

单词 告解

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,該告解釋如何 得出最能保護和保存維多利亞港( 維港) 的走線方案。
The CCM Report also gave an account [...]
of the process of identifying the alignment that would best serve to protect and preserve the Victoria Harbour.
这份报告基本上是程序性的告,解 释 了小组 对目前任务的理解和为履行这项任务而一致通过的 工作方法。
This report was largely procedural in nature, explaining the Panel’s understanding of the tasks [...]
at hand and the working
methods it has unanimously adopted in order to carry out its mandate.
我们关于科学、工程学、社会科学和文化多样性的世界 告解 决 各 种复 杂问题,为改善政策制定议程。
Our World Reports on science, engineering, the social sciences, and cultural diversity untangle complex issues [...]
and set the agenda for better policy.
还应规定如果有关当局断定不宜提出起诉, 部队派遣国同意向秘书长提交告, 解 释 其 作出这一决定的理由。
It should also provide that if those authorities conclude th at prosecution is not appropriate,
the troop-contributing country agrees to submit to the
[...] SecretaryGeneral a report explaining the reasons for [...]
that decision.
节假日管理 同前次告解释的 情况相比,没有变动。
Regulation of holidays has not changed as
[...] compared to what was explained under the previous report.
对于国际组织违反其国际义务的行为,如果有关行为人在遭遇危难的情 况下,除此行为之外,别无其他合理方法来挽救其生命或受其监护的其他人 的生命,则该行为的不法性告解除。
The wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation of that organization is precluded if the author of the act in question has no other reasonable way, in a situation of distress, of saving the author’s life or the lives of other persons entrusted to the author’s care.
国际组织违反其国际义务的行为如起因于不可抗力,即起因于该组织无 法控制的不可抗拒的力量或无法预料的事件,以致该组织在这种情况下实际 上不可能履行义务,该行为的不法性 告解 除。
The wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation of that organization is precluded if the act is due to force majeure, that is, the occurrence of an irresistible force or of an unforeseen event, beyond the control of the organization, making it materially impossible in the circumstances to perform the obligation.
[...] Studio企业版,开发者可以创建丰富的应用程序,并轻松地集成商业智能分析和 告解 决 方 案。
With Essential Studio Enterprise
Edition,developers can create rich applications, integrate business
[...] intelligence analysis and reporting solutions with ease.
高等教育处处长援引联合专家委员会的 告解 释 说,埃塞俄比亚教师协会提供 的资料有限,埃塞俄比亚政府没有答复继续进行探讨的请求,这使联合专家委员会建议在收 [...]
The Director of Higher Education responded by
[...] citing CEART’s report that there was limited [...]
information on behalf of the Ethiopian
Teachers’ Association and that the government had not replied to the invitation to continue discussion, leading the CEART to recommend suspending further consideration of the case pending more information on the issues.
2009 年 2 月成
[...] 立的伊斯兰党——哈桑·达希尔·阿威斯领导下的四个部落民兵团体联盟——差 一点在该年年底就告解散。
Hizbul Islam — a coalition of four clan-based militia groups under the
leadership of Hassan Dahir Aweys — was founded in February
[...] 2009 and had all but disintegrated by the end of the [...]
same year.
在遵守第 2 款和第 3 款的前提下,如果国际组织不符合其对一国或另一国际
[...] 组织的国际义务的行为构成反措施,而采取此反措施符合国际法规定的实质性和 程序性条件,包括第四部分第二章规定的关于对另一国际组织采取反措施的条 件,则在此范围内,该行为的不法性 告解 除。
Subject to paragraphs 2 and 3, the wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation towards a State or another international organization is precluded if and to the extent that the act constitutes a countermeasure taken in accordance with the substantive and procedural conditions required by international law,
including those set forth in chapter II of part
[...] four for countermeasures taken against another international organization.
若續會在指定舉行時間後半小時內未有法定人數出席,會議 告解 散。
If at such adjourned meeting a
quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for holding the
[...] meeting, the meeting shall be dissolved.
若要「捆扎」決議案,本公司應在大會 告解 釋 原 因及當 中涉及的重大影響。
Where the resolutions are “bundled”, the
[...] Company should explain the reasons and material implications in the notice of meeting.
利比亚告解放, 就此结束了它历史上漫长而痛 苦的一个篇章。
The declaration brings to a close a [...]
long and painful chapter in the history of Libya.
清 盤 人 可 在 獲 得 同 樣 授 權 的 情 況 下 , 將 任 何 部 分 資 產 交 予 清 盤 人 ( 在 獲 得 同 樣 授 權 的 情 況 下 ) 認 為 適 當
而 為 股 東 利 益 設 立 的 信 託 的 受 託 人 , 本 公 司 的 清
[...] 盤 將 告 結 束 , 本 公 司告 解 散 , 惟 不 得 強 迫 分 擔 人 [...]
接 受 任 何 負 有 債 務 的 股 份 或 其 他 財 產 。
The liquidator may, with the like authority, vest any part of the assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of the Members as the liquidator with the like authority shall think fit, and the
liquidation of the Company may be closed
[...] and the Company dissolved, but so that no [...]
contributory shall be compelled to accept
any shares or other property in respect of which there is a liability.
为,则对于该国或前一国际组织而言,该特定行为的不法性 告解 除 , 但以该行 为不逾越该项同意的范围为限。
Valid consent by a State or an international organization to the commission of a given act by another international organization precludes the wrongfulness of that act in relation to that State or the former organization to the extent that the act remains within the limits of that consent.
2008年3月17日纽约州纽约市消息——全球性的电子数据采集(EDC)、管理和 告解 决 方 案提供 商Medidata Solutions今天宣布完成对Fast Track Systems, Inc.的收购,后者是临床试验计划软件、专 [...]
NEW YORK, NY – March 17, 2008 –
[...] Medidata Solutions, a global provider of electronic data capture (EDC), management and reporting solutions, today [...]
announced the completion
of its acquisition of Fast Track Systems, Inc.
2009 年,该组织参加了世卫组织一个工作小组,审查国际及跨前 沿义务,最终编写了一份世卫组织 告 , 解 决 流 感大流行规划中的伦理问题。
In 2009, it participated in a WHO working group to examine international
and cross-frontier obligations, which
[...] resulted in a WHO report addressing ethical issues [...]
in pandemic influenza planning.
[...] 其中尽量全面列出须审议的问题,不排优先顺序。1 委员会告解释说 ,“总框 架不应被视为已经针对委员会应该对此专题的审议采取如何概括的办法提供了明 [...]
确的答案”,2 须审议问题的确切顺序,以及计划为本专题各个方面拟定的条文
During the sixty-first session of the Commission, in 2009, the Working Group on the topic “The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)” proposed a general framework for the Commission’s consideration of the topic consisting of an outline setting out, as comprehensively as possible, the questions to be
considered, without assigning any order of
[...] priority.1 As explained in the Commission’s [...]
report, “the general framework should
not be considered as providing a definitive answer as to how general the Commission’s approach should be in its consideration of the topic”,2and it would be for the Special Rapporteur to determine the exact order of the questions to be considered, as well as the structure of, and linkage between, his planned draft articles on the various aspects of the topic.3 2.
Xceed Zip 自动尝试恢复错误,并告解压时在 zip 文件中发现的任何矛盾。
Xceed Zip automatically tries to recover
[...] from errors and reports any inconsistencies found in the zip file while unzipping.
百分之二十七的家庭曾打電話或寫信計劃投訴或表示有問題,其中百分之二十六未 曾解決,有三分一告解決, 但家庭對解決方案並不滿意。
Twenty seven percent of the families had called or written their plan with a complaint or problem, of these 26% of the problems had not yet been resolved, one-third were resolved, but not to the family’s satisfaction.
本报告不但回顾了近年中国对其余四国的并购活动,同时,德勤中国、巴西、俄罗斯、印度以及南非业界专家们亦在本 告解 析 金 砖五国发展趋势的驱动因素以及在市场上的未来动向。
The report brings you a historical [...]
review of Chinese outbound M&A activity into its four closest contemporaries over recent years.
全球电子临床数据采集、管理及 告解 决 方 案提供商 Medidata Solutions 公司今天宣布扩大 [...]
其高级管理团队,任命 Barton Cobert 博士为全球法规议案及药物安全监督事务部副总裁, 任命 Frances Nolan 为全球质量保证事务部副总裁,任命 Tony Hewer 博士为全球质量保证事 务部欧洲中东及非洲分部高级总监。
NEW YORK, NY – September 13, 2007 – Medidata Solutions, a global provider of electronic clinical data capture,
[...] management and reporting solutions, today [...]
announced the expansion
of its senior management team with the appointments of Dr. Barton Cobert as Vice President of Global Regulatory Initiatives and Pharmacovigilance, Frances Nolan as Vice President of Global Quality Assurance and Dr. Tony Hewer as Senior Director of Global Quality Assurance for EMEA.
告 解釋了 此年齡組中一群成年人不論是通過感染或疫苗注射 曾經接觸甲型 [...]
H1N1 病毒的事實,從基因及抗原來說,此 病毒相對於現代的季節性流感病毒株,與新型甲型 H1N1 病毒有更密切的關係。
This is explained with the fact that [...]
some adults in this age group have had previous exposure, either through infection
or vaccination, to an influenza A/H1N1 virus that is genetically and antigenically more closely related to the novel influenza A/H1N1 virus than are contemporary seasonal H1N1 strains.7
[...] Magic利用这项技术来检测广播电台播放的广告,为广播公司、网站和其他数字音乐用户以及手机应用提供扩展的授权和版税 告解 决 方 案,它还可以保护存储在网络上或被用户上传到网络上的、受版权保护的内容并实现盈利。
Customers have licensed Audible Magic services deploying the technology to detect ads played on broadcast
radio; to provide expanded
[...] licensing and royalty reporting solutions for broadcasters, [...]
Internet websites and other digital
music users, and mobile phone applications; and to protect and monetize copyrighted content that is stored in cyber lockers or uploaded to web sites by users
以统一平台向40多个国家提供风险与监管 告解 决 方 案的全球唯一供应商FRSGlobal今日宣布,公司一家领先的全球投资银行客户在中国采用了其监管报告产品RegPro。
FRSGlobal, the only provider of risk
[...] and regulatory reporting solutions with coverage [...]
for 40+ countries on a unified platform,
today announced that one of its leading global investment bank clients has gone live with its regulatory reporting product, RegPro, in China.
Nahr al-Barid 难民营问题告解决之 后,黎巴嫩政府随即要求在贝鲁特召 开捐助国会议,其目的是要重建该难民营。
In September 2007, once the situation in Nahr al-Barid
[...] camp had been resolved through cooperation in support of the defence of both Lebanon and Palestine by the Lebanese army and security [...]
forces, the Lebanese
Government called for a donor conference to be held in Beirut with the aim of reconstructing the camp; that conference was followed by the International Donor Conference held in Vienna on 23 June 2008, at which donor States pledged an initial amount to launch a workshop on reconstruction of the camp.
1970年,银苹果所属唱片公司KAPP Records因为具争议性的第二张专辑封面被Pan Am航空公司告上法院,最终败诉而破产,乐队也不幸 告解 散 , 一夜间几乎完全消失在流行音乐的历史里。
In 1970, due to Silver Apples’ controversial second album’s cover, Pan-Am launched a lawsuit against their record label KAPP Records, which bankrupted the label, and brought an end to the band as well.




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