单词 | 吸尽 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吸尽 —drink upabsorb completelySee also:吸 v—absorb v • syphon v 尽 n—end n • the greatest extent n • the limit (of sth) n 尽 adj—the utmost adj • (when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme adj 尽 v—finish v • use up v • give priority to v
此类争议意味着要在开放条约吸引尽 可 能 多的参与方与保护公约完整 性这两个相互矛盾的要求之间达致平衡,而这种平衡向来难以评估;以 及 daccess-ods.un.org | They imply a balance — always difficult to assess — between the contradictory requirements of opening the treaty to the broadest possible participation and preserving its integrity; and daccess-ods.un.org |
这种策略和大多数公司不同,三星电子<005930.KS>和诺基亚 youngchinabiz.com | That strategy differs greatly from what most other companies do, with big names like Samsung (Seoul: 005930) [...] and Nokia (Helsinki: NOK1V) usually developing many different models to try to [...] appeal to as many customers as possible. youngchinabiz.com |
我们希望吸引尽可能 多的通过网站尽可能的全新成员,我们有一个新的成员只在网上选择下载当前的(和过去的)通讯,并形成这些最新通讯通过电子邮件接收文章,尽快,因为他们成为可用本次认购英镑的费用每年10(不包含会议的折扣),但不提供这些新成员邮递英国印刷通讯。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | We hope to attract as many as possible entirely [...] new Members via the website, and we have a new, Online-Only membership option [...]to download current (and past) Newsletters, and receive Articles forming these Newletters by email, as soon as they become available, and this subscription costs £10 per annum (this includes no rights to Conference discounts) but not to offer these new Members postal delivery of printed UK Newsletters. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
由于缺乏在欧洲层面上的详尽的移民政策和欧洲人才市场上高技术人员的严重匮乏,在过去几 年中,欧盟各国已经进入了人才争夺战时期和试图通过提供便利的移民政策 来 吸 引 尽 可 能 多的来 自第三世界国家的专业人才。 flanders-china.be | n the absence of an elaborate immigration policy on a larger European level, and further to the shortage of highly skilled people on the European labor market, EU Member States have entered into a [...] battle for brainpower and [...] are trying to attract as many third country professionals as possible by [...]facilitating their immigration [...]rules for this category of employees over the past few years. flanders-china.be |
仅在北京我们已发现有超过135家餐厅提供 非 吸 烟 区 , 尽 管 这 一数字与巨大的餐厅数量相比之下显得很小,但这是一个好的开始。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | We have found over 135 restaurants [...] that offer smoke-free areas in Beijing alone and while this is only [...]small compared to the huge [...]amount of restaurants on offer, it is a start. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
优先 使用吸附浮木档栅或吸附垫,尽量少 用疏松粉 末或纤维,因为经常难以对后者进行回收。 itopf.org | The use of sorbent booms or mats is preferred [...] over loose powders or fibres as collection of the latter is often unachievable. itopf.org |
这个法令 将使缅甸对外国投资者更具吸引力, 尽 管 很 多方面将取 决于具体的实施条令。 crisisgroup.org | The legislation should make [...] the country more attractive for foreign investors, [...]although much will depend on the detailed implementing regulations. crisisgroup.org |
不过,贸易的惠益这一次在 1990 年代已经被吸收殆尽,事 实上,劳动密集 国家的贸易条件自 2000 年以来已经恶化。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, this time the gains of trade had already been captured by the 1990s, and since 2000 the terms of trade of labour-abundant countries have, in fact, deteriorated. daccess-ods.un.org |
为减小气穴产生的影响,请考虑吸 油侧的配管条件,以尽量减少吸入 负压。 nachi-fujikoshi.co.jp | Condition of inflow piping must produces as little inflow load pressure as possible to minimize effect of cavitation. nachi-fujikoshi.co.jp |
在 6.1 亿美元的预算最高额范围内消化吸收 5,700 万美元尽管困难重重,但仍 然得以实现。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The absorption of the amount of $57 million within the [...] $610 million budget ceiling has posed enormous difficulties, yet it has been accomplished. unesdoc.unesco.org |
非按第 5 条行事缔约国将要求生产氟氯化碳计量吸入器的公司采取一切经济上可行 的措施,在生产计量吸入器期间尽量 减少氟氯化碳的排放 multilateralfund.org | That Parties not operating under Article 5 will request companies manufacturing CFC-MDIs to take all economically feasible steps to minimize CFC emissions during the manufacture of MDIs multilateralfund.org |
贸发会议还就联合国全系统的媒体外联日历与新闻部密切协 作,以确保尽量吸引媒体对日内瓦及实地工作的关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNCTAD coordinates closely with DPI on the United Nations–wide calendar for media outreach to ensure maximum media attention both in Geneva and in the field. daccess-ods.un.org |
行政管理部门将继续采取补救和控制措施 , 尽 量 减 小这 种吸收措施的影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | ADM will continue to undertake corrective and control [...] measures to minimize the impact of such absorption. unesdoc.unesco.org |
尽可能降低抽吸要求,以实现 泵的最大性能。 graco.com | Minimize suction requirements to maximize [...] pump performance. graco.com |
第二,它们调整了使用这些资料的 方式,以便将 162 EX/6 提出的关于(增加)内容的要 求尽可能多地吸收进去。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Secondly, they adjusted the manner in which that information was presented so that it encompassed as many of the requirements of document 162 EX/6 in respect of (added) content as possible. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在山中生活,必须经得起各种各样的挑战:倾斜的陆地、陡峭的山崖、贫乏的植物以及强烈的温差对动物实际上并没有很大 的 吸 引 力 , 尽 管 如此山中还是生活着多各种动物。 swissworld.org | The mountains are a challenging environment, with steep cliffs and barren rocks, sparse vegetation and extremes of temperature. swissworld.org |
因此,本组织当前依然面临着需要尽 可 能 吸 收 因 通货膨胀和法定因素造成费用 增长的难题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Thus, today the Organization is still confronted with the [...] difficult challenge of absorbing as much inflationary [...]and statutory cost increases as possible. unesdoc.unesco.org |
计划的目的是逐步让 工作人员分批到位,以尽量减少对调查工作的干扰,并为书记官长提供足够充裕 的时间,以便尽可能有效地吸纳大 批工作人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | The plan is intended to phase in staff gradually in order both to minimize disruption to the [...] investigation work and to provide the Registry [...] with adequate time to absorb a large number of staff as efficiently as possible. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种情 况下,耦合剂被挑选出来被制造染料 , 尽 可 能 只 吸 收 光 谱中自己区域内的波长。 motion.kodak.com | In this case, the couplers are selected to produce dyes that will, as [...] closely as possible, absorb only in their respective [...]regions of the spectrum. motion.kodak.com |
鼓励各缔约方促请在其领土范围内的每一 计 吸 器 制 造公 司 尽 力 寻 求核准该公司在其 国内和出口市场中销售不含氟氯化碳的代用品,并要求各缔约方于 [...] 2002 年 1 月 31 日之前 以及此后每年向秘书处提交一份有关此项努力的全面报告 multilateralfund.org | 4. To encourage each Party to [...] urge each metered-dose inhaler company within its territory [...]to diligently seek approval for [...]the company's chlorofluorocarbon-free alternatives in its domestic and export markets, and to require each Party to provide a general report on such efforts to the Secretariat by 31 January 2002 and each year thereafter multilateralfund.org |
尽管通过宣传吸引了 不少双 边援助,但来自教科文组织的资金很少。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Little funding was directed through [...] UNESCO, although the surrounding publicity attracted substantial [...]bilateral aid. unesdoc.unesco.org |
最后,还应指出,目前 联合国教科文组织正在筹备将于首脑会议期间举行的活动, 并 尽 量 吸 收 非政府国际组织的参 与。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Finally, it is worth noting the currently ongoing preparations of UNESCOorganized events at the Summit, with the participation of NGOs as appropriate. unesdoc.unesco.org |
秘书长在对根据第 14 条提出拟议资源进行审查之后, 将尽一切努力吸收 87 600 美元的额外费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General, following a review of the resources proposed under section 14, would [...] make every effort to absorb the additional cost [...]of $87,600. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些会员国认为, 由于尽可能吸收了不同的观点,修订的建议书 草案兼顾了各方关注的问题,而且似乎在各方的利益之间取得了恰当的平衡。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several Member States considered that, by incorporating as much as possible the different positions formulated, the revised draft recommendation took into account all the concerns of the various parties involved and appeared to strike a suitable balance between the different interests. unesdoc.unesco.org |
委员会力求尽最大可能在工作上与其他机构协调, 并 尽 可 能 广泛 地 吸 收其 主管领域各方面的专门知识。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee has sought to coordinate its work with that of other bodies to the greatest extent possible and to draw as widely as it can on available expertise in the fields of its competence. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管 吸附物 在陆地泄漏事故中广泛使用,但在海洋 环境中部署和回收的效果相对较差一些。 itopf.org | Although used extensively on land based spills, the deployment and recovery of sorbents in a marine environment [...] is less effective. itopf.org |
尽管妇女吸烟人数比男子的少,但男 子吸烟人数已达到顶点,而妇女吸烟人数还在增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the smoking rate for women [...] is lower than that for men, male rates have already peaked and female rates are on the rise. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管谷类吸收硼 的量较少,但与受精花卉和种子相比仍有 相对高的硼需求量,因此在硼含量低的土壤中产量降低。 fertilizer.org | Despite the small amount of B uptake by cereals, these [...] crops have a relatively high B requirement for flower fertilization [...]and seed set (Shorrocks, 1997) and, thus, suffer yield losses in low B soil situations. fertilizer.org |
起草未来的生物伦理普遍准则宣言的第一阶段工作有以下特点:一方面,从起草《宣 言》文本的最初阶段开始,就尽可能 广泛 地 吸 收 所有有关方面参与这一工作;另一方面,国 际生物伦理委员会及其起草小组开展的磋商工作具有透明度。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The first phase of work to draw up the future declaration on universal norms on bioethics was characterized on the one hand by the greatest possible involvement of all the actors concerned from the earliest stages of the drafting of the text and, on the other hand, by the transparency of the consultation process followed by IBC and its Drafting Group. unesdoc.unesco.org |
主席说,他将尽一切努力吸引管 理国参与,推 进特别委员会的任务,并向非自治领土派遣视察团, 以收集关于非自治领土的准确信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | said that he would make every effort to engage administering Powers in furtherance of the Special Committee’s mandate and to send visiting missions in order to gather accurate information on the Non-Self-Governing Territories. daccess-ods.un.org |