

单词 呈阳性

See also:

present (a certain appearance)
assume (a shape)
present to a superior
be (a certain color)




sun n

External sources (not reviewed)

南非还提供资料说明艾滋病毒测 呈阳性 的 妇 女和儿童的治疗阈值 及降低孕产妇和儿童死亡率的举措。
Information on treatment thresholds for HIV-positive women and children and initiatives to reduce maternal and child mortality was also provided.
这项计划的实施有助于动员国内各方面的力量共同实施一系列旨在预防、 监测和控制艾滋病毒/艾滋病和性传播疾病的战略和重点项目、开展相关的宣传 教育活动、帮助弱势群体病患开展艾滋病和性传播疾病的治疗、向那些艾滋病毒 检呈阳性和受 艾滋病毒感染的群体提供医疗救助和相关资助。
The implementation of the programme has contributed to the mobilisation of internal forces in the performance of strategies and priority actions of prevention, monitoring, control of the HIV/AIDS disease and STD, implementation of informational and educational activities, work with vulnerable groups, initiation of treatment, delivery of healthcare assistance, support to positive HIV detected and those infected with AIDS.
在全球范围,被证明对预防注射吸毒者中新的艾滋病毒感染最有效的服务的 覆盖率仍然很低:仅少数人参与或有机会获得全方位药物依赖治疗服务,每月向 注射毒品者分发少量无菌器械,8%的人参加类阿片激动剂治疗方案,和 4%的艾 滋病呈阳性的注射吸毒者接受抗逆转录病毒治疗。
Globally, the coverage of services that have been shown to be most effective in preventing new HIV infections among people who inject drugs remains low: a limited number of people participate in or have access to the full spectrum of drug dependence treatment services, a limited number of sterile devices are distributed per month per
person who injects
[...] drugs, 8 per cent participate in a programme involving opioid-agonist treatment therapy and 4 per cent of HIV-positive [...]
people who inject
drugs are receiving antiretroviral therapy.
据估计,撒哈拉以南非洲检测结呈阳 性的人中 41%未接受 CD4 监察检测或临床鉴定,32%被确定可接受抗逆转录病毒治 [...]
An estimated 41 per cent of people in sub-Saharan Africa [...]
who test positive do not receive CD4 monitoring tests or clinical
staging, and 32 per cent determined to be eligible for antiretroviral treatment do not receive medications.
自2007 年以来,全国防治艾滋病方案(PNLS) 对艾滋病呈阳性的孕 妇进 行监测;这是粮食计划署( 以食品形式) 和全球基金支持下的防治艾滋病毒/艾滋 病、结核和疟疾的活动,资助婴儿配方奶粉分配。
HIV-positive pregnant women have been monitored by the National Programme for Combating AIDS (PNLS) since 2007, an activity carried out with the support of WFP in the form of food and the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which finances the distribution of infant formulas.
有鉴 于以上情况 ,对于艾滋病呈阳性妇女的人权问题提出了一些建 议 如下: 在 医 疗护理设施内减少对艾滋病呈阳性 妇 女的污名和歧视; 接 纳 艾滋病呈阳性妇女参 与影响自身 生活的所有规划、方案制定和决策举措;为艾滋病呈阳性妇女 建立便 于取得、普遍提供、优质和合乎水准的服 务 ;审查 对艾滋病呈阳性妇女 强迫 进行绝 育 术 的 情 况 ; 结 束 将 艾滋病毒的传播定为 刑 事 罪 行 ; 为艾 滋病毒携带者 建立法律保护,其中包括不遭受歧视的保护;制定为艾滋病 呈阳 性者人权受侵 犯 的 情 况 提供补救的机制;废除歧视妇女和女童的法律;废除将 一 些行为定 为 刑 事 罪 行从而进一步使 妇女中一些人群遭受污名和边 际化的法律,其 中包括将毒品的使用和性取向定为刑事罪行的法律。
In light of the above, a number of proposals were made with regard to the human rights of HIV-positive women as follows: decrease stigma and discrimination against HIV-positive women at health-care facilities; involve HIV-positive women in all planning, programming and decision-making initiatives that impact their lives; create accessible, available, high-quality and acceptable services for HIV-positive women; examine the situation of forced sterilization of HIV-positive women; end the criminalization of HIV transmission; develop legal protection for people living with HIV including protection from discrimination; develop mechanisms for redress when the human rights of HIV-positive people are violated; abolish laws that discriminate against women and girls; and abolish laws that criminalize behaviours which further stigmatize and marginalize groups of women, including laws which criminalize drug use and sexual orientation.
2008 年以来,该国为734 名艾滋病呈阳性患者保障 了抗逆转录病毒治疗。
Since 2008, it guaranteed anti-retro-viral treatment for 734 HIVpositive people.
在这两年间,教科文组织 发行了 26 000 多份出版物和 7 000
[...] 个光盘,有多语种可供选择,话题广泛,从女童教育和 艾滋病病毒防治到满足艾滋病病毒检 呈阳性 的 教 师的需求。
During the biennium, UNESCO disseminated more than 26,000 copies of publications and
7,000 CD-ROM, available in multiple
[...] languages, on topics ranging from girls’ education [...]
and HIV prevention to supporting
the needs of HIV-positive teachers.
我们认识到,必须确保每一个艾滋病毒检 呈阳 性的人在此后都能得到长期护理、支持,并能尽早获 得抗逆转录病毒治疗。
We have learned about the importance of ensuring that every person who tests HIV-positive is followed up with ongoing care, support and early access to antiretroviral therapy.
参与经济及社会理事会及其附属实体的工作:该组织代表参与了以下活动:(a) 世界艾滋病防治会议(加拿大,2006 年;墨西哥,2008 年);(b)共同协助儿童基 金会和粮食计划署举行了关于粮食保障、营养和受艾滋病毒/艾滋病影响儿童的技 术协商会议(意大利,2007 年),并参与了共识声明的制定;(c)2007 年应邀作为 顾问参加了世界卫生组织亚洲地区艾滋病毒/艾滋病与营养技术协商会议(泰国); (d)国际关注项目在印度的一名工作人员从数百名艾滋病 呈阳性 的 妇 女中脱颖 而出,成为参加艾滋病规划署妇女与艾滋病预防美国游的唯一亚洲代表。
Participation in the Economic and Social Council and its subsidiary entities: The organization’s representatives participated in the following: (a) the World AIDS Conferences (Canada, 2006, Mexico, 2008); (b) co-facilitated the UNICEF and the WFP Technical Consultation on Food Security, Nutrition and Children Affected by HIV and AIDS (Italy, 2007) and participated in the development of a Consensus Statement; (c) in 2007 was invited as a resource person in the WHO Asia Regional Technical Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Nutrition (Thailand); (d) one of PCI staff members in India was selected, from a pool of hundreds of HIV-positive women, to be the one representative from Asia on the UNAIDS Women and AIDS Tour to the United States.
委员会注意到,Njamba 女士提出的医务证据指出,她属于 艾滋病呈阳性状况 ,而刚果民主共和国提供艾滋病方面治疗并不方便。
It also noted that the same medical evidence mentioned that Ms. Njamba did not require HIV treatment.
2001 年至 2008 年间,成人和儿童 新感染人数下降 17.4%,2008 年,近 45%的非洲艾滋 病呈阳性的孕妇接受抗逆转录病毒疗法,以防止母 婴传播病毒。
New infections among adults and children dropped 17.4 per cent between 2001 and 2008, and in 2008 approximately 45 per cent of HIV-positive pregnant women in Africa received antiretroviral treatment to prevent transmission of the virus to their children.
Njamba 女士是艾滋病呈阳性的携 带者,而且刚果民主共和不能提供医疗。
The complainants appealed against this decision submitting that Ms. Njamba was HIV-positive and that no medical treatment was available in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
欧 洲独一无二的项目“生活之家”很快即将竣工,其创 建是为了让艾滋病患者有家可居,使他们能恢复信心 并接受自己艾滋病呈阳性的身份。
The Maison de Vie, a unique project of its kind in Europe whose construction will soon be completed, was created to provide a home for people with HIV to allow them to regain confidence and to live with their HIVpositive status.
联合国新闻部(新闻部)通过其由 63 个新闻中心组成的网络,与各种推动 保护那 些艾滋病呈阳性 或 由于艾滋病而成为孤 寡 的妇女、儿童及弱势 群体人权 的各种 组织携手开展工作 。
Through its network of 63 information centres, the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) has engaged various groups advocating the protection of the human rights of women, children and vulnerable groups who are either HIV-positive or orphans as a result of AIDS.
确保服务特别是为妇女及其配偶提供自愿艾滋病毒咨询和 检测,如果检测结呈阳性,则 根据《预防幼儿经母体感染附加倡 议》,对其进行艾滋病毒垂直传播方面的治疗,并尊重妇女自行决定 [...]
是否、何时及与谁生育子女的生殖权利(《行动纲领》8.34,1994 年)。
Ensure that services provide voluntary HIV counselling and testing
(VCT), especially for women and
[...] their partners and, if positive, that they be treated for vertical [...]
HIV transmission in accordance
with the MTCT-Plus Initiative, respecting the reproductive rights of women to decide for themselves if, when and with whom to have children (POA 8.34, 1994).
在这幅图片中,一名15个月大的艾滋病 呈阳性 的 男 孩躺在首都基辅附近Bila Tserka 村的Bila Tserka婴儿之家的婴儿床上。
In this picture, a 15-month-old boy, who is HIV positive, sits in his crib at Bila Tserka Baby Home in the village of Bila Tserka, near Kyiv, the capital.
他们11岁的女儿索卡.肯西亚,参加了专门针对来自HIV病毒感染家庭的孩子、及HIV病毒检 呈阳性 的 孩子们组织的活动。
Their daughter Sokha Chanthirapech, 11, attends sessions [...]
specially organized for children who are from HIV-affected families
or are HIV-positive themselves.
此外,艾滋病规划署网站首页发布了艾滋病毒/艾滋病教育问题全球倡议资源 包和一项有关艾滋病呈阳性学习 者的教育需求的报告,反映了该领域的合作在不断增加。
Additionally, EDUCAIDS resource packs and a report on the educational needs of HIV-positive learners were featured on the front page of the UNAIDS website, reflecting increased collaboration in this area.
索法克HIV检呈阳性,他 们经常参加这样的集会。
Ken Chanthy and her husband, Khem Sovanak, are both HIV positive and often attend such gatherings.
2010 年,劳工组织公约和建议执行问题专家委员会注意到,《宪法》禁止
[...] 基于一些新理由的歧视,这些理由包括移徙和艾滋病 呈阳性 等。
In 2010, the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations noted that
the Constitution included new grounds on which discrimination was prohibited, including
[...] migration and being HIV-positive.
计划生育可使 艾滋病毒抗呈阳性的妇 女避免意外怀孕,从而降低儿童艾滋病毒流行率。
Family planning can enable HIV-positive women to avoid unwanted pregnancies and thus reduce the prevalence of HIV among children.
近年来, 哥伦比亚一直在执行有助于减少现有阻碍普及预防 和全面护理服务因素的包容性战略,其中包括:严格 监测输血情况,建立国家艾滋病毒/艾滋病疫情观察 站,防止围产期传播,以及通过全面的保健领域国家 社会保障系统普及抗逆转录病毒疗法,从而为 80%以 上被查明血清反呈阳性的病 人提供抗逆转录病毒 治疗。
These include strict monitoring of blood transfusions, the creation of a national HIV/AIDS observatory, the prevention of perinatal transmission and universal access to antiretroviral therapy through the comprehensive national social security system for health, which provides antiretroviral therapy to more than 80 per cent of patients identified as seropositive.
在预防母婴传播方面,莱索托取得了巨大进展, 对艾滋病呈阳性的母 亲覆盖率已经高达 81%。
In the prevention of mother-to-child transmission, Lesotho noted tremendous progress of up to 81 per cent coverage in HIV-positive mothers.
儿基会对 4 个 国家的儿童艾滋病监测数据进行的一项审查显示,艾滋病毒检 呈阳性 的 儿 童中 仅有约 40%在抗逆转录病毒治疗诊所登记,虽然有关准则建议此类儿童均须立即 开始接受治疗。
A UNICEF review of paediatric AIDS monitoring data in four countries showed that only about 40 per cent of infants testing HIV-positive had ever enrolled at an antiretroviral treatment clinic, although the guidelines recommend that all start the treatment immediately.
因此,特别报告员欢迎艾滋病方 案/卫生组织 2004 年关于艾滋病毒 检测的政策声明中就同意问题使用的明确语言,其中要求, 为了能 够 做 到 知
情的同意 , 病 人至少应被告 知 : 检测带来的诊 断和防治上 的益 处,拒绝的权利,将
[...] 会提供的后续服务,在检测结呈阳性的情况下 , 必须事 先 考 虑 到有必 [...]
要 通 知 否则不会怀疑自身可能受到艾滋病毒 感 染 的高 危 人 群 。
Therefore, the Special Rapporteur welcomes the clear language used in the UNAIDS/WHO policy statement on HIV testing of 2004, regarding consent, which requires that, in order to be able to provide informed consent, the patients should at a minimum be informed of the clinical benefit and the prevention benefits of testing, their right to refuse, the follow-up services that
will be offered and, in the event of a
[...] positive test result, the importance of anticipating [...]
the need to inform anyone at ongoing
risk who would otherwise not suspect they were being exposed to HIV infection.
发现矿物结呈阳性,许 多区域被定性为高品位区。
The mineral results were found to be positive, [...]
with many of these areas characterized as high grade zones.
需要认真考虑与艾滋病毒感染者有关的一些问题,包括:对艾滋病 呈阳性 的寻求庇护者的限制;对艾滋病毒感染者的旅行的一般限制和有时明确针对一些 发病率较高国家国民的限制;在得知艾滋病 呈阳性 的 诊断后将抵达和申请延长 居留权的人递解出境,即便在其原籍国没有或无法获得艾滋病毒咨询、治疗和护 理也这样做。
These include: restrictions on HIV-positive asylum-seekers; travel restrictions, broadly speaking, for persons living with HIV and sometimes specific targeting of nationals from certain high prevalence countries; deportation upon arrival and upon renewing residency when receiving an HIV-positive diagnosis even in situations where HIV counselling, treatment and care is unavailable or inaccessible in a person’s country of origin.
求斯政府提供的资料,《移民法》、《民事地位法》和《艾滋病毒/艾滋病法》均于 2008 年得到了修改,现在要求艾滋病 呈阳性 的 非公民在与公民结婚前公开其艾滋 病毒方面的状况,此外不向艾滋病 呈阳性 的 移 民工人发放工作许可。
According to information provided by the Government of Mauritius, the Immigration Act, the Civil Status Act and the HIV and AIDS Act were
all amended in 2008 and now require an
[...] HIV-positive non-citizen to disclose his/her status in order to marry a citizen, and work permits are not issued for HIV-positive migrant workers.
教科文组织还与教育部、民间社 会、研究机构、联合国和来自东部和南部非洲 13 个国家的其他主要利益相关方举办了两次 技术磋商会议(关于艾滋病毒检 呈阳性 的 教 师;和以学校为中心的护理与支持),并就这 些问题编制了两份指导文件。
UNESCO also hosted two technical consultations (on HIV-positive teachers and on school-centred care and support) with ministries of education, civil society, research institutions, United Nations and other key stakeholders from 13 countries in eastern and southern Africa and developed two guidance documents on these issues.




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