单词 | 吸收 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吸收verb—absorbvless common: incorporatev uptakev recruitv 吸收noun—absorptionn absorbencyn 吸收noun, plural—absorbspl吸收—assimilate ingest Examples:吸收性n—absorptionn absorptivityn 吸收器n—absorbern 吸收剂量—absorbed dose See also:吸v—absorbv syphonv 吸—breathe inhale suck in
两种开办形式都可为吸收性和生 产性的能力建设提供支持,包括教育和支持当地的就业。 daccess-ods.un.org | Either form of organization [...] may supportabsorptive and productive [...]capability-building, including education and support for local employment. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,将继续开发适当的监督工具,如手册、规则、政策和指导 原则,并将吸收专业良好做法和联合国良好做法。 wipo.int | In addition, appropriate oversight tools, such as manuals, policies and guidelines will continue to be developed and will incorporate professional and UN good practices. wipo.int |
微波一般可穿透塑胶、纸张、 玻璃及陶瓷等物料;但有些物料会吸收微波的部分能量,食物可吸收的能量因而减低。 cfs.gov.hk | Nevertheless, some [...] of themmayabsorb certain amount of microwave energy and hence reduce the amount of energy to be absorbedbyfood. cfs.gov.hk |
巴基斯坦相 信,朝鲜将采取措施,吸收所有利益攸关方参与,改善人权状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pakistan was confident that the State would take steps to improve the human rights situation by involving all stakeholders. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织办事处中缺乏具有专业知识的国际工作人员,在过去的计划实施中 [...] 落下缺乏连续性的名声,在众多的教科文组织小规模经常方案活动中吸收一小部分教科文组 织成员,所有这些并未使该国成为一个可进行大规模合作的合作伙伴。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The lack of professional international staff in the UNESCO office, its [...] spotty reputation for programme delivery in [...] the past, the absorption ofitssmall number [...]of staff in numerous small UNESCO [...]regular programme activities, did not make the country office a likely partner for larger-scale collaboration. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,咨询委员会认为,还应与信息和通信技术厅协作,在每个工 [...] 作地点信息技术人员配置资源总体能力的范围内,审查支助出入控制信 息技术系统的人员配置所需资源,以便实现效率和在现有能力范围内吸 收这些职能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the Advisory Committee considers that the staffing requirements for supporting access control information technology systems should also be reviewed in the context of the overall capacity of information technology staffing resources at each duty station, in coordination with the Office of Information and [...] Communications Technology, with the intention of [...] achieving efficienciesand absorbing those functions within [...]existing capacity. daccess-ods.un.org |
开发利用开放数据的机会需要有吸收能力和协作学习的新模式,包括众包,从而可能以这些数据为基础创造杜会 [...] 和商业价值。 daccess-ods.un.org | Exploiting the opportunities of open [...] data requires the absorptive capabilities and [...]new patterns of collaborative learning, [...]including crowdsourcing, which make it possible to build social and commercial value on these data foundations. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 新的退伍军人部,任务是确保保护和保障曾经参与该国的解放斗争但 未被吸收入军队者的权利,并负责“保护和扞卫南非的民主、完整和国家主 [...] 权”。 daccess-ods.un.org | d) the new Department of Military Veterans with the mandate to ensure the protection and safeguarding of the rights of those who were [...] involved in the country’s liberation [...] struggle butwere not absorbedin the armed forces [...]and entrusted with the responsibility [...]to “protect and defend the South African democracy, integrity and sovereignty of the State”. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果没有这些领域的专门人才以及一个终身学习和教育系统,发展中国家将更不能吸收新的技术,创新并参与全球知识经济的竞争。 iprcommission.org | Without people skilled in these professions and a system of life-long learning [...] and education, developing countries will [...] be lessabletoabsorb newtechnologies, [...]generate innovation, and compete in the global knowledge economy. iprcommission.org |
因此,对会员国来说,方案(b)可能更容易接受,在这种情况下,总干事将承诺 在实际零增长的预算上限内吸收贝尔蒙计划贷款的偿还及安全措施的开支,并在这个总预算 [...] 范围内对某些领域进行加强。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Hence, option (b) might be more acceptable to Member States [...] and in this case the Director-General [...] would undertake to absorb the requirements [...]for the Belmont Plan loan repayment and [...]security measures within the ZRG budget ceiling and would also provide for strengthening of certain areas within this budget envelope. unesdoc.unesco.org |
粮食署还吸收非政府组织参与学校供 餐以及两性平等政策的制订和执行工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | WFP also engagesNGOs in school feeding and gender policy development and implementation. daccess-ods.un.org |
( d ) 深度冷却液化进程第一步形成的氯气表以便只剩余极少量的氯,在经过苛性 钠溶液中的吸收过程之后,这部分氯会被分解成氧和氯化钠。 multilateralfund.org | (d) To deep cool the chlorine gas table from the first liquefaction step so that only a very limited amount of [...] chlorine remains, which can then be decomposed to oxygen and [...] sodium chloride afterabsorption in acaustic soda [...]solution. multilateralfund.org |
经过多年 [...] 向好发展後,我们开始看到直接到户市场增长的具体例子,新的直接到户服务吸收了区内 Ku 波段整体过 剩的容量。 asiasat.com | After years of promise, we are starting to see [...] concrete examples of growth in the DTH market, with [...] new DTHservices absorbingoverall surplus Ku-band [...]capacity in the region. asiasat.com |
这两项因素是:是否存在着国内的 创业人材,国内是否具有吸收能力,包括是否制定有关的法律框架以及国内管理 [...] 能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | These are the existence of domestic entrepreneurship [...] and domesticabsorptive capacity, including [...]the development of relevant legal [...]frameworks and domestic management capacity. daccess-ods.un.org |
她说,特别筹资机制应该有明确的范围,规定获取资本的途 [...] 径,最初可以用缔约方和其他方面的自愿捐款作为资本,可以吸收在评估气候市场方面存 在的风险,提供机会以处理超出《议定书》第 [...]10 条要求的环境惠益,成 为 接受有一定溢价 的投资利得的途径。 multilateralfund.org | She said that the facility should have a clear scope; provide a means of accessing capital; could be initially capitalized by [...] voluntary contributions from Parties [...] and othersources; absorb risks in accessing [...]climate markets; provide an opportunity [...]to address environmental benefits beyond those required by Article 10 of the Protocol; and serve as a means of receiving a return on investment with some premium. multilateralfund.org |
另外,执行支助股争取扩大关于援助受害者的协作,吸收一些不经 常参与《公约》工作的行为方,比如世界卫生组织、国际劳工组织、国际残疾人 和发展联盟以及联合国人权事务高级专员办事处。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the ISU sought to broaden collaboration on victim assistance to include a number of actors that do not regularly participate in the work of the Convention, including the World Health Organisation, the International Labour Organisation, the International Disability and Development Consortium and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
青色吸收了红色并反射或透 过绿色和蓝色,品色吸收了绿色并反射或透过红色和蓝色,而黄色吸收了蓝色并反射或透 过红色和绿色。 motion.kodak.com | Thecyan absorbs redand reflects or transmits green and blue, the magenta absorbsgreen and reflects or transmits red and blue, and theyellowabsorbs blue and reflects [...] or transmits red and green. motion.kodak.com |
建议在《防 治荒漠化公约》进程中让定期科学同行审评发挥作用,以此为手段,不仅可促进吸收新的观点,对不断发展的科学、用户需要以及因执行《公约》而产生的具体 目标做出回应,而且还有利于树立指标系统的可信度,以及应对《公约》涉及的 [...] 其他科学问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was recommended that a role be [...] built into the UNCCD [...] process for periodic scientific peer reviews as a means not only to facilitate integration of newideas in [...]response to evolving [...]science, user needs and specific objectives arising from the implementation of the Convention, but also to build credibility for the indicator system, as well as other scientific issues addressed by the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
若要使执行获得成功, 尽可能广泛地征求和吸收各种意见至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | It will be essential to [...] encourage and assimilate as wide a range [...]of views as possible if implementation is to be successful. daccess-ods.un.org |
(g) 努力吸收有关的指南和良好做法,包括医疗、康复、心理支持以及融 入社会和经济生活等方面的指南和良好做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) strive toincorporate relevant guidelines and good practices including in the areas of medical care, rehabilitation and psychological support, as well as social and economic inclusion. daccess-ods.un.org |
这类系统也可用来整合与减轻有关的补偿 值,例如通过水域系统的碳吸收。 fao.org | Such a system can also be used to incorporate compensatory valuesassociated with mitigation, for example through carbon sequestrationin aquatic systems. fao.org |
周淑敏女士指,公众关注纳米技术对人体健康的影响,当中包括纳米粒子成为间接 的食物污染源、改变体内的吸收和代谢情况、纳米粒子的未知毒性,以及缺乏评估纳米 [...] 粒子安全性的有效分析方法和预测模式。 cfs.gov.hk | Among these were NPs as indirect sources of food contaminants, the [...] alteration of absorption profileand body [...]metabolism, unknown toxicity of NPs and [...]the lack of effective analytical methods and predictive model to evaluate safety of NPs. cfs.gov.hk |
大气中能够吸收和散发热红外线辐射的气体,这 个过程是导致温室效应的根本原因,因为部分被吸收後散发 的再辐射会反射到地球表面及低层大气,导致平均地表温度 上升,高於没有温室气体时的平均地表温度。 swirepacific.com | Greenhouse Gas (“GHG”) A gas in the atmospherethat absorbsand emits radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental [...] cause of the greenhouse [...]effect because part of the re-radiation is back towards the surface of the earth and the lower atmosphere, resulting in an elevation of the average surface temperature above what it would be in the absence of greenhouse gases. swirepacific.com |
国家、地方当局和非营利组织经常吸收父母,在某种程度上也吸引目标群 体的儿童参与和开发家庭服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The state, local authorities and non-profit associations regularly involve families, parents and to a certain extent also children as their target groups in developing and providing services for families. daccess-ods.un.org |
健全知识产权体制可以增加高技术的进 [...] 口,技术转让也因此得以实现(如资本货物所体现的),但没有人敢保证国内经济可以吸 收这些技术,并将之作为进一步革新的基础。 iprcommission.org | If high technology imports increase as a result of strengthening IP regimes, a transfer of technology may be achieved (for example, as embodied in capital goods), but there [...] is no guarantee that the domestic economy [...] will becapableof absorbing that technology as [...]a basis for further innovation. iprcommission.org |
讨论和评论主要围绕投资政策审查报告建议所涉六个主要方面进行:(a) 促 进越南经济的新领域尤其是服务部门的直接外资;(b) 采用侵扰性较低的做法进行 投资管理,并减轻 管理负担; (c) 大力处理持续增长面临的潜在制约因素,包括基 [...] 础设施和熟练工人的提供和质量问题;(d) 出于有效性和竞争力的原因,确保商业 性国有企业和私营公司获得公正 和公平的待遇;(e) [...] 简化税制,在成本效益分析基 础上审查对投资实行的财 政奖励办法;(f)吸收最近通过的改革举措,并确保这些 举措在越南 [...]64 省都能得到一致的实施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Discussion and comments revolved mainly around the six main areas of recommendations of the IPR: (a) promoting FDI in new areas of Viet Nam’s economy, particularly the services sectors; (b) adopting a less intrusive approach to investment regulation and reducing the administrative burden; (c) forcefully addressing potential constraints to sustained growth, including the availability and quality of infrastructure and skilled workers; (d) ensuring a fair and equitable treatment between commercially-oriented State-owned enterprises and private companies, for reasons of effectiveness and competitiveness; (e) simplifying the tax system and reviewing fiscal [...] incentives to investment based on a cost/benefit [...] analysis; and (f)absorbing the reforms recently [...]adopted and ensuring their [...]coherent application throughout Viet Nam’s 64 provinces. daccess-ods.un.org |