单词 | 呃逆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 呃逆—hiccupbelchSee also:呃—hiccup 逆—backwards go against contrary oppose betray 逆adj—oppositeadj
呃逆通常是由腹部 膨胀(拉伸)引起的,但是也可能是由于任何 异物压迫膈肌或肾功能衰竭导致的。 thewpca.org | They are usually caused by distension (stretching) of the stomach but may also result from anything pressing on the diaphragm or from renal failure. thewpca.org |
据报道,使用 LMA™ 气道的不良反应包括: 气 道 阻 塞 、 杓 状 软 骨 脱 位 、 吸 入 、 出 血 、 [...] 憋气、支气管痉挛、咳嗽、牙齿/义齿损伤、 [...] 口干/咽干、构音障碍、吞咽困难、发声困 难、节律紊乱,耳痛、窒息、胃扩张/充气/ 破裂、声门闭合、头部和颈部水肿、听力损 伤、呃逆、声音嘶哑、唾液增多、舌下神经麻 痹、缺氧、喉血肿、喉痉挛、舌神经麻痹、口 腔溃疡、心肌缺血、恶心、腮腺肿胀、咽部感 [...]觉迟钝、咽部溃疡、肺水肿、喉返神经损伤、 [...]反胃、干呕、下巴疼痛、口腔疼痛、喉咙疼 痛、喘鸣、颌下腺肿大、颞下颌关节脱位、组 织创伤(会厌、喉、唇、口腔、后咽壁、软 腭、悬雍垂、扁桃体)、舌头发紫、舌头肿 大、声带麻痹和呕吐。 vitaid.com | Adverse events reported with LMATM airway use include airway obstruction, arytenoids dislocation, aspiration, bleeding, breath holding, bronchospasm, coughing, dental/denture damage, dry mouth/throat, dysarthria, dysphagia, dysphonia, dysrhythmia, ear pain, gagging, gastric [...] [...] dilatation/insufflation/rupture, glottic closure, head and neck edema, hearing impairment, hiccup, hoarseness, [...]hypersalivation, hypoglossal [...]nerve paralysis, hypoxia, laryngeal hematoma, laryngeal spasm, lingual nerve paralysis, mouth ulcer, myocardial ischemia, nausea, parotid gland swelling, pharyngeal dysesthesia, pharyngeal ulcer, pulmonary edema, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, regurgitation, retching, sore jaw, sore mouth, sore throat, stridor, submandibular gland swelling, temporomandibular joint dislocation, tissue trauma (epiglottis, larynx, lip, mouth, posterior pharyngeal wall, soft palate, uvula, tonsils), tongue cyanosis, tongue macroglossia, vocal cord paralysis, and vomiting. vitaid.com |
摩尔多瓦:全球经济和金融危机的影响,使摩尔多瓦处于在社会经济发展方面经历负 增长的危险,人们日益担心形势逆转,在实现千年发展目标方面尤其如此。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Moldova: The impact of the global economic and financial crisis places Moldova at risk of experiencing negative performance in its socio-economic development with an increasing fear of reversal in particular with regard to the MDGs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果在没有拆卸整个枪体的情况下卸下喷嘴 (4),要避免损坏针头 (6),则需逆时针完 全旋转液体调整旋钮 (11),以在重新装配 [...] 喷嘴前移除针头所受的压力。 graco.com | To avoid damage to the needle (6) if the nozzle (4) is removed without full gun [...] disassembly, turn the fluid adjustment knob [...] (11) fully counterclockwise toremove [...]pressure from the needle before reassembling the nozzle. graco.com |
相互关联的多重全球危机和挑战,如粮食不安全加剧、不稳 定的能源和初级商品价格以及全球金融和经济危机,部分逆转了最不发达国家多 年来取得的发展成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Multiple, interrelated global crises and challenges, such as increased food insecurity, volatile energy and commodity prices, and the global financial and economic crisis partly reverseddevelopment gains that least developed countries achieved over the years. daccess-ods.un.org |
若森林有棵树倒下,周遭没有人听见,它是否…,呃,我离题了,但假设街上无人,还需要街道照明吗? thisbigcity.net | If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one around to hear it, does it… ok, let’s not go there. thisbigcity.net |
女性小穗披针形长圆形,10-20毫米,渐尖; 长圆状披针形,低的颖片呃颖片很多脉,上面颖片7-9脉; 卵状披针形的下部外稃,5脉,无的内稃; 上面外稃披针形,淡黄。 flora.ac.cn | Female spikelets lanceolate-oblong, 10–20 mm, acuminate; glumes oblong-lanceolate, low-erglume many-veined, upper glume 7–9-veined; lower lemma ovate-lanceolate, 5-veined, palea absent; upper lemma lanceolate, yellowish. flora.ac.cn |
唯一的通道中,“革马拉”与“塔木德经”中说,从严格意义上它不是由删除的含义发生检查员'呃。 mb-soft.com | The only passage in which "Gemara" [...] occurs with the meaning of "Talmud" in the strict sense of that term and from which it was not [...] removed by thecensoris'Er. mb-soft.com |
年少轻狂的可以在黑色滑道和冰雪公园里疯狂一把,而比较老……呃……老练一点的滑雪者们,通常喜欢在度假村周遭走一走,饱览美景,享受周边的氛围。 visitfinland.com | While youngsters and other madcaps spend their time in the black runs and snow parks, the more, eh, seasoned skiers like to cruise around the resort taking in the scenery and atmosphere. visitfinland.com |
呃…我 将会很乐意去参观“CRASH: Back on the Block”,涂鸦艺术家兼钟表收藏家约翰“克莱斯”马托斯(John CRASH Matos)在纽约安帝古伦Antiquorum画廊于9月13日至10月6日的艺术展。 iontime.ch | Arrgghhh, I’d love to see “CRASH: Back on the Block”, an exhibition of graffiti artist and watch collector John CRASH Matos at Antiquorum’s Gallery in NYC between September 13 and October 6. iontime.ch |
贫富悬殊已是不争的事实;普罗市民处於资讯弱势以至任人鱼肉;大企业集团巧取豪夺,牵头加价、滥用客户个人资料图利、卖楼呃尺,不一而足;众多市民在不同生活层面备受商家欺压,深感社会不公平。 procommons.org.hk | Big enterprises have insatiable appetite to boost price increase, abuse clients’ personal data for profiteering purposes, and sell flats dishonestly, etc. For many people, being exploited in one way or others are the general feelings frequently encountered in their daily lives. procommons.org.hk |