单词 | 呈献 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 呈献 —present respectfullySee also:呈—petition • memorial • present (a certain appearance) • be (a certain color) • assume (a shape) • present to a superior 献—offer • dedicate • worthy person (old) • put on display 献 v—show v
奔驰金融的愿景,即是量身定制适合于您的金融方案,为 您 呈献 创 新 且完善的产品,令您在拥有梦想座驾的同时悠享从容。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | Mercedes-Benz Financial aiming at providing innovative products and one-stop tailor made service, for you to enjoy your dream car with greater freedom. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
位于酒店中心位置的 La Bauhinia 为您呈献独一无二的用餐体验。 shangri-la.com | La Bauhinia offers a unique ambience in the heart of the hotel. shangri-la.com |
我们的外籍厨师团队为宾客精心准备 并 呈献 各 式 日本、中国和泰国特色菜。 shangri-la.com | A wide and varied menu of Japanese, Chinese and Thai specialties prepared by our team of expatriate chefs. shangri-la.com |
澳门大仓酒店在此佳节为您呈献节日 特色菜谱。 yp.mo | Hotel Okura Macau has prepared specialcelebration menus exclusively for this holiday. yp.mo |
凯旋露天餐厅则是满载欧陆风味的户外茶座,提供令人垂涎的芝士、特大三明治、西班牙Tapas小吃、顶级餐酒与各款啤酒,为宾 客 呈献 轻 松 餐饮体验。 xintiandi.langhamhotels.com.cn | Serving a delicious selection of cheeses, oversized sandwiches, Spanish tapas, premium wines and beers, Al Fresco represents comfortable, casual dining at its best. xintiandi.langhamhotels.com |
我们将最全面最优惠的短途旅行套餐 呈献 给 您 ,让您在岛上度过愉快充实的一天。 msccruises.com.cn | Make the most of your time off the ship with our competitive excursions offering great deals on local sights. msccruises.co.uk |
香港知专设计学院(HKDI)及国际办公室家具公司Herman Miller呈献REACH 2011盛事,活动将互动、视觉及教学等多种元素融合其中,由九月起为期超过三个月。 hkdi.edu.hk | A unique exhibition for design enthusiasts, REACH 2011 will be held at Hong Kong Design Institute from this September. hkdi.edu.hk |
德·安吉利斯称赞手稿中的插图精美,并特别提 到 呈献 人 首 字母中的肖像,认为描绘的是卢西亚努斯的模拟像,从而推断可能是拉斐尔 (Raphael)。 wdl.org | De Angelis praised the elegance of the illuminations, with particular reference to the portrait in the dedicatory initial, believed to depict an effigy of Lucianus, and suggested that it could be attributed to Raphael. wdl.org |
我们将最全面最优惠的短途旅行套餐 呈献 给 您 ,让您在岛上度过愉快充实的一天。 msccruises.com.cn | We will help you make the most of your time off the ship with our comprehensive package of excursions and some great deals on local sights. msccruises.com.hk |
今日,LEXUS雷克萨斯全新一代豪华轿车ES 250/ES 350/ES 300h正式登陆中国市场,以优雅动感设计、领先的Hybrid全混动科技和整合式安全系统,为中国消费 者 呈献 开 创 豪华新基准的完美座驾。 lexus.com.cn | The spindle grille, Lexus' new signature design that can be found on the new generation ES and other upgraded models, undoubtedly will become one of the most eyes-catching features in the Lexus booth during the exhibition. lexus.com.cn |
如同圣咏一样,祈祷是熟识耶稣的说话和祈祷的门径,融合了前人的祈祷,将穷人的需要、我们的需要、以及整个世界的需 要 , 呈献 给 上 主。 santegidio.org | Prayer is a pathway to becoming familiar with Jesus' words and with his prayer, togethr with the prayer of the generations that came before us, like that of the psalms. santegidio.org |
映嘉娱乐为亚洲区的观众带来一系列与众不同的收费电视频道,透过把天映娱乐的旗舰电影频道天映频道(全球覆盖率最高的24小时华语电影频道,专为观 众 呈献 最 佳 华语及其它亚洲猛片)、天映经典频道(网罗昔日经典巨片,如中国功夫片、剧情片、喜剧及动作片等)、天映自选频道(天映的收费自选服务),与Lionsgate及Saban [...] [...] Capital Group在亚洲区合组的Tiger Gate Entertainment旗下的三个收费电视频道合并,包括KIX(汇聚精彩的动作节目)、 Thrill(亚洲区唯一的恐布及悬疑电影频道),以及KIX HD(以高清的画质提供最佳动作及恐布节目)。 celestialpictures.com | CTE brings together a unique bouquet of pay channel offerings for Asian consumers by combining Celestial Pictures' flagship channels, Celestial Movies, the most broadly [...] distributed 24-hour Chinese movie channel in the [...] world featuring the best of Chinese [...]and other hit Asian films, Celestial Classic [...]Movies, the gateway to an array of Chinese martial arts, drama, comedy and action movie masterpieces, and Celestial Movies On Demand, Celestial’s subscription video on demand service, with the three pay TV channels of Tiger Gate Entertainment, the Lionsgate/Saban Capital Group partnership in Asia -- KIX, the ultimate in action entertainment, Thrill, Asia's only horror and suspense movie channel, and KIX HD, featuring the best of action with a late night dose of thrillers in high definition. celestialpictures.com |
品牌亦特意设置艺 术收藏家会客厅(Art Collectors Lounge),呈献精心 策划的腕表展览,让访客沉浸于品牌发 源地布拉苏丝的世界,细鉴当地的精湛工艺。 audemarspiguet.com | The brand will host visitors in the exclusive Art Collectors Lounge where it will feature a specially curated exhibition of timepieces that will immerse visitors into the métiers and the world of its place of origin, Le Brassus. audemarspiguet.com |
目前HASSELL上海团队已超过130人,2,300平方米的超大办公空间更使设计团队锐意创新,为 您 呈献 真 诚 服务。 designsuccess.cn | The practice’s Shanghai studio relocated to a new HASSELL-designed studio space that breathes new life into a former motorcycle factory. designsuccess.cn |
香港旅游发展局与国泰航空公司携手 呈献 的 手机 app,透过扩展实境(AR)功能,让您更全面发掘香港。 mehongkong.com | The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) in conjunction with Cathay Pacific Airways brings you Discover Hong Kong • AR app to help you experience everything Hong Kong has to offer. mehongkong.com |
玛花纤体很高兴作为首次‘美丽 GPS’的呈献赞助 商,希望通过支持这次活动,好让更多女士发现自己那独特又真实的美。 touchmedia.cn | As presenting sponsor of "Beauty GPS", Marie France Bodyline is proud to support a campaign for women to discover their unique true beauty. touchmedia.cn |
适逢此系列问世40周年,品牌再度带来全新腕表表款,搭载具当代气息的表壳,设计隽永不朽,此外,品牌一 并 呈献 一 款同系列的非凡经典玫瑰金怀表。 audemarspiguet.com | Their skilled hands gave birth to the various incarnations of an instrument for telling the time graced with Grande Complications - the Royal Oak - which now in its 40th anniversary year. audemarspiguet.com |
亲爱的朋友和葡萄酒爱好者们: 由西往东美酒公司联手Terlato国际葡萄酒集团, 为您呈献一场 在Mercato餐厅举办的美酒晚宴! 酒庄代表Dave Kenny和Matthew Parker先生将为您呈献来自新西兰和美国的高品葡萄酒, 与您分享维拉河和杰克尼克劳斯酒庄背后的精彩故事。 emw-wines.com | Dear Friends and Wine Lovers: EMW Fine Wines with Terlato Wines International cordially invite you to a premium wine dinner at Mercato, featuring the excellent wines from New Zealand and USA. Winery representatives-Dave Kenny and Matthew Parker will share with you the interesting stories behind Wairau River and Jack Nicklaus. en.emw-wines.com |
位于东城区金鱼胡同8号王府半岛酒店的Jing餐厅布置别具当代亚洲风格,设有半开放式厨房,为贵 客 呈献 带 有 亚洲风味的西式美食体验。 diningcity.com | JING serves breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a "Modern Meets Asia" theme, featuring western cuisine with Asian overtones. diningcity.com |
朗廷酒店集团会根据认可的团体住宿或会议活动向策划 人 呈献 双 倍 takethelead奖赏积分,或策划人可从六间特选飞行常客/旅游奖赏计划伙伴中选其一以赚取高达130,000里数。 langhamhotels.com.cn | All participating properties* across the globe will be offering qualified group and event planners double takethelead points or earn up to 130,000 miles from any of the six selected frequent flyer/ travel reward programme partners. langhamhotels.com |
此外,江诗丹顿还将将呈献全新 限量版Metier's d'Art 艺术大师系列La Symbolique des Laques腕表,该腕表运用了日本莳绘漆面工艺。 vacheron-constantin.com | Among these outstanding pieces Vacheron Constantin will present their new limited edition Metier's d'Art Collection, La Symbolique des Laques, which features the Japanese lacquer technique of Maki-e. vacheron-constantin.com |
优雅8(Lady 8),一款曲线优雅的高级珠宝新作, 呈献 给 那 些欣赏、感悟时光的女性。 wthejournal.com | The Lady 8, a new fine jewelry watch elegantly plays on curves, for women who appreciate the sensuality of time. wthejournal.com |
Oris执行总裁Ulrich Herzog与设计研发部经理Ralf Hilbich,偕同Oris的新任潜水伙伴-专业沿岸潜水好手Roman Frischknecht,一同向来自世界各国的记者贵宾们动 感 呈献 此 崭 新魅力表款。 oris.ch | Together with our new diving partner, professional offshore diver Roman Frischknecht, Oris Executive Chairman Ulrich Herzog and Head of Design and Development Ralf Hilbich, presented this exciting new model to the international press. oris.ch |
专为 2013 年情人节呈献的SE RENADE 系列,通过红色环氧树脂和仿水晶镶饰打造多款心形作品。 brand.swarovski.com | For Valentine’s Day 2013, the SERENADE line captures the essence of the heart in red epoxy set with crystals. brand.swarovski.com |
在资格赛中表现出色的 Mario Fasanetto 和嘉宾车手 Paolo Necchi 为本赛季 1 号 VIP 赛车呈献了最 强劲的表现之一,以 Necchi 从第六位攀升至方格旗第三位的成绩漂亮收尾,并承诺会在第二场比赛中取得更好的表现。 lamborghini.com | Having showed strongly in qualifying, Mario Fasanetto and guest driver Paolo Necchi delivered one of the strongest #1 VIP car performances of the season, filling the final step of the podium, with Necchi climbing from P6 to third at the flag, with the promise of more to come in the second race. lamborghini.com |
Oris为潜水系列伙伴-世界纪录保持人Carlos Coste,呈献此限量腕表。 oris.ch | Oris dedicates a limited edition watch to our diving partner, world record holder Carlos Coste. oris.ch |
今日,LEXUS雷克萨斯全新一代豪华轿车ES 250/ES 350/ES 300h正式登陆中国市场,以优雅动感设计、领先的Hybrid全混动科技和整合式安全系统,为中国消费 者 呈献 开 创 豪华新基准的完美座驾。 lexus.com.cn | Today, the new generation Lexus luxury sedan ES 250/ES 350/ES 300h entered the China market. lexus.com.cn |
摩纳哥大奖赛周末夜间门票炙手可热,入场可欣赏英国设计师 Matthew Williamson 带来的晚装系列及一睹豪雅最新高级时尚腕表,由声名赫赫的F1赛车手、方程式赛事的美女以及顶级时装模特共同为观 众 呈献。 tagheuer.com | The hottest night-time ticket of the Monaco GP weekend saw F1 race drivers and the ladies of F1 team up with top fashion models to showcase eveningwear by British designer Matthew Williamson and the latest in high-fashion timepieces by TAG Heuer. tagheuer.com |
才子配佳人,只有最名贵的香槟才可匹配最珍贵的鱼子酱。【红伶】悉 心 呈献 无 法 抗拒的诱惑组合:2003年份的Cuvée Dom Pérignon Brut香槟衬托法国Sturia Ossetra鱼子酱,并以艷红欲滴的草莓及人手制高级软心朱古力佐配。 galaxymacau.com | The perfect partner for the best caviar is a chilled glass of the finest Champagne and this Christmas, CHINA ROUGE is presenting an irresistible combination of French Sturia Ossetra caviar with a bottle of Cuvée Dom Pérignon Brut 2003, a bowl of succulent strawberries and handmade CHINA ROUGE chocolate truffles. galaxymacau.com |