

单词 呀诺达

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然後,便要跟顧客說:“你好, 有乜嘢可以幫到呀?
Then, the staff will greet the customer by saying, "How are you?
到了目的地之后,公孙龙对朋友提起此事,说到:“ 只要个人有一技之长,他就一定有用处,这句话说的真实没 呀。
After arriving at his destination, Gong Sun Long mentioned this to his friend and commented:" It is for sure that anyone is useful as long as he has a specialty.
如果是 熟客,便問他:“有冇心呀?
If he is a regular customer, he will be asked whether he has any favourite.
津巴布韦再度诺,将 排雷行动中心迁移至便于 所有人达的地 区,再设立一支排雷中队,重新调查所有已知雷场和疑似危险区 域,并继续进行排雷和雷险教育。
Zimbabwe recommitted to relocate from its mine action centre to an areas where it will [...]
be easily accessible to all, to establish
another demining squadron, to resurvey all known minefields and suspected hazardous areas, and, to continue with mine clearance and mine risk education.
以下国家和观察员也参加了工作组的会议,阿尔及利亚、亚美尼亚、澳大利 亚、奥地利、保加利亚、加拿大、乍得、哥斯达黎加、捷克共和国、丹麦、埃
[...] 共和国、爱尔兰、意大利、列支敦士登、立陶宛、毛里塔尼亚、摩洛哥、荷兰、 新西兰、巴拉圭、秘鲁、葡萄牙、卢 达 、 圣马 力 诺 、 塞 尔维亚、新加坡、斯洛 文尼亚、南非、瑞典、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国、突尼 [...]
The following States and observers also participated in the meetings of the Working Group: Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Chad, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Greece, Haiti, the Holy See, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Mauritania, Morocco, the
Netherlands, New Zealand, Paraguay,
[...] Peru, Portugal, Rwanda, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, [...]
Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden,
the Syrian Arab Republic, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Turkey, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Zimbabwe.
後來才發現,原來問題不是出現在襪子上,而是鞋子上! 呀 , 我 穿的是那種透風的跑步鞋子,不冷才怪!當初選擇穿這戰鞋,都是因為“舒服”這兩個字。
After sometime, I realized, it was my shoe, not the socks which made me so cold!
普及防治的国家目标 表明国家一级合作伙伴诺达到充 分的服务普及率,以便大幅度改变疫情趋势, [...]
The national targets for universal
[...] access reflect the commitment of country-level [...]
partners to obtaining sufficient service
coverage to sharply alter the epidemic’s trajectory and to deliver concrete results for people in need.
在小型部长级会议 期间召开的服务业意向会议旨在以一项单一 诺达 到平 衡;可是这又引起了部门对农业和非农业产品 市场准入问题以及对服务市场准入范围的关切。
The services signalling conference held during the mini-ministerial meeting had been aimed at achieving a balance within a single undertaking; however, sectoral concerns with regard to agriculture and non-agricultural market access and concern over the extent of market access for services had arisen.
[...] 武器和军队管理情况协议》各方就切实和限时履行它们在武器问题和在逐步停止 特派团监测方面所作诺达成共 识的前景,那我将向安理会提出另外的措施,包 括可能终止联尼特派团的授权。
Should these discussions offer neither clarity over the role of the Mission nor any prospect of consensus among the parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the Agreement on the Monitoring of the Management of Arms and Armies
regarding a realistic and time-bound
[...] fulfilment of their commitments concerning the armies and [...]
the phasing-out of UNMIN monitoring,
then I will propose alternative measures to the Council, including the possible termination of the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Nepal.
将近 18 个月时,他们会以装扮用品加呀呀 学 来 的几个单词玩 一些较为基本的装扮和模仿游戏。
As they approach 18 months, they progress toward more basic forms of pretend and imitation with dress-up materials in conjunction with learning babbling and simple words.
开展了一些关于信息保存、信息获取和信息扫盲的全民信息计划特别活动:(a) 博物馆 工作者国际数据库管理工具(ADIT)年度会议(2010 年 6 月 8-10 日,俄罗斯克拉诺达 尔;2011 年 5 月 11-14 日,白俄罗斯明斯克);(b) 国际克里米亚年度会议(2010 年 6 月和 2011 年 6 月,乌克兰苏达克),来自 40 个国家的大约 1 500 名与会者参加了会议。
A number of IFAP special events on information preservation, information accessibility and information literacy took place: a) The annual ADIT International Conference for museum workers (Krasnodar, Russia, 8-10 June 2010 and Minsk, Belarus, 11-14 May 2011); and b) The Annual International Crimea Conference (Sudak, Ukraine, June 2010 and June 2011), which brought together around 1,500 participants from 40 countries.
或者,假如他是呀呀学步 的孩童,那么就是“可口的欢乐”。
Or, if he’s a teetotaler, a bottle of Tasty Fun.
总部下属司长当天 回复说:“呀!当您发送这条消息的时候,要放弃与 Coteba 公司签署协议,为 时已晚”。
The Director of the Headquarters Division answered on the same day: “Unfortunately, when you sent your message, it was already too late to withdraw from the memorandum of understanding with Coteba”.
望着滚滚的浪涛由西而来,又奔腾跳跃向东流去,兴奋地说;“黄河真 呀 , 世 上没有哪条河能和它相比。
One year, as the autumn was coming, torrential rain had been falling for days on end, and the hundred streams were all discharging themselves into the Yellow River, which made it even broader.
在同次会议上,主席强调特设工作组的工作重点必须放在设法就附件一缔 约方在《京都议定书》之下的进一步 诺达 成 充 分的一致上。
At the same meeting, the Chair stressed the importance of
focusing the work of
[...] the AWG-KP on reaching an adequate agreement on further commitments for Annex I Parties [...]
under the Kyoto Protocol.
墨西哥代表团希望 2010 年审议大会能就以下诺达成一致意见:重申《条约》,尤其是《条约》第 [...]
四条规定的内容、范围和效力;敦促缔约国全面履 行《条约》规定的义务;强调实施原子能机构保障 监督并以此作为遵守《条约》规定的标准的重要性; 鼓励签署和/或批准《制止核恐怖主义行为公约》及
《核材料实物保护公约修正案》;重申国际原子能机 构在国际核体制中的重要作用;充分增强该机构的 能力。
It was the hope of his delegation that
the 2010 Review Conference would agree
[...] on the following commitments: to reaffirm the [...]
content, scope and validity of the provisions
of the Treaty, particularly those in article IV; to urge States parties to comply fully with their obligations under the Treaty; to emphasize the importance of implementing IAEA safeguards as the standard for compliance with the provisions of the Treaty; to encourage the signature and/or ratification of the Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, as well as the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material; to reaffirm the central role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the international nuclear regime; and to strengthen adequately the capacities of the Agency.
我们敦促尚 未达标的发达国家作出更多的具体努力,努力根据《2001-2010 十年期支援最不 发达国家布鲁塞尔行动纲领》8 按照诺达到对 发展中国家的官方发展援助占国 民生产总值 0.7%的目标,包括对最不发达国家的官方发展援助占国内生产总值 0.15%至 0.20%这一特定目标。
We urge those developed countries that have not yet done so to make additional concrete efforts towards the target of 0.7 per cent of GNP for ODA to developing countries, including the specific target of 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of GNP for ODA to least developed countries in line with the Brussels Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010,8 in accordance with their commitments.
Graziano da Silva was at the ceremony [...]
on behalf of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, joining other dignitaries and crowds
of worshippers gathered in and around St. Peter’s Square for the event.
代表忆及在本届会议开幕时曾提到,粮农组 织新当选总干事何塞·格拉齐诺·达 席 尔 瓦先生表示在当前私营标准泛滥的情况下, [...]
The Conference also noted the need to broaden participation of FAO Members in CODEX” and recalled that, as mentioned in the
opening session, the FAO Director-General
[...] elect, Mr. José Graziano da Silva, indicated [...]
his support for Codex as the world’s
leading, science-based food standards body, in the face of the proliferation of private standards.
在缺乏其他可靠监督机制的情况下,联尼特派团 继续鼓励各方集中精力,力求就整编和转业及相关诺达成协 议,以消除监测军队的必要性。
In the absence of credible monitoring alternatives, UNMIN has continued
to encourage the
[...] parties to focus on reaching an agreement on integration and rehabilitation and related commitments so that the need [...]
for monitoring the armies could end.
而且澳門銀河」的餐飲團隊包括澳門大倉酒店、亞洲美食坊的多位名廚亦為大家帶來一系列讓人垂涎的亞洲特色美食,讓饕客可一邊大啖美食、一邊痛快地暢飲啤酒, 呀! 屆 時更會上演多項精彩表演,包括敲擊樂、動感熱舞及流行樂隊將輪流登場,使熱鬧的派對氣氛更為升溫。
Chefs from Hotel Okura Macau, Banyan Tree Macau and the resort‟s gourmet food plaza – Tastes of Asia, have created a delicious selection of Asian-inspired snacks and dishes for guests to pair with the selected beer.
诺达到0. 15% 指标的所有其他捐助国:再次承诺,保证到2015年达 到这一指标或尽最大努力加快达到这一指标。
(c) All other donor countries
[...] which have committed themselves to the 0.15 per cent target: [...]
reaffirm their commitment and
undertake either to achieve the target by 2015 or to make their best efforts to accelerate their endeavours to reach the target.
(ii) 卢卡·焦达诺(16 32 -- 1705 年)是历史上最为高产的画家之一,是巴罗克时代 的杰出代表。
(ii) Luca Giordano (1632-1705) was one of the most productive painters of all time and a distinguished representative of the Baroque period.
因为节礼呀!在 过去的几个赛季里面,红魔总是能够在圣诞快车期间有很好的表现,特别是在节礼日,其中还包括了07-08赛季作客4球大破桑德兰的伟大胜利。
In the past seasons, Man Utd always has good performance during Christmas holidays, especially in Boxing Day, including season 07-08 the brilliant victory of 4 goals on the road over Sunderland.
我最近才剛使用Benchmark Email,但我很想讓大家知道,奔馳科技的顧客服務實在是無與倫!
I am a recent customer of Benchmark email and I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I think your customer service is exceptional!
我想,或許在混沌初開之時,這頭喚作Wolf Parade的大怪物已經是這樣子在某個山頭裡 呀 唱。
In my mind, I am picturing a monster
[...] called Wolf Parade muttering to himself on a [...]
mountain or other right in the beginning of all things.
[...] 会与国家利益攸关方进行接触的主要协调部门,在国务部长曼努埃尔·萨图诺·达科斯塔的领导下于 2009 年 2 月 [...]
10 日进行了重组。
The Guinea-Bissau National Steering Committee for Peacebuilding, the primary point of contact for the Commission’s engagement with national stakeholders, was reconstituted, on 10
February 2009, under the leadership of the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of
[...] Ministers, Manuel Saturnino da Costa.
Jutzi 先生表示新当选的 粮农组织总干事格拉济诺·达席尔 瓦先生很清楚食典工作对各成员国的重要意义,并 表示在下一个双年度中,粮农组织将继续对食典计划及相关活动给予高度重视。
Mr Jutzi indicated that the new Director-General elect of FAO, Mr Graziano Da Silva, was well aware of the importance of Codex work for member countries, and that in the next biennium, FAO would continue to give high priority to the Codex programme and related activities.
本章原文讲了许多字体的使用技巧,但就是没有讲如何使用中文,因此,意义不大,再说,如果不支持中文,前面的也就白翻译了,因此,根据原文讲到的一些知识,我摸索出汉字的使用方法,自己写了本章内容,应该算是“原创”了吧^_ ^( 哎 呀 ! 谁 拿鸡蛋扔我……)。
this chapter stresses the use of many fonts skills, but did not say how to use the Chinese, therefore, has very little meaning, say, if we do not support the Chinese, in front of the translation will be white, so, according to the original text referred to a number of knowledge, I explored the use of Chinese characters,
write their own content in this chapter should be regarded as "original"
[...] of it ^ _ ^ (Oh! who threw eggs, [...]
I get ... ...).
我最近才刚使用Benchmark Email,但我很想让大家知道,奔驰科技的顾客服务实在是无与伦 呀 ! 奔 驰不但提供完善的服务,也帮了我设计自家产品的电子报。
I am a recent customer of Benchmark email and I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I think your customer service is exceptional!




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