

单词 启蒙专制君主

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External sources (not reviewed)

从 农 民 解 放 一 事 可 知专 制 君 主成 为 终 结 农 奴 制 的 力 量。
The Emancipation showed that anautocratic ruler can be a power for decision to end serfdom.
沙 皇 是 一 个 不 折 不 扣专 制 君 主的 权 力 完 全 建 立 在 世 袭 基 础 上 ﹐ 不 受 任 何 选 举 组 织 的 制 约 ﹐ 他 无 需 考 虑 其 臣 民 的 福 祉 。
the Tzar was a completeautocrat:deriving his power solely from his hereditary descent, and being unchecked by any elected assembly, he did not need to consider the welfare of the masses of his subjects.
(4) Referendums complement but they do not
[...] representative democracy. As a standing mechanismbutno frequently activated, they can help to remind governments [...]
parliaments of the centrality of their people.
4.9 从事各形式服务的顾问及与公司、商号、合夥、慈善、政治及非政治人士及组 织、政府、公国君主和国州份及国家相关各类事宜的谘询人业务,以及从 事金融、工业、开发、建筑、工程、制造、分包、管理、广告务及私人 顾问的一切或任何业务,以及对各类项目、发展、业务或产业及与该等业务相关 的所有系统或程序及其融资、规划、分销、营销及销售的扩展、开发、营销及改 良方式及方法提供意见。
4.9 To carry on the business of consultants in connection with all manner of services and advisers on all matters relating to companies, firms, partnerships, charities, political and non-political persons
and organisations, governments, principalities,sovereign andrepublican states and countries and to carry on all or any of the businesses of financial, industrial, development, architectural, engineering, manufacturing, contracting, management, advertising,professional business and personal consultants and to advise upon the means and methods for extending, developing, marketing and improving all types of projects, developments, businesses or industries and all systems or processes relating to such businesses and the financing, planning, distribution, marketing and sale thereof.
这样的修正案能够创造宽 松的环境,有利于君主制主社会中的角色展 开真诚和公开的讨论。
Such an amendment would create an atmosphere more conducive to open and sincere
[...] discussion about themonarchy’s role inademocratic society.
又谈室内空间,是与每个人日常生活关系最密切的环境,相对於外在环境极度恶化的情况下,室内空间成为个人所能掌握的最後防线,它具有相当程度的生活表徵和期望,除了满足机能需求与作为个人的象徵符号外,同时也是一种因时/因地而生的空间表现(表情是也);在个人化(或内在化) 与因时/情况下,设计师得以参与室内空间Programming / Designing完整过程,因此命题Ordering与设计Designing之间,可以有更敏锐而深入的契合,甚使 用者()自身定位与外在环境(社会)的互动关系。
Also on Interior space is most closely each person's environment, daily life, as opposed to the external environment worsen the situation, interior space a person can control the last line of defence, which has considerable representation of life and hope, in addition to meet the functional needs of and as a personal symbol, the same time is also a result of time / space due to the performance of students (expression is also); in personal
(or internalisation)
[...] and by the time /to system-inchcase, the designer can be involved in Interior Space Programming / Designing a full process, so proposition between Ordering and Design Designing, can be more sensitive and deeper fit, and even inspire users (owners) thought about [...]
their own position
and the external environment (social) interaction.
这些 旧有专制君主 然是保守力量效忠的对象﹐而大部份的欧洲人仍然视君权 为一国的政治稳定基石。
The old dynasticmonarchies were still the [...]
focus of loyalty for all those on the side of conservatism and, by and large,
the Europeans still regarded monarchical authority as the anchor of political stability within a state.
他 决 心 要 做 一专 制 君 主意 与 人 民 共 享 权 力 。
He was determined to be an autocratand had no intention to share his power with his people.
分享会的主礼嘉宾阵容顶盛,分别有民政事务局副局长许晓晖SBS, JP、社会福利署副署长(行政)冯伯欣先生、香港赛马会慈善事务高级经理陈载英女士、深水埗区议振华MH, JP、深水埗民政事JP、香港大学公共衞生学院院长暨「爱 + 人」计划首席调查研究员林大庆教授BBS, JP、社会福利署深水埗区福利专员 生,以及「『家』『深』幸福计划」秘书处机构代表、邻舍辅导会总干事董志发MH。
The officiating guests of the forum were Ms Florence Hui, SBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home Affairs; Mr. Fung Pak-yan, Deputy Director (Administration) of Social Welfare Department; Ms Imelda
[...] [...] Chan, Executive Manager, Charities, The Hong Kong Jockey Club; Mr. Kwok Chun-wah, MH,JP, Chairman ofSham Shui Po District Council; Mr. MokKwan-yu, JP, District Officer (Sham Shui Po); Prof. LamTai-hing, BBS, JP, Director of School of Public [...]
Health, The University of Hong Kong and Principal
Investigator of FAMILY Project; Mr. Fong Kai-leung, Sham Shui Po District Social Welfare Officer of Social Welfare Department, and Mr. Tung Chi-fat, MH, representative of participating organizations of Enhancing Family Well-being Project Secretariat and Director of The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council.




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