

单词 告人


不可告人 adj

hidden adj

被告人 n

defendant n

被告人 pl

defendants pl

External sources (not reviewed)

你们已经听了各位告人的报告;我 就不 再重复他们的报告了,因为这完全是白费功夫,因此,我只想作一个综述。
You have already heard the reports of the various rapporteurs, which I shall not repeat – that would be quite pointless – I shall merely try to offer a general synopsis.
必须指出,辩护方办公室并不是要代表某个或多个 告人, 而是要提供法庭外的援助,并确保涉 人 和 被 告人 的 权 利在所有阶段都得到尊 重。
It is important to stress that the Defence Office is not
intended to represent
[...] one or more accused, but rather will provide out-of-court assistance and ensure that the rights of suspects and accused are respected [...]
at all stages.
小组委员会建议当局审查关于在刑事司法程序中向嫌 人 和 被 告人 提 供 法律援助 的法律和制度,以便向被警察和宪兵初始拘留的人提供法律援助。
The SPT recommends that the authorities review the law on and
system for providing legal assistance
[...] to suspects and defendants in the criminal [...]
justice process with a view to providing
legal aid to persons held in initial police and gendarmerie custody.
他们的供词以及国家元首关于告人 为 中央情报局特务和摩 萨德特务的指称被视为本案的基础。
The confession and the contention of the Head of State that the accused worked as CIA and Mossad agents were considered to be the basis of the case.
预计书记官处能实现各项目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 前南斯拉夫各国在 提供信息及其他形式的援助方面予以合作;(b)
[...] 诉讼程序不会因法庭无法控制的 原因而出现延误,如告人患病 、出乎意料的材料披露、请求更换辩护律师、请 [...]
证词;(c) 法庭工作人员的更替率在可接受的范围内。
The Registry is expected to meet its objective and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) the States of the former Yugoslavia cooperate in the provision of information and other forms of assistance; (b) there are no delays in the proceedings for reasons
beyond the Tribunal’s control, such as
[...] illness of the accused, unforeseen disclosure [...]
of material, requests for replacement
of defence counsel, requests for review of cases already tried, other motions affecting the proceedings or the non-availability of witnesses to certify statements and provide testimony; and (c) the turnover rate of the Tribunal’s staff remains within acceptable limits.
人权理事会邀请人权与赤贫问题独立专家继续就赤贫和人权指导原则草案 开展进一步的工作,并至迟向理事会第十五届会议提交进度 告(人 权 理 事会第 12/19 号决议)。
The Human Rights Council invited the independent expert to pursue further work on the draft guiding principles on extreme poverty and
human rights, and to
[...] submit a progress report to the Council no later than its fifteenth session (Human Rights Council [...]
resolution 12/19).
会议还接受了国际教育局理事会关于委托国际教育局理事会主席Pieter de
[...] Meijer先生担任起草小组主席的建议,并接受了向会议主席团提出的建议,即由理事会负 责协助国际教育局筹备国际教育大会的工作组与会议总 告人 和 专 题讨论小组 告人合 作,组成会议起草小组。
The Conference also agreed to the IBE Council’s proposal that Mr Pieter de Meijer, President of the Council, should chair the drafting group and recommended to the Bureau of the ICE that the Council’s working group set up to assist the IBE in making preparations for the 46th
session of the ICE should constitute the drafting group
[...] in cooperation with the Rapporteur and the workshop rapporteurs.
几天后,以色列空投下传单,告人 们 为 安全起见离开拜特拉希亚。
A few days later, Israeli aircraft dropped
[...] leaflets warning people to leave [...]
Beit Lahia for their own safety.
此外,此條亦容許告人在某 些法律程序中提出有 關罪行的發生,是另一人的作為或過失所致,或是倚賴另一人所提供 [...]
[...] it allows the defendant, subject to certain [...]
procedures, to raise the defence that the commission of the offence
was due to the act or default of another person or the reliance on information given by another.
为此,各国应实施具体 的保护措施,例如防止告人与儿 童直接接触的证人保护方案、非直接证词、以 [...]
To this end, States should implement specific protective measures, such as a witness
protection programme to preclude direct contact
[...] between the accused and the child, [...]
alternatives to direct testimony, and a multi-disciplinary
team equipped with social workers to support the child throughout the court proceedings.
[...] 员,负责起草提交公约和条约监督机构的初步报告和定期 告 ; 人 权 服务台主 任,负责处理侵犯人权的指控;负责确保履行国际人权义务,促使履行工作与国 [...]
Director for Rights in charge of implementation of Government policy on the promotion and protection of human rights; Coordinator of the National Consultative Human Rights Council,
responsible for the preparation of
[...] initial and periodic reports for submission [...]
to treaty bodies; Head of the Human Rights
Desk and, as such, responsible for receiving and acting upon allegations of human rights violations and for ensuring the fulfilment of international human rights obligations, the harmonization of their fulfilment with domestic law and follow-up thereto; Coordinator of the working group responsible for securing the adoption and execution of a national plan of action for implementing the recommendations made in the course of the universal periodic review.
审判分庭将收到预审法官一份详细说明有关程序(但不会 详细描述该保密材料)的报告,并且须认可 告人 未 受 到损害及不公开资料的做 法本身亦未对其是否有罪产生合理的怀疑。
The Trial Chamber will receive a report from the Pre-Trial Judge detailing the procedure (although not describing the confidential material as such), and it will have to be satisfied that there is no prejudice to the accused and that non-disclosure itself does not create reasonable doubt as to his or her guilt.
人权理事会不应该在工作中采取双重标准,不 应该不尊重主权平等和文化多样性原则,也不应该 为了不告人的目的而玩弄人权,所有这些都阻碍 在开展人权国际合作方面取得真正的进展。
The Council’s work should be rid of double standards, disrespect for the principles of sovereign equality and cultural diversity and the manipulation of human rights for ulterior purposes, all of which hindered genuine progress with respect to international cooperation on human rights.
本人[發出告人士之姓名及地址]為 [附屬公司] 之正式授權代表,謹此根據新龍國際集 [...]
團有限公司一九九二年公司法第 4(2)節向 閣下發出通告,證明[附屬公司 ]為新龍國際 集團有限公司之全資附屬公司,並已於 [附屬公司註冊成立日期 ]根據一九八一年公司法
I [name and address of person giving [...]
notice] a duly authorised representative of [the subsidiary] hereby give you notice
pursuant to Section 4(2) of the SIS International Holdings Limited Company Act, 1992 that [the subsidiary] is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SIS International Holdings Limited, incorporated on the [date of incorporation of subsidiary] pursuant to the Companies Act, 1981 as an exempted company and is, therefore entitled to avail itself of the provisions of the SIS International Holdings Limited Company Act, 1992.
控 方 不 得 將 供 認 用 作 針 對告 人 的 證 據,而 可 能 是 控 方 用 以 針 對告 人 的 部 分 極 其 重 要 案 情 便 失 掉 了 。
The prosecution cannot use it as evidence against the defendant, and what may be a very important part of its [...]
case against him is lost.
联邦公设律师法》规定,公设律师或者拘留或监狱机构中的被拘留者或 囚犯提出的有关公职人员实施酷刑、残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或者任何其
[...] 他侵犯人权行为的任何投诉,都应报告检察院、负责拘留或监狱机构的机关,而 且必要时还应告人权机构。
The Federal Public Defenders Act establishes that any complaints lodged by public defenders or by detained persons or inmates in detention or prison facilities alleging torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or any other human rights violations committed by a public servant are to be reported to the Public
Prosecutor’s Office, to the authority responsible for detention or prison
[...] facilities and to human rights bodies, [...]
as applicable.
該 警 司 在
[...] 作 出 決 定 前 應 會 見告 人 , 聽 他 陳 述 , 並 應 在 [...]
可 行 範 圍 內 盡 快 作 出 決 定 , 而 無 論 如 何 不 應 遲 於 原 來 的 不 准 保 釋 決 定 之 後 三 小 時 。
The superintendent should
[...] see and hear the defendant before making [...]
a decision and should reach his decision as soon as is
practicable but in any event not later than three hours from the original decision.
索償作出抗辯。 雅典原訟法庭已宣判此案件,駁回上述起訴書中對本公司及對比雷埃夫斯碼頭的所有索償,並裁定告人 (ADK ) 須支付本公司及比雷埃夫斯碼頭部份法律費用共 30,000 歐元 (折合約 40,000 美 元)。
The Court of First Instance of Athens has issued and pronounced judgment on the case and has dismissed the aforementioned statement of claim in its entirety both as regards the Company and as regards Piraeus Terminal, and has awarded to the Company and Piraeus Terminal part of the legal expenses in the amount of Euro 30,000 (equivalent to approximately US$40,000) against the plaintiff (ADK).
变频器或电机的表面或内部必须贴有相关的标签,告 人们可能存在危险电压。
SHOCK HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that dangerous voltage may be present.
如果美国、日本和欧洲联盟对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国不是怀着不 告人的 目 的而是真正有兴趣开展人权领域的对话与合作,那么它们何必寻求一项对抗性 的“决议”呢?
Would there be any need for the United States, Japan and the European Union to pursue a confrontational “resolution” if they had no ulterior motive for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and were truly interested in dialogue and cooperation in the area of human rights?
第三,毒品和犯罪问题办公室积极主动地收集有关 公共领域现有官方资料的数据,包括国别警务报告、各国司法部的 告 、 人口 贩 运情况国别报告以及相关政府间组织和非政府组织的报告。
Third, UNODC engaged in a proactive data collection on official information available in the public domain, including national police reports, reports of ministries of justice, national reports on trafficking in persons and reports by relevant intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations.
告人是一 名的士司机,并曾对半身不遂的 告人 作 出 一连串行为,包括拒 载、拒绝帮助告人登上 的士及把她的轮椅放在车尾箱,以及当 告人 在 的 士内 的时候,向她讲出一些关于其残疾的无礼及冒犯说话。
These conducts included
[...] unwillingness to accept the Plaintiff’s patronage, refusal to assist the Plaintiff in getting into the taxi and putting her wheelchair into the boot of his taxi, as well as rude and offensive remarks towards the Plaintiff concerning [...]
her disability while the Plaintiff was in the taxi.
举措包括在线会费门户网站,消除 了每月就此事提出的厚厚的告;“ 人 力 资 源洞察” 在线监控工具,向各代表团提供关于秘书处工作人员 [...]
构成的信息;根据大会第 64/259 号决议设计问责制 度。
They had included the online contributions
portal that had eliminated the voluminous
[...] monthly printed report on that matter; [...]
the “HR Insight” online monitoring tool
which gave delegations demographic information on staffing of the Secretariat; and the design of an accountability system pursuant to General Assembly resolution 64/259.
[...] 据收集中的良好做法:一览表(注明数据报告的方式、时间、告 人和接 收人,以及什么类别的数据是可接受的);收集数据使用的 [...]
标准形式;详细的数据限制条件(用于记录数据值是否以计量、计 算或估计为依据);不确定和限制性数据(检测范围详情、现有样
Considerations of the following items are good practice in data collection: schedules
(stating how, when, by whom and to whom the
[...] data are to be reported, and what types [...]
of data are acceptable); use of standard
forms for collecting data; data qualification details (used to record whether data values are based on measurements, calculations or estimations); uncertainties and limitations data (details of detection limits, numbers of samples available); operational context details (details of the prevailing process operations and/or environmental conditions).
[...] 當中訂明在因應該條例相關部分所訂罪行而提起的法律程序中, 告人 可 用 保證書作為 申辯中的免責辯護的條件。
Ms. Joan YAU pointed out the availability of statutory defences that were provided under Section 71 of PHMSO, Cap. 132, which stipulated
conditions under which warranty might be
[...] pleaded by the defendant as defence in [...]
any proceedings for an offence under the
relevant part of the Ordinance.
(c) 推动司法机构与卫生服务部门、社会服务部门和支助受害人工作者之
[...] 类其他专业人员展开协调,以便在不损害 告人 权 利 的前提下使法律援助制度 发挥最大效能
(c) To promote coordination between justice agencies and other professionals such as health, social services and victim
support workers in order to maximize effectiveness of the legal aid system, without
[...] prejudice to the rights of the accused
(d) 工作人员于被捕、被控以情节轻微的交通违规行为以外的犯罪;或在刑 事诉讼中以告人身份 被传出庭,或因情节轻微的交通违规行为以外的犯罪而被 [...]
(d) A staff member who has been arrested, charged with an offence other than a
minor traffic violation or summoned before
[...] a court as a defendant in a criminal [...]
proceeding, or who has been convicted, fined
or imprisoned for any offence other than a minor traffic violation shall immediately report the fact to the Secretary-General.




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