

单词 告白

External sources (not reviewed)

根据《2009 年联合国人类发展斯整体排名为 68 位,属于 人类发展高水平国家行列,在该指数上超过了所有独联体国家。
According to the United Nations
[...] Human Development Report 2009 Belarus ranks 68th [...]
in the general rating and is placed in
the group of countries with high human development, thus outstripping all the CIS countries with respect to this indicator.
By using photography and video to record the confessionsof ordinary people, her work explores the disparities between public and private life, between individual and collective experience.
Jabra 正在不断充实各种主题的、客户案例库,从耳麦技术和用户体验到耳麦在业务通信中的角色。
Jabra is constantly adding to
[...] its library of reports,white papers, customer stories [...]
etc. on a wide range of subjects ranging
from headset technologies and user experience to the role of the headset in business communications.
Other Uses for Certified Document
Services include distribution of sales
[...] quotes, analysisreports, whitepapers, statements, [...]
invoices, press releases, privacy statements,
human resource documents and any general communications that need to be verified as legitimate.
又请高级专员在人权理事会第二十届会议举行互动对话时,向理事会全 面告白斯的人权状况
Also requests the High Commissioner to present to the Human Rights Council, in an
interactive dialogue to be held at its twentieth session, a
[...] comprehensive report on thehuman rights situation in Belarus
按照联合国安全理事会第 1891(2009)号决议第 5 段,谨此告白斯共和 国采取措施实施该决议的情况。
In accordance with paragraph 5 of Security Council
resolution 1891
[...] (2009), we wish toreport on themeasures taken to implement the resolution in the Republic ofBelarus.
Ghosts From The
[...] Past》不单是Barði Jóhannsson自己对往昔鬼魂告白是为了如鬼魂一样住在往昔,为茫茫然不知所终的人演奏安魂曲。
Ghost From The Past’ is
[...] Jóhannsson’ s melodicproclamation to the ghost of [...]
his past, but also a comfort for those who helplessly
live and indulge in nostalgia.
B. 各国政府关于常规武器转让问题的告 白
B. Reports received from Governments [...]
on conventional arms transfers
Evaluates for and reportsonthe presence of White Coatsyndrome on [...]
the interpretive summary, when present.
根据《2009 年联合国人类发展斯的教育水平超越了人类发 展水平非常高的许多国家(联合王国、德国、希腊、以色列、葡萄牙、瑞士、日 [...]
According to the United Nations
[...] Human Development Report 2009, inthe sphere of educationBelarus outstrips [...]
many States in the group
of countries with a very high human development index (United Kingdom, Germany, Greece, Israel, Portugal, Switzerland and Japan) and comes second in the CIS.
Jabra 正在不断地往它的资料库添加各种、客户案例等,主题十分广泛,从耳麦技术和用户体验到耳麦在商务沟通中扮演的角色,应有尽有。
Jabra is constantly adding to
[...] its library of reports,white papers, customer stories [...]
etc. on a wide range of subjects ranging
from headset technologies and user experience to the role of the headset in business communications.
发行海外电影包括「礼仪师之奏鸣曲」(日本,获2009年奥斯卡最佳外语片)、告白(日本)、「无声呐喊」(韩国)、「饥饿游戏」(美国)、「饥饿游戏续集:星火燎原」(美国) 及「The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones」(美国)。
Foreign films distributed include "Departures" (Japan, Best Foreign Language Film in Academy Awards 2009),"Confession" (Japan), "Silenced" (South Korea), "The Hunger Games" (USA), "The Hunger Games 2: Catching Fire" (USA) and "Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" (USA).
牧师:(请受洗者到台前,面对牧师。) 就像当时彼得叫人悔改信耶稣基督,又受洗,今日我也要对你(你们) 說:『你(你们)当深信,你(你们)若真实悔告白(你们)的信仰,奉祂的名 受洗,这圣禮就要成为你(你们)的罪得赦之记号,和表明从圣靈得重生而与 基督相结連的印证。
Today, I also tell you, “You should deeply believe that if you truly repent and confess your faith, baptized in His name; then this sacrament will become a sign of salvation from your sins, it signifies that a new regeneration from the Holy Spirit and a seal of fellowship with Jesus Christ.
解决 错误或争议之程序亦适用於针对商户的投诉或未经授权使用之交易。
The above error / dispute resolution procedures are also applicable to
complaints against merchant outlets arising from the
[...] use of the Platinum Card orthe reporting of unauthorised transactions.
我可以白告位官员和各公共机构,如果这项问题未能落实,我便认为是 社会公义未能得以伸张,所以我在未来的日子仍然会提出这项议案。
Icantell governmentofficials and various public transport operators frankly that should [...]
this motion be not endorsed and
enforced, I would think that social justice is not upheld and I would be proposing similar motions in the days to come.
政府可否脱下那“国王的新衣”,白告众,政府的底牌其实是绝不容许大气电波有更多批评政府的声音,所以不能 [...]
Can the Government take off the "the Emperor's new
[...] clothes" and tell the public candidly that the bottomline [...]
of the Government is to absolutely
disallow the inclusion in the airwaves more voices criticizing the Government and so, it cannot allow the opening up of the airwaves for community radios stations?
罗斯自2005 年以来,其保留的杀伤人员地雷数(6,030枚) 并无变化,白俄罗斯共和国国防部 计划利用保留的杀伤人员地雷来培训一个白俄罗斯排雷分队, 以做好准备参与 国际人道主义排雷行动。
Belarus reported nochange in the number of antipersonnel mines (6,030) that, since 2005, it has reported retained [...]
and that the Ministry
of Defence of the Republic of Belarus intends to use retained anti-personnel mines for the purpose of training of a Byelorussian demining unit to prepare for participation in international humanitarian demining operations.
在 某些情况下,例如当使用者要求加入会员、订阅电子报、其他服务、或参加其他活动时,「Version 2 Limited
eStore」相关网站可能会要求使用者登录个人资料,以便於联系、完成交易、提供服务、或处理订阅程序;在此情况下,「Version 2
[...] Limited eStore」相关网站有白告使用者之义务,如果使用者选择不接收任何广告或联系资讯,「Version [...]
2 Limited eStore」将完全予以尊重。
In certain situations, for example when the user request joins the member, the subscription electron newspaper, other services, or participates in other activities, Version 2 LImited eStore the correlation website possibly can request the user to register personal information, in order to the relation, completes the transaction, provides the service, or the processing subscription procedure; In this situation,
Version 2 LImited eStore the correlation
[...] website has clearlyinforms dutyof the user, [...]
if the user chooses does not receive any
advertisement or the relation information, Version 2 Limited eStore completely will give to respect.
In certain situations, for example when the user request joins the member, the subscription electron newspaper, other services, or participates in other activities, "Kennic.com" the correlation website possibly can request the user to register individual material, in order to the relation, completes the transaction, provides the service, or the processing subscription procedure; In this
situation, "Kennic.com" the correlation
[...] website has clearlyinforms dutyof the user, [...]
if the user chooses does not receive any
advertisement or the relation information, "Kennic.com" completely will give to respect.
我 们疑 人 他 拒 绝 作 答 可 能 令 法 [...]
庭 作 出 不 利 於 他 的 推 断,会 是 向 受 疑 人 施 加 额 外 压 力 迫 使 他 说 话 , 但 我 们 不 认 为 这 是 一 种 不 当 的 压 力 。
We recognisethat tellingthesuspect that [...]
his refusal to answer may give rise to the court drawing an inference adverse
to him would put additional pressure on him to speak.
有鉴於广深港高铁涉及公帑达669亿元, 而在近期公布的港大民意调查中,却显示 59%市民自称对整个高铁项目认识'好少'或 '几少',显示大部分市民均不了解广深港高
铁的内容及对社会影响,本人现按照《财 务委员会会议程序》第37A段,动议要求政 府搁置广深港高速铁路拨款,并以独立机 构的民调评估市民对广深港高速铁路的认
[...] 知程度,在确定大部分香港市民均清楚广港高铁的内容及对社会构成的影响 後才重新申请拨款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having
ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong
[...] Kong clearly understand the substance [...]
of the XRL and its impact on the society.
(17) 经营所有或任何涉及以任何方式预备、纺织、编织、梳理、冲刷、裁切、色、染色、印刷及整理或制造棉、羊毛、丝、亚麻、麻、亚麻布、黄 麻、皮革、合成纤维及其他纤维或纺织品(不论属任何状态下之动物、植物 或矿物纤维及不论是否类似上述物质),及处理及使用及买卖任何来自任何该 等业务(不论由本公司或其他人士进行)之废料之行业或业务,亦生产硫酸 盐及整物料以及买入及卖出及买卖上述所有或任何物质。
(17) To carry on all or any of the trades or business of preparing, spinning, knitting,
doubling, weaving, combing,
[...] scouring,sizing,bleaching,colouring, dyeing, printing and finishing, working or manufacturing in any way whatever, cotton, wool, silk, flax, hemp, linen, jute, leather, synthetic fibres and other fibrous or textile substances, whether animal, vegetable or mineral in any state and whether similar to the foregoing substances or not and to treat and utilise and deal in any waste arising from any such operations, whether carried out by the Company or otherwise, and also of makers of vitriolandof bleaching, dyeing, and finishing [...]
materials, and
the buying and selling of and dealing in all or any of the aforesaid substances.
实现总目标的战略的主要要素包括:(a) 进行更加全面的评 估,填补在重大环境问题上的信息和知识(b) 确定并进一步发展利用适当 的综合政策措施,解决主要环境问题的根源;(c) 动员各方行动起来,更好地整 合改善环境的国际行动,特别是在区域和多边协定以及联合国全系统合作安排方 面。
The main elements of the strategy for achieving the overall objective include: (a) filling the information and knowledge gap on critical environmental issues through more comprehensive assessments; (b) identifying and further developing the use of appropriate integrated policy measures in tackling the root causes of major environmental concerns; and (c) mobilizing action for better integration of international action to improve the environment, particularly in relation to regional and multilateral agreements, as well as United Nations system-wide collaborative arrangements.
冈比亚还它继 续开展合作,在受影响地区的社区进行雷险教育,而且拥有一支训练有素、装备 [...]
Gambia also reportedthat itcontinues [...]
in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the affected areas
and has a well trained and fully equipped humanitarian demining team which is always ready to respond to any emergencies.
阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆斯、不丹、波 斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、博茨瓦纳、文莱达鲁萨兰国、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中非 [...]
共和国、乍得、捷克共和国、多米尼加共和国、加蓬、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、危地 马拉、几内亚比绍、海地、洪都拉斯、印度尼西亚、伊拉克、哈萨克斯坦、科威
特、拉脱维亚、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马拉维、马来西亚、马里、毛里塔尼 亚、摩纳哥、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼日尔、阿曼、巴拿马、秘鲁、卡塔尔、卢旺达、 沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞拉利昂、新加坡、斯洛伐克、斯里兰卡、阿拉伯叙利 亚共和国、乌克兰、乌拉圭和津巴布韦。
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola,
[...] Armenia, Azerbaijan,Belarus,Bhutan, Bosnia [...]
and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam,
Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Monaco, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Zimbabwe.
塔 吉克斯坦还该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 [...]
物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两个层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reportedthatit is preparing [...]
to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in
mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level.
本公司亦将於股东周年大会上按股东周年大会的条款,就授予董事发行授权 提呈普通决议案,以配发、发行及处理不超过本公司於有关决议案通过当日之已发行股本 [...]
本公司於授出购回授权後购回之股份面值总额之任何股份,加入将授予董事之发行授权 内:(a)本公司下届股东周年大会结束时;(b)细则或任何适用法例规定本公司须举行下届股 东周年大会之期限届满时;及(c)该授权於股东大会上以普通决议案撤销或修订当日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be
[...] proposedat theAnnual GeneralMeeting in [...]
respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate
to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第
[...] 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 [...]
总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出
319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly
resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has
[...] includedin his reporta projection of [...]
the total budget for special political missions
for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a)
进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层
[...] 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) [...]
设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情
况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level
capacity to ensure national ability to
[...] monitor, diagnose, reportand respond to [...]
pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard
setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.




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