单词 | 呈件 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 呈件 noun —submission nExamples:呈递的文件 n—submission n See also:呈—petition • memorial • present (a certain appearance) • assume (a shape) • present to a superior • be (a certain color)
秘书处不负责关于来文的呈件的复制和 分发。 daccess-ods.un.org | It shall not be responsible for the reproduction and the distribution of submissions concerning communications. daccess-ods.un.org |
在武装冲突的情况下保护文化财产委员会第一次会议第一届会议(巴黎,2006 年 10 月 26 日)通过的建议除其他外邀请,“委员会成员、《第二议定书》其他缔约国、 [...] 是教科文组织成员国但不是《第二议定书》缔约方以及第 27 条第 3 [...] 段规定的实体在 2007 年 2 月底之前以书面形式向秘书处提供各自关于《在武装冲突的情况下保护文化 财产〈1954 年海牙公约〉的 1999 年〈第二议定书〉执行准则草案》(以下简称为 ‘《准则草案》’)的呈件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Recommendations adopted by the First Session of the First Meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, (Paris, 26 October 2006) invited, among other things, “its Members and other States Parties to the Second Protocol and Member States of UNESCO not party to the Second Protocol as well as entities referred to under Article 27, paragraph 3, to provide in writing to the Secretariat their submissions on the Draft Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for [...] the Protection of [...] Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (hereafter “the Draft Guidelines”) by the end of February 2007. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这类法律支持通常涉及如下几类案件:(a) 诉前案件(2009/10 年期间, 该司审查的开除建议有约 38%涉及维持和平行动工作人员);(b) 争议法庭一级的 案件(2009/10 [...] 年期间,为在争议法庭代表本组织出庭的实体提供的咨询意见中约 39%涉及维持和平行动相关案件,所有判决中约 16%涉及维持和平行动相关案件); (c) [...] 在上诉法庭代表本组织出庭(2009/10 年期间,该司就维持和平特派团有关案 件提交了 19 份上诉和答复,约占呈件总数的 19%)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such legal support generally pertains to the following types of cases: (a) pre-litigation cases (during the 2009/10 period, approximately 38 per cent of the Division’s reviews of recommendations for dismissal related to staff members in peacekeeping operations); (b) cases at the Dispute Tribunal level (during the 2009/10 period, approximately 39 per cent of the advice to entities representing the Organization before the Dispute Tribunal related to cases arising in peacekeeping operations, and approximately 16 per cent of the total number of judgements related to cases arising in peacekeeping missions); and (c) representation of the Organization before the Appeals Tribunal (during the 2009/10 period, the Division submitted 19 appeals and answers related [...] to cases arising in peacekeeping [...] missions, which represent approximately 19 per cent of the total number [...]of submissions). daccess-ods.un.org |
牵头执行机构将负责执行整个计划中的活动,以及作为嗣 后 呈件 的 一 部分所核准的 改变,包括但不限于根据第 5(b)款规定的独立核查。 multilateralfund.org | The Lead IA will be responsible for carrying out the activities of the overall plan with the changes approved as part of the subsequent submissions, including but not limited to independent verification as per sub-paragraph 5(b). multilateralfund.org |
这将转而促 成高效的审判准备工作和及时且有针对性 的 呈件。 daccess-ods.un.org | This in turn will result in efficient trial preparation and timely and focused submissions. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书处代表介绍了世界银行代表中国政府提交的关于淘汰作为加工剂的四氯化碳以 [...] 及其他未查明用途的生产和消费的行业计划(第二阶段)的 2009 年度方案的呈件 (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/56/24 [...]号文件)。 multilateralfund.org | The representative of the Secretariat introduced a submission by the World Bank on behalf of the Government of China on the 2009 annual programme of the sector plan for phasing out the production and consumption of [...] carbon tetrachloride (CTC) for process agent and other non-identified [...] uses (phase II) (document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/56/24). multilateralfund.org |
在日本小组委员会的工作完成后,委员会决定,为在划界 案 呈件 数 量 可观的 情况下确保便利和效率,将作为议事规则第51条第 4款之二所载一般规则的一 次例外,设立一个新的小组委员会。 daccess-ods.un.org | After the completion of the work of the Japan Subcommission, the Commission decided that, in order to ensure expediency and efficiency in the light of the considerable number of submissions, a new subcommission would be established as an exception to the general rule contained in rule 51, paragraph 4 bis, of the rules of procedure. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,委员会、工作组或报告员可酌情要求来文提交 人、据称受害者或有关缔约国对此类 呈件 或 资 料的全部或部分保守机密。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the Committee, working group or Rapporteur may, as deemed appropriate, request the author or authors of a communication, the alleged victim or victims or the State party concerned to keep confidential the whole or part of any such submissions or information. daccess-ods.un.org |
在根据上述第3 款作出了关于保密的决定后,委员会、或根据本规则第95 条第1 款设立的工作组、或根据本规则第95条第3 款指定的特别报告员可决 定,在委员会通过了关于可否受理、是非曲直或审理过程终止的决定之后, 对呈 件和其 他资料的全文或其中一部分,例如提交人的身份等,可以继续保密。 daccess-ods.un.org | When a decision has been taken on the confidentiality pursuant to paragraph 3 above, the Committee, the Working Group established pursuant to rule 95, paragraph 1, or the Special Rapporteur designated pursuant to rule 95, paragraph 3, may decide that all or part of the submissions and other information, such as the identity of the author, may remain confidential after the Committee’s decision on inadmissibility, the merits or discontinuance has been adopted. daccess-ods.un.org |
在遵守本条规则第4和第5 款的前提下,本条规则的任何内容均不应影响来 [...] 文提交人、所称受害人或有关缔约国公布与该诉讼程序有关的任 何 呈件 或 资 料的 权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subject to paragraphs 4 and 5 of the present rule, nothing in this rule shall affect the right of the author(s), [...] alleged victim(s) or the State party concerned to [...] make public any submission or information [...]bearing on the proceedings. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会在与有关缔约国协商 之后,还应就提交书面呈件的其 他方式作出决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Further modalities for making written submissions shall be decided by the Committee, after consultation with the States parties concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些 代表团指出,应该探讨一切可能的措施,包括改进工作方法,但是一个必然的结 论是需要给该委员会提供更多的资源,用于审议年年日益增加 的 呈件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some delegations pointed out that, although all possible measures, including improved working methods, should be explored, it was an inescapable conclusion that more resources would be required for the Commission to consider an increased number of submissions each year. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些代表团认为,在可行的情况下,可以按照 SPLOS/208 号文件第五部分 D 节所述,采用委员会远程工作和电话会议的方法,同时应充分考虑到各种因素, 例如委员会成员获得适当技术的机会 及 呈件 内 容 保密问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to some delegations, remote working of the Commission and the use of teleconferencing methods, as mentioned in section V.D of document SPLOS/208, could be implemented, where practicable, taking due account of factors such as members’ access to proper technologies and the confidentiality of submissions. daccess-ods.un.org |
六、申请和其他呈件应以联合国任一正式语文提出。 daccess-ods.un.org | An application and other submissions shall be filed in any of the official languages of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
本报告的内容提要以所有正式语文分发,报告本身附于内容提要之后,仅 以 呈件 的 语 文分发。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report itself, annexed to the summary, [...] is circulated as received, in the language of submission only. daccess-ods.un.org |
澳大利亚原先在 2007 年 4 月 18 日给秘书长的呈件中概 述了其关于武器贸易 条约的立场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Australia originally outlined its position on the arms trade treaty in a submission to the Secretary-General dated 18 April 2007. daccess-ods.un.org |
在预审法官听审期间,辩护方办公室主任考虑到检察官 的 呈件 和 预 审法官 的裁决,要求立即释放四位将军。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the Pre-Trial Judge’s hearing, the Head of the Defence Office, in the light of the Prosecutor’s submissions and the decision of the Pre-Trial Judge, requested the immediate release of the four generals. daccess-ods.un.org |
自 2003 年第一届颁奖仪式起,联合国收到了来自全世界越来越多 的呈件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since the first Awards Ceremony in 2003, the United Nations has received an increasing number of submissions from all around the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
本呈件将补 充德国在筹备委员会历届会议正式发言时以及 2007 年 3 月和 2011 年 6 月分别根据大会第 61/89 和 64/48 号决议正式答复秘书长时表达的意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | The present contribution is intended to complement the views expressed in various official statements at the sessions of the Preparatory Committee and in Germany’s formal replies to the Secretary-General in March 2007 and June 2011 pursuant to General Assembly resolutions 61/89 and 64/48, respectively. daccess-ods.un.org |
可以改进安理会出版物和呈件的质 量,让广大会员国能够更多了解它的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The publications and submissions of the Council could be qualitatively improved to allow the wider membership more insight into its work. daccess-ods.un.org |
值得 一提的是,它核查了呈件的格 式和完整性,随后着手对该划界案进行初步分析, 断定需要更多时间审查所有数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | Notably, it verified the format and completeness of the submission and proceeded to undertake a preliminary analysis of the submission, concluding that further time would be required to examine all the data. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008 年,加拿大大学女性联合会在向人权理事会提交的关于 2009 年加拿大 全球定期审查的呈件中主张消除提高妇女地位的障碍;呼吁以透明、有效和负 责的方式确保加拿大的承诺得到履行,包括与《北京行动纲要》和《消除对妇 女一切形式歧视公约》有关的承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2008, the Canadian Federation of University Women, in a submission to the Human Rights Council regarding the 2009 universal periodic review of Canada, advocated for the elimination of barriers to the advancement of women; called for transparent, effective and accountable means of ensuring that the commitments of Canada were implemented, including those relating to the Beijing Platform for Action and the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 着力找出特别是发展中国家和经济转型国家获得资金方面的障碍,就如 何简化相关手续并建设各国排除这种障碍的能力提出建议,检查跨部门和跨机构 森林筹资活动的效果、影响和协同增效作用,将经验教训纳入其提交特设专家组 第二次会议的呈件 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) To work to identify the barriers to access to financing, in particular for developing countries and countries with economies in transition, to suggest ways to simplify relevant procedures and build the capacity of countries to remove them, to examine the effects, impact and synergies of cross-sectoral and cross-institutional activities on forest financing and to integrate the lessons learned into their submissions to the second meeting of the Ad Hoc Expert Group daccess-ods.un.org |
德国完全相信,预审分庭将详尽 和全面地审查这份呈件,考虑到所有相关方面,以及 确保实施正义和适当程序原则的总目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Germany is fully confident that the Pre-Trial Chamber will examine this submission in a thorough and comprehensive manner, taking into account all relevant aspects, as well as the overall objective of ensuring that the principles of justice and due process are upheld. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然主要供稿者力图同其他相关实体协商和合作,以期在可行范畴内提出联 合呈件,但 各节所表达的仅为具体指明的主要供稿者的意见,不一定代表其他任 [...] 何实体的观点。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the primary contributors sought to consult and collaborate with other relevant entities, [...] with a view to providing a joint submission, [...] as far as this may have been feasible, [...]the views expressed in each of the sections [...]represent those of the primary contributors, as specified, and do not necessarily represent the views of any other entity. daccess-ods.un.org |
新型ML防静电复合活动地板是采用国家专利开发的一种新型架空活动地板,包括基板、嵌边件,还包括带侧边的盘状上贴面罩壳和带侧边的盘状下贴面罩;基板的四周侧壁面设有相互走通的嵌槽;上贴面罩壳和下贴面罩壳分别与基板紧配合密接,上贴面罩壳的侧边沿口与嵌槽的上沿口平齐,下贴面罩壳的侧边沿口与嵌槽的下沿口平齐;嵌 边 件呈 T 形 结 构,嵌边件通过其嵌条与基板的嵌槽紧配合密接而与基板联结,且与上贴面罩壳和下贴面罩壳密接。 china-xueyan.com | New ML guards against the static electricity compound activity floor is uses the national monopoly development one kind new to be built on stilts moves the floor side, including the foundation plate, inlays, but also includes the belt side on the discoid cover lagging and the belt side discoid under pastes the face guard;The foundation plate all around the sidewall surface is equipped with the quirk which walks mutually passes; On the cover lagging and under the cover lagging tightly coordinates with the foundation plate to meet densely separately, on cover lagging side along mouth and quirk on [...] along mouth even uneven, gets down the cover [...] lagging the side along the mouth and [...]quirk under along the mouth even uneven;Side [...]inlays to assume the T shape structure side, but inlays coordinates through its fillet and the foundation plate quirk to meet densely tightly with the foundation plate joint, also and under the cover lagging meets densely with on cover lagging. china-xueyan.com |
两个秘书处为各自的外地中央审查机构成员提供实质性和 [...] 行政支助,就政策和其他人员配置事项与特派团和外地中央审查机构成员联络, 协调每周向各成员呈送案件的工 作,就审查结果向特派团和(或)职业类主管人员 [...] 提供咨询意见并就各机构的建议采取后续行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The two Secretaries provide substantive and administrative support to members of their respective Field Central Review Body, liaise on policy and other staffing matters with missions and members of the Field Central [...] Review Body, coordinate the weekly [...] submission of cases to the members and provide advice [...]to the missions and/or Occupational [...]Group Managers on the outcome of reviews as well as follow-up on the recommendation of the bodies. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 根據公司條例之條文,本公司每份資產負債表須經簽署,及每份資產負債表 之副本(包括根據法律規定須與之隨附之每份 文 件 ) 及 於股東大會上向本公司 提 呈 的 損 益賬連 同董事會報告副本及核數師報告副本,須於不遲於大會舉行日期前(二十一)日,向本公司每 名股東及每名債權證持有人及根據細則第 46 條登記之每位人士以及每名有權收取本公司股東 大會通告之其他人士寄發,惟本細則並無規定須向本公司並不知悉其地址之任何人士或超過一 名任何股份或債權證聯名持有人寄發有關文件。 bdhk.com.hk | (b) Every balance sheet of the Company shall be signed pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, and a copy of every balance sheet (including every document required by law to be annexed thereto) and profit and loss account which is to be laid before the Company in general meeting, together with a copy of the Directors’ report and a copy of the Auditors’ report, shall not less than (twenty-one) days before the date of the meeting, be sent to every member of, and every holder of debentures of, the Company and every person registered under Article 46 and every other person entitled to receive notices of general meetings of the Company, provided that this Article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any person of whose address the Company is not aware or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures. bdhk.com.hk |