

单词 告示板

See also:



External sources (not reviewed)

鄉議局亦 建議,假
[...] 如有關鄉村沒 有村公 所,則民政事務總署署長應安排將選舉 呈請書副本張貼在鄉告示板上。
HYK has also suggested that if there
is no village office in the Village
[...] concerned, DHA shall display the election petition [...]
on a notice board in that Village.
(a) 民政事務總署署長在接獲選舉呈請書的副本後,須將該 副本在適當的民政事務處告示板上 展示,而非在有關 區議會經常進行會議的地方展示;及
(a) the Director of Home Affairs (DHA)
shall, after receiving a copy of the
[...] election petition, display it on the notice [...]
board at the appropriate District Office
(DO) instead of at the regular place of meetings of the DC concerned; and
此外,我們會 規定承建商在工地採用金屬板和 告示板 , 以 便這些物料可循環再造 或在其他工程計劃再用。
In addition, we will require the contractor to use metal site hoardings and signboards so that these materials can be recycled or reused in other projects.
It can be stylized with customer logos or vessel names and used as a temporary marker
[...] buoy or floating billboard.
該項條文訂明,民政事務總 署署長在接獲選舉呈請書的副本後,須在有關的民政事務 告示板 上 展 示。
This section provides that the Director of Home
Affairs, after receiving a copy of the election
[...] petition, shall display it on the notice [...]
board at the relevant District Office.
市政總署會繼續透過廣播車和在當眼的 ㆞方設告示板張貼告示,以英文、菲律賓文和㆗文發出有關禁止非法擺賣的警告。
The Urban Services Department will
[...] continue to disseminate warnings against illegal hawking, [...]
in English, Tagalog and Chinese,
through broadcast vans and notice boards set up in prominent locations.
假如有關鄉村沒有村公 所,則應張貼在該鄉村告示板上。
If there is no village office in the Village concerned, the election
[...] petition shall be displayed on a notice board [...]
in that Village.
在 何種程度㆖我們可逐步告示板或可 棄置磁碟來取代報章?
To what extent can we start a phased conversion of newspapers to bulletin boards or disposable disks?
委員認為,政府當局可另外採取適合的行政安排,在有關的村公所辦事 處及有關鄉村告示板上, 展示選舉呈請書的副本,以回應鄉議局有關的建 [...]
Members of the Subcommittee were of the view that the Administration may, in response to the proposal of the HYK, make other
appropriate administrative arrangements with
[...] respect to the display of copies of election [...]
petitions in the offices of the village
offices concerned or the notice boards of the Villages concerned, without the need to stipulate the relevant arrangements in the Rules.
有關香港經濟和金融統計的編製方法和發布安排,已詳盡地載列於國際貨幣基金組織在互聯網上的「發布數據準 告示板 」 (http://dsbb.imf.org)。
Details regarding the compilation methods and dissemination practices of Hong Kong's economic and
financial statistics are posted on the IMF's Dissemination Standards
[...] Bulletin Board on the Internet (http://dsbb.imf.org).
小 組 委員會主席黃宏發議員告知議員,根 據《 村 代 表 (選 舉 呈 請 )規 則 》,民 政 事 務總署署長 在 接 獲 質疑村 代 表 選 舉 的 選 舉 呈 請 書副本 後 , 須
[...] 將該 副 本 在 適 當 的 民 政 事 務 處告示板 上 展 示。
Mr Andrew WONG, Chairman of the Subcommittee, informed Members that under the Village Representative (Election Petition) Rules, the Director of Home Affairs (DHA) was required, after receiving a copy of an election petition
questioning a Village Representative
[...] (VR) election, to display it on a notice [...]
board at the appropriate District Office (DO).
發泡板材質較軟有韌性、堅固耐用,且防水、抗UV,約3~5年不褪色,適用於車牌 告示板 、 立 牌….等等。
Soft foam sheet materials are tough, durable, waterproof and anti-UV, about 3 to 5 years without
[...] fading, for license plates, notice boards, [...]
standup bo.
政府當局回應時表 示,香港交易及結算所有限公司已制訂緊急應變措施(包括提供 電告示板),以 便 在 "披露易"網站服務12 受阻時散發股價敏感資 料。
The Administration has responded that the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited has put in place contingency measures, including the provision of an electronic bulletin board, to facilitate the dissemination of PSI in case of disruption of the HKExnews Website service12 .
就此, 鄉 議 局 曾 向 小 組 委員會提交意見書,表示由於有關 某 村 代 表 選 舉 的 選 舉 呈 請 , 其 結果或 會
對有關的 鄉 事 委員會及 鄉村造成 影響, 鄉 議 局 因 此建議 修訂該 規
[...] 則第5(4)條,訂 明 民 政 事 務總署署長 在 接 獲 選 舉 呈 請 書副本 後 , 除了須將該副 本 張 貼 在 適 當 的 民 政 事 務 處告示板 上 之 外 , 亦須將其張 貼 在有關的 鄉 事 委員會及 村 公 所 的 顯眼處 。
In this connection, Heung Yee Kuk (HYK) had made a submission to the Subcommittee. HYK suggested that as the result of an election petition regarding a VR election might affect the Rural Committee (RC) and the village concerned, section 5(4) of the Rules should be amended to require DHA, after receiving a
copy of the election
[...] petition, to display it at a conspicuous spot in the RC and village office concerned, in addition to displaying it on a notice [...]
board at the appropriate DO.
在施工期間,我們會盡量維持道路通車,同時會 在工地豎告示板,解釋作出臨時交通安排的原因,以及標明有關路 [...]
During the execution of works, we will maintain road access as
[...] far as possible and display notice boards on [...]
site to explain the reason for the temporary
traffic arrangements and the proposed completion date of the concerned section of works.
PP板材質為環保材質較軟有韌性、價格實惠,應用範圍較廣,且防水、抗UV,約2~3年不褪色,適用於選舉看板、車上牌 告示板 、 立 牌….等等。
PP board material is environmental friendly, soft and tough, affordable, wide range of applications, waterproof, and anti-UV, about 2 to 3 years witho.
政府當局同意在2003年 7 月
9日 的 立法會會議上動 議議案,對該規則 作 出修訂, 規定 民 政 事 務總署署長 將 選 舉 呈 請
[...] 書副本 張 貼 在有關的 鄉 事 委員告示板 上,或有關鄉 事 委員會的辦事處 大 [...]
門的顯眼處或接 近 該大門的某 個 顯眼處 。
The Administration had agreed to move a motion, at the Council
meeting on 9 July 2003, to amend the Rules
[...] to require DHA to display a copy of the election [...]
petition on a notice board of the
RC concerned, or at a conspicuous spot on or near the outer door of the office of the RC concerned.
[...] 時交通管理措施,以盡量減低工程對交通的影響,並會在工地 示告 示板,解釋實施臨時交通安排的理由,並註明個別工程部分的預計竣 [...]
We will implement temporary traffic management measures to
minimise the impact on traffic during
[...] construction and will display notice boards on [...]
site to explain the reason of temporary
traffic arrangements and the expected completion dates of the individual sections of works.
[...] 获悉,联塞部队已采取一系列旨在加强道路安全的措施,其中包括:全面实施道 路安全和宣传方案;在各区采用道路安 告示板 来 张 贴事故趋势信息;为总部工 作人员和特遣队举行安全驾驶竞赛活动;提供额外驾驶培训;坚持对签发驾驶证 [...]
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that UNFICYP had taken a series of measures designed to enhance road safety, including the full implementation of a road safety and awareness programme,
the introduction of road safety notice boards in each
[...] sector in order to display information on accident [...]
trends, the holding
of safe driving competitions for headquarters staff and contingents, additional driver training, adherence to strict controls on the number of driving permits issued and the implementation of island-wide speed and vehicle checks.
若此仍無法震憾與衝擊您的視覺,那麼國光西站主體玻璃帷幕外牆的 L E D 告示板 以 及LED全彩燈光秀,與上方的xSlider動廣告的智慧型同步連動 指揮下所串連並呈現媲美如拉斯維加斯式的巨大輝煌氣勢,肯定帶給您前所未有的憾動與激情。
As if this wasn’t impressive enough, the entire glass facade of the bus station is illuminated in colors synchronized with the high-resolution moving images on the billboard, creating an additional captivating effect.
[...] 時交通管理計劃,盡可能保持交通暢通,並在工地設 告示板 , 解 釋 實施臨時交通安排的原因,以及有關路段工程的預計完工日期。
During construction, we will maintain smooth traffic flow as far as possible
through implementing temporary traffic
[...] management schemes and display notice boards on [...]
site to explain the reason of temporary
traffic arrangements and the expected completion date of the concerned section of works.
一成员则关切地示,最 近一次核查告是 2006 年提出的,而 且彻底淘汰在即,如果了解尼日利亚政府是否达到了 2007 年和 2008 年的目标将是有益的。
One Member, on the
[...] other hand, expressed concern that the latest verification report had been submitted [...]
in 2006 and, as
complete phase-out was imminent, it would be useful to know whether the Government of Nigeria had met its targets for 2007 and 2008.
[...] 记录宝贵的信息,例如请求提供的是什么方面的服务、提供服务的模式(面对面 或电话)以及为一个客户提供服务所使用的时间,而且提供了易于使用的 告和 分析工具(包括示板),这 些工具可以用来查看统计数字和一段时期内的趋势。
Not only does the application record valuable information, such as the area of service requested, mode the service was provided in (walk in or phone) and the time taken to service a
client, it provides
[...] an easy-to-use reporting and analytics tool (including dashboards) that can be [...]
used to view statistics and trends over a period of time.
據政府當局示,最低及最高入息水平是根據1995年《強制性私 營公積金制度顧問告》建 議的原則而釐定,即4,000元是按當時每月 就業收入中位數的50%計算出來,而20,000元則是以涵蓋90%就業人口 的整體就業收入這個目標釐定出來。
According to the Administration,
the principles
[...] adopted in setting the minimum and maximum levels of income were based on the recommendation in the Report of the Consultancy on [...]
the MPF System in
1995, i.e. the $4,000 was derived from 50% of the then monthly median employment earnings; and the $20,000 was based on the target to cover the entire earnings of 90% of the working population.
然而,公共屋邨內告板可供 使用的空間畢竟有限,為確 保告板的可 用空間得以公平分配,並讓合資格人士均享 有同等發放資訊的機會,房署有權並有需要制訂適當的指 引來規管宣傳品的示。
Owing to the limited available space
[...] on the notice boards, and in order to ensure fair allocation of the space of notice boards so that all eligible parties can enjoy equal opportunities to disseminate their information, the HD has the right and need to formulate appropriate guidelines on the regulation of the display of PMs.
对国家告、区域审查和会前专题活动纪要的分析 示 , 最 不发达国家在经 济增长、资本形成增加、利率下降和财政赤字缩小等许多领域以及在推动实现部 分千年发展目标方面,都已取得重大进展。
An analysis of national reports, regional reviews and proceedings of the pre-conference thematic events showed that the least developed [...]
countries had
made significant progress in many areas, particularly in economic growth, increases in capital formation, reduction of interest rates and narrowing fiscal deficits, and progress in the realization of some Millennium Development Goals.
互動、分享是Web 2.0時代裏的重要精神,也是新一代數字告示的重要元素,過往用來單向傳輸資訊的數字告示,不需要太複雜的硬件架構,通常一個LCD屏幕加上CD播放器就綽綽有餘,但是近年來,IT技術改變數 告示 的 系 統架構,並整合越來越多的周邊裝置,例如:觸控 板 、 攝 影機、掃描器、條碼或RFID讀取器…等,讓數 告示 具 備 雙向互動功能,也刺激出應用及經營模式的另一種思考。
Interaction and sharing are important spirits in the Web 2.0 time, is also the important element of new generation digit bulletin, passing uses the digital bulletin for the unidirectional transmission information, does not need the too complex hardware construction, usually a LCD screen adds on the CD player are enough, but recent
years, IT technology
[...] change digit bulletin system construction, and conformity more and more peripheral installments, for example: Touches controls the kneading board, the camera, the scanner, the bar code or the RFID read…And so on, lets the digital bulletin have the bidirectional interactive function, also stimulates the application and business model [...]
another kind of ponder.
閣下發送任何意見、資料或材料,即同時授予戴姆勒股份公司不受限制及不可撤銷的許可,讓戴姆勒股份公司可以使用、複製、 示 、 執 行、修改、傳送及分配該等材料及資料(包括在本網站的 告板 公 佈 ),閣下亦同意讓戴姆勒股份公司自由使用閣下以任何理由傳送給我們的任何意見、概念、秘訣或技術。
By sending any comments, information or material, you grant Daimler an
unrestricted, irrevocable
[...] license to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, transmit and distribute those materials or information[, including [...]
posting on the Site´s
bulletin board], and you also agree that Daimler is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques that you send us for any purpose whatsoever.
獲 款 公 司 須 向 審 計 師 提 供 的 資 料 及 文 件 主
[...] 要 包 括 : 協 議 書 、 本 指 南 、 創 新 科 技 署 署 長 就 有 關 項 目 發 出 的 所 有示 及 函 件 、 進 度告 、 最告 , 以 及 項 目 收 支 帳 目 和 記 錄 等 。
The information and documents mainly comprise the
Agreement, this Guide, any
[...] instructions and correspondences issued by CIT in respect of the project, progress report(s), final report and project [...]
accounts and records.
本公司亦將於股東週年大會上按股東週年大會 告 載 列的條款,就授予董事發行授權 提呈普通決議案,以配發、發行及處理不超過本公司於有關決議案通過當日之已發行股本 [...]
本公司於授出購回授權後購回之股份面值總額之任何股份,加入將授予董事之發行授權 內:(a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束時;(b)細則或任何適用法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股 東週年大會之期限屆滿時;及(c)該授權於股東大會上以普通決議案撤銷或修訂當日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be
[...] proposed at the Annual General Meeting in [...]
respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate
to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.




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