

单词 吹牛拍马

See also:


talk big
chat (dialect)
shoot off one's mouth


resort to bragging and flattering


oxen and horses
beasts of burden


fig. encourage
urge on a horse by patting its bottom

吹牛 adj

bragging adj

External sources (not reviewed)

2010 年 2 月,专家组在科特迪瓦北马恩拍摄 到 新生力量部队手中的一支 黑克勒和科赫(美国)产 [...]
P7 M13 手枪(见下图)。
In February
[...] 2010, the Group photographed a Heckler and [...]
Koch (USA)manufactured P7 M13 pistol (see image below) in the hands
of a Forces nouvelles unit in Man, northern Côte d’Ivoire.
马达加斯加在DVD被发布在11月15,2005,随 拍 摄 的 短片 马 达 加 斯加企鹅在圣诞节雀跃。
Madagascar was released on DVD on November 15, 2005, along with the short film, The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper.
圣利奥的讲道,但是,首次讲道肯定 吹 在 罗 马 已 达 到我们的西波吕这些,都在希腊,除非讲道“相反Alcatores”是由一个诺瓦蒂安对立教皇布道。
St. Leo's sermons are, however, the first sermons
[...] certainly preached at Rome which have reached [...]
us, for those of Hippolytus were all in
Greek; unless the homily "Adversus Alcatores" be a sermon by a Novatian antipope.
我很紧张地和我的助理等待了大约6个小时,觉 拍 摄 告 吹。
I nervously waited with my assistant for about 6 hours, thinking for
[...] sure we were being blown off.
马的主导地位已经发生了彻底的改变,而且给了何塞•穆里尼 吹牛 的 权 利,他早年在西班牙时就无处感受不到泰罗尼亚人的吹嘘。
Barca were close to
[...] unbeatable during Pep Guardiola’s reign but things have changed drastically with Real Madrid’s dominant form and has given Jose Mourionho bragging rights since [...]
his early days in Spain
when the Catalans’ swagger was felt all around.
如果基督教不存在于所有在上埃及,公元150之前,那么我们就必须降下来的德米特里版本尽早日期,但如果像更容易,基督教传播的手段尼罗河立即开始 吹 在 亚 历山德里亚,并已成为感染邪教和半异教迷信,在第二个世纪,我们可能会暂时结束Sahidic版本,这是当时的性格“(”科普特版本在南方方言的新约圣经“,三 牛 津 大学,1911年,第398页)。
If Christianity did not exist at all in Upper Egypt before AD 150, then we must come down to the date of Demetrius as the earliest possible date of the version; but if, as is more likely, the Christian religion had spread by means of the Nile immediately after it began to be preached in Alexandria,
and had already become infected by
[...] heretical and semi-pagan superstitions in the second century, we may provisionally conclude from the character of the Sahidic version that it was made at that time" ("The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect", III, Oxford, 1911, p. 398).
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中 马 拉 硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花椰菜、阔叶苣、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 花椰菜、白菜头牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.
政治社会制度和媒体结构为人民利益服务,与当 前的形势拍。
The political social system and media structure served the people’s interests best and were suitable for the situation.
政府雖然制訂㆒套策略,但如果不執行的話, 則有等於無,更會給吹牛或跛 腳鴨的形象。
If the Government does not launch the strategies it has formulated, it is meaningless to
have these strategies. Moreover, it would give the impression that the
[...] Government is telling lies or is just a lame duck.
我們是獨自一人在世界上已經做了,我想,沒 吹牛 , 這 將需要幾十年的成功更好。
We are alone in the world to have done and I
[...] think, without bragging, it will take [...]
decades to succeed better.
主席,我明白有些聲請人  如果說得俗一點  他們是 “車大炮”, “老點”、吹牛”、編謊言。
Chairman, I know that some claimants …… in more vulgar terms, they are indeed bluffing, tricking, cheating or lying when making claims.
这些活动包括通过马里生态系牛 瘟 根除协调组(协调组第二方案)消灭了 牛瘟,这是一种对牛和其他反刍动物具有毁灭性的传染病;在综合国家行动计划 支助方案框架内,提供了训练、实验室设施和车辆,从而提高了索马里当局控制 动物疾病的能力;执行了索马里牲畜认证项目,使索马里采纳了动物健康证书模 [...]
These include the
[...] eradication of rinderpest, a contagious and devastating disease of cattle and other ruminants, through the Somali Ecosystem Rinderpest [...]
Eradication Coordination
Unit (SERECU II project); the enhancement of the capacity of the Somali authorities to control animal diseases, through the provision of training, laboratory facilities and vehicles, within the framework of the Support Programme for Integrated National Action Plans; and the Somalia Livestock Certification Project, which enabled the adoption of an Animal Health Certificate Model that promotes the World Organization for Animal Health sanitary and phytosanitary standards for livestock.
苹果要打败他,所以它可以结束Richie 的 吹牛 , 所以他要求布卢进入壮丽的场面,但布卢不希望。
Mac wants to beat him so it can end Richie’s bragging, so he asks Bloo to enter the pageant, but Bloo doesn’t want to.
一个包含一个或多个tractates塔木德抄本是现存数量在 马 , 牛 津 , 巴黎​​,汉堡,纽约,而从Reuchlin论文公会的图书馆,在AT [...]
A number of Talmudic codices containing one or more tractates
[...] are extant in Rome, Oxford, Paris, Hamburg, [...]
and New York, while the treatise Sanhedrin,
from Reuchlin's library, is in the grand-ducal library at Carlsruhe.
第二個無耻的是特區政府,曾蔭權不 吹牛 說 “ 玩鋪勁”,到頭來貨 不對板,而竟然他的“馬 [...]
” ⎯⎯ 林瑞麟 ⎯⎯ 說這項辯論似曾相識,這 亦是無耻。
The second shamelessness is that although the SAR Government and
[...] Donald TSANG kept bragging that he would [...]
do something big, in the end, they failed
to deliver on their promises and his underling, Stephen LAM, has gone so far as to say that this debate sounded familiar, so this is also shameless.
Scorch is then tranquilized and captured by General Shanker Saunderson, the malevolent general of the US Army, and is taken to “Area 51″ where aliens from other planets are held.
雖然局長說現時 設有行業的三方小組,但大家也知道,這些行業的三方小組是沒有任何 約束力的,大家根本在吹水”吹水”之後,拍拍屁股 ”便走了,甚麼 也沒有做過。
Although the Secretary has said that tripartite committees have already been set up for the trades, we all know that the tripartite committees have no binding effect, members will simply do the "chit-chat", and after doing the "chit-chat", everybody will just shrug and leave, nothing has been done.
欧洲最顶尖、规模最大的运马匹拍 卖会
[...] leading and largest auctioneers of sport horses
大家都欣賞「野牛」 在駕駛 F-14 雄貓噴射戰鬥機時令㆟嘆為觀止的技術;但在㆒次訓練行動㆗,因㆒項 致命的錯誤,以致「牛」的拍檔「 母鵝」喪生,大家都為此感到遺憾。
We also feel sorry when one fatal mistake during a training session cost Maverick the life of his partner, “Goose”.
每月新闻: 31/10/2011 拉菲在葡萄酒销售中辜负众望,高品质二级品被抢购 • 28/10/2011 香槟的丰收“具有挑战性但却令人兴奋” • 28/10/2011 香槟的丰收“具有挑战性但却令人兴奋” • 27/10/2011 Dom Joly与CIVB协作推进波尔多葡萄酒 销售 • 26/10/2011 DRC有可能成为“中国新的拉菲” • 26/10/2011 针对下月拍卖,拉菲——罗斯柴尔德垂直品鉴 • 25/10/2011 Liv-ex高端葡萄酒公司展示了增长征象 • 24/10/2011 2011年份波尔多葡萄酒有可能成为“意想不到的年份” • 21/10/2011 经济市场波动“未影响葡萄 拍 卖” • 20/10/2011 白马庄以拍卖会 名次为荣 • 19/10/2011 Oddbins葡萄酒公司正在准备它的新征程 • 18/10/2011 德国葡萄酒制造商期望2011年份葡萄酒带来更大产量 • 17/10/2011 高端葡萄酒市场多样化?
The month’s news: 31/10 Super seconds snapped up as Lafite disappoints in wine sale • 28/10 Champagne harvest was 'challenging but exciting' • 28/10 Champagne harvest was 'challenging but exciting' • 27/10 Dom Joly and CIVB team up to promote Bordeaux • 26/10 DRC may be 'the new Lafite in China' • 26/10 Lafite-Rothschild verticals up for auction next month • 25/10 Liv-ex Fine Wine 50 shows some signs of growth • 24/10 Bordeaux 2011 could be an 'exceptional vintage' • 21/10 Financial market volatility 'not affecting wine auctions' • 20/10 Cheval Blanc takes pride of place at auction • 19/10 Oddbins wine merchant prepares its re-launch • 18/10 German winemakers expect greater yields for 2011 • 17/10 Is the fine wine market diversifying?
在波兰,农户饲养的动物包牛、猪 、羊马、羊、鸡、鸭、鹅和兔子。
The animals raised in agricultural households
[...] in Poland include cows, pigs, sheep, horses, goats, chickens, [...]
ducks, geese and rabbits.
凭借此拍价纪录,马克·罗 斯科将美国抽象表现主义作品的身价提 高到与最优秀的欧洲印象派与现代艺术品相持平的超高价位。
With this peak, Rothko took American Abstract Expressionism to the same top price levels as the best European Impressionist and Modern art.
期間 ,事務委員會曾 兩次訪 問上水屠房, 觀 察 檢 疫 制度、生豬拍賣及 牛 隻的屠宰過 程 。
The Panel visited the Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse on two occasions
during the period to observe the
[...] quarantine systems, the auctioning of live pigs and the process of cattle slaughtering.
满友公司每年开发新产品10多项,近几年先后引进意大利P4金属板材柔性多边折弯系统;德国L4050激光切割机;V320数控折弯机;5000冲切中心;大型龙门加工中心3000SD;750吨、250吨压铸机;王牌机 吹 塑 机 ;日 马 扎 克 生产的车铣组合加工中心;保加利亚进口卧式镗加工中心;瑞士“GEMA”全自动喷涂流水线等国际先进的加工设备以及高精度金切加工设备700余台套,建立了高标准的生产车间,现已成为全国现代化的柔性医疗器械生产线。
Over 10 new products are developed every year in our company. in recent years, we imported some world-leading machining equipments from aboard, including P4 medical plate multi-bending soft machine system from Italy, L4050 laser cutting machine,V320 numerical control bending machine, 500R punching machine and 500R punching machine from Germany, 3000sd Long men machining center, 750-ton and 250-ton die-casting machine, Brand Wang blow molding machine, GEMA automatic painting line from Switzerland etc. High-class-workshops have been built up.
它包含五个主题:酒食议—做酱油和豆酱,家庭酿酒,饭(米饭),年糕,以及随米饭一起上的小菜;缝纫则—做衣服、染色、手工缝纫、刺绣、养蚕、焊接烹饪用锅和壶以及如何生火;桑田术—如何耕田以及如何饲养家畜 马 、 牛 和 鸡 );孕养—产前培训、儿童抚养方法、急救方法、避免使用的医药以及任何清洁居处的方法;以及符咒术—民间传说中通过符咒祛除恶灵和魔鬼的方式。
It covers five topics: Jusaui—making soy sauce and soybean paste, domestic alcoholic beverages, bap (cooked rice), rice cakes, and side dishes served alongside bap; Bongimchik—making clothes, dyeing, weaving by hand, embroidery, silkworm breeding, soldering cooking pots and kettles, and how to make fire;
Sangarak—how to plow a field and how
[...] to raise livestock (horses, cows, and chickens); Cheongnanggyeol—prenatal [...]
training, methods
of childrearing, methods of first aid, medicines to be avoided, and ways of cleaning dwelling places; and Sulsuryak—folkloric ways of driving away evil spirits and devils through talismans and incantation.
大赦国际吹批准《罗马规约 》 和执行立法,通过并批准《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国际公约》,通过并批准《残 疾人权利公约》,并努力制订《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》的一项任择议 [...]
AI campaigned for the ratification of the Rome Statute and implementing [...]
legislation, the adoption and ratification of the International
Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, for the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and worked for the creation of an Optional Protocol to the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and of an Arms Trade Treaty.
在罗讷河口省,你也可以找到的卡马格,它代表湿地和346000英亩,是著名的野生动物,黑色的 牛 和 白 色 马 和 当地卫队的家在这里,以保持社会的传统,活着的。
In Bouches du Rhone you can also find the Camargue, which represents 346,000 acres of
wetland and is famous for its
[...] wildlife- home to black bulls and white horses and the local gardiens [...]
here to keep the traditions of the community alive.




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