单词 | 吹哨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吹哨—whistleblow a whistleExamples:吹口哨—whistle 吹哨员n—whistlern See also:吹—blast brag boast play a wind instrument fall through end in failure 哨n—a whistlen
当计时需要停止或开始时,举手并吹哨。 irblaws.com | Arm held up [...] in air and whistle blownwhen watch should [...]be stopped or started. irblaws.com |
(b) 如果有一队违规,利益规则正在适用而另外一队又发生违规时,裁判员将吹哨处罚第一队的违规。 irblaws.com | (b) If advantage is being played following an infringement by one team and [...] then the other team commit an [...] infringement, therefereeblows thewhistleandapplies [...]the sanctions associated with the first infringement. irblaws.com |
如果未违 规队并未得到利益,裁判员将吹哨并把 比赛带回原来违规地点进行。 irblaws.com | If the non-offending team does not gain an [...] advantage, thereferee blows the whistle andbrings [...]play back to the place of infringement. irblaws.com |
(c) 当有在「10公尺规则」下越位的球员,要冲阻等待要操弄球的敌方球员 时,裁判员必须即刻吹哨并处罚该越位球员。 irblaws.com | (c) When a player who is offside under the 10-Metre Law [...] charges an opponent waiting to catch the [...] ball, therefereeblows the whistle at onceand the [...]offside player is penalised. irblaws.com |
(i) 球员 被向上 挤压 [...] :如果在scrum里的球员被扬升悬空、或被向上挤出 scrum,裁判员必须即刻吹哨,让球员停止前推。 irblaws.com | If a player in a scrum is lifted in the [...] air, or is forced upwards out of the scrum, [...] the referee mustblow the whistle immediately [...]so that players stop pushing. irblaws.com |
裁判员即刻吹哨,并判给做成mark的球员踢球。 irblaws.com | The referee immediatelyblows thewhistle andawards [...] a kick to the player who made the mark. irblaws.com |
(a) 敌方球员,不管在位与越位,都不许在裁判员 吹哨以後冲阻做mark的球 员。 irblaws.com | (a) An opponent, whether onside or offside, must not charge a player who has made a mark after [...] the referee hasblown the whistle. irblaws.com |
这群人吹哨子、谩骂和对他们比划有攻击性的手势。 daccess-ods.un.org | The crowd used whistles, hurledinsults [...] and made aggressive gestures against them. daccess-ods.un.org |
市场占有率高并 不 是 罪 过 , 只 是 [...] 如果一间公 司 有 较 高 的 市场占有率 , 便等如吹 哨子一样 , 大 家 应该提 高 警 觉 , 留 [...]意 一 下 会 否 因 为 市场占有率 过 高而出现合谋 定 价 的 情况, 又或会 [...]否在因 为 市场占有 率 过 高而导 致的垄 断 情况下,令有关 公 司运用 某些手 法 使其他经 营者不能进 入 市场。 legco.gov.hk | It is not a sin to have a big market share, but if a company has a relatively big [...] market share, it is like the [...] situation when a whistle has been blown, andwe should all [...]be alerted, and see if there is [...]collaborated pricing because of big market shares; or whether it would, under monopolization caused by too big a market share, make the company concerned employ certain means to bar entry of other operators. legco.gov.hk |
他最能做到的,便是对着鱼池吹口哨吧,对吗? legco.gov.hk | What he is most capable [...] of doingis to whistlein front of the [...]fish pond, is he not? legco.gov.hk |
(e) 当球成为非比赛中时、或球成为无法比赛时、或当处罚判给时,裁判员 必须吹响哨笛。 irblaws.com | (e) The referee must blow the whistle when the ball has gone out of play, or when it has become unplayable, or when a penalty is awarded. irblaws.com |
注意到在制定儿童安全防护政策方 [...] 面有一些良好做法,包括行为守则、儿童保护能力培训、指定儿童安全防护协调 人以及制定提名规程和“吹哨”政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | Good practices were observed in the development of child safeguarding policies comprising codes of conduct, child protection competency [...] training, designating child safeguarding focal points and establishing referral [...] protocolsand “whistle blowing”policies. daccess-ods.un.org |
骑车、跳舞、吹口哨、看世界、体验年轻的感觉、 知道自己是自由的,这是我的渴望所在。 annefranktree.org | I long to ride [...] a bike,dance,whistle,lookat the world, [...]feel young and know that I’m free. annefranktree.org |
例子: 「因为彼得想吹口哨所以不开心」或「 今晨,我在窗口看到巴士的倒影」。 countdowntokindergarten.com | Examples: “Peter is sad [...] because he wantsto whistle,”or “I saw [...]the reflection of the bus in the window this morning! countdowntokindergarten.com |
裁判员一决定利益无法被未违规队获得时,将即刻吹响哨笛。 irblaws.com | The referee blows thewhistle having determined [...] that an advantage cannot be gained by the non-offending team. irblaws.com |
过去,有很多公务员因犯例而被判刑,甚至判监,他们失去职位 以致数以百万元计的退休金,但特首完全无须面对这种惨痛苦况,我 们的特首可以逍遥法外,继续吹口哨、扮纯情、扮高尚。 legco.gov.hk | In the past, there were many precedents of civil servants being sanctioned or even sentenced to imprisonment due to violation of the provisions, and because of such convictions, they lost their jobs as well as millions of dollars of pensions. legco.gov.hk |
主席,你不准许我们与你争拗,就好像在球 场上,无论球证是吹错哨子还是吹黑哨,只要以“上帝之手”把球放进 龙门便是胜出,不容争拗,对吗? legco.gov.hk | Even though the referee has made a wrong ruling or a ruling underpinned by corrupt practices, the player who has put the football into the gantry by the "Hand of God" will win and nodispute is allowed, right? legco.gov.hk |
张文光议员:主席,立法会今天暂停执行《议事规则》,主席说已作 出裁决,裁决的结果便好像一场球赛,球证吹“黑哨”,让政府“打茅 波 ”、保皇党“打假波”,让更多人在政治上跳忠字舞,洗底的洗底, [...] 效忠的效忠。 legco.gov.hk | According to the President, a ruling has been made, and it turns out [...] to be just like a soccer match ― a [...] corruptrefereeblows his whistle to allow the [...]Government to play foul, the royalists [...]to fix the game, and more people to dance in demonstration of their loyalty to "cleanse" their deeds or declare allegiance. legco.gov.hk |
其实,我们的特首在“吹完口哨”後,便来这里意气风发地说:“老兄, 要生育 3 名子女。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, after our Chief Executive had been pictured whistling, he came here to say flamboyantly, "Hey, man, you have to bear three children. legco.gov.hk |
当裁判员警告或勒令 该违犯球员退场时,裁判员在判给罚踢或惩罚达阵时,必须吹响第二次哨笛。 irblaws.com | When the referee cautions or sends off the offender, the referee must whistle asecond time when the penalty kick or penalty try is awarded. irblaws.com |
大 家 不 妨 想 一 想 , 如果真 的制定公平竞 争 [...] 法,哪 些 公 司的市场占有率 会 超 过 调 查 触 发 点或吹响了哨子呢? legco.gov.hk | We might as well think about this. If a fair competition law is really [...] enacted, which companies' market share will exceed the investigation trigger [...] point orwill haveblown the alarmwhistle? legco.gov.hk |
此阶段的幼儿 已懂得吹一点号角和哨子,但节奏乐器则最为合适。 cpsc.gov | Rhythm instruments are most appropriate for this age, although children have gained the [...] ability to briefly blowinto horns andwhistles. cpsc.gov |
(a) 裁判员必须带有哨笛,而且吹响它来指示每一半场比赛的开始与结束。 irblaws.com | (a) The referee [...] must carrya whistle and blowthe whistle toindicate [...]the beginning and end of each half of the match. irblaws.com |
事隔已很多年,我记得当年是1999年,距今已有11年,我们另一 位特首,踏着董建华先生的屍首、昂然吹着口哨、唱 着国歌上任的曾 荫权,到了今天又是以此一论调,派遣下属来到这里,因他现在已不 敢再说这令人脸红的话,而是交由你们再次说出:没有贫穷线也成, 济贫是不需要贫穷线的。 legco.gov.hk | I remember it was 1999, that is, 11 years ago. Today, another Chief Executive, Donald TSANG, who stepped on TUNG Chee-hwa's body and moved forward to leadership amid the sound of his whistles and the melody of the national anthem, also plays the same trick by sending his subordinates here. legco.gov.hk |
我们眼前世界的前景表明,为 建立未来更高声望和更高效率的教科文组织,我们确实需要这种远见卓识,以维护其作为 联合国大家庭知识前哨和道德良知的原有品质。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The prospect of the world in front of us indicates that this oversight is indeed what we need for a more visible and effective UNESCO in the future, to ensure its original function of intellectual watchtower and moral conscience of the United Nations family. unesdoc.unesco.org |
V. 一般物品及设备 例如扩音器、对讲机、哨子、 电池、充电池、急救箱、急救箱补充 [...] 品、蒸馏水/矿泉水、茶包、意见箱、信箱、许可证框架、黑板/ 白板/水松板、香港街道图、访客记录册、节日装饰品、典礼装饰 品、证件套连挂绳等。 legco.gov.hk | V. General Supplies & Equipment e.g. loudhailers, [...] two-way radios, whistles, batteries, rechargeable [...]batteries, first aid boxes, first [...]aid box refills, distilled water/mineral water, tea bags, suggestion boxes, letter boxes, frames for approval letter, blackboards, whiteboards, cork notice-boards, Hong Kong street guide, guest record books, festive decorations, ceremonial decorations, name badges with necklaces, etc. legco.gov.hk |
国际、区域和 [...] 国际各级组织,例如联合国外层空间事务处、国际山区综合开发中心 和美国地质调查局、以及诸如亚洲哨兵和国际空间和重大灾难宪章等 倡议,都向巴基斯坦国家航空署提供了图像和地图,共同协助该国救 [...]灾工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | International, regional and national-level organizations, such as the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development and the [...] United States Geological Survey, and [...] initiatives, such as Sentinel Asia and the [...]International Charter Space and Major Disasters, [...]had provided imagery and maps to the national space agency of Pakistan to assist during the disasters. daccess-ods.un.org |
自 20 多年前创建空间应用促进可持续发展区域方案以来,其为在该区 [...] 域促进和协调空间合作提供了帮助,在中国、印度和印度尼西亚建立了培训和 教育网络,并与“亚洲哨兵” 一道制定了体制安排,促进未得到充分服务和有 [...]高风险的发展中国家获得卫星数据和增值产品,用于应对灾害。 daccess-ods.un.org | RESAP, since its inception more than two decades ago, has helped in fostering and coordinating space cooperation in the region, set up training and education networks in China, India and [...] Indonesia, and developed institutional [...] arrangementswith SentinelAsia for access [...]to satellite data and value-added products [...]in underserved and high-risk developing countries for response to disasters. daccess-ods.un.org |
特派团安全部门这一构成部分的行动重点是:继续调整特派团部队的工作重 心,不再强调使用岗哨、掩体阵地和固定检查哨控制 城镇、道路和战略基础设施, 而强调通过增加巡逻和车辆检查哨而采取更加灵活机动的态势,淡化部队的存在 ——本质上从明显可见的控制改变为远距有效的威慑,从而减少不稳定性,确保 特派团所有主要战略地点的安全保障。 daccess-ods.un.org | The operational focus of the Mission’s security sector component will be the continued shift from an emphasis by the Mission force on the domination of towns, routes and strategic infrastructure using [...] guards, bunkered [...] positions and static checkpoints, to a more fluid and flexible posture, using increased patrolling and vehicle checkpoints,leading toa more subtle presence by [...]the force — in essence, [...]a move from visible domination to a form of credible deterrence exerted from a distance, thus reducing instability and ensuring security coverage for all the major strategic locations of the Mission. daccess-ods.un.org |