

单词 吸收剂量

See also:

吸收 n

absorption n
absorbency n



剂量 n

dosages pl

External sources (not reviewed)

Absorbed dose
本装置采用计算机及PLC对生产过程进行控制,自动化程度高,并且在产 吸收剂量 系 统 中采用微机处理和记录,因而可将整个生产过程中人为失误的因素降低到最小程度,从而为产品质量提供可靠的保证,赢得客户的信任。
Latest domestic device: Model BFT γ irradiation facility solely developed by
our company features automatic
[...] layer-changing of products and secondary irradiation, [...]
widely applicable to sterilization
of medical apparatus and food, food preservation, and improved characteristics of materials after irradiation etc. The irradiator adopts computer and PLC to control the production process and employs microcomputer handing and recording in the dosage-absorbing system of product, which can reduce human error factors to a minimal level in an attempt to ensure the quality of products.
戈瑞(Gy)用于表吸收剂量,不 过,在估计潜在的生物效应中,使用的是一个加权数, [...]
该加权数考虑到了这一事实:就相同数量的沉积能量而言,不同种类的辐射有着不同的生物效 应。
While grays (Gy) are
[...] used to express absorbed dose, in estimating [...]
biological effect a weighted quantity is used, which takes
account of the fact that different kinds of radiation have different biological effects for the same amount of energy deposited.
有机保焊剂(OSP)的量通常 通过溶解样本涂层和分析 剂吸收 的 后 续变化。
Organic Solderability Preservative (OSP)
[...] is typically measured by dissolving the coating off of a coupon and analyzing the subsequent change in solvent absorption.
卫生部也禁止对含有 ODS 的烟雾剂产品(除量药剂吸入器 以外)的登 记。
Similarly, the Ministry of Health has banned the registration of aerosol products that contain ODS,
[...] except for metered dose inhalers (MDI).
只 要将道康宁有机硅消泡剂加吸收剂流 中 ,或者加入吸收装置的顶部,就可防止 泡沫的产生。
The foam can be prevented by feeding a Dow Corning silicone antifoam into the absorbent stream or into the top of the absorber.
必须使用干燥布清除切纸器刀片和导纸器上的粘 剂 油 , 以防吸收灰尘
Adhesive oil must be cleaned from the blade and guides with a dry cloth to prevent dust attraction.
尽管有的文献指出,施加的硼元素有 很大一部分被当前种植的作物所吸收,但我们在棉花和水稻的多年、多领域实地实验表明,每 公顷施加1–1.5千克硼肥的土地上种植的作物,收割后它们 吸收 了 所 施 剂量 的 1– 2%(Rashid 等,未发表数据)。
Though the literature indicates that a much higher fraction of the applied B is taken up by the current crop, our multi-year, multi-location field experiments on rice and cotton have revealed that
actual fraction of fertilizer
[...] B removed in the harvested plant parts of these crops is only 1–2% of the 1–1.5 kg B ha-1 dosage (Rashid et al., unpublished data).
图 2 食物的分类根据人体每日营养的需要,金字塔尖标示的食物是我们必须 量吸收 的食物。
Fig. 1 is based on the division of food, following their belonging to the different groups of nutrients indispensable to the human organism.
14.53 在 2012-2013 两年期,为了更好地满足成员国的需要,特别是在病人的医疗照射、能源生产产 生的辐射水平和影响、自然辐射源的照射以及 剂量 辐 射 照射的影响等方面,为了应对科学发 展及全球通信的快速节奏和日益增加的复杂性,将继续在 2008-2009 年期间启动的若干战略转 变,即:(a) 精简委员会的科学评价进程;(b) 加强数收集、 分析和传播的机制;(c) 改善 与其他利益攸关方基于成果的规划和协调;(d) 在决策者和公众中提高对委员会及其基本研究 成果的认识,以帮助弥合科学与政策之间的空白,确定在管理辐照的健康和环境影响领域内的 任何必要变革。
14.53 In the biennium 2012-2013, in order to respond better to the needs of Member States (in particular with respect to the medical exposure of patients, radiation levels and effects of energy production, exposure to natural
sources of radiation and
[...] the effects of low-dose-rate radiation exposure) and to the rapid pace and increasing complexity of scientific developments and global communications, several strategic shifts initiated in 2008-2009 will continue, namely: (a) streamlining the Committee’s scientific evaluation processes; (b) enhancing mechanisms for data collection, analysis and dissemination; [...]
(c) improving
results-based planning and coordination with other stakeholders; and (d) raising awareness of the Committee and its essential findings among decision makers and the public to help bridge the science-policy gap and identify any changes needed in the management of the impacts of radiation exposure on health and the environment.
目前,对于大多数患 者,释放呼吸药物的两种主要方法是 量剂量吸 入器 (MDI)和干粉吸入器(DPI)。
Currently the two main methods of delivering respiratory drugs for most patients are the metered dose inhaler (MDI) and the dry powder inhaler (DPI).
在防晒产品中以往多使用有机化合物为紫外 线 吸收剂 , 但 是存在诸如为了尽可能保护皮肤不接触紫外线而提高添 量 之 后 ,会增加发生皮肤癌以及产生化学性过敏等问题,而纳米Si02为无机成分,易于与化妆品其它组分配伍,无毒、无味,不存在上述问题,且自身为白色,可以简单地加以着色,尤其可贵的是纳米Si02反射紫外能力强、稳定性好,被紫外线照射后不分解,不变色,也不会与配方中其它组分起化学反应。
In guarded against exposes to the sun in the product formerly to use the organic
compound was the
[...] ultraviolet ray absorbent, after but existed such as in order to protected the skin not to contact as far as possible the ultraviolet [...]
ray enhanced the
recruitment, can increase has the skin cancer as well as has question and so on chemical properties allergy, but nanometer Si02 was the inorganic ingredient, easy with cosmetics other components, non-toxic, tasteless, did not have the above problem, also oneself was a white, was allowed simply to perform to colour, especially valuable was nanometer Si02 reflects the ultraviolet ability strong, the stability is good, after does not decompose by the ultraviolet ray illumination, did not change color, also could not and in the formula other components gets up the chemical reaction.
尿中的沙丁胺醇量超过 1000 ng/ml或者福莫特罗超过30 ng/mL 将被推定 为不属于有意的治疗用药,因此将被视为阳性检测结果,除非该运动员能通过 受控药代动力学研究证明此不正常结果确系因使用达到上述最大值的治疗吸 入剂所致
The presence in urine of salbutamol in excess of 1000 ng/mL or formoterol in excess of 30 ng/mL is
presumed not
[...] to be an intended therapeutic use of the substance and will be considered as an Adverse Analytical Finding unless the Athlete proves, through a controlled pharmacokinetic study, that the abnormal result was the consequence of the use of the therapeutic inhaled dose up to the maximum indicated above.
同 時,我們亦希望能吸收過去經驗,例如在環評及其他涉及法律的問 題上,我們可吸收過去 經驗,準備得更好,希望能夠避免出現一種 情況,就是宣布推出某一項目之後,突然受到挑戰,以致要推遲這個 項目,令 往後的工程堆在一起,造成工量不 均 勻的情況。
For instance, we hope that we can learn from our past experience in dealing with environmental impact
[...] assessment and other legal issues, so that we can better prepare ourselves for avoiding any situation where the announcement of a project is followed by the emergence of sudden challenges that hold up the project in question, cause a jam of all subsequent projects and ultimately lead to an uneven distribution of construction volume.
( d ) 深度冷却液化进程第一步形成的氯气表以便只剩余极 量 的 氯 ,在经过苛性 钠溶液中吸收过程 之后,这部分氯会被分解成氧和氯化钠。
(d) To deep cool the chlorine gas table from the first liquefaction
step so that only a
[...] very limited amount of chlorine remains, which can then be decomposed to oxygen and sodium chloride after absorption in a caustic soda [...]
讨论和评论主要围绕投资政策审查报告建议所涉六个主要方面进行:(a) 促 进越南经济的新领域尤其是服务部门的直接外资;(b) 采用侵扰性较低的做法进行 投资管理,并减轻 管理负担; (c) 大力处理持续增长面临的潜在制约因素,包括基 础设施和熟练工人的提供和量问题 ;(d) 出于有效性和竞争力的原因,确保商业 性国有企业和私营公司获得公正 和公平的待遇;(e) 简化税制,在成本效益分析基 础上审查对投资实行的财 政奖励办法;(f) 吸收最近通过的改革举措,并确保这些 举措在越南 64 省都能得到一致的实施。
Discussion and comments revolved mainly around the six main areas of recommendations of the IPR: (a) promoting FDI in new areas of Viet Nam’s economy, particularly the services sectors; (b) adopting a less intrusive approach to investment regulation and reducing the administrative burden; (c) forcefully addressing potential constraints to sustained growth, including the availability and quality of infrastructure and skilled workers; (d) ensuring a fair and equitable treatment between commercially-oriented State-owned enterprises
and private companies, for reasons of
[...] effectiveness and competitiveness; (e) simplifying the tax system and reviewing fiscal incentives to investment based on a cost/benefit analysis; and (f) absorbing the reforms recently adopted and ensuring their coherent application throughout Viet Nam’s 64 provinces.
經過多年 向好發展後,我們開始看到直接到戶市場增長的具體例子,新的直接到戶服 吸收 了 區內 Ku 波段整體過 剩的量。
After years of promise, we are starting to see
concrete examples of growth in the DTH
[...] market, with new DTH services absorbing overall surplus Ku-band capacity [...]
in the region.
同时,吸附剂引入 到现有的SO2 及PM控制技术之前,可以达到额外的 吸收。
Also, additional mercury
[...] capture may be achieved by the introduction of a sorbent prior to existing SO2 and PM control technologies.
水分子 在干剂的孔中被吸收,而制冷剂则 可 以自由通过过滤器。
The water molecules are absorbed in the pores of the desiccant, whereas the refrigerant can freely [...]
pass through the filter.
委员会建议联合国大会:(a) 鼓励会员国、联合国系统内的组织以及其他相关组 织,就不同辐射源剂量、影响及风险提供进一步相关数据,这可极大地帮助科 学委员会未来编写向联合国大会提交的报告;(b) 鼓励原子能机构、世卫组织和 其他相关组织与委员会秘书处开展协作,建立并协调对公众、工作人员尤其是患 者辐照数据的定收集和交换安排。
The Committee suggests that the General
[...] Assembly might (a) encourage Member States, the organizations of the United Nations system and other relevant organizations concerned to provide further relevant data about doses, effects and risks from various sources of radiation, which would greatly help in the preparation of future reports of the Committee to the General Assembly; and (b) encourage [...]
WHO and other relevant organizations to collaborate with the Committee secretariat to establish and coordinate the arrangements for periodic collection and exchange of data on radiation exposures of the general public, workers and, in particular, medical patients.
汞被给予电压时,发出紫外线(UV),被涂有磷 剂 涂 层 的玻 吸收 后使 其发荧光,并发出可见光。
As the mercury is energized it emits ultraviolet
[...] radiation (UV), which is absorbed by the phosphor-coated [...]
glass causing it to fluoresce and emit visible light.
其影响可通过评估执行报告加以确定,方法是,除其他外,自 执行氟氯烃淘汰管理计划之初起,比较制冷剂年度使用水平、所报告的制 剂 回 收量 和再 循环量、培训的技术人员数量和含 HCFC-22 设备的改装数量。
The impact might be established through an assessment of implementation reports by, inter alia, comparing the levels of refrigerants used annually from the commencement of the implementation of the HPMP, the reported amounts of refrigerants being recovered and recycled, the number of technicians trained and the HCFC-22 based equipment being retrofitted.
量吸收器型 号32在这样的情况下提供最佳的解决办法。但在大负载情况下,用圆钢细成的U型螺栓设计方式被证明十分有效。
Alongside the energy absorber type 32, which [...]
provides the optimum solution to this problem, a U-bolt design for specially
large loads has proven to be highly successful.
巴基斯坦制造的量吸入器中的活性成分为柳丁氨醇(由上述三个企业制造)、柳丁 氨醇/ 丙酸(由 Macter 和 Zafa 制造)、丙酸(两种不剂量)、 沙美特罗/替卡松(三种 不剂量)以 及异丙托品、沙美特罗和曲安奈德 (仅由 Macter 制造)。
The active ingredients in MDIs manufactured in Pakistan are salbutamol (manufactured by the three enterprises), salbutamol/beclomethasone (manufactured by Macter and Zafa), and beclometahsone (two different doses), salmetrol/fluticasone (three different doses), ipratropium, salmeterol and triamcinolone acetonite (manufactured only by Macter).
最后,还应指出,目前 联合国教科文组织正在筹备将于首脑会议期间举行的活动,并 量吸收 非 政府国际组织的参 与。
Finally, it is worth noting the currently ongoing preparations of UNESCOorganized events at the Summit, with the participation of NGOs as appropriate.
与此同时, 总干事将继续与民间社会和学术界代表以及其他专家就文化多样性问题进行磋商, 量收集 他 们的观点、看法和关注的问题,并在可能的情况下,将 吸收 到 公约草案初稿中去。
At the same time, the Director-General will continue to conduct other consultations with representatives of civil society and the academic world and with other
specialists on
[...] questions relating to cultural diversity in order to gather the widest possible range of views, opinions and concerns and, insofar [...]
as possible,
to accommodate them in the preliminary draft convention.
钢制压力弹簧相比橡胶弹簧在温度变化时具有更加稳定的弹簧刚度,而且因为它们有较高的 量吸收 能 力 ,允许较高的振动角度。
Steel pressure springs have the benefit over rubber spring elements of a more
constant spring rate over temperature and, due to
[...] their higher energy absorption capacity, permit [...]
a higher vibration angle.
其主要目标是协助制冷技师 回收和再循环制剂;收集氟氯化碳 收量 数 据 ;在回收和再循环及将氟氯化碳改型为碳 氢化合物的培训讲习班结束时评价制冷技师的表现;确保改型碳氢化合物项目得到良好执 [...]
行;在区域联络点支持下收集全国的第 7 条数据;参加制冷行业培训和制冷技师协会会
议;跟踪发放给制冷技师的设备和材料的使用情况,组织关于消耗臭氧层物质进口条例有 效性的调查研究。
The main objectives were to assist refrigeration
technicians in recovery and
[...] recycling refrigerants; collect data on the recovered quantities of CFCs; evaluate [...]
the performance of the
refrigeration technicians at the end of the training workshops on recovery and recycling and on the retrofitting of CFCs to hydrocarbons; ensure the good execution of the project for retrofitting to hydrocarbons; collect the Article 7 data across the country with the support of the focal points in the regions; take part in the training in the refrigeration sector and in the meetings of the associations of refrigeration technicians; follow the use of the equipment and material distributed to the refrigeration technicians, organize investigations and studies on the effectiveness of the regulation on the imports of ODS.
据发表在10月3日刊《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,尽管某些数据显示在血清维生素D浓度与上 吸 道 感 染(感冒)之间可能存在着一种负相关,但某个随机控制试验的参与者中的那些接受一个月 剂量 的 维 生素D3达10,0000 IUs的人的感冒发生率或严重程度并没有显著地下降。
Although some data have suggested a possible inverse association between
serum vitamin D
[...] levels and the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections (colds), participants in a randomized controlled trial who received a monthly dose of 100,000 IUs of vitamin [...]
D3 did not have a significantly
reduced incidence or severity of colds, according to a study in the Oct. 3 issue of JAMA.
在 2005 年 10 月 6 日的第五和第六次会议上,委员会审议了下列五个项目:项目 8.1:反对在 体育运动中使用兴剂国际 公约草案;项目 5.3:关于阿拉伯被占领土的教育和文化机构的第 32 C/54 号决议的实施情况;项目 5.24:关于在布基纳法索瓦加杜古建立由联合国教科文组织赞助的非 洲女童和妇女教育国际中心(CIEFFA)的建议;项目 5.8:联合国教科文组织和经济合作与发展组 织(OECD)合作,共同起草“保障高等教育跨国界办学 量 ” 的 指导方针;以及项目 5.23:关于国 际传统竞赛和体育运动宪章的可行性及范围的初步报告。
At its fifth and sixth meetings on 6 October 2005, the Commission examined the following five items: 8.1 “Draft international convention against doping in sport”, 5.3 “Implementation of 32 C/Resolution 54 concerning educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories”, 5.24 “Proposed establishment of the International Centre for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Africa (CIEFFA) under the auspices of UNESCO, in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)”, [...]
5.8 “Cooperation between UNESCO and
OECD in drafting guidelines on ‘Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education’”, and 5.23 “Preliminary report on the desirability and scope of an international charter on traditional games and sports”.




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