

单词 呈现

呈现 ()

present (a certain appearance)

See also:

present (a certain appearance)
be (a certain color)
assume (a shape)
present to a superior

External sources (not reviewed)

重要的呈现给孩子的知识和内容,而 不是提供这些内容的技术,因此我们将 IGEL 的瘦客户机纳入 解决方案之中。
It is the knowledge and content which should be in front of the child, not the technology which delivers it, and that’s why we put IGEL’s thin clients into the solution.
[...] 这样具体层面的开支水平在整个双年度期间并不总 呈现 线 性 运行态势的。
In addition, measuring the programme implementation by expenditure rates of specific object-of-expenditure items may
not be appropriate as expenditures at that level of detail are not
[...] always incurred in a linear manner [...]
during the biennium.
特别报告员的初次和第二次报告论述了国家官员刑事管辖豁免的实质性问 题,第三次报告(A/CN.4/646)则论述程序问题,特别着重于考虑、援引和放弃豁 免的时间,包括放弃豁免后是否还可以援引豁免等等问题,该报告的目的是完整呈现整个情况。
While in his preliminary and second reports, the Special Rapporteur considered the substantive aspects of the immunity of the State official from criminal jurisdiction, the third report (A/CN.4/646) — intended to complete the entire picture — addressed the procedural aspects, focusing, in particular on questions concerning the timing of consideration of immunity, its invocation and waiver, including whether immunity can still be invoked subsequent to its waiver.
新千年非洲地球科呈现以下特征:非洲矿藏资源占全世界产量的很大一部分,但适 当探测、开发及销售却得不到保证。
The earth sciences in Africa in the new millennium are characterized [...]
by the development of the following features: Africa’s
mineral resources account for a significant portion of the total world output, but proper exploration, exploitation and subsequent sale is not guaranteed.
降低差旅及相关成本,让各国民间团体参与方有更多机会接触条约机构是视 频会议的主要目标,因此视频会议系统应该能够与 USB 网络摄像头等远呈现系 统集成在一起,给人身临其境的感觉。
As the main objectives of videoconferencing are to reduce travel and related costs and to give greater opportunities to national civil society actors to engage with treaty bodies, the videoconferencing system should be capable of being combined with immersive telepresence systems such as USB Web Cameras.
这些因素包括:(a) 中国和印度等增长迅速的 发展中大国正在兴起和变化的消费方式;(b) 生物燃料与粮食之间可能日益增加 的取舍;以及(c) 气候变化日呈现的影响。
These include (a) rising and changing patterns of consumption in fast-growing and large developing countries such as China and India; (b) the possibly increasing trade-off between biofuels and food; and (c) the unfolding effects of climate change.
预算数据和基于 IPSAS 的实际数据之间的差 额,将按照 IPSAS 要求,在本组织的财务报表中予 呈现 和 调 整。
Differences between the budgetary and IPSAS based actual will be presented and reconciled in the Organization’s financial statements, as required under IPSAS.
该论文指出,对水产养殖业的性别问题 缺乏关注可反映出水产养殖业发展历史较短以及对捕鱼社区和作业 呈现 的 复杂 社会学和人类学方面的研究兴趣。
As the review paper points out, this relative lack of attention to gender in aquaculture may reflect the more recent history of aquaculture and academic interest in the complex sociology and anthropology of fishing communities and practices.
尽 管新兴经济呈现弹性 ,但平衡仍是负的,无论如何,新兴经济体仍因其与发达世界的紧密 联系而受挫。
The balance was negative despite resilience in emerging economies, which in any event still suffered from their tight linkages with the developed world.
鉴于 调查团成员的信誉,特别是坚持要把巴勒斯坦战争罪行的指称纳入实况调查工作 的戈德斯通法官本人的信誉,那种本着来自人权理事会的任何东西都是带偏见的 说法,或者说报告的结论称以色列国防军应当对战争罪负责这一结论本身的性质呈现出反 以色列的――或用一些更火气冲天的词――甚至是反犹太人偏见的说 法,来对报告的结论和建议挑刺,看来是不负责任、毫无意义的。
Given the credibility of the members of the Mission, and in particular of Justice Goldstone himself, who insisted on including allegations of Palestinian war crimes within the FFM undertaking, it would seem irresponsible and frivolous to mount an argument against the findings and recommendations built around either the claim that anything emanating from the Human Rights Council is bound to be biased, or that the report, by finding the IDF responsible for the commission of war crimes, is by the very nature of its conclusions exhibiting an anti-Israeli, or in some dramatically-inflamed claims, even an anti-Semitic bias.
越高取样率或分辨率(解像力),对原始的胶片影像能有更 为准确的数字(位)呈现效果
The higher the sampling rate or resolution, the more accurate the digital representation of the original film image.
这一点正是《公约》作为实践准则以及应 遵循的概念框架所呈现的, 因为《公约》中明确规定了不得损害残疾人的人权 这一宗旨。
The Convention plays a key role in this regard by setting down legally binding obligations in operational and conceptual terms and clearly establishing the objective of preventing any further impairment of the human rights of persons with disabilities.
而这些题辞作者的姓名,和那些谁参加了讨论,事务和disputations部分保 呈现 犹 太 法典中最重要的,而且在许多方面唯一的,期间的,它是产品的来源。
The preservation of the names of the authors of these apothegms, and of those who took part in the discussions, transactions, and disputations renders the Talmud the most important, and in many respects the only, source for the period of which it is the product.
它将您组织内各个角落的安全信息联系在一起,从而清晰为 呈现 过 去 的事件、当前状态以及未来的弱点。
It ties together security information from all corners of your organization to give you a clear view of past events, current status, and future weakness.
这并不要求提供一个特别设计的地点,游戏空间是儿童通过彼此间以及 呈现 在 任 何 空间的材料和符号的变化的和动态的互动创造出来的,儿童的游戏既占用空间,又制造空间。
Rather than requiring a specific designated location, a play space is created through children’s shifting and dynamic interactions with each other and the materials and symbols present in any space; children’s performance of play both takes and makes place.
其它大陆的内陆水域捕捞量呈现出 不 同趋势。
Inland water capture production in the other continents shows different trends.
在 2003 年部署联利特派团时,利比里亚是一个败落的
[...] 国度,交战派别分而治之,极为有限的基础设施不敷使用,安全部队四分五裂, 公共部门陷入瘫痪,正式经济破坏严重 呈现 非 法 经济交易的特点,三分之一的 人口流离失所。
When UNMIL deployed in 2003, Liberia was a failed State, divided among warring factions. Its already limited infrastructure
was in ruins, its security
[...] forces were fractured and factionalized, its public sector had [...]
collapsed, its formal economy
was devastated and characterized by criminal economic exchange, and a third of the population was displaced.
人口的变化不仅仅出现在中国,在未来的十年间,大多数 欧洲国家的学龄儿童(最终将会是大学适龄的青少年)的人口呈现递减的趋势。
Population shifts are not limited to China; the trend for most of Europe will be a decrease in school-age (and eventually college-age) populations over the next decade.
然而,数字和比呈现动态的 变化。
The numbers and
[...] proportions are changing dynamically [...]
委员会获知,有必要做出区域努力,以确保:(a) 为促进可持续 增长纳入了具生态效益的基础设施发展,包括刺激方案中所提出的发展; (b) 得到恢复的河流和环境以呈现出绿色的资本和金融市场,以期推动 更强劲的增长和促进社会辅助体制;(c) 以跨部门规划方式而纳入基础设 施发展以便提出更好的生态效益机会。
The Committee was informed that regional efforts would be necessary to ensure that (a) infrastructure development, including that envisioned in stimulus packages, incorporated eco-efficiency for sustainable growth; (b) rivers and the environment were rehabilitated and capital and financial markets greened in such a way as to lead to stronger growth and contribute to social support systems; (c) infrastructure development was integrated by means of cross-sectoral planning in order to provide better opportunities for eco-efficiency.
2000年11月,贝克索参演了实况音乐俱乐部——巴比伦俱乐部在伊斯坦布尔举行的舞台表演,她加入了一个打击乐队,身着自行绘制的透明服装的她为观 呈现 了 一 道丰富多彩的艺术大餐,从诗歌到演唱、绘画,再到戏剧,样样精彩。
In a stage performance at the live music club Babylon club in Istanbul in November 2000, she joined a percussion group and performed in a wide spectrum of the arts— from poetry to singing to drawing to drama—in a transparent self-painted costume.
令人愉悦的外形,线条流畅的导航轮将为您提供音乐和专辑互动式体验的快感,并以优雅的方式在屏 呈现 封 面艺术和音乐信息。
The pleasant smooth navigation wheel gives you a sensation of interacting seamlessly with your songs and albums, where cover art and music information are displayed elegantly on the beautiful screen.
当我们分别观察频道,他呈现的是 灰阶影像,因为一个 频道内的每个像素实际上是强度值。
When we view channels separately, they appear as gray scale images because each pixel in a channel is actually an intensity value.
此外,很多分布最终都会向正态分布收敛(随着试验次数的增加,一个二项分布最后会变成 正态分布;在高中间率的情况下,泊松分布也会变成正态分布;在切去两端的最大值和最小 值后,三角分布也变成了正态分布;等等),如果用多种不同类型的分布来模拟 DCF 模型, 那我们就不能确定最终 NPV 分布的形状和类型(例如,收益服从对数正态分布,并随着时 间彼呈现负相 关,运营成本与收益正相关,但是假设其服从一个三角分布,市场竞争的影 响我们用一个泊松分布来模拟,它是用一个小利率乘上服从二项分布的技术成功概率)。
In addition, a lot of distributions will converge to the normal distribution anyway (a Binomial distribution becomes normally distributed when number of trials increase; a Poisson distribution also becomes normally distributed with a high average rate; a Triangular distribution is a normal distribution with truncated upper and lower values; an so forth) and it is not possible to ascertain the shape and type of the final NPV distribution if the DCF model is simulated with many different types of distributions (e.g., revenues are Lognormally distributed and are negatively correlated to one another over time, while operating expenses are positively correlated to revenues but are assumed to be distributed following a Triangular distribution, while the effects of market competition are simulated using a Poisson distribution with a small rate times the probability of technical success simulated as a Binomial distribution).
首先,应当强调的是,2003 年前政权垮台呈现出新 的现实,其中最主要的 是伊拉克不同于以前,它决心同国际社会一道努力,展现出最大的责任,尊重国 [...]
Firstly, it should be stressed that
the collapse in 2003 of the previous regime
[...] presented new realities, foremost among [...]
which was Iraq’s new determination to
work with and show the greatest responsibility and respect for international legitimacy, and to implement Security Council resolutions relating to the situation between Iraq and Kuwait.
针对那些冲突各方被秘书长列呈现 出 杀戮和致残儿童,袭击学 校和医院形态的具体国情,为结束上述侵害行为制定的行动计划,应解决爆炸性 [...]
When dealing with country-specific [...]
situations where parties to conflict are listed by the Secretary-General for patterns
of killing and maiming children, and attacks on schools and hospitals, action plans to end these violations should tackle the issue of explosive weapons.
只要初级情绪大体上被控制住,游戏就提供了表达初级情绪的机会;初级情绪通过 “好像”因素而被“拙劣地模仿”(在这个游戏 呈现 的 情绪“好像”是“真的”),而这样 做没有真实的后果。
It offers the opportunity to express primary emotions as long as they are substantially controlled; primary emotions are ‘parodied’ in play by the ‘as if ’ element (‘as if ’ the emotions being presented in this play are ‘real’) yet without the real consequences.
诚然,艺术家在双年展呈现的充 满着诗情画意的雕塑作品并非用来净化、制备和输送水或引领一次全球人道主义行动的最为有效的方法,然而从它们具备实际功能这一点来看,它们作为艺术作品的感染力恰恰在于能够借此激发我们的意识与行动。
The poetic sculptures they present at the Biennale may not be
[...] the most efficient means to purify, [...]
prepare and transport water, or to launch
a world-wide humanitarian effort, but in their ability to actually function, they gain power as works of art created to move us to awareness and action.
从全球范围来看,像亚洲太平洋地区,拉丁美洲和印度等地区,未来小吃和烘焙产品销量 呈现 最 好的增长势头,”PMMI商业智能总监Paula Feldman说。
From a global perspective, as in Asia Pacific, Latin America and India and other regions, the future food and baking products sales will present the best growth momentum, " PMMI business intelligence director Paula Feldman said.




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