

单词 吴作栋

See also:

surname Wu
name of states in Southern China at different historical periods
area comprising southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai

ridgepole (old)
classifier for houses or buildings

External sources (not reviewed)

在此期间,新加坡前总吴作栋与缅 甸高级领导人 会晤,会晤时,他对昂山素姬被捕一事表示“失望”,并敦促缅 [...]
During this period, Singapore’s former Prime Minister
[...] Goh Chok Tong met with top Myanmar leaders [...]
where he expressed “dismay” at Aung
Sung Suu Kyi’s arrest and urged the government to hold fair and transparent elections.
新加坡投资商静待缅甸选举》,美联社,2009 年 6 月 12 日; 《新加坡前总吴作栋敦促 缅甸继续推进国家和解进程》,新 加坡亚洲新闻频道,2009 [...]
年 6 月 12 日。
Singapore investors wait on Myanmar
polls”, Associated Press, 12 June
[...] 2009; “SM Goh urges Myanmar to continue with national reconciliation [...]
process”, Channel NewsAsia, 12 June 2009.
今天,是第56届董事会的就职典礼,我谨代表新加坡中华总商会全体同仁,感 吴作栋 资 政 和各位嘉宾亲临总商会,见证这历史性的重要时刻。
On behalf of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, I would like to express my appreciation to Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and all distinguished guests for coming here today to witness this important occasion.
首先,我谨代表新加坡中华总商会,热烈欢迎中国国务院副总理吴仪阁下莅访新加坡,感谢我国国务资 吴作栋 阁 下 ,副总理黄根成阁下以及多位部长和海内外嘉宾出席今天的欢迎午宴。
Firstly, on behalf of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, I wish to extend a very warm welcome to Her Excellency Madam Wu Yi, Vice-Premier of the State Council, People’s Republic of China.
(g) 在日本支持下对考古学系和建筑学系进行了改革,使
[...] 657 名学生从中受益,其中 有 60 多名学生目前吴哥遗址工作。
(g) The changes introduced to the faculties of archaeology and
architecture with the support of Japan has benefited a total of 657 students, out of
[...] which over 60 are working at Angkor.
住房建设将以住宅小区或土地开发的形 作 为 承 包项目开 始,包括建造公寓或栋房屋
The construction of housing units will begin with the contracting of undertakings in the form of housing estates or plot divisions, comprising apartments or houses.
[...] Gelashvili)说道,“长久以来,我们一直在组织家长请求政府翻新 栋 老 楼 作 为 幼 儿园,但直到这个项目开始才最终实现。
One mother, Tea Gelashvili, says, “We had been organizing ourselves as parents for
a long time, asking the municipality to
[...] renovate an old building for a preschool, [...]
but it never happened until this project started.
旅游收入对柬埔 寨的文化发展和环境保护也起 到了重作用。暹粒省吴哥窟和生态 旅游景 点 得 到维护,就是有力的例证。
The tourism revenue helps support the cultural development
and environmental protection and
[...] maintenance such as at Angkor complex in Siem Reap and [...]
at eco-tourist spots, as a good example.
(f) 可通过 APSARA 和教科文组织文献中心的密切作向 在 吴 哥 工 作 的 各类团体施加 压力,请它们向中心提供全部文件(不仅仅是简短的报告)。
(f) A close collaborative effort ought to be undertaken by APSARA and the Documentation Centre in
order to exert pressure on the
[...] various teams operating in Angkor so that they provide [...]
all documents (not merely succinct reports) to the Centre.
联合国大学还组织了许多公开讲座、会议、研讨会和其他活动,包 括著名吴丹系 列讲座——在东京、马斯特里赫特、亚的斯亚贝巴和赫尔辛基举行的年度系 列讲座——及其他年度活动,如联合国大学与欧洲联盟共同举办的东京全球论坛、非洲日讨 论会和在日本、大韩民国和美国的七个地点举行的一系列全球研讨会,它们增进了大学生和 青年专业人员对于重要的全球问题和联合国在解决这些问题中 作 用 的 了解。
The University also organized numerous public lectures, conferences, symposia and other events including the U Thant Distinguished Lecture Series, an annual lecture series in Tokyo, Maastricht, Addis Ababa and Helsinki, and other annual events including the joint UNU-EU Tokyo Global Forum, the Africa Day Symposium and a series of global seminars which foster a better understanding among university students and young professionals of important global issues and the [...]
role of the United
Nations in addressing them in seven locations in Japan, the Republic of Korea and the United States.
我的家,我的生活”是一项联邦政府方案,包括土地收购以及建造或重新 划分房地产,以住宅小区或土地开发形 作 为 住房项目签约,这些房地产既有公 寓也有栋房屋,转移给月收入低于 1 600 雷亚尔的家庭。
The “My Home, My Life” programme is a federal Government programme consisting of the acquisition of land and construction or reclassification of real properties contracted as housing undertakings in the form of housing estates or plotdivision developments, comprising apartments or houses, which are transferred to families with monthly incomes of up to R$1,600.
David Throsby 认为,“我们可以将文化资本定义为:除了具有经济价值之外,还能体现或提升文化 价值的资产……如果把栋古建筑看 作 房 产 ,那么它就具有某些商业价值,但是对于个人或 社区来说,它的真正价值是它可能具有的审美价值、精神价值、象征意义或者其它超越了经 济范围的要素。
According to David Throsby, “an item of cultural capital can be defined as an asset that embodies or gives rise to cultural value in addition to whatever economic value it might possess… a heritage building may have some commercial value as a piece of real estate, but its true value to individuals or to the community is likely to have aesthetic, spiritual, symbolic or other elements that may transcend or lie outside of the economic calculus.
配合Tony Foti为吴尊创作的摄 影写实的插画,Shotopop在这位歌手的周围创建了幻想的世界,其中还展示了消费者购买金瓶盖Coke可以赢得的奖品。
Pairing up with Tony Foti for the photorealistic illustration of Wu Zun, Shotopop [...]
constructed a fantastical world around
the singer showing the prizes consumers can win when they purchase a Coke with a golden cap.
(a) 柬埔寨当局已普遍认识吴哥遗址作 为 民族象征和国家重建手段的作用。
(a) The role of the Angkor monuments has been [...]
universally recognized by the Cambodian authorities as a national symbol and
a tool for national reconstruction.
教科文组作为吴哥保护和开发国 际协调委员会常设秘书处,支助了下列活动:拟订一项保护区的流动计划;举行若干修复技 术研讨会;以及举行吴哥保护和开发国际协调委员会庆祝其成立 10 周年的全体会议。
As the standing secretariat of the International Coordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Site of Angkor (ICC), UNESCO has supported the preparation of a mobility plan in the protected zone, several seminars on restoration techniques and the ICC plenary session commemorating its tenth anniversary.
最近又建造了栋监狱大楼,将大大改善分开关押囚 犯的情况。
Recently, an additional prison block had been constructed, which would improve the separation of prisoners significantly.
作为一栋建筑 的所有者和运营人,您需要性能可靠的消防水喷淋管道系统来保障租户的安全、简化管理工作。
When you own and operate a building, you need reliable performance from your fire sprinkler [...]
system to keep tenants safe
and provide you peace of mind.
澳门特别行政区政府旅游局局长栋 梁 指出:「Visa国际组织以澳 作 为 一 个“藏宝”的地方,推出《Visa遍地藏宝》成为“2006澳门世界遗产年”系列活动之一,在鼓励旅客消费之余又可推广“澳门历史城区”。
João Manuel Costa Antunes, Director, Macau Government Tourist Office added, "Visa International has chosen Macau as the "treasure land" for "Visa Treasure Hunt", which corresponds very well to Macau's image as a city of cultural treasures. As one of the major activities for the "2006 Macau World Heritage Year" campaign, "Visa Treasure Hunt" encourages the spending of visitors to Macau while promotes at the same time "The Historic Centre of Macau".
如果把这一点考虑 在内,这些区域就必须进行更加详细的数字化,例如 栋 房 子都 要 作 为 单 独区域模拟。
If this needs to be taken into account, these regions must be digitized in greater detail, e.g. each house modeled as a separate area.
特别代表会晤了政府官员、刚国军军事司令部、联刚团、联合国国家 作 队、 金沙萨, 戈马, 布卡武, 马西西栋古省 的民间社会及儿童和青年代表。
The Special
[...] Representative met with Government officials, the FARDC Military Command, MONUC, the United Nations Country Team, representatives of civil society and children and young people in Kinshasa, Goma, Bukavu, Masisi and Dungu.
国际教育局 2010 年 12 月 31 日的财务报表中将栋大楼作为实 物赠与列入自愿实物捐助, 估算值为 762 594 美元(财务报表注 8)。
The IBE’s financial statements as at 31 December 2010 equates the in-kind benefit constituted by this use to a voluntary in-kind contribution valued at US $762,594 (Note 8 to the financial statements).
在本报告所述期间,在东耶路撒冷有 30 栋巴勒 斯坦建筑和在西岸 C 区有 41 栋建筑遭到拆毁,有 148 名巴勒斯坦人流离失所。
During the reporting period, 30 Palestinian structures were demolished in East Jerusalem and 41 in Area C of the West Bank, displacing 148 Palestinians.
持有“保守派”观点的官 员包括离任吴丁昂 敏乌副总统和他的一些内阁同 僚(见下文第五点)。
It has been associated with the departing vice president, Tin Aung Myint Oo, and some of his colleagues in cabinet (see Section V below).
2005年,纪录片作人吴文光 和现代舞编导文慧创办了草场地工作站,他们希望这不仅是自己进行创作的工作室,同时并非只挂着“艺术”名号的陈列或者展示橱窗,而是“创作正在进行时”的一个工作站,同时也是一个和更多志同道合者分享和交流的空间。
They expect it is not just a workshop for their own creation, or just a display room or showcase in the name of “art”, but a workstation of the “present progressive tense of creation”, and meanwhile a space to share and exchange with more people of common goals.
21.3 教科文组织的两个项目已经获得批准,并开始实施:保护国家历史公园(Citadel, Sans Souci,
Ramiers)的项目,这些历史公园都已列入《世界遗产名录》, 该项目是在由世界遗产 基金提供紧急国际援助的背景下实施的;另一个项目是得到手工艺者支持的振兴已列入教科 文组织世界遗产预备清单的 Jacmel
[...] 的文化经济以及其他一些活动,包括恢复遭地震严重破 坏的市中心的栋历史建筑。
21.3 Two UNESCO projects have already been approved and their implementation is under way: the project to safeguard the National History Park – Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers, which are on the World Heritage List, in the context of international emergency assistance from the World Heritage Fund, and a project to relaunch the cultural economy of Jacmel which is on UNESCO’s World Heritage Tentative List, through support of
craftworkers and other activities, including the
[...] restoration of the historic buildings in the [...]
city centre which have been severely damaged by the earthquake.
[...] 色列继续扩建定居点,建造数栋房 舍 ,它还继续 批准类似的项目,并在被占领的叙利亚戈兰实施其 [...]
法律和行政管辖权,这些都对其人民,无论是青年 人还是老年人,个人还是家庭的人权和基本自由产 生了不利的影响。
The continued expansion of settlements in the West Bank, the
[...] construction of hundreds of homes, Israel’s [...]
continued approval of similar projects, and
its imposition of its laws and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan had adverse consequences for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of its people, young and old, individuals and families alike.
基建总体规划战略是教科文组织总部所有楼房的“现状报告”,提出了一份优先计划, 为每一个区域和每栋大楼确定了技术重点,并进行了风险评估(附件 I)。
The CMP strategy is a “status report” of all UNESCO’s Headquarters buildings
setting out a prioritized plan, establishing technical priorities and risk assessment for
[...] each area and building (Annex I).
Wu Jialin, Chairman of the [...]
Tiger Forest & Paper Group, parent company of Yueyang Paper, is equally proud of the way the
project was executed: “We took only 16 month until the commissioning of the PM 10 – possibly the shortest time ever for the completion of such an extensive project in China.
甸政府立即无条件地释放所有其他良心犯,目前估计有 2 100 多人,包括掸邦民
[...] 主联合会主席吴坤吞吴、“88 年代”学生团体领吴敏哥奈和作为 该 团体创始人 之一的戈戈季,并允许他们充分参加政治进程;强烈吁请政府公布被拘留者或强 [...]
Strongly urges the Government of Myanmar, while also noting the earlier release from house arrest of the Vice-Chairman of the National League for Democracy, U Tin Oo, to release all other prisoners of conscience, currently estimated at more than 2,100, including the Chairman of the Shan Nationalities League for
Democracy, U Hkun Htun Oo, the leader of the 88 Generation Students
[...] Group, U Min Ko Naing, and one of the founders of the [...]
88 Generation
Students Group, Ko Ko Gyi, without delay and without conditions, and to allow their full participation in the political process, and strongly calls upon the Government to reveal the whereabouts of persons who are detained or have been subjected to enforced disappearance and to desist from further politically motivated arrests
当谈及为解决若开邦持续不断的暴力冲突需 要深度对话时吴登盛 强调,“冲突中任何一方的 生命财产损失都是国家的损失”。
Speaking of the need for further dialogue to address the ongoing conflict in Kachin State, he stressed that “any loss of life and property from either side in the conflict [is] a loss for the country”.




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