

单词 告吹

See also:

fall through
play a wind instrument
end in failure

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 已嘗試安排多一次會議,但由於沒有足夠的法定 人數告吹。
He stressed that he had tried to arrange
[...] a further meeting but it could [...]
not be held owing to a lack of a quorum.
任何一方若未能履行其義務,交易將告 吹。
The trade will fail if either party fails to meet its obligation.
但是,大家都知道,由於學生家長 大力反對,認為位置過於偏遠,所以計劃最 告吹。
However, as Members are all aware, due to the objection from students' parents, who believed that the location was too remote, the plan fell through.
联合支助和协调机制的主要重点是代表达尔富尔混合行动/维持和 平行动部,就需要非洲联盟-联合国协调的所有与达尔富尔相关事宜,与非洲联 盟委员会接触,包括协调对安全理事会、非洲联盟和平与安全理事会、部队和警 察派遣国、捐助方、外交界和新闻界的 告/吹 风 ,以及协调部署/轮换、高级工 作人员征聘及必要时支持三方机制等方面的任何未决事项。
The primary focus of the Joint Support and Coordination Mechanism is to engage the African Union Commission on behalf of UNAMID/Department of Peacekeeping Operations on all Darfur-related matters that require African UnionUnited Nations coordination, including in relation to the coordination of reporting/messaging to the Security Council and the African Union Peace and Security Council, troop- and police-contributing countries, donors, the diplomatic community and the press, as well as the coordination of any outstanding matters related to deployment/rotations, recruitment of senior staff and support to the tripartite mechanism as necessary.
(b) 身為維港巨星匯活動 1 億元撥款的管制人員,在與美商 會簽訂三份諒解備忘錄時,未有確保備忘錄訂有條文:(i) 規定凡節目和活動預算有任何重大改動,都必須徵詢政 府的意見,並請其批准;(ii)規定須定期向政府提交報 告,匯報活動的進展和進度;(iii)讓政府有權索閱活動的 所有帳目、合約和記錄;以及(iv)訂明如未能達成協議, 又或活告吹,便 須退回預支款項;此外,亦未有確定 美商會在財政上是否有能力履行備忘錄所訂的責任
(b) as Controlling Officer for the $100 million allocated to the Harbour Fest event, when three memoranda of understanding were signed with AmCham, failed to ensure that they contained provisions (i) requiring the Government to be consulted and its approval sought on any major changes to the programme and the budget of the event; (ii) requiring periodic reports to be made to the Government on the development and progress of the event; (iii) entitling the Government to have access to all accounts, contracts and records of the event; and (iv) for the refund of the advance payments if no agreement was reached and the event was not held, and to ascertain whether AmCham was in a financial position to meet its obligations under the memoranda
对外关系与合作 阿拉伯国家(38.1%) 开支率低的主要原因是,计划在贝鲁特举行的阿拉伯国家议员论坛活动因该国发生内战告 吹。
The low expenditure rate is mainly due to the fact that activity scheduled for Beirut, namely the Forum for Arab States Parliamentarians, could not take place in the country due to civil unrest.
倘若西區海底隧道計告吹,我 認為會令 許多有意投資的㆟士心裏湧現㆒些重大的疑問:究竟香港將來可否㆒如往昔,在基建 方面繼續進行建造、營辦及移交的工程和運用私營機構的投資?
For the Western Harbour Crossing to go wrong will, I think, raise substantial questions in the minds of potential investors about whether Hong Kong can continue to practise BOT projects and private sector investment in the infrastructure in the future as well as it has in the past.
(c) 身為維港巨星活動 1 億元撥款的管制人員,未有確保 與美商會簽訂的贊助協議訂有條文:(i) 訂明如活告 吹,便 須退回已預支的款項;(ii)規定美商會定期向政府 提交報告,匯報活動的進展和進度;以及(iii)規定美商會 就門票訂價策略徵詢政府的意見
(c) as Controlling Officer for the $100 million allocated to the Harbour Fest event, failed to ensure that the sponsorship agreement signed with AmCham contained provision (i) for refund of the payments already advanced if the event was not held; (ii) requiring AmCham to make periodic reports to the Government on the development and progress of the event; and (iii) requiring AmCham to consult the Government on the ticket pricing strategy
既有這樣良好的時機,我覺得就不應冒 ㆒個將來 會有節外生枝而令這些計告吹的風 險。
The time being so opportune, I feel that we should not take the risk of addressing the side
[...] issues and seeing the scheme abort.
周錦紹先生表 明 ,北區區議會議員極度 不滿在 區域巿政局年代已有完整計劃在北區興建大型綜合文化 中心的工程計劃,因 “殺 局 ”告吹, 現 時北區區議會 議員不分 黨派, 齊 心協力 爭取在該區興建有關文化 中 心,他促請立法會議員在此事上積極提供 協助。
Mr Joseph CHOW expressed the strong dissatisfaction of NDC members that the work project of constructing a major civic centre in the North District, which was already thoroughly planned during the Regional Council era, was abandoned because of the dissolution of the two municipal councils.
莫禮時教授認為這建議可以有三個詮釋︰(a) 中大確實希望合併;(b)中大受到李教授的壓力才提出建
[...] 議;以及(c)中大並不預期教院會同意建議,所以就算建議 最終可告吹亦將不會受到指責。
Professor Morris said such proposal was open to three interpretations, (a) CUHK genuinely preferred a merger; (b) CUHK was acting under pressure from
Professor Li; and (c) CUHK did not expect HKIEd to agree and therefore CUHK would not be
[...] blamed for the unsuccessful outcome.
此概念於某階段獲保安事務委員會支持,但 計劃最告吹,主 要是由於遭到部分市民及立法會反對。
The concept was, in a stage, supported by the Panel on Security. However, the plan eventually fell through mainly because of objections from some members of the public and the Legislative Council.
可惜,情況並不是我想像的那樣,我連開啟那個電箱也有問題,所以只 告吹 整 個 計劃。
However, the situation was not easy, the fuse box was locked.
很 多學校 , 只超過約 100 萬 元 , 甚 至有一所 學 校 , 只超過 20 萬 元 ,工 程 便 告 吹 了。
It was only after the Honourable SZETO Wah and I inquired into the reasons in this Council that we were told that the improvement works would be terminated should the costs exceed the prescribed ceiling, that is, $36 million for secondary schools and $32 million for primary schools.
詹議員關注到,上市法團一方面可能被指未有披 露主要買賣的商議工作,但一旦有關交 告吹 , 上 市 法團又可能被指揑造虛假消息以操控股價。
Mr CHIM was concerned that a listed corporation might be accused of failing to disclose the negotiation on a major purchase, but if the transaction had failed to materialize, the listed corporation might be accused of fabricating false information to manipulate stock prices.
(c) 哪些行为体目前在冲突之外,但同时有足够的实力让进 告吹?
o The invisible forces who form part of the conflict o Those actors who are temporarily detached from the conflict but nonetheless retain sufficient power to derail the process
換言之,如果今次兩鐵合併成功的話,兩鐵減價便會“恰”,如果今次兩鐵 合告吹的話 ,兩鐵減價便會遙遙無期,不知要拖至何時才可落實減價,才 可切實地減輕兩鐵乘客的車費負擔。
If the merger attempt fails, the prospects of fare reduction would be grim indeed and no one knows when a fare reduction can take place and how the burden of train passengers can be eased and they do not have to pay expensive fares anymore.
請不要忘記,若這份合告吹,並 沒有其他 財團表示有意競投這項工程。
Do not forget that there are no other consortia waiting in line to make a bid should this one fail.
我想以這項發展計告吹為例,說明政府如果願意作出彈性安排, 願意跟倡議者坐下來慢慢商量,而不是稍有政策問題便表示“無辦法”或 不惜拉倒發展計劃,便不會令地區平白失去發展機會。
I would like to quote the termination of this development plan as an example to illustrate that, if the Government is willing to make flexible arrangements, and to sit down and discuss unhurriedly with the proponents, instead of saying that nothing can be done once problems are found, or not hesitating to drop the development plan, the district will not be deprived of opportunities for development for no reason.
我留意到市建局在針對嘉咸街有人企圖出價反收購時指出,當局有權根 據《收回土地條例》的規定,強行收回所有重建區內的業權,這客觀上的確 讓不少本來有意參與另類收購計劃的業主“打退堂鼓”,導致有關計告 吹。
I note that, in response to the private attempt to make a counter-offer in the Graham Street project, the URA pointed out that the authorities have the authority to resume all the title ownership in redevelopment districts by virtue of the Lands Resumption Ordinance.
這 個 建 議 是 有 理 由 的 ﹐因 為 法 國 與 皮 德 蒙 的 聯 盟 ﹐有 可 能 因 為 別 國 對 搖 擺 不 定 的 拿 破 崙 拖 加 壓 力 而 最告 吹 。
This was sound advice, for there was the possibility that the Franco-Piedmontese alliance would collapse, given time for diplomatic pressure to be exerted on the wavering Napoleon.
我明白,在金融海嘯下,商界亦有他們的困難,但我呼籲商界在精 簡架構應付逆境的時候,也要關顧員工的境況,作出妥善的配套安排; 面對員工時,要念及他們對公司的辛勞和貢獻,一切安排應從大方慷慨 處落墨,這樣做較賣甚麼告,吹噓 甚麼企業形象均來得有效,否則, 這些廣告只會更惹人反感。
However, I would like to call on the business sector to give consideration to their employees' situation and make proper complementary arrangements when undergoing streamlining to overcome adversities; and to take into account their labour and contribution to the company and make all arrangements in a generous manner.
我很紧张地和我的助理等待了大约6个小时,觉得拍 告吹。
I nervously waited with my assistant for about 6 hours, thinking for
[...] sure we were being blown off.
倘若有任何上述條件未能於二零一三年十月三十一日下午五時正(或本公司及認購方可 能書面協定的其他時間及日期)達成或得到全面豁免,認購協議將 告吹 , 而雙方皆無 需就協議負上任何義務或法律責任,除因先前違反協議內任何條款而起者外。
If any of the conditions set out above have not been fulfilled or waived in full by 5 : 00 p.m. on 31 October 2013 (or such other time and date as may be agreed between the Company and the Subscriber in writing), the Subscription Agreement will cease and determine and neither party shall have any obligations and liabilities thereunder save for any antecedent breaches of the terms thereof.
但是,當有發展商希望收購 一幢殘破不堪的舊樓作重建用途時,如果八成份數業主亦已接受發展商 提出以市值或高於市值賣樓,卻只因為一兩戶不願意接受發展商的收購 價 (不論原因為何,有些人可能基於不會變賣祖屋或祖業,而有些人則 可能是“釘子戶”,要求高於市價數倍的價錢),便會令收 告吹 , 導 致 其他八成業主失去出售物業以改善居住環境的機會和權利。
Only if these conditions are met will they accept the acquisition offer. However, when a developer intends to acquire a dilapidated building for redevelopment and 80% of the owners have accepted the developer's offer to sell their flats at market price or at a price higher than the market price, the acquisition may still fall through if one or two flat owners refuse to accept the acquisition offer (the reasons may be that they are unwilling to sell their ancestral home or property, or that they are the "nail households" who wish to seek a price a few times higher than the market price).
另外,有些㆞產經紀因為缺乏知識,或者在缺乏監管的情況㆘, 會向買家說有關樓宇可按多少成,買家相信他,但最後卻辦不成按揭,交 告吹 ,還 給㆟控告毀約。
Both the buying and selling parties will be anxious and upset about the extent of their rights and responsibilities. Meanwhile, there are real estate agents who, not having the relevant knowledge or in the absence of any regulation, will even talk the buyer into believing that the property being bought can actually be used to secure a favourable mortgage loan.
[...] 有任何不清晰之處,可能會令交易雙方產生爭議,情況嚴重時甚至會 做不成生意,令交易中告吹。
The requirements on trade descriptions are a very important part of international trade. Any uncertainty in the requirements may cause
disputes between the two trading parties and in
[...] more serious cases, no business [...]
deal will be secured and agreements will be called off halfway.
一般而言,藉原 訴傳票開展的訴訟由展開至審訊的時間,較藉令狀開展的訴訟為短;及 在改革後的期間,若干長案在審訊展開後不久 便 告吹。
An action begun by originating summons from commencement to trial is normally shorter than that of an action begun by writ; and A number of long cases collapsed soon after the commencement of trial in the Post-CJR Period.
由于谈告吹,南 苏丹石油官员 11 月 30 日称喀土 穆已经延迟了苏丹港 60 万桶石油装船发货,这些 属于南苏丹的石油将被销往中国联合石化 (UNIPEC)。
The latter argued the transit fees were inconsistent with international practice, and the other fees demanded were already being paid, per contractual arrangements governing the infrastructure, to the oil companies themselves.
本报告概述特别报告员的意见和他在实地 访问期间搜集的信息,以及非政府组织、联合国办事处和许多其他可靠来源收集 的告、访谈、吹风稿和其他文件。
The report summarizes the Special Rapporteur’s observations and the information that he gathered during the field missions, with reports, interviews, briefing papers and other documents gathered by non-governmental organizations, United Nations offices and numerous other reliable sources.




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