

单词 告退


petition for retirement (old)
ask to be excused
ask for leave to withdraw

See also:




move back



External sources (not reviewed)

(B) 本公司可於任何董事以上述方告退何股东大会上推选相同數 目之人士出任董事,以填补有关空缺。
(B) The Company at
[...] any general meeting atwhich any Directors retire inmanner aforesaid [...]
may fill the vacated office by
electing a like number of persons to be Directors.
本公司非执行董事并非按指定任期获委任,但须根据本公司细则於本公司股东周年大会上轮告退则条 文A.4.1)。
Non-executive directors of the Company were not appointed for a specific term but were
subject to retirement by rotation at the
[...] Company’s annualgeneral meeting inaccordance [...]
with the bye-laws of the Company (Code Provision A.4.1).
根据本公司组织章程细则,所有独立非执行董事及非执行董事均以三年之固定任期委任,并於本公司 股东周年大会告退值及膺选连任。
All INEDs and NEDs are appointed for a specific term of three years
[...] and aresubject to retirement, rotationand re-election [...]
at the Company’s AGM in accordance
with the Company’s Bye-laws.
任何就此获委任之董事之任期乃直至本公司下届股东周年大会为止,届 时合资格膺选連任,但在决定於会上輪告退事时不予考虑在内。
Any Director so appointed shall hold office only until the next following annual general meeting of the Company and shall then be eligible for
re-election, but shall not be taken into account in determining the
[...] Directorswho are to retireby rotationatsuchmeeting.
於上届股东周年 大会後始根据第 91 条规定获委加入董事局的施祖祥亦告退意候选連任。
Michael Sze who had been appointed to the Board under Article 91 since the last annual
[...] generalmeeting also retiredand offeredhimself [...]
for election.
李国勇先生之任期为一年,亦须按本公司组织章 程细则之规定轮告退守其他有关条文。
Mr. Lee Kwok Yung is appointed for a term of one year
[...] and is subject to retirementbyrotation and other [...]
related provisions as stipulated
in the articles of association of the Company.
[...] 第87(1)条,於应届股东周年大会举行时,执行董事郭则理先生、非执行董事Paul Steven Wolansky先生及独立非执行董事林元芳先生及李红滨先生轮告退仍可再选连任,并 已愿意再获股东提名重选连任。
Pursuant to Article 87(1) of the Articles, Mr. Guo Zeli, an executive Director, Mr. Paul Steven Wolansky, a non-executive Director, and Mr. Lin Yuanfang and Mr. Li Hongbin,
independent non-executive
[...] Directors, are duetoretire from office by rotation at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and, being [...]
eligible, offer themselves
for re-election by the Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
根据本公司之公司细则第100(A)条,周伟伟先生、区庆麟先生、郭炳联先生、康百祥先生及杨杰圣先生会於即将举行之 股东周年大会上轮告退合资格并愿意重选连任。
In accordance with Bye-law 100(A) of the Company’s Bye-laws, Mr. Chow Wai Wai, John, Mr. Au Hing Lun, Dennis, Mr. Kwok Ping Luen, Raymond, Mr. Hong Pak Cheung,
William and Mr. Yeung Kit
[...] Shing, Jacksonwill retireby rotationat the [...]
forthcoming annual general meeting and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.
因此, 郑文彪先生、郭炳联先生、康百祥先生及杨杰圣先生将於股东周年大会上轮告退告退事均具资格及愿意重选连任。
In this light, Mr. Cheng Man Piu, Francis, Mr. Kwok Ping Luen, Raymond, Mr. Hong Pak Cheung, William,
and Mr. Yeung Kit Shing,
[...] Jacksonshall retire by rotation at the Annual General Meetingand, [...]
being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.
(1)# 不论公司细则有任何其他规定,在每届股东周年大会上,当时三分之一董事(倘 董事人数并非三之倍数,则以最接近但不少於三分之一之人数为准)将轮告退各董 事(包括有指定任期者)最少每三年须轮告退
1 (1)# Notwithstanding any other provisions in the Bye-laws, at each annual general meeting, one-third of the Directors for the time being (or, if their number is not a multiple of three (3), then the number nearest
to but not less than
[...] one-third) shall retirefrom office by rotation provided that every Director (including those appointed for a specific term) shall besubjecttoretirement by rotationat least [...]
once every three years.
自上届股东大会根据第 91 条规定获委任为董事 的陈南禄及主席,亦轮告退因合乎资格,均愿 候选连任。
Philip Chen and the Chairman who had been
appointed as Directors under Article 91 since the last
[...] annual general meeting also retired and offeredthemselves [...]
for election.
87 (1) 尽管公司细则任何其他条文有所规定,於每届股东周年大会上,当时三分之一(或倘并 非三(3 )之倍数,则最接近但不大於三分之一之数目)董事须轮告退不论公司 细则有任何规定,董事会主席及/或本公司董事总经理在任期间毋须轮告退入每 年退任之董事人数。
87 (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions in the Bye-laws, at each annual general meeting one-third of the Directors for the time being (or, if their number is not a multiple of three(3), the number nearest
to but not greater
[...] than one-third)shallretire from office by rotation provided that notwithstanding anything herein, the Chairman of the Board and/or the Managing Director of the Company shall not, whilst holding such office, be subject to retirementbyrotation or be [...]
taken into account in determining the number of Directors to retirein each year.
任何因此委任的董事仅可留任至下届股东特别大会(如 属填补临时空缺)或至下届股东周年大会(如属新增董事), 并有资格於大会上膺选连任,惟耽搁将於任何股东周年大会 上轮告退事或董事人数时则不得计算入内。
Any person so appointed shall hold office only until the next following general meeting (in the case of filling a casual vacancy) or until the next following annual general meeting (in the case of an additional Director), and shall then be
eligible for
[...] re-election at the meeting butshall not be taken into account in detaining the Directors or number of Directors who aretoretire by rotation at any [...]
annualgeneral meeting.
锺树根先生於二零零九年二月一日获委任,年期两年, 而其他两名独立非执行董事之委任并无固定任期,惟彼 等均须根据细则轮告退
Mr. Chung Shu Kun, Christopher was appointed on 1 February 2009 for a term of two years, while the other two independent non-executive Directors
are not appointed for a specific term, but they
[...] are all subject to retirement by rotation inaccordance [...]
with the Articles.
告 退可 膺 选连 任 并於 其 退任 之 大会 上继 续 出任 董事。
Such term is subject to his re-election by the Company at an annual general meeting upon retirement.
如此退任的另外其 他董事乃自上次连任或委任起计任期最长的其他董事,
[...] 惟倘有数位人士於同日出任或连任董事,则将告退事(除非彼等另有协议)须由抽签决定。
Any further Directors so to retire shall be those who have been longest in office since their last re-election or appointment and so that as between persons who became
or were last reelected Directors on the
[...] same day those toretire shall (unless they [...]
otherwise agree among themselves) be determined by lot.
[...] 101 条规定,徐基清先生及郝传福先生将於应届之本公司股东周年大会上依章 轮告退彼等均合资格并愿意膺选连任。
In accordance with article 101 of the articles of
association of the Company, Mr Xu
[...] Jiqingand Mr Hao Chuanfu,will retirebyrotation at the [...]
forthcoming AGM of the Company
and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.
根据 细则 第84(1)条,於每 届股 东周 年大 会上,当时 三分 之一的 董事(或倘 人数并 非 三(3)的倍数,则取最接近但不少於三分之一的人数)将轮告退每名董事须最少每三年 於股东周年大会上轮告退
According to Article 84(1), at each annual general meeting one-third of the Directors for the time being (or, if their number is not a multiple of three (3), the number nearest
to but not less than
[...] one-third) shall retirefrom office by rotation provided that every Director shall besubjecttoretirement at theAGM atleast [...]
once every three years.
随着《建设和平战略框架》和一年两次的进度告退由新的《增长和 减少贫穷战略框架》年度审查所取代,合作伙伴协调小组必须确保在必要时在政 [...]
治论坛议程中列入往往具有一定迫切性的政治专题,以便该国政府和合作伙伴能 够开展对话。
With the disappearance of the Strategic
Framework for Peacebuilding and the
[...] twice-yearlyprogress reports, to be replaced by [...]
annual reviews of the new Growth and Poverty
Reduction Strategy Framework, the Partners Coordination Group must ensure that political topics, which often have some degree of urgency, are included whenever necessary in the agenda of the Political Forum to enable a dialogue between the Government and its partners.
根据本公司组织章程细则第105条,黎家辉先生、谭希仲先生、杨国光先生及David John Shaw 先生(统称「退任董事」)将於股东周年大会告退
In accordance with Article 105 of the Articles of Association of the Company, Mr Lai Ka Fai, Mr
Tam Hee Chung, Mr Yeung Kwok Kwong andMr David John Shaw
[...] (collectively, theRetiring Directors”) will retire attheAGM.
2 本公司独立非执行董事并非按特定任期委任,惟彼等须根据本公司之组织章程细则 轮告退
2 The independent non-executive Directors of the Company
are not appointed for specific terms
[...] but aresubjecttoretirement by rotationin accordance [...]
with the Company’s Articles of Association.
除了在该大告退事以外,任何人士若非获得董事推荐,均没有资格 在任何股东大会上膺选出任董事,除非在就该选举而召开股东大会的召开日期前 [...]
最少七(7)天,合资格出席股东大会并有资格在会上投票的股东(除该名获提名人 士外)向办事处或总办事处递交一份由该股东签署的书面通知,表示有意推举该
名人士在该份通知相关的大会上膺选,而该名获提名人士亦同时向上述地点递交 有关愿意接受选举之书面通知,则只要上述通知的递交期限,不早於就该选举而 召开股东大会之通告发送後当日及不迟於该股东大会举行日期前七(7)天的期间 内,则有关人士可予膺选。
No person other
[...] than a Directorretiring at the meeting shall, unless [...]
recommended by the Directors for election, be eligible
for election as a Director at any general meeting unless not less than seven (7) days before the date appointed for the meeting there shall have been lodged at the Office or at the head office notice in writing signed by a Member (other than the person to be proposed) duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which such notice is given of his intention to propose such person for election and also notice in writing signed by the person to be proposed of his willingness to be elected provided that the period for lodgment of the aforesaid notice shall commence not earlier than the day after the despatch of the notice of the meeting appointed for such election and end no later than seven (7) days prior to the date of such general meeting.
(1) 受指定证劵交易所规则不时规定之董事轮告退所限,并不管 委任或聘任任何董事时订立了任何合约性或其他性质的条款,於每次股东周年大 会上,三分之一在任董事(或若其数目并非三(3) 之倍数,则为最接近之数目,惟 不超过三分之一)须轮告退每位董事必须至少每三年退任一次。
(1) Subject tothe manner of retirement by rotation ofDirectors as from time to time prescribed under the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange, and notwithstanding any contractual or other terms on which any Director may be appointed or engaged, at each annual general meeting one-third of the Directors for the time being (or, if their number is not a multiple of three (3), the number nearest to but not greater than one-third) shall retirefrom office by rotation provided that every Director shall be subjectto retirement at least once [...]
every three years.
本公司全体董事均须根据本公司之公司细则最 少每三年轮告退
All directors of the Company are subject to retirement by rotation at least once every three years in accordance with the Company’s Bye-Laws.
独立非执行董事李毓铨先生及王伟玲小姐之委任并无订有守则第A.4.1条所规定之指定年期,惟须根据公司细则第 ''(B)条之规定於本公司之股东周年大会上轮告退选连任。
The INEDs Mr. Lee Hiok Chuan and Ms. Ong Wui Leng are not appointed with a specific term as required by Code A.4.1, but are subject to
retirement by rotation and re-election at the
[...] Company’s annual general meeting inaccordance [...]
with the Company’s Bye-Laws ''(B).
根 据 章程细 则 第 112 条 , 黄 维 义 先 生 、 关 育 材 先 生 及 何 汉 明 先 生 将
[...] 於 股 东 周 年 大 会 上 轮告 退均 合 资 格 并 愿 於 股 [...]
东 周 年 大 会 上 膺 选连任 。
In accordance with Article 112 of the Articles, Mr. Wong Wai
Yee, Peter, Mr. Kwan Yuk Choi, James and Mr. Ho
[...] Hon Ming, John shall retirefrom office by rotation [...]
at the AGM and all of them,
being eligible, would offer themselves for re-election at the AGM.
[...] 阁下提供有关建议以(a)赋予董事购回授权及发行证券授权,及(b) 重选依告退事,并寻求 阁下於股东周年大会上批准上述各项决议案。
The purpose of this circular is to provide you with information relating to the proposals for (a) the granting of the Repurchase Mandate and
the Securities Issue Mandate and (b) the
[...] re-election of retiring Directors, and [...]
to seek your approval of the foregoing at the AGM.
尽管任何可获委任的董事并其所签订的合约条款或 其他条款有所规定,或本细则的任何其他条文有所 规定,於每届股东周年大会上,当时三分之一的董 事(或倘人數并非三或三的倍數,则最接近但不少 於三分之一的數目)须輪告退每名董事(包 括委任为特定年期的董事)须至少每三年於股东周 年大会上輪告退
Notwithstanding any contractual or other terms on which any Director may be appointed or engaged, or any other provisions in these Articles, at each annual general meeting, one-third of the Directors for the time being, or, if their number is not three or a multiple of three, then the number
nearest to, but not less
[...] than, one-third,shallretire from office byrotation such that each Director (including those appointed for a specific term) willbe subject to retirement by rotation atleast once every three years at the annualgeneral meetings.




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