单词 | 启迪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 启迪 verb —enlighten v启迪 —edify • enlightenment See also:启 v—start v • open v 启—initiate • enlighten or awaken 迪—enlighten
它可为希望将这些效益纳入其政策帮助 地方社区创造可持续未来的地方决策者提供定位、指 引及启迪。 teebweb.org | It provides orientation, guidance and inspiration for local policy makers who want to include these benefits in their policies in order to help create a sustainable future for local communities. teebweb.org |
我还想对孟加拉国外交部长迪布·莫尼女士表示深深的感谢,感谢她参加会 议并发表了充满启迪、鼓 舞人心的讲话。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would also like to express our deep gratitude to Ms. Dipu [...] Moni, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh, for her visit to us and [...] her very enlightening and encouraging [...]statement. daccess-ods.un.org |
公约》实质性部分的第一条至十五条, 又 启迪 并 形 成了发展 权的多项基本要素。 daccess-ods.un.org | The substantive articles 1–15 of the Covenant inspired and shaped numerous fundamental elements of the right to development. daccess-ods.un.org |
反过来,对个人的保护仍然是最终的目标 和 启迪 , 这 体现在委员会对人的固有尊 严(第 7 条草案)和保护人权(第 8 条草案)的关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | Protection of the individual, in turn, remains its ultimate goal and inspiration, reflected in the Commission’s concern with the inherent dignity of the human being (draft article 7) and the protection of human rights (draft article 8). daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,通过使这些高度可靠和有启迪 作 用 的报告易于获 取,研究所将能提高其能力和知名度。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the Institute will be able to increase its capacity and visibility by making these highly dependable and enlightening reports easily available. daccess-ods.un.org |
妇女赋权和性别平等:中心还将作为一 个 启迪 灵 感 的场所,强调妇女在与男人平等的 基础上以同样的自主权进行创造和建设的能力,同时提高公众认识,即改善教育和经济机会 是可以实现的,这将为性别平等奠定基础。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Women’s empowerment and gender equality: The Centre will also serve as a source of inspiration, highlighting the capacity of women to create and build with equal autonomy, and on equal footing, in relation to men, while raising awareness that improved education and economic opportunity are attainable realities providing the basis for gender equality. unesdoc.unesco.org |
所以,我相信越开放,就有更好质量的讨论和辩论、有导致更好解决方法的分析,就是更多知识,更 多 启迪。 embassyusa.cn | So I believe that the more openness there is the better the quality of the discussion, the debate, the analysis which leads to a better solution. eng.embassyusa.cn |
为了实现《约翰内斯堡执行计划》关于可持续消费和生产的目标和目的, [...] 商定制订一个可持续消费和生产十年方案框架(2011-2021 年),这个方案框 架应提供一个受到《21 [...] 世纪议程》、《里约宣言》和《约翰内斯堡执行计划》 启迪的共 同愿景;应雄心勃勃,旨在实现最高的共同标准;应催化高级别的 [...] 政治支持;应促进广泛参与,即包括私营部门在内的所有利益攸关方的参与; [...] 应可行且可操作;尊重国家自主权和优先事项以及符合《里约原则》,包括 共同但有区别的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | To achieve the goals and objectives of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation on sustainable consumption and production, it is agreed to establish a 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production (2011-2021) that: provides a common vision inspired [...] by Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration and the [...] Johannesburg Plan of Implementation; [...]is ambitious, aiming towards the highest common [...]denominator; catalyses highlevel political support; is broadly participatory, engaging all stakeholders, including the private sector; is feasible and actionable; and respects national ownership and priorities and is in accordance with the Rio Principles, including common but differentiated responsibilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织在社会科学领域的主要责任可归纳为三个 部分:促进社会科学,重点是社会科学欠发达的国家;帮助各国政府认识到社会科学可如何 造福社会;以及提醒社会科学家他们的相关性取决于他 们 启迪 社 会 并向社会提供解决方案的 能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO’s main responsibilities in the social sciences could be summarized in three parts: to promote social sciences, especially in countries where they are less developed; to help governments to recognize how societies benefit from social sciences; and to alert social scientists that their relevance depends on their ability to enlighten and offer solutions to their societies. unesdoc.unesco.org |
给人以启迪的是 ,注意到两法庭为执行第 1966(2010)号决议所采取的措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is edifying to note the measures [...] being taken by the Tribunals to implement resolution 1966 (2010). daccess-ods.un.org |
在受教育机会极为有限的情况下, 启迪 民 众 心智如何有助于推动两性平等 呢? daccess-ods.un.org | And how can the enlightenment of the people help to promote gender equality when access to education itself is most limited? daccess-ods.un.org |
我们分析组织和受众的需求,制定故事内容同 时 启迪 您 的 受众,为行动提供清晰明了的决策——所有这一切都通过您独特的“品牌声音”达成。 siegelgale.cn | We analyze the needs of both and craft content that tells your story, educates and inspires your audience and provides clear calls to action—all in your unique Brand Voice. siegelgale.com |
健康的自然系统可调节气候,防御灾害、满足能源需 要、防止水土流失,还可以提供众多令人叹为观止的 奇迹,供人们消遣娱乐,启迪灿烂文化,实现精神上 的满足。 teebweb.org | Healthy natural systems regulate our climate, protect against hazards, meet energy needs, prevent soil erosion, and offer opportunities for breathtaking recreation, cultural inspiration and spiritual fulfilment. teebweb.org |
本研究通过对野猪11个微卫星位点的变异分析,探讨了中国大陆地区野猪的遗传结构,以期对野猪亚种分类问题有 所 启迪。 actazool.org | In order to discuss the subspecies classification of wild boar Sus scrofa in China, We studied their genetic structure using 11 microsatellites, with emphasis on South China. actazool.org |
因此,在追寻智慧和诗意的旅程中,一块远古石料和一个数字虚拟结构将给予我们同等 的 启迪 , 与 此同时,我们致力于寻找当代社会和城市生活中新的能量,并将之转化为实际的建筑语言。 chinese-architects.com | This means an ancient stone and a digital structure are equally inspiring in our journey of exploring wisdom and poetry. chinese-architects.com |
受古典乡村家庭文化的启迪,加入手工工艺程序,赋予更加亲善的价值观和内涵,达到了众多人都乐于重温的境界。 scavolini.cn | Inspired by the culture of old country homes, it features hand-finishing procedures which enhance the values and contents of a friendlier world to which many of us would gladly return. scavolini.us |
在被关押期间,曼德拉在鲁本岛上从 事繁重的劳动并被单独监禁,在反种族隔离斗争中, 纳尔逊·曼德拉依然是世界的启迪和 希 望,直到他获 释并领导南非走完实现自由和民主征途上的最后一 程。 daccess-ods.un.org | While incarcerated — doing hard labour and kept in solitary confinement on Robben Island — Nelson Mandela continued to be an inspiration and hope to the world in the fight against apartheid until he was released and led the last mile in the march to freedom and democracy in South Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
有若干案例研究说明土著人民带有文化和特征的发展的重要性,并且参与者 提供的实例很有启迪意义。 daccess-ods.un.org | A number of case studies exist that clarify the importance of [...] development with culture and identity for indigenous peoples and the examples presented by [...] participants were very enlightening. daccess-ods.un.org |
( 透明问责标准标管) 项目和国际会计师联合会的合规计划署制定的 会员义务公告的启迪。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is important to note that the questionnaire will be constantly updated and improved, and therefore will be subject to modifications as new standards are issued and other developments arise. daccess-ods.un.org |
围绕这个公共秩序和公共安全概念的评判标准问题,继续从欧共体法律寻 找启迪可以 看出,欧洲共同体理事会意识到减损性酌处权对人员自由流动构成的 风险,在 1964 年 2 月 25 日通过了协调各国基于公共秩序、公众健康和公共安全 理由的法规的第 64/221 号指令。 daccess-ods.un.org | While pursuing research on this point regarding the basis in European Community law for the criteria used to assess the concept of public order and public safety grounds, it should be noted that the Council of the European Economic Community, in recognition of the risks that discretionary derogation might present to the free movement of persons, adopted Directive 64/221 dated 25 February 1964 on the coordination of national provisions relating to measures which are justified on grounds of public policy, public security or public health.126 While it did not define these concepts, the Council Directive nevertheless invoked several substantive and procedural requirements. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过语言学测试和焦点小组的进一步精炼,这一语词系统不仅反映了品牌葡萄酒的属性,同时还传达了一种精致 、 启迪 和 亲民的品牌价值。 labbrand.com | Refined through linguistic checks and focus groups, the verbal system not only reflects the attribute of the wine brand, but also conveys sophisticated, enlightened and accessible brand values. labbrand.com |
武装部队退役军人同盟代表在仪式后向学生们讲解纪念碑的历史,希望晚辈们从二战历史中得到深刻 的 启迪 , 了 解居安思危的重要性,以及和平的代价。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | After the ceremony, a representative from the SAF Veterans’ League explained the significant meaning of the memorial with students. He hope that learning about Singapore’s involvement in World War II would help them to understand the importance of the price of peace. english.sccci.org.sg |
这些系列会议的初衷是把哲学家、神 学家、管理学者、商业领袖聚集起来,对话交流 , 启迪 思 考 ,揭开 人类文明发展的新篇章。 ceibs.edu | They are designed to bring together philosophers, theologians, management scholars and business leaders to engage in reflection and dialogue and to find new grounding. ceibs.edu.cn |
受全球发电设备发展趋势的启迪,海 卓泰特不断引进各种工程化解决方案来支持风力发电行业的螺栓连接需求。 hydratight.com | Taking inspiration from global trends in power generation, Hydratight has consistently introduced engineered solutions for supporting the bolted joint needs of the wind energy industry. hydratight.com |
启迪心灵 ,战胜饥饿帮助对下一代进行饥饿和营养方面的教育。 fao.org | Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger helps to educate the next generation about hunger and nutrition. fao.org |
为了共同推进中国社会化商业的变革,新浪与CIC于2011年10月联合发布《 CIC•新浪—微博引领的中国社会化商业发展与变革》白皮书,旨在探讨微博的特点及其对中国互联网发展的意义,深入剖析微博营销价值,并进一步探究微博应用 所 启迪 的 社 会化商业变革,帮助企业和代理公司更全面地认识、运用微博,理解微博引领的企业和组织的商业模式变革。 ciccorporate.com | This white paper will discuss the features and market values of the microblog medium, thoroughly explore the microblog led social business revolution and help brands and agencies comprehensively understand and leverage the platform in the Chinese market. ciccorporate.com |
这个网站的另外一个重要目的是将文艺复兴的艺术及创新与学生们的日常生活联系起来 , 启迪 学 生们文艺复兴并不是迂腐的旧历史,而是令人惊奇地为现代所称赞。 uigarden.net | Another key goal of the site was to connect Renaissance art and innovations with a student’s everyday life, revealing that the Renaissance is not moldy old history, but rather surprisingly recognizable to modern eyes. uigarden.net |
加入罗兰贝格之前,雷启迪先生 曾担任另一家知名国际管理咨询公司的合伙人及董事总经理,主要负责金融服务行业,并负责其大中华区组织运营部门。 rolandberger.com.cn | Prior to joining Roland Berger, Mr. Le Couédic was a Partner and Managing Director of another leading international consulting firm in their Financial Institutions practice, and was also leading their Organization practice in Greater China. rolandberger.com.cn |
在这方面, 司法裁决具有启迪作用 :针对危害人类罪签发的逮捕 令描述了对平民进行的有计划、系统的攻击以及为镇 [...] 压穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲的各反对派采取的办法,如被迫 失踪、任意拘留及酷刑。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that respect, the [...] judicial decisions are edifying: the arrest warrants [...]for crimes against humanity describe planned, [...]systematic attacks against civilians and the methods — forced disappearances, arbitrary detention and torture — that were used to crush all forms of opposition to Muammar Al-Qadhafi. daccess-ods.un.org |
此次展会上由Marco Casamonti策划,是以开放、启迪和变 形的方式展现其价值和意义的选择作品工业设计(案例研究)的成果。 archea.it | The exhibition, curated by Marco Casamonti, is the fruit of an exploration of industrial design with a selection of works (case studies) that express their value and meaning in opening, revealing, and metamorphosis. archea.it |