereof including without
[...] limitation Secretaries’ Week, 15 days of Chinese [...]
New Year, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s
Day, Father’s Day, unless otherwise stated.
更让弗格森担心的应该是即将到来的“FIFA病毒”, 周中 , 至 少8名曼联球员将为国家队参加毫无意义的国际友谊赛。
In the middle of the week, at least 8 players [...]
from United will follow their National Teams to Participate in Friendlies
which practically have no bearing!
第六委员会在起草联合国争议法庭和上诉法庭 规约方面取得相当大的进展,其工作应得到赞扬;为
[...] 了保持这一势头,第委员会现在必须拿出规约的定稿 并在今后周中解决 所有其他未决问题。
The Sixth Committee had made considerable progress in drafting the statutes of the United Nations Dispute and Appeals Tribunals and was to be commended for its work; in order to maintain the
momentum, the Fifth Committee must now finalize the statutes and resolve all other
[...] outstanding issues in the coming weeks.
为此,将在这周中定期 举行联络小组会议,讨论悬而未决的政治和政策问题。
Regular meetings of the contact group to discuss the outstanding political and policy issues will therefore be held during the week.
周中国内 陆城市成都举办的车展上,尼桑(Tokyo: 7201)的一名高管承认钓鱼岛争端,已经被中日媒体广泛报道,这使其公司被迫抑制其在华的营销活动。
At an auto show this week in the interior [...]
city of Chengdu, a top executive at Nissan (Tokyo: 7201) acknowledged that the
island spat, which has received widespread media coverage in both China and Japan, has forced his company to curb its marketing events throughout China.
消费品巨头联合利华(London: ULVR)最近表达了对中国缓慢的交易审批程序的不满,它称 周中 国 政府还未批准联合利华以7亿美元将其品牌“四季宝”出售给食品生产商荷美尔公司(NYSE: [...]
Consumer goods giant Unilever (London: ULVR) became the latest
company to voice its
[...] frustration over China’s slow deal approval process when it said last week that Beijing [...]
had yet to approve the
$700 million sale of its Skippy brand to food products maker Hormel Foods (NYSE: HRL).
印度代 表团希望在今后周中解决所有未决问题,以便本组 织能够按照大会所批准的那样,在 [...]
2009 年 1 月有一 个充分运转的内部司法系统。
His delegation hoped that all outstanding issues would be
[...] resolved in the coming weeks so that by January [...]
2009 the Organization would have a fully
functional system of justice, as approved by the General Assembly.
各国教育部、联合国各机构、非政府组织(尤其是参加了“全世界教 育运动”的大约 100
[...] 个非政府组织)、教师联盟、学生和传媒已计划在这 周中 开 办 圆桌会 议、电视辩论、绘画比赛等各种活动。
Education ministries, United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations –
notably some 100 belonging to the Global Campaign for Education – teachers’ unions, students and the media scheduled round tables, television debates, drawing
[...] competitions, etc., during the week.
[...] 对于每种广告产品您可以决定以下选项:广告期,网站的哪个页面,受众国家/洲,语言, 周中 哪 些 天,一天中哪些时间。
NOTE: For each advertising product you can
define the delivery options: period, page on the website, country/continent,
[...] language, day of the week, time of the day.
我可以在优秀的软件的基础上开发,没有这些,我不可能在短短 的 6 周中 开 发出有用的软件。
I was able to do the development on the basis of
excellent software, without that, it would have been impossible to create a usable tool
[...] in the short timespan of 6 weeks.
他们看起来是那么的弱,虽周中4-1 的 胜利能够鼓舞一下他们替补球员的士气,但是本周末在光明球场的比赛他们中有超过一半的人不会出现在首发阵容中。
They look so poor all over the park, and
[...] although a 4-1 midweek victory for their [...]
reserve side in the League Cup may boost
morale somewhat, more than half of the side who played won’t be starting this weekend at the Stadium of Light.
出席人士還包括國家開發銀行行長鄭之杰先生、中國五礦集團公司總 周中 樞 先生、及MMG業務發展執行總經理Michael Nossal先生。
Also present were Mr Zheng Zhijie,
[...] President China Development Bank, Mr Zhou Zhongshu, President China Minmetals [...]
Corporation and Mr Michael
Nossal, Executive General Manager Business Development for MMG.
在建成该cottage后的三年里,我们为游客提供了优质的住宿服务,合理的周末价格 周中 特 价 ,从中我们获得了巨大收入,cottage全年客满,特别在学校假期期间,深受想感受农场气氛的家庭的欢迎。
In the three years since we built the Cottage, we have been very pleased with the income provided from it,
and rather than be greedy, we offer
[...] reasonable weekend rates, and a midweek special, [...]
which ensures the Cottage is full
much of the time and is popular with families in the School Holidays who want a farm experience.
本研討會特別邀請瑞士國家材料測試研究院 MEIER 教授、 美國奧勒崗州交通局橋梁工程組組長 Ben TANG 博士、加拿大渥
太華橋梁研究院 Moe M.S. CHEUNG
[...] 教授、南京工業大學 W.Q. LIU 教授、香港理工大學 J.G. TENG 教授、日本京都大學 SUGIURA 教授及韓國國民大學 S.W. LEE 教授與國內台灣大周 中哲教授、磁震科技開發股份有限公司翁慶隆董事長、中華顧問 工程司盛力航顧問及國家防災科技中心李中生博士等學者專家 [...]
們,與產官學研各界共同探討 FRP
Some outstanding professors and senior researchers were invited to present their achievements in the applications of FRP composites in civil engineering and to share their experiences. These include: Professor Urs MEIER from Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, Switzerland; Dr. Benjamin TANG from the Bridge Engineering Section of the Oregon Department of Transportation, USA;
Professor Moe M.S.
[...] CHEUNG from the Ottawa-Carleton Bridge Research Institute, Canada; Professor W.Q. LIU from Nanjing University of Technology, China; Professor [...]
J.G. TENG from the Hong
Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong; Professor SUGIURA from Kyoto University, Japan; Professor S.W. LEE from Kookmin University, Korea; Professor C.C. CHOU from the National Taiwan University; Adviser L.H. SHENG from China Engineering Consultants Inc.
大部分的注意力都将集中在曼联对阵切尔西的比赛中,考虑到曼联 周中 的 冠军联赛中遭淘汰,而其比赛风格也受到了争议,我可不想切尔西处于那样的境地。
Anyhow looking to this weekend’s quarters, Most of the attention will be on the Man Utd v Chelsea game –
considering United got knocked out of the
[...] Champions League in midweek in somewhat controversial [...]
style I wouldn’t want to be in Chelsea’s shoes.
[...] 定书第二十一次缔约方会议前后相衔接地在沙姆沙伊赫举行第五十九次会议,还是在上述周中的一周内在蒙特利尔举行。
The Secretariat would appreciate guidance from the Committee on whether to hold the 59th Meeting in Sharm El Sheikh back-to-back
with the 21st Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, or in
[...] Montreal during one of the weeks identified above.
1995年,大会请各国政府和非政府组织,继续在裁 周中 发 挥积极作用(12月12日的50/72 B号决议);请秘书长继续尽可能广泛地使用联合国的信息实体,来提高公众对裁军问题的认识,以及更好地理解裁军周的目的。
It invited the Secretary-General to continue using United Nations information entities as widely as possible, to promote a better understanding among the public of disarmament problems, and the aims of the Week.
赞赏地注意到联合国开发计划署南南合作特设局协同联合国人类住区规 划署及联合国贸易和发展会议,倡议在作为 2010 年中国上海世界博览会联合国 馆活动之一,于 2010 年 10 月
[...] 19 日至 24 日举办的创意经周中列入 “和平文化” 专题;12.
Takes note with appreciation of the initiative of the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation of the United Nations Development Programme, in partnership with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, to include the theme “culture of peace” in the Creative Economy Week to be held from 19 to
24 October 2010 as part of the activities of the United Nations pavilion at the 2010
[...] World Exposition in Shanghai, China
然后勾选 The power supply is turned at the specified time of a day of the week 复选框,勾选周中需要 打 开电源的某几天的复选框,而不要勾选要关闭媒体播放器电源的其他复选框。
And then select the check box of The power supply is turned at the specified time of a day of the week, select the necessary check boxes of days of week to power on, and don’t select the other check boxes on which power off the Media Player.
於本公佈日期,本公司董事會由十一名董事組成,包括三名執行董事徐惠中先生、王立新先生 及任鎖堂先生;五名非執行董周中 樞 先 生(主席)、沈翎女士、張壽連先生、宗慶生先生及崔 [...]
As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company comprises 11 directors, of which three are executive directors, namely Mr. Xu Huizhong, Mr. Wang Lixin and Mr. Ren
Suotang; six are non-executive directors,
[...] namely Mr. Zhou Zhongshu (Chairman), [...]
Ms. Shen Ling, Mr. Zhang Shoulian, Mr. Zong
Qingsheng and Mr. Cui Hushan; and three are independent non-executive directors, namely Mr. Liu Hongru, Mr. Chan Wai Dune and Mr. Ting Leung Huel, Stephen.




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