单词 | 吸入器 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吸入器—inhalerSee also:吸入n—inhalationn suctionn 吸入—inhale breathe in suck in 吸—breathe inhale suck in 吸v—absorbv syphonv
余下的两个项目属于议程项目 7(g)下审议的投资活动,包括:德国的也门最终淘汰 土壤熏蒸中的甲基溴;意大利的印度转向无氟氯化碳计量吸入器的国家战略和淘汰药用计量吸入器制造中的氟氯化碳计划。 multilateralfund.org | The remaining two projects were among the investment activities considered under agenda item 7(g), covering: for Germany, the terminal phase-out of methyl bromide in soil fumigation in Yemen; and for Italy, the national strategy for transition to non-CFCMDIs and the plan for phase-out of CFCs in the manufacture of pharmaceutical MDIsin India. multilateralfund.org |
她说,执行委员会不妨注意到在议程项目 7(a)综合业务计划下已就 氟氯化碳计量吸入器项目作出决定,因此这些申请只有在未来该决定规定的条件(见第 51/34 号决定)得到满足之后举行的会议才能审议。 multilateralfund.org | She said that the Executive Committee might wish to note that a decision had been taken under agenda item 7(a), Consolidated business plan, with reference to CFC-MDI projects, and that those requests could only be considered at a future meeting after the conditions set out in that decision had been met (see decision 51/34). multilateralfund.org |
执行委员会还采纳了有关修改与中国签订的化工生产行业协定的建议,以便允许在 2012 [...] 年生产供出口的药用级氟氯化碳,并进行一次年度审查,以便符合缔约方在第 XXIII/2 [...] 号决定中为其他国家核准的 2012 年关于计量吸入器的必 要用途豁免, 但出口国须 已建立报告和核查制度,并且报告和核查制度收集并报告某些具体信息,还请世界银行作 [...][...] 为中国氟氯化碳生产淘汰计划的执行机构提供服务,开展核查和审计,并代表中国向执行 委员会提交报告(第 66/54 号决定,(b)和(c)分段)。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee also adopted the recommendation to modify the production sector agreement with China to allow the production for export of pharmaceutical grade CFCs in 2012, with an annual review, for purposes of [...] meeting the 2012 essential use exemption [...] for metered-dose inhalers authorized [...]by the Parties in decision XXIII/2, provided [...]the exporting country had reporting and verification systems in place and that the reporting and verification systems collected and reported on some specific information and requested the World Bank, as the implementing agency, to provide its services in carrying out the verification/audit and to submit reports to the Executive Committee on behalf of China (decision 66/54, sub-paragraphs (b) and (c)). multilateralfund.org |
由于计量吸入器的推进剂构成了大部分(往往超过 98%)配方,而使用这些药物的患者特 [...] 别易感气道刺激或毒性,因此对这些推进剂必须进行大范围的测试。 multilateralfund.org | Since the [...] propellantsin MDIs comprise the large [...]majority of the formulation (often in excess of 98 per cent), and the patients [...]using these drugs are particularly vulnerable to airway irritation or toxicity, extensive testing had to be conducted on these propellants. multilateralfund.org |
第三部分:核查 2006 年中国生产行业的氟氯化碳进出口情况;重新部署前南斯拉 夫的马其顿共和国为一个撤销的项目所购买的气雾剂装备,将其用于在 科特迪瓦的 COPACI [...] 公司的气雾剂项目;关于在埃及淘汰计量 吸入器制造中氟氯化碳消费的技术提供者的报告;经修订的阿拉伯利比亚民众 [...]国哈龙库项目的可持续性计划。 multilateralfund.org | Section III: Verification of CFC imports and exports for 2006 in China production sector; redeployment of the aerosol equipment purchased for a cancelled project in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYR Macedonia) to be utilized in the COPACI aerosol project in Côte d’Ivoire; report on the technology provider [...] for the phase-out of CFC consumption in [...] the manufacture of MDIs inEgypt; and the [...]revised plan for the sustainability of [...]a halon banking project in Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. multilateralfund.org |
执行委员会希 [...] 望,在今后两年内,巴基斯坦将继续执行其国家方案、与氟氯烃淘汰有关的国家淘汰活 动,以及与使用氟氯化碳的计量吸入器淘汰有关的剩余活动,并在根据其对《蒙特利尔议 [...]定书》的承诺实现长期淘汰消耗臭氧层物质方面取得突出成就。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee is hopeful that in the next two years, Pakistan will continue with the implementation of its country programme, national phase-out activities relating [...] to HCFC phase-out and remaining activities [...] relating to CFC MDI phase-out, with [...]outstanding success to achieve sustained ODS [...]phase-out in line with its commitment under the Montreal Protocol. multilateralfund.org |
(c) 德国政府指出,缔约方会议的第 XVIII/16 号决定(“第 XVIII/16 号决定:一 些生产使用氟氯化碳的计量吸入器的第5 条缔约方所面临的困难”)可能与 这个问题相关。 multilateralfund.org | (c) The Government of Germany pointed to the potential relevance of decision XVIII/16 of the Meeting of the Parties “Decision XVIII/16: Difficulties faced by some Article 5 Parties manufacturing metered-doseinhalers which use chlorofluorocarbons”. multilateralfund.org |
评价多年期项目和计量吸入器项目继续以前的工作;评价淘汰氟氯烃的筹备阶段的案例研究是一项新的活动。 multilateralfund.org | The evaluation of MYA projects and metered-doseinhalers (MDIs) continued earlier work; the desk study on the evaluation of the preparatory phase of phasing out HCFCs was a new activity. multilateralfund.org |
工发组织的代表提及淘汰计量吸入器用途氟氯化碳的项目,他表示,阿尔及利亚、 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国等三国报告了计量吸入器用途中的氟氯化 碳消费量,并建议将之列入范本。 multilateralfund.org | The representative of UNIDO, referring to the projects for the [...] phase-out of CFCs in [...] metered-doseinhaler (MDI) applications, said that three countries – Algeria, the Syrian Arab Republic and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela – had reported CFC consumption in MDI applications and suggested their inclusion in the model. multilateralfund.org |
由于剩余的 CFC-12 消费量大部分在制冷设备维修行业,全国 CFC-12 消费量在扣 除了储存数量以及计量吸入器和药 用气雾剂的消费量之后,可以很好地显示维修行业的消 费量。 multilateralfund.org | As the remaining CFC-12 consumption was mostly in the refrigeration servicing sector, after making allowances for stockpiling and consumption in the MDI and pharmaceutical aerosols sector, the national CFC-12 consumption provided a good indication of consumption in the servicing sector. multilateralfund.org |
目前,对于大多数患 者,释放呼吸药物的两种主要方法是计量剂量 吸入器(MDI)和干粉吸入器(DPI)。 ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch | Currently the two main methods of delivering respiratory drugs for most patients are the metered dose inhaler (MDI) and the dry powder inhaler(DPI). ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch |
开发计划署提交了加纳计量吸入器过渡 战略,供资金额为 30,000 美元,并指出,开 [...] 发计划署已经提供了第 51/34(d)号决定要求提供的有关支持文件和资料。 multilateralfund.org | UNDP had proposedan MDI transition strategy [...] for Ghana to be funded at the level of US $30,000 and it was noted that UNDP [...]had provided the relevant supporting documentation and information required under decision 51/34(d). multilateralfund.org |
本协定是对执行委员会与中国之间的下列三份 协定的补充: (1)第二十三次会议上关于淘汰哈龙行业的哈龙的协定; (2)第二十七 次会议上关于淘汰中国的氟氯化碳生产的协定;以及(3)第三十五次会议上关于淘汰中国 聚氨酯泡沫塑料行业中的各类氟氯化碳的协定,但仍在编制中的两个剩余行业、即计量吸 入器生产淘汰氟氯化碳和药用气雾剂淘汰氟氯化碳的计划不在其例。 multilateralfund.org | This Agreement supplements the Agreements between the Executive Committee and China entered into (1) at the 23rd Meeting for phase-out of halons in the halon sector, (2) at the 27th Meeting for the phase-out of CFC production in China, and (3) at the 35th Meeting for the phase-out of CFCs in the polyurethane foam sector in China. multilateralfund.org |
虽然计量吸入器用途氯氟化碳消费为 零,哥伦比亚政府和卫生当局对计量吸入器次级 行业非常担忧,并申请资金来制定一个计量吸入器过渡战略,该战略将会确立一个清晰的氯氟化碳计量吸入器进口取代时间表、促 进和支持淘汰这些产品的条例及提高医师意识和患者对氯氟化碳计量吸入器替代物的接受 度的方案。 multilateralfund.org | Although [...] CFC consumption forMDIs was nil, theGovernment of Colombia and the health authorities were concerned about the MDI sub-sector and requested funding for the development ofanMDI transitionstrategy that will establish a clear schedule for import substitution of CFC-MDIs, regulations that will promote and support the phase-out of these products, and a programme that will raise physician awareness and patient acceptance of alternatives to CFC-MDIs. multilateralfund.org |
俄罗斯联邦代表感谢医疗技术选择委员会审议了用于计量吸入器的氯氟化 碳提名并批准了所请求的数量,同时表示俄罗斯联邦致力于开展必要的活动, 以便按计划逐步淘汰氯氟化碳。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | The representative of the Russian Federation thanked the Medical Technical Options Committee for considering its nomination for the use of CFCs in metered-dose inhalersand for authorizing the requested amount, stating that the party was committed to undertaking the necessary activities to comply with the planned phase-out of CFCs. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
一成员表示,尽管尼加 拉瓜提供了支持计量吸入器过渡 战略申请的详细方案,但看来执行这一战略并不需要补充 [...] 的资金。 multilateralfund.org | One Member stated that while Nicaragua had [...] provided an elaborate programme supporting [...] its request for an MDI transition strategy, [...]it appear that it did not require any [...]new funding to implement that strategy. multilateralfund.org |
他表示,已从供一揽子核准的清单中删去了吉尔吉斯斯坦计量吸入器过渡 战略的编制,并在该清单中增加了两个项目供一揽子核准,即:刚果民主共和 [...] 国溶剂行业消耗臭氧层物质结束性淘汰的总体项目,以及关于印度尼西亚附件 A(第一类) 和附件 B(第二类)物质国家淘汰计划的拨款请求。 multilateralfund.org | He indicated [...] that the developmentof the MDI transition [...]strategy for Kyrgyzstan had been removed from the list for blanket [...]approval, and that the umbrella project for terminal phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the tranche request for the NPP for Annex A (Group I) and Annex B (Groups II and II) substances for Indonesia had been added to the list for blanket approval. multilateralfund.org |
在 GSK 开发的数种氢氟烷烃-计量吸入器中,活性成分悬浮(而 不是溶解)在氢氟烷烃中,这就需要有更复杂的设备(也即可单段灌装的设备)并使用特 殊的容器(从纯铝罐向镀聚四氟乙烯铝罐过渡,费用为 0.37 美元)、定量阀(0.15 美元) 和 定量触动器(0.05 美元)。 multilateralfund.org | The active ingredient in several of the HFA-MDIs that have been developed by GSK is in suspension (and not in solution) in HFA, which requires more complex equipment (i.e., to allow for a single stage filling) and the use of specific cans (from plain aluminium to PTFE coated at a cost US $0.37), metering valve (US $0.15) and a metering actuator (US $0.05). multilateralfund.org |
执行委员会注意到,印度尼西亚政府承诺在 2009 年底之前完成淘汰计量吸入器制造中的氟氯化碳的,决定核准印度尼西亚的计量吸入器技术援助方案,供资额为 155,000 美 元,外加给世界银行的机构支助费用 13,950 美元,但有一项谅解,即:基金不再为印度尼 [...] 西亚淘汰氟氯化碳核准任何资金。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee, having noted the commitment of the Government of Indonesia to the [...] complete phase-out of [...] CFC consumption usedin the manufacturing of MDIs by the end of 2009, decided to approvethe MDI technical assistance [...]programme in Indonesia [...]at the amount of US $155,000 plus agency support costs of US $13,950 for the World Bank, on the understanding that no more funding would be approved from the Fund for the phase-out of CFCs in Indonesia. multilateralfund.org |
孟加拉国代表提请各位与会者注意,他的国家已经成功兑现了在 2012 年 淘汰计量吸入器中使用氯氟化碳的承诺。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | The representative of Bangladesh drew attention to his party’s success in complying with its commitment to phase out the use of CFCs in metered-dose inhalersin 2012. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
鉴于经调整后供资金额将达到 100,000 美元,如果不为 [...] Zafa 和 Macter 提供转换资金,因调整后的支助费用将使得开发计划署无 法充分执行项目,需额外申请 100,000 美元,以便提供监督和核查所有计量吸入器制造企 业是否转换。 multilateralfund.org | Given that the level of funding, after adjustments, would amount to US $100,000, the resulting support costs would not allow UNDP to implement the project adequately, and an additional US $100,000 had been requested to provide oversight and [...] verification of the conversion [...] in all the MDI manufacturing enterprises if the conversion of both Zafaand Macter was not funded. multilateralfund.org |
医疗技术选择委员会共同主席 Helen Tope 女士介绍了该委员会就其对中 国提交的有关 2013 年用于计量吸入器的氯氟化碳必要用途提名的补充信息所 做审查编写的增编报告。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Ms. Helen Tope, co-chair of the Medical Technical Options Committee, presented the Committee’s addendum report on its review of additional information provided by China for its 2013 essential use-nomination of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) for metered-dose inhalers. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
在与工发组织深入讨论该项目的其他基本要素时,秘书处表示,考虑到该行业的氟 氯化碳消费量,正在审议的只是一个实验室的替代工作,以及墨西哥的其他公司已可大量 供应使用氢氟烷烃和干粉吸入器的计量吸入器等事实,项目编制工作可以用低于工发组织 所申请数额的费用完成。 multilateralfund.org | In further discussing other elements of the project with UNIDO, the Secretariat indicated that, considering the amount of CFC consumption in the sector, the fact that only one laboratory is being considered for replacement, and the fact that Mexico already has a large supply of MDIs using both HFA and DPIs from other companies, the project preparation could be done at a lower cost than that requested by UNIDO. multilateralfund.org |
自不限成员名额工作 组会议召开以来,中国向评估小组提供了其关于在含有传统中药的计量 吸入器中使用氯氟化碳的必要用途提名的额外资料。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Since the meeting of the Open-ended Working Group, China had provided to the Panel additional information on its essential-use nomination for the use of CFCs in metered-dose inhalerscontaining traditional Chinese medicines. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
中国已根据不限成员名额工作组第三十二次会议的双 边讨论结果提交了补充信息,以支持其对用于含有传统中药活性成分的计量吸 入器的氯氟化碳的提名。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Following bilateral discussions during the thirty-second meeting of the Open-ended Working Group, China had provided additional information supporting its nomination regarding CFC metered-doseinhalers containing traditional Chinese medicines as active ingredients. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
Tope 女士表示,尽管传统中药与现代医药不属于同一 [...] 科学学科,有其自身的作用原理,但尚无证据表明与其它不含氯氟化碳的、治 疗哮喘的传统中药相比,含有传统中药的氯氟化碳计量吸入器的功效有所增 强。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Ms. Tope stated that while traditional Chinese medicine had its own rationale not subjectable to the same scientific discipline as modern medicine, evidence had not been provided that [...] demonstrated the improved efficacy of [...] CFC metered-dose inhalers containing traditional [...]Chinese medicines as compared with [...]other, CFC-free forms of traditional Chinese medicines for asthma. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
选择最适当的药物和吸入器是由医生和患者根 据许多方面的因素(包括疾病及其严重程度、依从性、 [...] 使用的轻松程度、成本、可获得性及患者的偏爱)来 决定的。 ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch | The choice of the most [...] suitable drugsand inhalerare decided by [...]physician and patient based on many factors including disease [...]and severity, compliance, ease of use, cost, availability and patient preference. ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch |