单词 | 呢呢 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 呢 —this (Cantonese)less common: particle signaling a pause, emphasize the preceding words • and allow the listener time to take them on board ("ok?", "are you with me?") particle indicating that a previously asked question is be • applied to the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?") (at the end of a declarative sentence) particle indicating • continuation of a state or action particle indicating strong affirmation • woolen material • particle for inquiring about location ("Where is ...?") 呢呢 —garrulous • talkative
如果它 [...] 们真正关心人权的话,怎么非但不见它们关心巴勒斯坦人民的权利反而对他们使 用否定权呢? daccess-ods.un.org | If they truly cared about human rights they would also care about [...] the rights of the Palestinian [...]people and not use their veto against them. daccess-ods.un.org |
但 是上海合作组织实际上通过作什么来促进该地区的长期 合作呢? crisisgroup.org | But what does the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation actually do to promote enduring cooperation in this part of the world? crisisgroup.org |
就算可以通过高价从某发达国家市场获取这 些资源,又如何保证发展中国家能买得起这些药 品 呢? iprcommission.org | Even when there is a developed country market from which these resources can be recovered through high prices, how can the affordability of these drugs in developing countries be secured? iprcommission.org |
上海 合作组织成员国怎样看待自己的组织 呢? crisisgroup.org | What is the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation members’ vision of their own organisation? crisisgroup.org |
只需按一下按钮并把购物清单或是您刚想起来的精彩引语告诉您的手机就行了(您怎么这么聪 明 呢 )。 jabra.cn | Simply press a button, and tell your phone your grocery list, or that snappy quote you just thought up (so clever, you). jabra.com |
只問上題中回答「一半半、幾反對、非常反對、唔知道或拒答」者,次樣本為466人,包括17人拒答追問】你話你【一半支持、幾反對、非常反對、唔知道、唔願答,因應上一題答案而定 】 呢 個 方案,係因為你認 為 呢 個 方 案太急進定係太保守? hkupop.hku.hk | Only for those who answered "half-half, quite oppose, very much oppose, don't know or refuse to answer" in the previous question, sub-sample size: 466, including 17 respondents who refused to answer this follow-up question] You mentioned that you [partly support, quite oppose, very much oppose, don't know, refuse to answer, subject to respondents' answers in the previous question] the proposal, is it because you think it is too radical or too conservative? hkupop.hku.hk |
如果美国、日本和欧洲联盟对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国不是怀着不可告人的 目的而是真正有兴趣开展人权领域的对话与合作,那么它们何必寻求一项对抗性 的“决议”呢? daccess-ods.un.org | Would there be any need for the United States, Japan and the European Union to pursue a confrontational “resolution” if they had no ulterior motive for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and were truly interested in dialogue and cooperation in the area of human rights? daccess-ods.un.org |
究竟是什么让这些猫儿在深更半夜聚集到伊斯坦布尔中心的公 园 呢? shanghaibiennale.org | What is the secret that holds them together in the midst of the night, in the midst of Istanbul in this park? shanghaibiennale.org |
此外,应当考虑这样一个问题(因我认为这是一个根本性问题):我们可以通过数 量指标等方法来衡量这些方面的情况,但对人际关系的状况,对共处的意识和意愿又能 通过什么方法来进行评估呢? unesdoc.unesco.org | Furthermore, we must ask the following question: if all these criteria can be measured by quantitative indicators, for example – and, in my opinion, this question is crucial – how can we evaluate the quality of human relations and the know-how and commitment required for living together? unesdoc.unesco.org |
但第三国是否愿意事先接受使参加内部冲突的国家更容易终止 或中止其条约义务的规则呢? daccess-ods.un.org | But will third States be prepared to accept, in advance, rules which make it easier for States participating in an internal conflict to terminate or suspend their treaty obligations? daccess-ods.un.org |
但正如我们所争论的,如果应该鼓励发 展中国家制定适合其自身情况和目标的专利制度,而这些情况和目标又因其发展阶段的不 同而不同,那么这些国家应该如何着 手 呢? iprcommission.org | But if, as we argue, developing countries should be encouraged to devise patent systems that suit their individual circumstances and objectives, which themselves will vary according to their stage of development, how should developing countries then proceed? iprcommission.org |
您是否對烹製、展示和擺放食品及飲料感興 趣 呢? studyinaustralia.gov.au | Are you interested in preparing, [...] displaying and serving food and beverages? studyinaustralia.gov.au |
如果一个人的话让人听起来很费劲,那么再丰富的词 汇量和再好的语法知识又有什么用呢? carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | Is there any point of having an extensive vocabulary and a good knowledge of grammar, if it is extremely difficult to understand or to be understood? carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
为什么私人财富的失去就值得探 究、值得报道,而公共财富的失去却无人问 津 呢? teebweb.org | Why was private wealth worth chasing, and worth reporting if it was lost, but not public wealth? teebweb.org |
但是,如果我们认为这不是国家合适的征税办 法,那么根据国际咨询机构的报告在避税天堂超过 10 万亿美元的存款又如何呢? daccess-ods.un.org | Nonetheless, were we to conclude that this was not an appropriate way for States to raise revenue, what about the more than 10 trillion dollars deposited in tax havens, according to reports by international advisory institutions? daccess-ods.un.org |
假定一个决策者选择了 [...] 将生态系统服务货币化,该决策者所面临的主要问 题是:我怎样才能确保我的数字尽可能精 确 呢? teebweb.org | Assuming that a policy maker has opted to [...] monetize ecosystem services, the key question for the policy maker is: how [...] do I ensure my numbers are [...]as accurate as possible? teebweb.org |
如果我们允许以色列的宣传机器描述以色列南 部一些居民由于哈马斯火箭弹袭击承受心理影响的 情况,我们又怎么可能忽视由于以色列的军事占领和 对在数百万巴勒斯坦人必须生活地区的彻底封锁,整 个巴勒斯坦人口正在承受的人道主义悲 剧 呢? daccess-ods.un.org | If we allow the Israeli propaganda machine to describe the situation regarding the psychological repercussions suffered by some inhabitants of southern Israel because of Hamas rocket attacks, how can we possibly ignore the humanitarian tragedy to which the entire population of Palestine is subject due to the military Israeli occupation and the complete blockade within which millions of Palestinians have to live? daccess-ods.un.org |
就是非常好用为什么要把耳机设计得那么复 杂 呢? jabra.cn | It just works Why should a headset be complicated? jabra.com |
我向来是喜欢用简单的软件来替代那些庞大的名牌软件的,比如mac上可以直接浏览pdf文件,那我就绝不会去装Adobe [...] Acrobat,在mac上浏览一个pdf文件是很方便的,但只能浏览未必功能太单一了些,如果有个pdf需要我校正和修改怎么 办 呢。 oapdf.com | I always like to use is a simple software to replace those large brand-name software, such as the mac can browse pdf file directly, then I will not go on the loaded Adobe Acrobat, in the mac on a pdf file browser is very convenient, but only [...] a single visit may not have been a bit too much functionality, there is a pdf if I need to [...] correct and modify how to do. oapdf.com |
我們已知道這個女人肉身上的痛苦,還有哪些其他方面是令她痛苦 的 呢? magdalenatoday.com | We have read about this woman’s physical suffering, in what other ways might this woman have been hurting? magdalenatoday.com |
这样一种局势使对大会所提问题作出回应的适当性变得更加可疑,更有问题, 而联合国给人的印象是正在适应这种新的事态(不过,它又有什么其他办法 呢?)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such a situation makes the propriety of responding to the question posed by the General Assembly yet more dubious and problematic, while the United Nations has given the impression of adapting to the new state of affairs (though how could it do otherwise?). daccess-ods.un.org |
反 過來看,未來的通縮或衰退調整又會否空前嚴 厲 呢? sktsang.com | So will be any downward adjustment that may indeed emerge? sktsang.com |
大家都知道LG以前是有半导体的,那时候就有A1CCD,但是好象是1997年,韩国国家说半导体厂家太多,要求减少,以便减少国内竞争,提高国际竞争力,因此LG半导体响应国家号召,和现代半导体合并,合并后统一为HYNIX,主要方向是DRAM,于是A1的工程师就没有饭吃了,又不甘心就这样饿死啊,于是自己出来搞,又不想放弃LG的名号,怎么 办 呢? glofine.com.cn | We all know that the LG before semiconductors, when there A1CCD, but if the 1997 South Korean national, said too many semiconductor manufacturers, calls for a reduction, in order to reduce domestic competition, and improve their international competitiveness, LG Semiconductor to respond to national call and Hynix Semiconductor merge unified for Hynix, the main direction of the DRAM, so the engineers of the A1 nothing to eat, but also not willing to starve to death ah, so come out to engage, and do not want to give up the name of the LG, how do? glofine.com.cn |
投 資 者 透 過 聯 交 所 買 賣 需 支 付 交 易 費 用 ( 請 參 閱 「 我 可 以 如 何 買 賣 「 恒 生 之 ETF 」 基 金 單 位 呢 ? bank.hangseng.com | Investors trading via the SEHK will have to pay transaction costs as set out in the section "How can I buy or sell Units in Hang Seng's ETF(s)? bank.hangseng.com |
青岛啤酒的最大国外市场是在美国,还有什么比和NBA合作更聪明的方 法 呢? labbrand.com | And as its biggest foreign market is indeed in the USA, what could have been smarter for Tsingtao than closing a partnership with NBA? labbrand.com |
极而言之,我们会这样想:“我的上帝啊,自举行各种关于课程、学习、学校的组 织和管理的会议以来,我们怎么会老是处于这种状 况 呢? unesdoc.unesco.org | And if we push the argument through to its conclusion, we might ask ourselves: “My God, considering how long we have been holding conferences on curricula, learning and school organization and management, how come we are still in this situation? unesdoc.unesco.org |
关于这位神秘主义的禁欲者的生平已有不少著述,其实这个人物是否真的存在或者关于她的生平故事是不是杜撰的,我们都无从知晓——但是真是假有什么关 系 呢? shanghaibiennale.org | Much has been written about the life of this mystic and ascetic and it is not known if this character really existed or if the story of her life is a fabrication – but does it matter if this is true or false? shanghaibiennale.org |
熟悉网页制作的朋友,当然对超链接比较熟悉了,但是当我们在用Word进行文档处理,有时候也需要设置超链接的,比如在超长文档中创建文档目录,为书稿创建目录等,这样以来我们只需要点击第一页的超链接即可快速跳转到需要的页面或者打开我们需要的文件,那在Word中如何来快速地创建文档内的超链 接 呢? oapdf.com | familiar with the Web making friends, of course, familiar with the hyperlink, but when we use Word for document processing, and sometimes also need to set the hyperlink, such as long documents create a document directory, create a directory for the manuscript and so on, so since we only need to click on the first page of hyperlinks to [...] quickly jump to the desired page or open the file we need it in Word, how to quickly create [...] a hyperlink within a document it? oapdf.com |